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79 results
- [History of USDA - Archival Documents - Chapter 10:00 Oral History Videotapes & Transcripts Mike Dombeck]
- ORAL HISTORY MIKE DOMBECK CHIEF, FOREST SERVICE . USDA 00:00:19:19 Q: Today is November 30th of the year 2000, I'm Larry Qu.inn with the Office of Communications at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Washington and today we're talking with Mike
- - - - - : Audiovisual Collection : Book Collection : N[useum Collection _ _ _~~: Other-Specify ---"---~ '---~--- Medialbescripti()n: 18 videotapes; Mike Dombeck - Chief, ForestService; Ken Ackerman -- Administrator, Risk Management Agency, 12/5/00; Rosalind
- - - - - : Audiovisual Collection : Book Collection : N[useum Collection _ _ _~~: Other-Specify ---"---~ '---~--- Medialbescripti()n: 18 videotapes; Mike Dombeck - Chief, ForestService; Ken Ackerman -- Administrator, Risk Management Agency, 12/5/00; Rosalind
- The agencies do not have standing under the APA for their claim against NFRC requesting review of their own decision 14 The Declaratory Judgment Act does not grant statutory standing to federal agencies and officials . . . . 17 Fed. R. Civ. P. 13(g) does
- have been called. 35 Sec. Glickman; Undersecretary Jim Lyons; Forest Service Chief Michael Dombeck. Gifford Pinchot used to say that "we must prefer results to routine." Well, no one illustrates that principle better than Mike Dombeck, who has done
- , REEVES, KAHN & EDER . z;J . £dW'" p~nnessy, ~#87250 Of Attorneys for Forest Co~servation Council Page 3 - ~nd APPELLANTS FOREST CONSERVATION COUNCIL AND SAVE THE WEST'S RESPONSE TO MOTION FOR DIVISION OF ARGUMENT / ~11122/95 WED 16:19 FAX
- SITE MAP FEEDBACK HOME Dr. Michael P. Dombeck Dr. Michael P. Dombeck became the 14th Chief of the Forest Service on Jan. 6, 1997. (Get PDF copy of biography) I He was bom on Sept. 21, 1948 in Stevens Point, Wise. It was in northern Wisconsin's lake
- , Kathleen. January 27, 1995. Memorandum to distribution. Stlbject: Implementation of the President's Northw~st Forest Plan. Thomas, Jack Ward. Rolland Schmitten. Mike Dombeck. Mollie Beattie. March 8, 1995. Memorandum. Subject: Consultation Timelines
- , Office of Civil Rights Ken Ackerman, Administrator, Risk Management Agency Mike Dombeck, Chid, Forest Service Kathleen Merrigan, Administrator, Agricultural Marketing Service Joel Berg, Director, Coordinator of Food Security (and USDA AmeriCorps Program
- Carolina School Meals/Small Farmers llnitiative Town Hall Meeting in Greenville, NC. • On Jan. 9, Assistant Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs Michael Dunn will attend the Local Producers and Schools Coming Together town hall meeting
[Dept. of the Interior] [5]
- is Doing is Right," The Durango flen,tid, April 14,2000 54. "Babbitt's Secret Growth-Control Plan," New Times, March 2-&, 2000 55. "On a Mission from God: Bruce Bahbitt and the Environment Movement: P~1l1 The Washington Post, November 23,1999 j
[02/13/1997 – 02/19/1997]
- TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL Page I of 5 (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Paul J. weinstein Jr. ( CN=Paul J. weinstein Jr./OU=OPD/O=EOP [ OPD ] ) CREATION DATE/TIME:l4-FEB-1997 18:06:49.00 SUBJECT: Political reform Document TO: Michael Waldman ( CN=Michael Waldman/OU
- Backiel, Office ofthe ChiefEco!lomi:·;l: Jim Newby, Rural DCl'elopment; Michael Schechtman and Deb Hayes, Animal lind Plam Health Inspec/fotlS'crvice; Shannon Hamm, A1arkcting and Regulatory Programs; Linda Couvillion, Office ojBudget f.vui Program
- . NCSL has reserved 2 seats for you and your mother at one of these tables. Michael Bird and Carl Tubbesing of NCSL will be looking for you around noon. They are sending us a list of additional.Arkansans who will be in attendance. I will get this to you
- on the application of NEPA. Michael Dombeck, Chief, U.S. Forest Service, testified. • On July 30, the House Agriculture Committee held a hearing on the "State ofthe Fann Economy." Secretary Glickman testified. • .On July 31, the Senate Agriculture Committee
- will testify. • On May 7, thl~ House agriculture committee will hold a hearing to review the FY 1999 budget for the Forest Servi~e. Mike Dombeck, Chief, U.S .. Forest Service, will testify. • On May 7, tht~ House resources subcommittee on forests
- for your fellow Americans. Thank you very much. (Applause.) END 12:03 P.M. MDT .··~ .,,t/JP Sean P. O'Shea ,.,.....,..,..,..,...,...,.,.....,.,.r;on-.,,...,....,-r---------------/' Tl873172ooo 12:31:42 PM Record Type: To: Record Terry Edmonds/WHO/EOP
- Director USDC National Marine Fisheries Service Managemen~ Michael J. Spear HICHEA.L J. SPEAR RogioDal Director USDr Fish and Uildlife Service MAY~22-1995 18:87 Enclosures::!. (4) FROM WILDLIFE & FISHERIES TO 97284732 . P. 84 MAY-22
- operations at Agropecuaria Nacional in Yauco, Puerto Rico, for SSOP system failures. On March 11, USDA stopped p"roduction at Sardinha Sausage, Inc., in Fall River, Massachusetts for SSOP system failures. • USDA Requests Recall of Suspect Meat: On March
- , Thorne Trustees 'Robert H, Alter Elsa Bay Michael N, Block Stacey Chaikin Charles M, Dombeck Lynn GOddess James Greenwald .Dr. Ramon Henson Paul M, Koren Burton Lane Elwin S, Larson Dr. Paul H, Levitz Stephen E. Messinger
[02/07/1997 – 02/12/1997]
- as soon as the drafting concludes) before sharing it with us so that what we work off of is a concensus HHS document. They want to defer sharing a draft with us until Monday, suggesting that we meet on Tuesday, at which p oint all WH comments could
8/12/96 New World Mine
- Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECT/TITLE DATE 001. schedule Cover Sheet for Schedule (1 page) 002a. list Invitations to the Yellowstone Announcement (partial, p. 002b. list Invitations to the Yellowstone Announcement (partial, p
- ~ in .orlando, FL . .on Sunday, January 16, Under Secretary Catherine Woteki will attend a Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration agribusiness seminar, in Cambridge, MA. On Tuesday, January 18, Under Secretary Michael V. Dunn
- , Project Lea,ler of Gray WolfEIS; ROGER KENNEDY, Director ofNationa! Park Service~ DANIEL GLICKMAN, SecretalY of Department of Agriculture; I MICHAEL DOMBECK, Chief Forester of United States Forest Service, in their official capacities; DEPARTMENT
- :" March 14, 1996 3/14/96 Memo to Arkansas weeklies and dailies from Michael Gauldin, 001 Director of Communications forwarding camera-ready article "Arkansas, South Shows Nation How it's Done," by Bruce B,abbitt, Secretary ofthe Interior
- of many in the the ma j 0 ritY 0 f I the em p loy e e s , are f air min d ed, i: and dedicated individuals. some management level employees have! 10 work force and destroying the Agency as a whole. 11 Added to this, 12 which may not be guilty
[02/08/1997 – 02/11/1997]
- of3 ARMS Email System • RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Christa Robinson ( CN=Christa Robinson/OU=WHO/O=EOP [ WHO ) ) CREATION DATE/TIME: 8-FEB-1997 18:58:18.00 SUBJECT: FYI final version of education attachment TO: Michael Cohen
- . Statement of Michael Penfold, Assistant Director, Land and Renewable Resources before the Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands, House Committee on Natural Resources, on Reforestation and Reinvestment on public lands and National Forests
- NLWJC - Kagan Counsel - Box 029 - Folder 001 Northwest Forest Council v. Dan Glickman and Bruce Babbitt [Binder] [2] 41 FAX - 1-503-32b-3807 9 1 503 32b 3115 P.03 J. SCHIFFLER siatant Attorney General ~LLS D. BURGESS MICHELLE L. GILBERT
- DOCUMENT NO. AND TVPE DATE SUBJECT/TITLE RESTRICTION 001. memo Erskine Bowles to President Clinton, re: State of the Union Meeting (4 pages) 12/7/1997 P5 002. memo Lowell Weiss to Michael Waldman, re: SOTU Ideas (1 page) 1/8/1998 P5 003. email
- Charles Leeds Milton Butger Treasurer Minon Bulger Chairman Emeritus Oakleigh B. Thorne Trustees Robert H, Alter Jerome D. Blaine Michael N. Block Stacey Chaikin Charles M. Dombeck, John P. Gilroy Lynn B. Goddess James L
- solution should be pursued .. . Vice President and S~cretary Announce An~i-Plum Pox Effort: On June 29, the Vice President and Secretary Glickman announced that USDA is providing $13.2 million to compensate P A fruit growers for plum pox virus-related tree
Timber: NFRC v. Glickman [1]
- with the Resoissions Aot, P~b1io' Law 104- 19 (109 Stat. 194), including the provisions regarding "Awa.rd and ,i '" , 'II Contracts," section 2001.(lt). " Xn its Febr~ary 16, 1996, compliance report, the BLM 3. provided two showing' the status ot 1ts
- James Lee -Win, -Director, -Federal-Emergency Management Agency Michael Dombeck, Director, U.S. Forest Service . We thank you in advance for the opporrunity to discuss this proposal with you. -I can be reached 011 202·208-4203. ~ Sincerely, Jo Berry
[02/14/1997 – 02/17/1997]
- @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN CC: Jack A. Smalligan ( CN=Jack A. Smalligan/OU=OMB/O=EOP @ EOP [ OMB 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN CC: Stephen C. Warnath ( CN=Stephen C. Warnath/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ:UNKNOWN TEXT: do you agree with me that Michael
- . . On March 24, Deputy Secretary Rominger will address the 132nd Charter Anniversary and Alumna of the Year ceremony at the University of California in San Francisco, CA. On Tuesday, March 21, Under Secretary Michael V. Dunn accompanied Secretary Glickman
- , Idaho. McGinty, Kathleen. January 27, 1995. Memorandum to distribution. Subject: Implementation of the President's Northwest Forest Plan. Thomas, Jack Ward. Rolland Schmitten. Mike Dombeck. MoHie Beattie. March 8, 1995. Memorandum. Subject
- . "There is no reason the richest nation on earth should be funding the education of rural kids at the expense of our national forests," said a spokesman for U.S. Forest Service chief Michael Dombeck. "We're simply not going to turn the clock back and allow levels
Timber: NFRC v. Glickman [4]
- . Effective Friday 12/1 at 6 PM, the General Litigation's new fax number will be 305-0429. 11/29/95 1 2 3 4 5 141 002/022 12:40 Michael E. Haglund, OSB 77203 gcott W. Rorngren, OgB 88060 Shay S. Scott, OSB 93421 HAGLUND & KIRTLEY Attorneys at Law
- a"d photographs from tile slg"lng ceremo"y are tWaUable 0" tJr.e I",ntor web site lI"der "ews releases.' hlfP:/Iw....... do/.'ol' For more I"for'".allo" p{elUe co"tacl: Bllna" of {"dla" A/Jaln: Nedra Darling (101) 108-4/51 Trlba: JIIff Malo" (54
- and negative effects of changes in federal forest policies will be unevenly felt, even within affected communities. CHAPTER 6 P:'oviding Economic ,A.ssiStZlnCe Table 9-Mr.jor land uses ft.r metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties in the region' Total 1
1995 Weekly Reports [6]
- occurred when a compressor disk in the right 'engine suffered an uncontained failure on· takeoff. • P.....aaiu Cruise SIIip AgnuDd: On Sunday, June 10. the 6oo-foot Panamanian cruise ship Royal Majesty ran aground 10 miles east of Nantucket Island
- '.:' .', .' . :' " .. ,'" -. ,ee.' ' 'r p' , ... ". .. !,.' ' , :-:.~ I,,' ."" w . '- ~. ':- i' ,,,'w '. '1 • < Clin tOll'Presiden tial.Reco rds .. ' Digital Records IVIarker .- -- - --, .' ;mi_ _!fi.~7'_~!"@ritgJ!iWmig
- capacity as Asst. Secretary of Agriculture for Natural Resources and Environment; UNITED STATES FOREST SERVICE, an agency of the United States; BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT, an agency of the United States; MICHAEL ESPY, in his official capacity as Secretary
- Sentfle and laID OIls job" • Iblnk. a It'SII parlilan . adIoGI auPdle!, alVlcwtural re pmpet.tlve SlId approub, Md I!f\ ~ II!8IdI lind 'ood salet.\'. nlJll'ltroP 'approach ilia! IrIes to worle wlltJ (J\ 'p!'O(p'iIIlIlI end soli roa!Im'atJon. Republlaue
1995 Weekly Reports [5]
- were disrupted. • cc: The Vice President Leon Panetta Harold Ickes Erskine Bowles George Stephanopoulos Alexis Hennan Maggie Williams Doug Sosnik Mark Gearan Carol Rasco Michael McCurry Marcia Hale Jack Quinn Cabinet Report ·13· ,i
- . J o i n t Economic Committee hearing t o examine t h e January unemployment data. 2 359 RHOB. 9:30 a.m. Hillary Rodham Philadelphia. 10:00 The Vice President, Secretaries Bentsen, Cisneros, Attorney General Reno and others p a r t i c i p a t e i
- for Arkansas weeklies and dailies, I hope you will consider publishing it. Sincerely, ~/-;: C·rs--', -~"~ " ~ Michael Gauldin Director of Communications U.S. Department of the Interior Enclosure • Endangere
Timber - Press
- logging road 08o~k,tlu~sis~ti;National ' , Forest, an e~camp~ent of ~o:.warriors pr~p~;~ .face'; bulldozers and chain saws. 'OJ.'ey'ye dug ,a ditcli~8Cross the~ , road, built a rock and log barricadei'an~ dragged out ~cO.Ji Pon~ tiac - all more symbolic
- ) for planned 20 non-salvage timber sales. 21 (8) REFORESTATIO~ OF S.-U.\·.l..GE TDIBER S.-u'E 22 P.-illCELS.-The Secretary concerned shall plan and 23 implement reforestation of each parcel of land har· 24 vested under a salvage timber sale
- official endorsement. Further reproduction for private use or gain is subject to original copyright restrictions. ® P R I N T E D ON RECYCLED X - •:. -. PAPER KBITS HOUSS N W RSPORT BS Thursday, February 9, 1995 AP Daybook. 8:00 a.m. USTR Kantor
- . . c'trVifM hc~~ "'1 fv .~.. !-kiPtt P""{jki tt-n de)£L p~ ] (/U'l 'fl'--~ tv
- a in I yap p r e:c i ate it. I would appreciate getting your card. 14 (Applause.) 15 MR. JOHNSON: 16 We will follow up. Reverend:: Hill and then Early Monroe.' REVEREND HILL: 17 Secretary, members of the " It is a· pleasure to have
- · Growth Forest, the Pacific Northwest, or it's wetlands in the Dakotas, the Chesapeake Bay region on the East. 00:19:25:07 P~op1e care passionately about their places and that leads to a passionate ~ia1og and controversy. economics comes into play
- understand the Congress and le9islative process and also allowed me to make lots of, friends on Capitol Hill which was p~rticularly help~ul in dealing with all the problems we faced here. 00:02:02:11 LQ: Sb you were on the Committee and led a lot
- be a part of this. Thank you, Mike Dombeck and Jim Lyons. And I'd also like to thank my main environmental adviser, George Frampton, who runs our:Council on Sustainable Development, Environmental Quality, for being here. I'd like to thank the representatives
- . Exec. Directors Stephen Freeman: Clinical Thomas Dern: Residential TRUSTEES Elsa Bay Joseph G. Blum Charles M. Dombeck Lynn B. Goddess Dr. Ramon Henson Paul M. Koren Solomon Kunis Burton Lane Charles Leeds Reuben Michlin Stephen E. Messinger Alvin H
Timber - Legal Memos [2]
- Reeources and Environment and Mike Dombeck, Director of the BLM. 2 - 6 - 1~vi~11 04/19/96 . . FRI 17:52 FAX 2023050506 ENRD GEN LIT AT'l'ORREY~CLI1m'I' _. WOltZ: ~RODl1C'1' PRXVXLBGED /COHP:tDBHTIAL DOClJllERT the ecological criteria ~d
- , Forest Service Chief MIke Dombeck at the Outdoor Wnters Association of America annual conference here. The BLM manages nine national conservation areas and seven national monwnents. The designations are similar. Activities such as hwuing. grazing
- PROJECT TEAM K:\rdl!dr\Rood\css _Involvement_TeunJ\f
- : 24 25 federal defend~nts 26 take no ac~ion ~o 27 thi$ CQurt'$ rulin9 on the DEC~ARATION OF who told me that the ~edera~ defendants wou~d ensure that 10gging does hot occur PAT~I A. pendin~ GO~D~~ p~ior to I motions. - 1
- of the work to earn his Eagle Scout status right here in these woods. I . I also want to thank Se_cretary Dan Glickman; Art ./ Gaffrey; Marta Macias,~ Brown. And let me recognize :./ Mike Dombeck, Chief of the Forest Service, and Under Secretary
- interpreted section 2001(k) (1) 8 9 Read in context, the "return of the consistent with this reading of the "return of the bid bond" Under Secretary of Agriculture James R. Lyons and 10 provision. 11 Acting BLM, Director Mike Dombeck described
Earth Day 4/22/98 [3]
- . • Continuation of the commitment to protect Lake Tahoe Basin watershed through the $1.0 million acquisition of environmentally sensitive lands. USDA Forest Service Natural Resource Agenda: ... Page 1 of 6 S p e e c h Material A Gradual Unfolding of a National
- , as well as the other initiatives contained iI1 the FYOO budget. • Forest Service to Protect Land from Mining: In a speech February 4 at the University ofMT, Forest Service Chief Dombeck announced that he has taken steps to withdraw forest lands along
- of the judge's ru.t. a ing, including portions that coold apply greater mviroruntntal scruti ny to mountaintop mining opm:. tiona. but disagreed that the p~ d~ should be curt..aiIed ent:irdy. The ad.mlnistration also argued ,bat the rourt emd wbm it ru.Ied
- , in Detroit, MI. • On June 9, Under Secretary Lyons will address the Keep America Growing Conference, . in Philadelphia, P A. • On June 9, Under Secretary Long Thompson will address the 25 th Annual Silver Celebration of the Federal Women's Program
Timber - Legal Memos [1]
- and release of replacement the e~ope of the requ~red to n~tice fi~e an amended complaint. P~ocedure, Under the Federal Rules of Civil serves as a outside and that plaintiff and plaintiff- plead1n9~ intervenors should be ctmb~r a~e the complaint
- Programs Michael Dunn:. • July 30 -- Naltional Animal Damage Control advisory committee, Washington, DC. • August 1 -- Animal Damage Control Research Cent~r, Sandusky, OH. • August 12 -- Annual Birdstrike Meeting, Boston, MA. • August 18-20
- forest-land owners of the United States, 1994. Resource Bulletin NE-134. Radnor, PA: USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Experiment Station. 183 p). Subdivision and other diminishment of tract size of these lands can discourage long-term stewardship
Ocean Folder [1]
- . "We have more forested land today in the U.S. than at the turn of the century," says U.S. Forest Service Chief Mike Dombeck. By contrast, in 1970, the national forests, as Wyoming Sen. Gale McGee put it, had been "depleted to the point that would shame