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51 results

  • REMARKS AT WHITE HOUSE CONFERENCE ON TEENAGERS THE WHITE HOUSE May 2, 2000 Acknowledge: Mrs. Clinton; Sec. Slater; Sec. Herman; Sec. Shalala; AG Reno; Deputy AG Holder; Chairman Kennard; CNS CEO Wofford; Director Lachance; Deputy Dir. of ONDCP Donald
  • . CLINTON REMARKS ON NEW MARKETS TO WALL STREET PROJECT NEW YORK, NY January 13, 2000 Acknowledge: Dick Grasso; Sandy Weill; Sec. Slater; Sec. Cuomo [who spoke here earlier today, and who has been a great champion of our Empowerment Zones and HUD's Economic
  • Chairman Bob Young; Gene Sperling; Maria Echaveste; Sec. Slater; FCC Chairman Bill Kennard; Undersec. of Agriculture Jill Long-Thompson; Assist. Sec. of Commerce Gregory Rohde [RO-dee]; my business liaison, Jay Dunn, from Wilkes County. And I'd like
  • , Small Business Administration -Rodney Slater, Secretary, Department of Transportation - B i l l Richardson, US Representative to the United Nations -Togo West, Jr., Secretary, Department of Veterans' Affairs -George Munoz, President, Overseas Private
  • Advisor Rodney E. Slater, Secretary of Transportation Andrew Cuomo, Housing and Urban Development Franklin Raines, Fannie Mae John Thain, Goldman Sachs Gabriella Morris, Prudential Marg Magner, Citibank North America John Taylor, NCRC Hon. Sharpe James
  • EFFORTS ISC CAUSEWAY ISLAND MIAMI, FL December 11,1997 Acknowledgments: Lt. Megan Britton [whose mother is from Ft. Smith, AR]; Admiral - x ^ " " i Bob Kramek [KRAY-mek] and the men and women of the Coast Guard; Gen. McCaffrey: Sec. - ^ ^ X Slater; DEA
  • : introducer Robin McNab: Sec. Slater, a visionary and vigilant steward of our nation's transportation system, and the members of his legislative team, including Janno [JAN-oh] Lieber. Patty Doersch [DORSH], and Richard Steinman: Members of Congress, especially
  • ID:12022933953 Josh Gottheimer January 11,2000 Page 2 Archbishop Desmond Tutu Rudy Giuliani Arthur Levitt Rodney Slater Justice Antonin Scalia Newt Gingrich Rev. Jesse Jackson Bill Cosby-Dan Rather-Jim Nantz for the "new" CBS (CBS assumed
  • , Secretaries Glickman, Babbitt and Slater, and Dept of the Army Deputy Assistant Secretary Mike Davis hosted the three issue workshops. This town meeting format gives you the opportunity to leam about the issues and to recognize the citizens of the Lake Tahoe
  • hero of the civil rights movement; Congresswoman Juanita Millender- McDonald; Congressman Carlos Romero-BarcelofromPuerto Rico; your Lieutenant Governor Gray Davis; the Secretary of Transportation Rodney Slater; of Labor, Alexis Herman; of Veterans
  • WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS ON RACIAL PROFILING AND POLICE MISCONDUCT WASHINGTON, DC June 9,1999 Acknowledge: A.G. Reno; Sec. Slater; Reps. Eva Clayton, Danny Davis, Stephanie Tubbs Jones, Sheila Jackson Lee, Gregory Meeks, Edolphus Towns
  • : Chairman Julian Bond: former Chair Myrlie Evers-Williams: Pres. and CEO Kweisi Mfiime: Vice Chairman Bishop William Graves: Crisis Chair Roger Wilkins: Bell Atlantic Foundation Pres. Suzanne Dubose: Sec. Herman: Sec. Slater: Sec. West: Sen. Sarbanes: Ben
  • Conyers. Rev. Jesse Jackson. Rosa Parks. Dr. Dorothy Height: retiring Members: Ron Dellums. Floyd Flake. Louis Stokes: family of the late Rep. Charles Diggs. Jr.; award winners: Sec. Herman. Sec. Slater. Frank Raines. Rep. Bobby Rush, and other
  • ] and the officers and sailors of the Coast Guard; Gen. McCaffrey: Sec. Slater; DEA Administrator Tom Constantine [CON-stan-tyne], who couldn't be with us today because he is graduating a new class of agents; Acting Commissioner of the U.S. Customs Service Sam Banks
  • of 11 4/20/2000 1:07 PM Final 04/17/00 10:30pm Jeff Shesol PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS TO COMDEX SPRING CONFERENCE McCORMICK PLACE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS April 18, 2000 Acknowledgments: Sec. Slater; Reps. William Jefferson, Silvestre Reyes
  • to do. When I look out here at the Secretary of Labor, the Attorney General, Secretary Cuomo, Secretary Riley, Secretary Slater, Aida Alvarez, Janet Yellen -- all these people w h o work for me -- they know that we care about this, and they have really
  • -classical design before being ton Draft 5/18/99 8:00 pm Lowell Weiss PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS DURING LAUNCH OF PENNSYLVANIA STATION REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NEW YORK, NY Acknowledge: Sec. Slater: Gov. Pataki: Charles Gargano. Chairman of Penn
  • to see Bishop Graves and the other officers here. (Applause.) A n d , Bishop, thank you for your friendship. (Applause.) Most of the people w i t h our administration have been introduced, but I want to thank Secretary and Mrs. West, and Secretary Slater
  • for the Corridor for projects that promote our Industrial Kevolutton history and protec the environment. These funds were used to restore place like Slater Mill and establish the Museum of Work and Culture. Also lobbied hard to designate the Blackstone
  • Haiti, has been destroyed. Bridges, roads, communications, ports, hospitals and schools have all been so seriously affected that it will take years for the economy to recover, he said. Salvation Army, World Service Office, 615 Slaters Lane, Alexandria
  • Daley, thank you of making me feel welcome - and, Secretary Daley, Secretary Slater. Representative Sanchez, we're delighted to be in your district and to be here with other members of Congress who are here. I'd like to say a special word of appreciation
  • Browner, Transportation Secretary Rodney Slater, Navy Secretary John Dalton, Secretary of Commerce William Daley; Robert Gagosian, director, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Roger McManus, president Center for Marine Conservation. Others include
  • State President Dr. Earl Richardson and a the mefnbers af my Board ef Advisors M on Histprically Black CoHeges and Universities; NAFEO VP Dr. Wilrtia Roscoe [mother of OPL staffer Jena (ja-NAY) Roscoe]; Ref). Jim Clyburn; Rep. Eva Clayton; Sec. Slater
  • of Iradilional organizations, procedures, and policies. Secretary of Transportaticm (SecDOT) Rodney Slater launched a mqjor initiative to ensure that our nation's MTS will meet the changing needs of system users, and of our nation. To undertake the initiative
  • and golf with his gang. (At the card game. Slater noted, "The President was the big loser and as usual didn't like it.") During the evening, Hagerty flew up from Washington to report that Faubus had withdrawn the Guard. The governor also said that he
  • , et al X Yes X X X X X X X Shields, Mark (Ann) XX Shriver, Sargent Hon. (Eunice) X Shrum, Robert (Mary Louise Oates) Shrum Devine Donilon XX Simmons, Jamal (Lynn) A.A., Ofc. Rep. Kilpatrick XX Singerman, Philip, Hon. Slater, Rodney, Hon
  • that you must be very, very proud of them. (Applause.) I am delighted to be here with Secretary Herman, and Deputy Secretary Kitty Higgins, and Secretary Slater, a number of other members of the administration. I should mention one other - the successor
  • WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS AT THE NATIONAL OCEAN CONFERENCE MONTEREY, CA June 12,1998 Acknowledge: VP Gore: HRC: Sec. Daley: Sec. Dalton: Sec. Slater: Admin. Browner: NOAA Admin. Dr. James Baker: Katie McGinty: Sen. Boxer: Rep. Fair: Rep. Capps: Lt. Gov
  • Secretary Rodney E. Slater said. "Saving lives, whether through accident prevention or other means, is the Department of Transportation's highest priority." FAA Administrator Jane F. Garvey noted that while many airlines have already begun carrying AEDs
  • Harry Reid (for inspiring this forum); EPA Administrator Browner. Agriculture Secretary Glickman. Interior Secretary Babbitt. Transportation Secretary Slater, and Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works Michael Davis (for hosting