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517 results

  • .. We are also enclosing copies of several recent child care publications: Early Childhood Action Tips, Measuring Progress and Results in Early Childhood System Development, and The Florida Child Care Quality fmprovement Study, which we thought you would
  • , section 1123A of the Act directed the Department to develop a review system for State compliance with the State plans under titles IV-B and IV-E of the Act. Therefore, tribes that receive title IV-B.allocations will not be reviewed under the child
  • Youth Development/Afterschool/Violence-TV Violence
  • : 1977-1992 Rowell HuesJ:?ann, Jessica Moise, Cheryl-Lynn Podolski and Leonard Eron The University of Michigan \· ..,.. • • '
  • that resonates with parents on child care that will help us craft a message that will transform child .care from an imponant issue for parents to a sali~nt top-priority issue. Lifetime has retained Ethel Klein to conduct this message development. Compile
  • weeks. Enclosed is information about an exciting new set of skill building audio-tapes for cancer survivors entitled the Cancer Survival Toolbox. This program was developed by the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS) with the professional
  • ~il!l~i.~~illll~ \1![1l!ill~l!Il( I. Better education and child development programs for. our kids Current child care options are inadequate and do not meet our needs "'" · To make child care more affordable for working families To improve the safety
  • understand the desire for more expansive guidance for determining whether a facility is appropriate for I title IV-E ~ligible children. We strongly believe that· any such guidance should be· developed with input from the field. We have begun
  • Youth Development/Afterschool/Violence-Anti-Social Behavior
  • understariding·ofthe effects of early intervention on brain development, the political resolve to use this knowledge will be strengthened. It is certain, however, that by not responding to the accumulating evidence that early intervention matters, disadvantaged
  • Godart of the FDA expressed a desire that this be funher pursued. Dr. God::lrt has been closely following the development of this research. The leader of a research group at Yale also expressed great interest in the research and the potential for Federal
  • Youth Development/Afterschool/Violence-After School Program Survey
  • studies to date, baseline dietary intake of fat-was identical (42% of energy) in participants who developed colon cancer and those who did not during a 19-year period of follow-up [22]. BREAST CANCER Latitude. Age-adjusted breast cancer mortality rates
  • . Many initiatives are being developed and continue at the federal, state, and institutional levels to address teacher quality issues at each stage of the teacher education, certification, and professional development process. Why all this matters
  • Association Phoenix Greyhound Racing Phoenix Managed Core Network PRCS, Inc. Robert & Ann Burke Sondra l. Mossetto St. Luke's Shore 'n Core United Development Virginia Watchman Woi-Mort Foundation Woi-Mort Stores Wilma Jean Remmert Zeneco Pharmaceuticals Zilo
  • ) . In determining Jhich clinics to review, we will draw upon the threat asses~ment criteria first developed by the U.S. Marshals SerVice. Q. Will the monjy go directly to clinics themselves? A. No. ConsistJnt with the approach taken with similar sorts of funding
  • to address the child care needs of both low- and moderate-income worlcing families_ Low-income families will receive additional assistance through an expansion of the Child Care and Development Block Grant The needs of moderate-income families can be best
  • % of ·all chil,dren ~irth to ag~ :LS .·are..currently ··living in single parent homes, almost .all of which are headed by mothers. ·The :overwhelming consensus of child demographers and child development . . specialists is that an alarming number