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Carbondale (Item)
  • reform . That's why .it's especially wrong-headed to try to slide through a radical revision of job training by attaching it. to the welfare reform bill that the Senate's now considering. BmUng welfare as we know it is a crucial goal, one I've been
  • for all college). C. Welfare reform. Finish the job enlisting the private sector and states to create 1 million new jobs to move · people from welfare to work. D. Strong families. 1. Help parents succeed at home and at work by expanding family leave 2
Welfare (Item)
  • annual retreat in New Orleans and I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation. I hope the retreat was of some value to you as well. Though we did not discuss welfare reform at the retreat, it remains a critical DLC/PPI issue. Whether or not Congress acts
  • Welfare Reform
  • - Subject: Date: December 12, 1996 As most of you know, HHS and SSA will be sending a package of technical amendments to the welfare reform bill to Congress on Monday. This fulfills a statutory requirement to provide such a report within 90 days
  • this principle, including abstinence-based curricula, welfare reforms that discourage early parenting and require young mothers to live at home and stay in school, and tough new child support enforcement provisions that drive home the responsibility of parenthood
  • Proposals and For Appropriations · Community Revitalization Tax Credit or Brownfields Redevelopment Tax credit or Capital Gains-based 2nd Round of Empowerment Zones EITC Minimum Wage Welfare Reform or Targeted Capital Gains Relief In the President's
  • reinforce his support amana women. He h811taked out three O.O.P.Ialtladv'ea on which he wllllmlsbt be firm: welfare reform (women are more affected and more put orr than men by the RepubUcan onslauaht),lhe rePeal of the 1111ult weap. ons ban (womea are lea
  • both do more REGO events and events that highlight his commitment to political reform. Welfare Reform - The issue continues to be the single most popular item on the President's agenda. We should be regularly reinforcing the President's commitment
  • between the big~ government liberalism of Bill Clinton •R Democrats and Rermhlican policies of smalle.r government-- of lower taxes, less spending and fewer regulations~ of genuine welfare reform and Jegalrefurm; uf ~ \:riminill justice system that blames
Immigration (Item)
  • INC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 515SECONDSTREETNE WASHINGTON DC 20002 TEL 202 547-5200 FAX 202 544· 7020 PUBLIC POLLING UPDATE WELFARE REFORM Greenberg Research March 10, 1995 Americans overwhelmingly support major changes and less spending in the welfare
  • , because it is time to make environmental laws work for average Americans instead of the lawyers. We want welfare reform and health care reform, because ordinary Americans want the opportunity to work, and they deserve the same shot at health care coverage
Schedule July (Item)
  • citizens. It means a forceful, innovative program to enable those who can take care of themselves to prepare for a changing work world (education reform) and those who cannot take car~ of themselves to find a way to do so (welfare reform) . And it means
  • care, Earned Income Tax Credit, health care, Family and Medical Leave, welfare reform, school-to-work, re-employment all fit under an honoring work theme. A Pro-Work theme allows for an organizing agenda that is 7. Job Growth with Low Inflation: &iaJ.a
  • week, we will focus on the California trip and the week of June 17 devoted to welfare reform proposals. 2
Strategy (Item)
  • society together. @ These may not be good examples, but I hope they convey what I am getting at. 1. What holds the President's program together -- job training, welfare reform, health care reform, crime -- is that issues at the center of the lives
  • cuts and block granting. o Welfare Reform: Women believe that the Congressional welfare reform bill should be vetoed because it will have a strong adverse impact on women. o Choice: Women want to prevent any legislative setbacks to a woman's right
  • of both parties are rushing to cut taxes, voter seem to have other priorities. Welfare Reform: The next edition of the HHS Public Opinion Report will cover the growing number of post election surveys of opinion about welfare reform, but the short story
Jack Kemp (Item)
  • , rebuilding infrastructure, expanding research and technology, substantially improving education and training, making work pay through welfare reform and ~arned income ta.x credits, and strengthening the institutional and social fabric of urban communities
Message Ideas (Item)
  • business Balanced budget Campaign finance reform Welfare reform · Education 1. National education standards 2. The best teachers 3. Helping children to read 4. Early learning 5. Public school choice 6. Character education . 7. School construction 8. College
  • Employee CONTEXT Welfare Reform. Ms. Harden was a welfare recipient who was able to gain employment after participating in the Arkansas "Work Program." At an August, 1986 NGA meeting in Hilton Head, SC, Ms. Harden testified in front of the Committee
  • tn.fto.t Inventory Media Requests/ Responses Scheduling Proposals Message Ideas Health Care Earth Day File Lecture Series Proposals Early Childhood Development Environmental Ideas Campaign Finance Reform Welfare Reform Potential Events/Info Service Summit
  • in the long run. By the same token, I do see some good things happening. I do feel that our welfare system needs to be reformed. but not at the expense of the elderly and children.... " Moreover, this debate must get framed as one of priorities. Welfare reform
  • . And that's what we have to do. We must start by moving quickly to finish the unfinished business of the country: balancing our budget, renewing our democracy, andfinishingthe job of welfare reform. Over the last four years, our sfrategy of cutting
  • - balancing our budget, renewing our democracy, and finishing the job of welfare reform. Over the last four years, we have brought new economic growth by investing in our people, expanding exports, cutting our deficit and creating 11 million new jobs. Now we
Legacy Memos (Item)
  • is welfare and other public supports. 8) Call on every community to have a comprehensive plan for reducing teen pregnancy. The welfare reform biJl offers significant financial inducements to states tha.t reduoo teen p!'egnancy l"ates; the point here
Trotter Group (Item)
  • the President's views on other issues, including welfare reform, the economy, and Colin Powell. DeWayne Wickham's November 12th column for the Gannett News Service noted the President will veto the GOP welfare reform bill based on his statements during the meeting
Dr. Foster (Item)
  • and to get a job. With his welfare reform proposal that includes strong teen parent and child support enforcement provisions, tough work requirements and provisions for worker training, President Clinton has tried to send a message that, "Nobody should get
  • support: I ' "I think that upper-middle-class people are ready to be challenged to help people in the cities help themselves. That's why welfare reform has such a powerful r~sonance in the suburbs. It is not because people want to punish poor people
  • or to search for work. This proposal is tougher that New York's existing laws, but more flexible than Pataki's proposal. Silver plans to release a comprehensive welfare reform proposal in the next few weeks. The State budget is due on April 1. Governor Pataki
  • , with uncertain medical benefits, and insufficient rewards t: choose work over welfare. With ~ealth reform and welfare reform, and by paying closer attention to the wages and skills c~ c~r Horkers, •tle can make more Americans part of our economic re·:i val. 1
  • -crime involvement (with Ex-Commissioner Bratton coordinating these efforts). Next week, we will focus on the California trip and the week of June 17 devoted to welfare reform proposals. 2 Public Housing Drug Elimination Grant-~ Million- Ready
  • new ideas than the past two administrations combined. Last year,! I introduced the most sweeping welfare reform plan ever presented by any administration. i Now, together, let us make this the year we end welfare as we know it. We must say to absent
  • % of the time. (LEGI-SLATE Report for the 104th Congress, 4/6/95) THE CLAIM: Dickey cut school lunches. THE FACTS: Dickey voted for the Republican welfare reform bill, which would cut spending on school lunches and nutritional assistance to pregnant women
Health Care (Item)
  • in Medicaid, including proposals to expand coverage for eligible children, and changes to last year's welfare reform law. • Per Capita Cap. To stabilize Medicaid growth, the plan includes a "per capita cap," which would constrain the rate of increase
  • social policy, and make welfare a second chance, not a way of life. We're going to work with our friends like Dave McCurdy and John Breaux and Joe Lieberman to fight for welfare reform in this Congress. President Clinton said it to you in Cleveland; he
  • could leave. , Finally, restoration of trust in government and politics is essential to the suecess of the rest of our agenda. As we have learned" over the past two years, we cannot count on p.ublic support for health care, welfare reform, deficit
Polls (Item)
  • 24 33 7 25 24 34 10 Who do you thi=k is more to blame for the failure to reach a balanced budget., tax reform and welfare reform this year, President Clinton or the Republicans in Congress? 11. 1) Clinton JJ 2) Republicans in Congrees 9
  • not enough: stress and strain again. 3. What we must do a. MCBOR: emphasis on education, family, tax-break targeted to future and to empowerment b. Welfare reform: a drag on all of us if we do not fix it. (Need to develop this.) c. Health care reform: See
  • care reform on health industry workers, welfare reform, the balanced budget amendment, and the Service Contract Act are all imporwit issues. This is another smart. aggreisive. innovative, politically active union. McEntee will apeak his mind. · Leaore
  • , the life of your family, the life of your community and the life of your country. That is what this is all about. (Applause.) That's why when people talk about something like welfare reform, I don't think about punishing poor people, I think about ending
Budget [2] (Item)
  • this fall. Democrats of all stripes agree on the issues they want to address: education, health care, job training, retirement security, welfare reform and corporate responsibility. There is far less agreement on how bold the proposals should
  • . We need to help move programs down to the point where States and communities and private citizens in the private sector can do a better job." Action • President Clinton approved 21 welfare reform waiver/demonstrations in 1995. Proposal "It's time
  • and daily lives. Note: Still under discussion is a proposal to use this speech -- or to make a separate briefing-room statement-- to urge the Republican Congress to "come back to work" on the nation's business, including balancing the budget, welfare reform
  • of the{\ individual~ rely less on the employee's relationship to one employer, and lead to new institutions that allow workers to acquire. new skills in an ongoing process throughout their careers. · • Existing and forthcoming proposal~· for ,welfare reform, job
  • the back to welfare to get health· care coverage; States more' power to innovat~ because we We've got to solve the health care problem· know that a lot of great ideas come from out- to have real welfare reform. . side Washington, and many States ~So
  • as having failed to differentiate themselves from the old Democratic party -- " ... had Democrats stood more closely with the President on these issues [balanced budget, crime and welfare reform] they would have won the House. While some in the Party
  • , and business. Now, we must unleash the full energy of individuals and the private sector by phasing out corporate welfare, reforming the tax code to reward savings and investment instead of access and privilege, reducing regulation, and continuing to make
  • pregnant or father a child who isrt't prepared to raise the child, love the child and take financial land personal responsibility for the child's future. I That's why welfare reform must include a national campaign against teen pregnancy, ~nd the toughest
  • as chair of the Republican Governors Association. He has devoted much of his frrst term to welfare reform, and reinventing government issues, while he has resisted his more conservative state legislature on tax-cutting proposals. Scott Howell, a Mormon who
  • - backed bill to bar new federal regulations through June 30, 1995. [Wall Street Journal, 2/9/95] Kellogg Company Kellogg's Raisin Bran was barred from the $258 million WIC dry cereal market in 1992 because it contained too much sugar. The GOP welfare
  • welfare reform plan 56 Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996 12 Interior, Dept. 17. 19, 20, 30 Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 26, 28, 29, 32, 46, 60 Internet, 32, 46 ISO 9000 19 Jockey International, Inc. 12 Justice, Dept. 1. 17, 57, 58
  • sweeping welfare reform plan aver presented by an administration. we have to make welfare what it was meant to be: a second chance, not a way of life. We'll help those on welfare move to work as quickly as possible, provide child care and teach skills
  • guidance on how and when to release them (and is also discussing this with Bruce). 1. Welfare Reform. By the week of 3/31, CEA will be ready with a report on the factors that have reduced the nation's welfare caseloads so dramafically in the past four years
LATINO Issues (Item)
  • the nation. If you can hold this contrast through the upcoming immigration and welfare reform decisions, you will get the highest Latino turnout and vote share of any President since Lyndon Johnson in 1964, 32 years ago. DENVER POST JUL 1 7 1996
  • cities. In the wake of the welfare reform bill, I think it is more important than ever for the President to highlight his plan for job growth for low-income persons. Aside from using the bullypulpit to encourage companies to hire welfare recipients
Budget [1] (Item)
  • ' Medicare premiums, deductibles, and copayments, and "sets-aside" less than half of what's needed to cover premiums only-- at the same time that these premiums rise under the Republican plan. WELFARE REFORM The President's plan achieves real welfare reform
  • values Gov't spending Welfare reform Education system Lackofjobs Cuts in social spending Foreign policy Federal deficit Race relations Court system Low wages X X 2% X Note - All other issues were mentioned by 1% or fewer •x- - Issue wasn't mentioned
  • police, to build prisons, to drug treatment programs, to do things that would lower the crime rate at the grass-roots level for people who use the money right and were responsible. That's what I hope this welfare reform debate that we~re ginning up again
Nixon [2] (Item)
  • an unexpectedly fast pace on the issue of welfare reform, in part because both Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) Secretary Finch and UAC head Moynihan became early advocates of what came to be known as the Family Assistance Program (FAP). Had this legislation
  • New elements IV. 1. Consolidate grants to governments 2. Regulatory reform e~power state and local Individual responsibility/empowering individuals A. B. Consistent messages: 1. Welfare reform 2. National service 3. Student aid reform
  • •, · and, especially, can offm: aaturation jobs J'&'OPdf that will leacl to pen.anent ·unaubsidizecl aployu11t for fOW\f · ;Pippl•. · . _ "With our Empowenent Zonas ' profrD . 4 already em the J:»ooks, and welfare reform coming •oon, we have ·a ~·· tliaenaional
  • . Together we can pass welfare reform and health care reform -- that work. I will say more about what I will do to work with the new Congress in the State of the Union Address in January. But here is what I won't do: I won't support ideas that sound good
Message Group (Item)
  • historic common ground, yet they have now moved from that with their EITC cuts, family leave, welfare reform and summer jobs. There is clear agreement that we need to keep finding Medicare and senior health events. Lastly, we have included some education
  • qubernatorial staff half are female and a quarter African American. He supported the ERA and a strong civil Rights bill. xn the policy arena, he has initiated proqrams to anoourage invest~ents in primarily African American communities and businesses; his welfare
Faces of Hope (Item)
  • . Baldwin would like the President to know: "If we give people education and training, then they will work; because they want to work. No one wants to live on less than $300 a month in welfare benefits. So, please veto any welfare reform bill that doesn't
  • , educational standards, educational opportunities i through enhance~ communications, putting children tirst in general, protecting children from trashy communi~ations, crime fighting and crime reduction measures, welfare reform, new ! drug fighting
Cisneros (Item)
  • strengthen the economy and strengthen our community. We're working on a welfare system which will continue to reward work and family and encourage people and, in some cases, require people to move from welfare to work through welfare reform. We are working
  • Administration. Points one through seven are the economy, jobs, trade, health care, welfare reform, crime and national service. So relax, I'll finish in time for dinner and start with number eight. And number eight is simply that the isolationists of today
  • in shrinking the government and cutting the deficit. I know that we can work together-- on issues like welfare reform and health care-- Frank Murkowski, Ted Stevens and I did when we passed the Family and Medical Leave Act. That allows 66,000 workers in Alaska
Women (Item)
  • for include Medicare, Medicaid, welfare reform, children's well-being, tobacco and drug use by · children, Head Start, pre-school immunizations, women's health, and biomedical research. I have listed highlights from the Secretary's schedule below. Please note
Education [2] (Item)
  • in Medicaid, with the same exemptions as in current law. This policy is included in the immigration bills passed by the House and Senate and will most likely become law. This is a more desirable policy than is in Congressional welfare reform bills, which would
  • a way to do so (welfare reform). And ft means giving the support and inspiring the will to face down the mounting fear of crime and violence that, if left to fester,~ will overwhelm all other efforts to seize our future. Around the world, we see
  • Gala, Union station, Washington, D.C. December a, 1992 I ' quotations page 36 Welfare Reform we need special efforts to empower the poor to work their way out of poverty~ •• We've got to break the cycle of dependency and put an end
DNC Research (Item)
  • alae have. to break the gridlock that is in people's minds. Because no matter what we do in the government, very few of our specific actions will affect a majority of the American people. If you just take the welfare reform •.asue, for example
  • the staff person indicated directly. 1. WELFARE REFORM State-by-state impact of Ho~se Republican Welfare Bill Prepared by: HHSIUSDA Contact: Dorothy Karayannis, 6-5578 Updated: March 24 One page per state; title by title impacts on: nutrition assistance
Common Ground (Item)
Nixon [3] (Item)
Labor Speech (Item)
  • policies, and our anticrime bill and our welfare reform -- those things have all played a role. We are moving in the right direction. And the choice now is whether we're going to be a society in which everybody has a chance to win, or become a winner-take
Tobacco (Item)
Ben Barber (Item)
  • specific policies like national service, health care, welfare reform and crime and a larger vision.ot America, Americans will not support policy reforms at all, whoever authors them and however impressive their techical merits. Called to action
  • administration has given more states the chance to find their own ways to reform welfare than the past two administrations combined. Last year, I introduced the moat sweeping welfare reform plan ever presented by an administration. We have to make welfare what
Clinton -FDR (Item)
  • to privatize their state-level economic development programs. As part of its welfare reform program, Virginia has MEASURES OF PROGRESS • Strategic plans that include measurable performance goals (benchmarks) • Measurements of progress reported regularly
Bosnia [1] (Item)
Bosnia [2] (Item)
  • to welfare reform, and reinventing government issues, while he has resisted his more conservative state legislature on tax-cutting proposals. Scott Howell, a ·Mormon who is the Democmtic House Minority Leader, is contemplating a run. Other· potential