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35 results

  • Leadership Forum for Women with Disabilities in Bethesda, MD. HUD Event: Secretary Cuomo will receive the Cerebral Palsy Humanitarian Award in NY. DOT Remarks: Secretary Slater will give the commencement address at the Merchant Marine Academy in New York
  • Bill Richardson Henry Cisneros Father Leo O'Donnovan Senator Ted Kennedy Vernon Jordan Bill Galston Secretary Rodney Slater William Julius Wilson Congressman Xavier Beccerra Governor Winter Al Fromm Mayor Willie Brown Father Ted Hesburgh Senator Carol
  • . Linda Leopoulos, David Leopoulos, Carolyn Staley During College/Law School: William Coleman, Phil Verveer At the University of Arkansas: Mr. L.T. Simes, Carol Willis, Diane Blair As Governor: Rodney Slater, Lottie Shackelford, Freddie and Victor Nixon
  • PHONE NUMBER Janet Reno 202/514-3892 Dan Glickman 202/720-3631 Alexis Herman 202/219-8271 Donna Shalala 202/690-7431 Andrew Cuomo 202/708-2713 Rodney Slater 202/366-1103 Federico Pena 202/586-6210 Richard Riley 202/401-6143 . Jesse Brown
  • Press Corps on Friday, June 13 Morning Shows ~ Rodney Slater and Henry Cisneros to discuss POTUS background. Background Briefing for Sunday Show Pundits and Columnists Friday, June 13. News Magazine Set-up for Early Deadlines Possible Rodney Slater
  • is a list of the individuals with w h o m we spoke: Kwesi Mfume Wade Henderson George Stephanapoulos Taylor Branch Senator Ted Kennedy Vernon Jordan Bill Galston Secretary Rodney Slater Page 2 rage 3 Chris Edley William Julius Wilson Hugh Price
  • OF METROPOLITAN A.M.E. CHURCH WASHINGTON HILTON HOTEL WASHINGTON, DC October 23, 1998 Acknowledgments: Sec. Rodney Slater: Sec. Togo West: Mayor Marion Barry: Congresswoman Norton: Gwen I fill; Jonnie B. Booker: Bishop Vinton R. Anderson: Rev. LouisCharles Harvey
  • Cuomo John Danforth Barry Goldwater Walter Mondale Leon Panetta Deval Patrick Cruz Reynoso Ann Richards Elliot Richardson Curt Schmoke Louis Sullivan Gov. Winter Michael Wegner Taylor Branch Rodney Slater Chris Edley William Julius Wilson Aida Alvarez
  • House staff Secretary Pena Secretary Slater Chris Edley Bill Galston David Ogden Department of Justice Michael Wenger Appalachian Regional Commission Governor Winter White House Staff Don Baer Erskine Bowles Dawn Chirwa Carolyn Curiel Michael Deich
  • Bank $150 Million Grant Staff Contact: Kitty Higgins Location: The White House -Duration: 1 hour -Sec. Slater will be announcing the award of $150 million to 39 states for the State Infrastructure Bank program. -Opportunity for the Administration's
  • , Federal Highway Administrator Rodney Slater, Army Corps of Engineers Commander General Stanley Genega and other members of my administration to Oregon to assess the damage first hand. That day. Administrator Slater announced an initial allocation of $5
  • , Gene Sperling, John H i l l e y , es, Paul Begala, Goody Marshall F r a T l k Craig FROM: Rodney Smith Slater 202-366-1100 202^-366-3956 C f « ) Number o f p a g e s t o Commentss follov: J ' P.2 JAN.26.1998 2:12PM NO.372 DOT OST POLICY
  • from Puerto Rico; your Lieutenant Governor Gray Davis; the Secretary of Transportation Rodney Slater; of Labor, Alexis Herman; of Veterans Affairs, Jesse Brown; of Education, Dick Riley; our distinguished Ambassador to the United Nations Bill Richardson
  • WILLIAM J . CLINTON ONE AMERICA IN THE 21ST CENTURY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT SAN DIEGO June 14,1997 Acknowledgments: Members of my Cabmet -- Sec y Slater, Herman, Brown^Sen. Boxen Sen. Akaka, Rep. Maxine Waters, Rep. Patsy Mink, Rep. Jim Clyburn, Rep
  • and Australian Ambassadors for joining us, along with representatives of the embassies of Brazil, France, Iceland, and Germany. I'm glad we have so many people from our Cabinet here today, Secretaries Shalala, Riley, Slater; General McCaffrey; Dr. Varmus from
  • . Slater; Sec. Daley; Administrator Alvarez; Sec. Shalala could not be here, but is well-represented by Olivia Golden and Al Collins. For six and a half years, we, the American people, have been on a remarkable crusade. It is a journey that has transformed
  • - West Wing 1:15 pm1:25 pm MEETING OVAL OFFICE DINING ROOM Staff Contact: Brian Stafford 1:30 pm- SWEARING-IN OF SECRETARY DESIGNATE RODNEY SLATER OVAL OFFICE 1:45 pm2:00 pm BRIEFING OVAL OFFICE Staff Contact: Don Baer, Michael Waldman 1:45pm 2
  • of the cases cure w ill leave her or her family in fiare considered "late-stage" at thc nancial ruin. Patricia Thompson was spared time of diagnosis, nearly twice the that fate only because of a new slaterate in Moraga. "This is a window on thc health paid
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  • Sand, Chairman, Merit Oil Company 13) Jacqueline Slater, Managing Director, Chase Manhattan Bank 14) Clifton S. Sorrell, Jr., President and CEO, Calvert Group, Maryland 15) Ted Williams, CEO, Bell Industries 16) Susie Tomkins, Co-founder, Co-owner
  • , very proud of them. (Applause.) I am delighted to be here with Secretary Herman, and Deputy Secretary Kitty Higgins, and Secretary Slater, a number of other members of the administration. I should mention one other -- the successor at the White House
  • concern about the extension of Highway 710, which was recently approved by Secretary Slater, the .Alameda Corridor Redevelopment Project, and the proposed expansion of the Los .Angeles Airport. Community concerns included the health effects of increased
  • ; your Lieutenant Governor Gray Davis; the Secretary of Transportation Rodney Slater; of Labor, Alexis Herman; of Veterans Affairs, Jesse Brown; of Education, Dick Riley; our distinguished Ambassador to the United Nations Bill Richardson; our