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11 results

AIDS 1993 [9] (Item)
  • , 1p 4/15/93 P5, P61B6 2. List Re: AIDS Czar, 2p nd P5 RESTRICTIONS 81 National security classified information [(b) (I) of the FOIA]. 82 Release could disclose internal personnel rules and practices of an agency [(b)(2) of the FOIA]. P3
AIDS 1993 [8] (Item)
  • ) 5/18/93 P61B6 2. Bio Re: Peggy Hamburg, 1p nd P61B6 3. Memo To Bruce Lindsey from Counsel's Office, OPP Re: AIDS Policy Coordinator position, 5p 3/28/93 P5 4. Memo To Carol Rasco from Bob Boorstin re: AIDS Czar, 1p 4/24/91 [sic] P5
  • WITHDRAWAL SHEET' CI~nton Library· Collection: Domestic Policy Council - Rasco, Carol Archivist: rfw OAlBox: OA 7680 File Folder: AIDS 1993 [10] 1. Letter Date: 3/25/04 To Carol Rasco from Anne re: AIDS Czar, tp .- 4/16/93 P5, P61B6
AIDS 1993 [5] (Item)
  • Handwritten note re: appointment, Ip nd P5, P61B6 3. Memo To Carol Rasco from Kevin Thurm, 1p 4. Resume Ruby Hearn, 1p (partial 5. Memo To Carol Rasco from Bob Boorstin re AIDS Czar, 1p 5/5/04 nd 4/24/91 P5 P61B6 P5, P61B6 [sic] RESTRICTIONS
AIDS 1994 [8] (Item)
  • > of the MieroOeneSys gp160 immwlogcn. The AIDS czar mould a1$O convene An intcrdqnrtmental· .,,,,,,nul workin", STOuP which will me" montltly,o dioc_ ~
AIDS 1994 [5] (Item)
AIDS 1993 [2] (Item)
  • , reminding you, "We need the AIDS czar, Bill." You nodded acknowledgement. I . I I have just eompleted creating the YES Foundation, which intends to put HIV­ preventing jlnformational materials into the hands of American youtH. , I Here is the context
AIDS 1994 [4] (Item)
  • key attributes that I believe, uniquely position him for success as the next AIDS Czar. He hails from the San Francisco area.. and has strong ties to that conununity, with a special empathy for the population most severely impacted by the epidemic
POTUS (Item)
  • for Fiscal Year 1994, and proposed a 20% increase in NUl spending for AIDS research. o Appointed first ever AIDS czar to focus on consolidating federal resources 'and funds to find a cure and address the issues of AIDS. ... HELPING FAMILIES .....nlere
  • in that fi9ht. Please start by qivinq the position of AIDS "czar" soma real muscle. Thank you. Sincarely, Marle: Dunn THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON October 13, 1994 Ray:". Buckley P6/(b)(6) Dear Mr. Buckley: Thank you for sharing with me interest