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5 results

  • in coordination wi~h the State Department. (U) I -- Other departments will make asJistance to these Justice Department efforts a top priority and Jill budget and structure priorities accordingly. The Intelligedce Community will maintain collection and capabilities
  • in coordination wi~h the State Department. (U) I -- Other departments will make asJistance to these Justice Department efforts a top priority and Jill budget and structure priorities accordingly. The Intelligedce Community will maintain collection and capabilities
  • 8. Intelligence: The Intelligence Community shall develop and implement a plan for enhancing collection and analysis of the foreign threat to our national infrastructure, to include but not be limited to the foreign cyber/information warfare threat
  • of Mass Destruction Programs programs while wearing down the will of the Security Council to maintain sanctions. Overview The Gulf war damaged Saddam Husayn's biological, chemical, ballistic missile, and nuclear weapons programs, collectively referred
  • was developed in 1973 to ensure at l e a s t token contributions from developing countries in order to maintain the principle of collective financial r e s p o n s i b i l i t y for UN peacekeeping, UN members are divided into four groups: Group D: currently f i