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  • King, Welfare Outreach Coordinator, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning & Evaluation SUBJECT: Welfare Reform Outreach Strategies BACKGROUND At a recent meeting in Bruce Reed's office, John Monahan described public outreach concerning
  • /OPO/EOP cc: Suzanne Oale/WHO/EOP Subject: Meeting with county officials re: welfare reform March 3rd has been proposed as the date for county officials to come here to discuss welfare reform. Does that work for you?
  • I NLWJC - Kagan DPC - Box 065 - Folder-009 Welfare-Web Page Infounaticn;'n We~are Refcrm http://athenal-kellylwe~are.html ,.,I' [Text Version) Information on ~ 7'1c, ;JV Welfare Reform As the President said on Thurday, August 22, 1996
  • NLWJC - Kagan Counsel - Box 036 - Folder 012 Budget Operations Preliminary List of Welfare Reform Options for Consideration in the FY 1998 Budget FjveYear LEGISLATIVE OPTIONS food Staml's A Repropose the Administration's work requirement
  • . Health Care -- Families USA Report on Medicaid Enrollment: Families USA will release a study on Thursday stating that welfare reform is primarily responsible for the recent decline in ~edicaid enrollment. The study asserts that 675,000 low-income people
  • population on the welfare rolls is the lowest since 1970. You will also underscore the critical role of the private sector in welfare reform by praising the over 300 bi-state St. Louis region companies that are fJl Page 2] committing to hire and retain
  • event (see above) or at the upcoming White House mental health conference. 4. Welfare Reform - GAO Study on Welfare Outcomes: The Ways arid Means Human Resources Subcommittee held a hearing Thursday to publicize a GAO study on the results of welfare
  • a special fund so that the matching rate for children's health outreach will be 90 percent up to a limit. In fact, the President's budget gives States additional resources and flexibility for outreach. BACKGROUND • Before welfare reform, States charged
  • , comprehensive child support enforcement, and supports for families moving from welfare to work -- including increased funding for child care and guaranteed medical coverage. State strategies are making a real difference in the success of welfare reform
  • care and nutrition and by providing $14 billion for child care. The best evidence that welfare reform works is the fact that welfare rolls have declined 20 percent since I became President. The decline is in part due to the waivers I granted to 43
  • authorities (about 24) are supposed to gain flexibility and be exempt from many of the housing rules so they can test innovative ideas like time limits, flat rent, linking their policies to welfare reform strategies etc. On a recent visit to California
  • Rice February 28, 1997 Bipartisan Congressional Meetings regarding Welfare to Work Diana Fortuna and Lyn Hogan Goals Ideally, I think we want the bipartisan Congressional meetings to: • Reinforce the President's image as a welfare reform leader who
  • NLWJC - Kagan DPC - Box 064 - Folder-009 Welfare-State Plans [1] w~_ Record Type: To: GD "I-.. k +\or,j Recocd See the distribution list at the bottom of this message cc: Subject: NGA Press Release on Welfare Reform's Second Year Here's NGA
  • and expand services for victims of domestic violence, though this is much broader than welfare reform. ---------------------- Forwarded by Andrea Kane/OPD/EOP on 11/05/98 07: 13 PM --------------------------- Study spotlights barriers that keep women
  • -half years. The 16 year-old Dorchester youth was unarmed and had no known criminal history. if. 5. Welfare Reform -- Reports Released by Union-Sponsored Group: On Wednesday, Jobs With Justice, a group funded primarily by AFSCME, SEIU, and the AFL-CIO
  • to these people after they leave welfare, and that is essential to judging whether welfare reform is a success or not? Answer: This study is further evidence that states are taking action to ensure that welfare becomes a second chance, not a way of life. Like
  • BENAMI DIANA FORTUNA KEN APFEL FROM: HAROLD ICKES JENNIFER O'CONNOR RE: Labor Request for a Meeting with Leon Panetta on Welfare Reform AFL-CIO President John Sweeney has requested a meeting with Leon to discuss welfare reform. He would bring Gerry
  • : Welfare Reform DOL and HHS have now scheduled a meeting for 4 p.m. on Thursday in response to Hispanic Caucus staff request described below. The meeting will probably occur at DOL -- room TBD. II Andrea Kane Record Type: To: .... Record Janet
General [1] (Item)
  • NLWJC - Kagan Counsel- Box 037 - Folder 003 General [1] WELFARE REFORM IMPLEMENTATION GROUP Agenda for 12/17/96 I. Immediate Issues a) Technicals -- went to Hill on 12/16 b) HHS 10/23 Q and A: OMB to report on status c) . SSA notice
  • for the Administration's immigration budget bill; to respond to Mayor Giuliani, Mayor Rice, and Mayor Rendell's request to discuss the effect of welfare reform on legal immigrants. PREVIOUS PARTICIPATION: The President has met with mayors in large and small forums
  • NLWJC - Kagan Counsel- Box 035 - Folder 011 National Governors' Association Sessions TO: Elena Kagan FR: Diana Fortuna Here are top 5 welfare reform issues from the 3 state organizations, distributed at our meeting with them today. Interesting
  • welfare reform by passing ... a welfare reform implementation bill, because the Clinton Administration, working with the unions and the bureaucrats, is trying to undermine and destroy welfare reform." Gingrich further said that this effort would
  • : Welfare Reform and Cuban/Haitian Entrants Law prior to Welfare Bill (Fascell/stone) Unlike nationals from other countries, Cuban and Haitians paroled iu~o the United States have tradi~ional]y been treated as refugees, and therefore have been eligible
  • with a federal welfare reform law that bans undocumented immigrants from receiving publicly funded non-emergency health csre. Under the proposals, the county's eight-health clinics would continue caring for undocumented immigrants through private funding
  • NLWJC - Kagan Counsel - Box 035 - Folder 007 Education Issues September 30, 1996 Welfare Reform Act - Issue Paper Application of the 20% Cap on Vocational Education and Teen Heads of Household Issue~ How should States apply the 20 percent cap
Child Support (Item)
  • of the Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) a little over two years ago, welfare reform was an important issue. I was very excited about the prospect of its passage, in part because child support enforcement was a critical element in that proposed
  • NLWJC - Kagan DPC - Box 066 - Folder-OIl W elfare-Welfare to Work Religious Groups Record Type: Record To: cc: Bruce N. Reed, Elena Kagan Subject: Re: Faith Communities and Welfare Reform Message Creation Date was at 28-JAN-1997 14:22:00 Flo, I
  • IN PROPOSED WELFARE REFORM LEGISLATION Nan Aron of the Alliance for Justice has forwarded to me the attached materials from OMB Watch, concerning proposed welfare reform legislation. The Senate version of that legislation provides that "whenever
  • as a critical component of comprehensive welfare reform. -'.,' .t. 5. HousinglWelfare Reform -- Welfare-to-Work Housing Vouchers: Congress approved in the VAlHUD appropriations bill your full request for 50,000 welfare-to-work housing vouchers. These new
  • : AN INNOVATIVE APPROACH TO WELFARE REFORM For 1999, the President and Congress have created a promising new program to help states achieve their welfare reform objectives. Designed to help families for whom the lack of stable, affordable housing is a barrier
  • of technical amendments to the welfare reform bill to Congress on Monday. This fulfills a statutory requirement to provide such a report within 90 days of the statute's enactment. The amendments included are truly technical, straightening outinconsistencies
  • . There is significant media and Congressional interest in the rule. 5. Welfare Reform -- Food Stamp Fraud: We are preparing three anti-Food Stamp fraud announcements for you to make as part ofa radio address on the 12th or the 19th. We have prepared directives
  • of the 1996 Welfare Agreement, Eroding the Federal-Stat X G-q.o(P() Partnership and the Future of Welfare Reform" Washington, D.C.- The nation's governors declared the Honse budget resolution crafted today "hazardous to the federal-state partnership
  • as for-profit firms; 1(2) buys the support of all of the anti-poverty/pro-commnity coalition that is otherwise skeptical of all targeted tax credits; and (3) it provides major corporations (and investors) a way to participate in helping to make welfare reform
  • that had nothing to do with welfare reform. This restoration builds on the President's success last year in restoring SSI and Medicaid to 420,000 legal immigrants whose benefits were also terminated in welfare reform. This bill and last year's Balanced
  • The President's FY99 budget will take further steps to promote work and welfare reform through a new plan to provide 50,000 new housing vouchers to welfare recipients who need housing assistance in order to get or keep a job. Families could use these housing
  • ) of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) addresses the continuation of title IV-A waivers granted as pan of welfare reform ' demonstrations. Three ~ssible interpretations of section 1931 have been proposed: I 'I 1
  • ·' ,.. , , ...... . Control Act you signed in 1996 by making it easier for drug sellers to divert legal chemicals into the manufacture of methamphetamine, and we will strongly oppose them. ~ 8. Welfare Reform -- Urban Institute Study: A study to be released this week
  • , the Administration supports the approach of the federal program, which permits a variety of different strategies for English language instruction. Questions and Answers on Welfare Caseloads October 10, 1997 Caseload Numbers Q: Why do you say that welfare reform
Jobs Program (Item)
  • NLWJC - Kagan Counsel- Box 035 - Folder 016 Jobs Program PRESIDENT CLINTON'S WELFARE-TO-WORK JOBS CHALLENGE Providing Opportunity For All, Demanding Responsibility From All "This is not the end of welfare reform, this is the beginning. And we
  • . ·) ,. . ~ 3 7. Welfare Reform -- New York City Food Stamp and Medicaid Procedures: HHS, USDA, and welfare advocates have serious concerns that New York City is inappropriately requiring families to wait until their second visit to a human services office
  • ) on disclosure of contributions. 6. Welfare Reform -- Update on Fatherhood Initiatives by Governors and Congress: There is growing interest among governors regarding how states can use their TANF funds to promote positive fatherhood involvement. Govs. Ridge
  • Rangel ,. 6 . ,. '. ATTACHMENT 3 Q&A, Welfare Reform and the Church Question: What does the welfare bill say about the role of religious organizations in welfare reform? Answer: The "Charitable Choice" provisions were signed into law as part
  • debate on the ESEA. ~ reauth~riiation, . , ,.. , 8. Welfare Reform - Welfare-ta-Work Event: You are scheduled to do a welfareto-work event on Monday to highlight the successes of welfare reform while underscoring the need for continued efforts. You
  • will meet with the Democrats next week to discuss how to proceed on this sensitive issue. 8. Welfare Reform -- New Federal Child Support Case Registry: HHS is alIl).ost ready to put in place a new national database of child support cases, called the Federal
  • budget bill; to respond to Mayor Giuliani, Mayor Rice, and Mayor Rendell's request to discuss the effect of welfare reform on legal immigrants. PREVIOUS PARTICIPATION: DATE: The President has met with mayors in large and small forums on several
  • to the President for Domestic Policy FROM: Nancy Zirkin, Director of Government Relations, 785.7720 Cindy Brown, Senior Legislative Associate, 785-7730 SUBJECT: Welfare reform mart-up The Association ofUwversity Women (AAUW) is pleased
  • ? e-/YtJ Welfare ~eform - State ReI(Jor~ 1/9/97. Contact: Eric Andrus, INS, 2021514-8080; The Administration is aggressively moving fnrlllOl'cI of the 1996 Federal Welfare Reform Law. One statutory agencies to report information to the U. S
  • note addresses the issue of whether Hmong tribesman who fought in Vietnam who are now in the United States can be considered veterans for SSI eligibility purposes under welfare reform. Apparently there are a .large number of Hmong in Wisconsin (30,000
  • early and continued commitment to welfare reform that is about work, responsibility, and protecting children. . Within the Department • s statutory authority regarding the TANF program, the Secretary h~s found that Arizona submitted a plan that includes
  • in an additional city (the ) 11th)) was d,cey, mainly because Joe Califano is not a welfare reform fan. She thInks Donna sfiould do an ahnoucement with Califano in September, which is "treatment works" month. Shalala's schedule is difficult in the coming weeks, so
  • HOUSE WASHINGTON TO: Linda Hall I Bob Berger Los Angeles Times 213-237-7930 FROM: Bruce Reed Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy 202-456-6515 Ron Brownstein suggested that I send you the attached op-ed on the welfare reform law
[08/25/1997] (Item)
  • Programs -- Last year's welfare reform law says that legal immigrants who arrive after August 1996 may not get "federal means tested benefits." During last year's debate, the Republicans tried to include a broad definition of this term into the new law
  • [Welfare Reform Binder] [4]
  • NLWJC - Kagan Counsel - Box 038 - Folder 010 [Welfare Reform Binder] [4] 10 AGENDA NATIONAL GOVERNORS' ASSOCIATION MEETING WELFARE REFORM BRIEANG SEPTEMBER 10, 1996 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Renaissance West A State Priorities for NGA
  • as FDA Commissioner. Now that the Senate has approved Dr. Henney, we and the First Lady's office want to move forward with the final regulation as soon as possible, perhaps even before Henney is sworn-in to her new position. 5. Welfare Reform -- New
  • . Maryland is expected to appeal. 6. Welfare Reform -- Elaine Kinslow: You recently asked about a news story noting that Elaine Kinslow, the welfare-to-work success story from Indianapolis you saluted in last year's State of the Union, had to change jobs when
  • the importance of , ~~ ~~~ ~OTOeOPY , I , woe HANDWR'T'NG THE P~IESlDENT Iit\S SIE€N '5-5- q J 2 transportation services in making welfare reform work and will promote your proposal (in the NEXTEA bill) to provide $600 million in grant funds
  • NLWJC - Kagan DPC - Box 067 - Folder-005 Welfare-POTUS Press Conference 1/28/97 [WEL.Q.il3 Page Welfare Reform Q&A Question: You have promised to help States and local areas in ensuring there are job opportunities for welfare recipients who lose
  • vote on the Shays-Meehan bill, which is the House version of the McCain-Feingold bill. This action only makes it clear that their only goal is to kill reform. Welfare Reform Questions and Answers March 23, 1998 Question: You have pointed
  • MEMORANDUM FOR ERSKINE BOWLES FROM: Franklin Raines and Bruce Reed SUBJECT: Domestic Violence Waivers Despite our many efforts we have been unable to persuade Senator Murray to embrace our approach on welfare reform and domestic violence. We recommend
  • find -- CR} t-:lclf ~~. Next Week: Welfare to Work Partnership Event in St. Louis A. B. C. Announce New Case load Numbers and Underscore Success of Welfare Reform on One Year Anniversary Crow about Budget: our Promise to Fix it. Praise the { I
  • , Monsanto, UPS, Burger King, and United Airlines -- form the Partnership'S Board of Directors. Since signing the welfare law last August, the President has launched an aggressive campaign to challenge both the public and private sector to help welfare reform
  • NLWJC - Kagan DPC - Box 060 - Folder-007 Welfare - Family Cap Policy Welfare Reform Q&A on Family Cap June 9,1998 Q: A Rutgers' University report shows that New Jersey's family cap is increasing abortions among women on welfare. What
  • for children on public assistance. Federal government would reimburse states for costs of supporting such families. Talking Points • States already have great flexibility to support these families in an appropriate way. Under welfare reform, states have
  • to the INS. ,27. .. .., THE OOEW SIAnrns On August 22. 1996. ~"Personal Respo1lSib.ffity and Work Oppo&luuhy Act of 1996 (.. the Welfare Reform Act") was signed into law. -7- · 1.0/18/9!l '6'202 514 9368 16: 34 28. 141 009 ODAG SectiOn. 434
  • : Melissa Green ( CN=Melissa Green/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TEXT: The weekly Welfare Reform Strategy Meeting for Tuesday, August 12, is CANCELLED. ARMS Email System RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL Page 1 of 4 (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Cynthia
  • the federal/state role. 2. Our record demonstrates this: Unfunded Mandates Bill COPs program CHIP program Welfare reform 3, Last year we met in this room and you presented the following goals: Transportation Finance - Govs Schafer and Patton made this case
General [2] (Item)
  • Jeffrey A. Farkas Matthew D. McKearn Cynthia M. Smith FAX (94827153,JUDY CHESSER) [email protected]@INET FAX (97033052454,YVETTE JACKSON) FAX (96222633,GLEN ROSSELLI) [email protected]@INET WELFARE REFORM INTERAGENCY MEETING AGENDA September 19
  • [Welfare Reform Binder] [2]
  • NLWJC - Kagan Counsel - Box 038 - Folder 008 [Welfare Reform Binder] [2] PROVISION SECTION 370 Denial of Passport 371 International Support Enforcement 375 Tribes 391 Grants to States for Access and Visitation Programs Child Support
  • [Welfare Reform Binder] [1]
  • NL W JC - Kagan Counsel - Box 038 - Folder 007 [Welfare Reform Binder] [1] October 7, 1996 TO: Jeremy Elena Keith FROM: Diana Attached is a binder of info for states on welfare reform that NGA/NCSL/APWA distributed at their conference last
  • with the !'lnions and the burUu, era!s and the liberals. Is Irying to undermine and de· slroy welfare reform," GIngrich said Aug. 22 during the Midwest Republican Leadership Conference In Indianapolis. House Republicans tried. but failed. to add lang.qge . 10
  • and Virginia accountiryg for half the total (17 and 12 respectively), ~ 11. Welfare Reform - Work Participation Rates: We just received (but have not ye published), the first work participation statistics from the welfare reform law. The data ow 36
  • for the program, but the Republican House appropriated no funds and the Democratic Senate included $50 million. 11. Welfare Reform - Urban Caseloads: You recently asked us whether we could do more to strengthen welfare-to-work efforts in cities with relatively
Waivers (Item)
  • of the participation rate requirements would force the State to operate its program in a manner inconsistent with the approach the State was taking under its waiver-based welfare reform initiative. For example, many States had used the waiver process to broaden
  • @&a0924.wpa Page Welfare Reform Q&A on 1998 Census Income and Poverty Numbers September 24, 1998 Q: A: What do these new numbers tell us about the impact of welfare reform? While it is still early to see the full effects of welfare reform, the evidence
  • FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: BRUCE REED ELENA KAGAN SUBJECT: WELFARE REFORM -- PRIVATIZATION AND MINIMUM WAGE We must soon provide guidance on two welfare reform issues ofimportance both to States and labor unions: (1) whether states can privatize certain
  • a strong """I attack on the House action. Because the Senate adopted an identical .08 amendment by a 62-32 . . vote;we·pelieve •.we,stand a decent shot of ultimately prevaiIingon this issue;·' ~,,,-.""" ,,-, -' , 9. Welfare Reform -- Federal Hiring
  • provision of the Welfare Reform Act which pro-voides that, notwithstanding any other provisions of Federal, state or local law, no State or local government entity may be prolnbited, or in any way restricted, from sending to or receiving from the INS
  • are experimenting with public funding should be able to do so. But we have a rare chance to enact broad and bipartisan reform - reform that does not include public funding - and we can't lose sight of that mission. WELFARE REFORM LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS Question
  • justice policy. and law reform proposals; and provides 1~1 analysis on a wide range oflegjsllltive and policy initiatives, such as eampai&n fman~ regulation, &bonion law, and welfare reform. In performing all of these functions, the with fine-tuned
  • Presidential themes (community, opportunity, and responsibility) and in furtherance of key commitments such as, for instance, reforming welfare, reforming government, and empowering families through opportunity. In addition to shaping policy and message
[07/25/1997] (Item)
  • ) • Welfare Strategy Group -. Meets weekly to strategize about welfare reform issues and coordinate policy. Chaired by DPC, with membership from OMB, NEC, CEA, Intergovernmental Affairs, Public Liaison, Cabinet Affairs, Legislative Affairs, HHS, and DOL
  • an additional $5 million for U.S. Attorneys to increase firearms prosecutions. 5. Welfare Reform/Community Empowerment -- Implementation of FY 1999 Initiatives: To complement your announcement last week of welfare-to-work initiatives in the FY 2000 budget
  • . Welfare Reform -- Exempting Workfare from FICA Taxes: The IRS and the Department of Treasury's Tax Policy Division have prepared a draft notice stating that workfare positions are not subject to FICA taxes. As you recall, Democratic and Republican
  • Fortuna Re: Welfare Reform and the Internet Project The following is a proposal to give welfare offices around the country access to the World Wide Web and the Internet in order to access valuable information on employment, child care resources
  • ON IMPLEMENTATION WELFARE REFORM WORKING GROUP AGENDA September 3, 1996 1. II. III. IV. V. Review of Schedule of External Contacts Review of Issues List Review of Work Products due to Implementation Subgroup Discussion of NGA/NCSL/APWA September meeting Next
  • of Welfare Reform. Providing the States with a tool to quickly implement a State program for legal inmligrants would align with the President's conuni,tment to "soften the blow" of \ tht: impact of welfare reform on this group. Advocacy groups and the retail
  • receiving disability and health benefits when welfare reform became law were able to continue receiving assistance, even if they were too disabled to prove their date of entry into the U. S. This change protected an estimated 3,400 elderly and severely
  • and who's paying for it? Answer: The Commission will cost an estimated $1.8 million over the next year and be paid for by the Department of Health and Human Services. The members of the Commission will not be paid. WELFARE REFORM: FOOD STAMP WORK
  • Welfare Reform legislation over I million legal immigrants will lose food stamp benefits at the end of their current period of certification. Some individuals will lose benefits as soon as October 1. Alllcgal immigrants that don't meet one of the law's
  • . This is the version WITH CHR corrections -- should be final draft unless you all make a few more changes in your 10:30 meeting. PRINTER FONT 12 - POINT- ROMAN Draft NGA/NCSL/APWA CONFERENCE ON WELFARE REFORM Carol H. Rasco September 9, 1996 Thank you, I thank NGA
  • :55.93 CC: Stephen C. Warnath READ:14-NOV-1996 10:38:30.44 WARNATH S (OPD) CC: Wendy A. Taylor READ:NOT READ TAYLOR W ) Autoforward to: Remote Address TEXT: To clarify the topics for Friday's 12:30 meeting on a variety of welfare reform topics
[08/26/1997] (Item)
  • ) Autoforward to: Remote Address (WHO) (OMB) Autoforward to: Remote Address (OMB) (OMB) (WHO) (OPD) TEXT: To clarify the topics for Friday's 12:30 meeting on a variety of welfare reform topics, the agenda items are: 1. "Allor none": this is the question
  • , Secretary, S Nelson A. Diaz, General Counsel, C SUBJECT: Effect of Immigration Provisions of Welfare Reform Legislation and the Immigration Act on HUD Programs This_memorandum reflects DGC's efforts to coordinate with the Department of Justice and other
  • regarding the effects of the PRWORA and state and local welfare reform efforts on dependency and deprivation. Together, these research efforts should provide us with a rich array of information which no one approach could generate alone. We hope
  • of the tremendous need for transportation services, I urge you to use existing funds for this purpose wherever possible. Both the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant established in the 1996 welfare reform law and the Welfare-to-Work grants
[08/12/1997] (Item)
  • that is happening. Certainly some of the success is due to a Dooming economy and very low unemployment. But there's also something else going on, which is for the first time most states are taking welfare reform seriously and putting in place impressive programs
  • System 1 of4 '- RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Andrea Kane ( CN=Andrea Kane/OU=OPD/O=EOP [ OPD 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME: 29-MAR-1999 12:51:12.00 SUBJECT: Updated Welfare Reform Accomplishments TO: Beach-Benjamin ( Beach-Benjamin
  • hard on these issues, and I also look forward to discussing them with President Zedillo when he visits next week. .... "' . Questions and Answers on Welfare Reform November 6, 1997 Question: You've made reforming welfare a top priority of your
  • the success of PURPOSE: welfare reform on the third anniversary of the new law and to encourage critical efforts to ensure the success of welfare reform in the nation's largest cities. Announcements will be identified (could include new numbers regarding
  • for this exemption that excludes fewer minorities. Andrea Kane Diana Fortuna 06/10/9801 :30:34 PM Record Type: Record To: Elena Kagan/OPD/EOP cc: Cynthia A. Rice/OPD/EOP, Laura Emmett/WHO/EOP Subject: Civil rights draft guidance on welfare reform Below
  • ; Pledges Transportation Grants to Help Welfare Reform Succeed May 20, 1997 -- 5/18/97 4:00 PM DRAFf Announcements Today, President Clinton announced that XX companies have accepted his State of the Union challenge to forge "a new national effort to marshal
  • on Welfare Reform September 23, 1997 Q: Why are you undermining welfare reform by insisting that participants in workfare programs get the protections ofthe Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and other employment laws? A: I believe that worker protection
  • for this exemption that excludes fewer minorities. Andrea Kane Diana Fortuna 06/10/9801 :30:34 PM Record Type: Record To: Elena Kagan/OPD/EOP cc: Cynthia A. Rice/OPD/EOP, Laura Emmett/WHO/EOP Subject: Civil rights draft guidance on welfare reform Below
  • . The proposed specifications are intended to be included in the first bonus year. They were developed in consultation Association, the American Public Welfare Association, the Legislatures and State representatives. I believe that they in welfare reform
  • be necessary or appropriate under welfare reform. It should be useful in advance of our meeting tomorrow at 10 on TANF regulations. , • 8-23-96; 9 :23AM •. ACF/SUITE 600~ 94567028;# 51 9 H-ifr PRE~XMIHARY LIST OF REGULATIONS TO BE ISSUED UNDER
[02/05/1999] (Item)
  • in welfare reform, challenges remaining, and then about how it had become a political issue when it went to Congress, with demonizing the victim. But, as the bold sentences show, it's possible to see how the reporter could write what she did. Welfare reform
  • OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCDOEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCDOEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO .-\lltomated Records Management System Hex-Dump Conversion August 9, 1997 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Bruce Reed Elena Kagan RE: DPC Weekly Report 1. Welfare Reform: Council of Economic Advisers' Analysis of Child-Only Cases
[02/05/1999] (Item)
  • about successes .in welfare reform, challenges remaining, and then about how it had become a political issue when it went to Congress, with demonizing the victim. But, as the bold sentences show, it's possible to see how the reporter could write what she
Welfare Press (Item)
  • , will make' the next step on welfare reform especially contentious, in New York. The way the stalemate Is resolved here will matter' more than iii. many other states because both the' state and New York City spend a larger proportion of their budgets
  • them with others who are paid even less. They'll destroy any possibility that welfare reform can reduce dependency on welfare by leading people into real jobs with real wages. They'll undermine the minimum wage we raised just last yearan increase
  • 6-7431 6-5557 216ROEOB 2090EOB 2160EOB Tax Issues Mark Mazur 5-5147 5-6853 3180EOB Tobacco Elizabeth Drye 6-5573 6-7431 2100EOB Welfare Reform Cynthia Rice Diana Fortuna 6-2846 6-5570 6-7431 6-7431 212ROEOB 212LOEOB February 25
  • and who's paying for it? Answer: The Commission will cost an estimated $1.8 million over the next year and be paid for by the Department of Health and Human Services. The members of the Commission will not be paid. WELFARE REFORM: FOOD STAMP WORK
  • DATE/TIME:27-NOV-1996 09:27:55.00 SUBJECT: Meeting to Resolve Outstanding Issues on Welfare Reform Technical Amendmen TO: Kathleen M. Turco ( CN=Kathleen M. Turco/OU=OMB/O=EOP @ EOP [ OMB 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TO: Steven M. Mertens ( CN=Steven M. Mertens
  • government -- as the nation's largest employer -- does its fair share to help those on welfare go to work. Earlier today, the President released another piece of evidence showing that welfare reform is working, announcing that welfare caseloads have declined
  • draft documents that SSA would like to send to the world on various welfare reform topics. (Emily, they were faxed to your attention.) They would like our comments, so please take a look at them when you get them, and let me know what you think. -ARMS
  • . ~ 7. Welfare -- Welfare-to-Work Partnership: You will travel to st. Louis on Tuesday to highlight the success of welfare reform and underscore the critical role ofthe private sector. You will join Eli Segal in announcing that over 500 companies have
  • (Connecticut), data PHOTOCOPY 'f,.I!"'\''''RITING · t. ,... • I. . . . 5 on jobs was not available, but there was a substantial increase in the number of families leaving welfare because of increased earnings. 17. Welfare Reform -- Conference of Mayors
  • my voice mails, Congressman Vento asked Cuomo to send a letter expressing his opinion on Minnesota's policy of reducing a family's TANF grant by $100 if they were also receiving housing assistance. This was included in the state welfare reform law
  • of Life or Safety under Welfare Reform Legislation AGENCY: Department of Justice. ACTION: Notice. EFFECTIVE DATE: August 23, 1996. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OR TO PROVIDE COMMENT CONTACT: Lisalyn R. Jacobs, Counsel, Office of Policy Development
[07/08/1998] (Item)
  • from welfare to work -- including increased funding for child care. State strategies are making a real difference in the success of welfare reform, specifically in job placement, child care and transportation. • Law Builds on the Administration's
  • is the Administration's position regarding California's policy of paying new residents less in welfare benefits than current residents? A: The Administration's position is that the federal welfare reform statute (PRWORA) is constitutional, and that its residency
SSI Issues (Item)
  • if a child no longer qualifies for Medicaid as a disabled person, that child may continue to qualify for Medicaid by meeting another eligibility requirement. o II. The welfare reform law requires SSA to take a different approach to determining childhood
  • OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCDOEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCDOEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCDOE http://172.28.l27.30:8082/ARMS/servletigetEmaiIArchive?URL] ATH=/n1cp-llAnns405/who/... 412012009 August 9, 1997 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Bruce Reed Elena Kagan SUBJECT: DPC Weekly Report 1. Welfare Reform: Council ofEconomic
  • November 21, 1998 Q: What is the Administration's position regarding California's policy of paying new residents less in welfare benefits than current residents? A: The Administration's position is that the federal welfare reform statute (PRWORA
  • not to oppose the ruling vigorously, principally because it makes clear that it does not affect the . application of the minimum wage or other worker protections to workfare participants.! 2. Welfare Reform -- GAO Report on Access to Jobs: A GAO report issued
  • graduating class. 11. Welfare Reform -- TANF Rule: HHS, OMB, and we have reached consensus on the major issues in the fmal welfare regulation and expect to be able to release it in midApril. While continuing to hold states generally accountable for work
  • '.' . «., . discuss the state policies and prognims (both good and bad) that have emerged as a result of welfare reform. You also can expand on the challenge you issued in last week's radio address for "every state to take the money they save from lowering
  • that the confirmation hearings will begin in the next couple of weeks. 8. Welfare -- Fair Labor Standards Act: In the wake of Speaker Gingrich's pledge to fix what he called the Administration's effort" to undermine and destroy welfare reform" by applying the minimum
  • dropping 7 percent in only seven months. The LA Times carried an article on Thursday noting this caseload "plummet." Twenty two percent ofthe nation's welfare recipients live in California. 6. Welfare -- Studies on Welfare Reform: We have received some
  • that we get a good result on this issue in conference. 11. Welfare Reform-- Wellstone Amendment on Work Requirements: As part of its ' passage of the Higher Education Act; the Senate approved an amendment offered by Senator Wellstone, by a vote of 55-43
  • and Hispanic communities price responsiveness decreased with age, while among whites, price responsiveness remained steady. 6. Welfare Reform - Medicaid tOO-Hour Rule and Anniversary Event: You are scheduled to participate in an event this week to mark
  • for communities across the ~ nation to redeploy almost 10,000 officers. ~)) . ,? 7. Welfare Reform -- New Employment Statistics: The Census Bureau's new statistics on income and poverty show that the Fate Qf employment among former welfare recipients
  • . 8. Welfare Reform -- Noncustodial Fathers Study: The Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation released last week the first full-scale study of a program focusing on the non-custodial fathers of children on welfare (the Parents' Fair Share program
  • : Bruce Reed Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy and Director of the Domestic Policy Council Radio Address to Announce the Release of the REQUEST: Final Rule Implementing Welfare Reform PURPOSE: To celebrate the success to date of welfare
  • to welfare reform was adopted that supporters say helps welfare recipients who want to increase their earning potential by allowing college to count as work for up to two years, but opponents say is a loophole that undermines the work requirements of welfare
  • performance standards and accountability to ensure that the new Fedetal funding creates additional work slots that meet the welfare reform statute's tough work requirements for Food Stamp recipients, particularly by allowing 100 percent of the money
  • [Welfare Reform Binder] [3]
  • NLWJC - Kagan Counsel - Box 038 - Folder 009 [Welfare Reform Binder] [3] Welfare Reform & Immigrants (P.L. 104-193, signed 8122196) Q&A • • • • • • Summary of Changes Most noncitizens are no longer eligible for SSI and Food Stamp benefits
  • is not done. Today, there are still between 650,000 and 900,000 Americans living with HIV, and we must continue our efforts to ensure these citizens have access to needed treatments. WELFARE REFORM JULY 16, 1997 Question: You talk often about the success
  • on caseloads and WTW approvals at our weekly welfare reform meeting w/ agencies 3/17. Food Safety -- Possible Event on FORCG: The VP could announce an executive order that formalizes the Foodbome Outbreak Response Coordinating Group (FORCG). The purpose
  • displacement. displacement. ""1'' --- . ---. 5 V ~ c\ \ \ 0 ------ SU"""Toe,- /If"",-J~\r 1,\(.
Welfare-IDAs (Item)
  • for a home, their education, their training or starting a small business." To that end, your 1994 Welfare Reform proposal included an IDA proposal and the 1996 Welfare Reform law allowed States to use welfare funds to establish IDAs. However, the Federal
  • ) It may be that the President will address fair labor/displacement, etc. issues. As yet, it remains in brackets. (3) As we approach the one year anniversary of the welfare reform law, the President will announce that there are 3 million fewer people
  • /OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TEXT: Here's what I was able to find out about Mayor Guiliani's plans to apply welfare reform requirements to shelter residents. We'll monitor for future developments and keep you updated. Based on a 1981
[08/12/1997] (Item)
  • [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TEXT: Mar9]r Waller from PPI called me to say she and Will Marshall have drafted an op-ed praising the success of welfare reform after one year and praising the President. Their communications staff are trying to place it. It does
  • IDA approval,' are likely to be unhappy with the regulation. The proposed regulation has ~act on law enforcement-related drug tests. 6. Welfare Reform - Performance Bonuses: We are now nearly ready for you to announce two new nationwide competitions
  • and welfare reform are about bringing all Americans to the starting line of this new economy, and then making sure they are ready to run the race. Our number-one priority -- the high threshold of the future we must cross - must be to ensure that all Americans
  • make whatever choices are best for their families. j -'A ,- Questions and Answers on Welfare Reform February 3, 1998 Q: There have recently been some reports of growing lines at food pantries. Do you think this is due to welfare reform? A: We
NGA Issues (Item)
  • servIces. • The Administration should maintain at least FY '99 levels for these programs consIstent with the welfare reform agreement. • If the Administration intends to propose a new Child Care program, they should work with the states to make sure
  • and ideological battles that have surrounded this issue far too long. Questions and Answers on Welfare Reform and Jobs January 20, 1998 Q: Even with the good economy, some people are concerned that there won't be enough jobs for all the welfare recipients who
[04/29/1999] (Item)
  • requirements, comprehensive child support enforcement, and supports for families moving from welfare to work -- including increased funding for child care. State strategies are making a real difference in the success of welfare reform, specifically in job
[08/25/1997] (Item)
  • . UNDERCLASS, CITIES, wELFARE REFORM] . , ... " ..•.. ' , .' .< .. . • . ..." . etc. in low-income and distressed urban and rural communities. this September. BUILDING BLOCKS OF PILLAR DESCRIPTION TIMELINE BENEFITS COSTSIFEASmILITY POLITICAL
  • welfare recipients. This welfare reform program was one of the first to provide both rmancial incentives to work and mandatory participation in employment-related activities. This combination appears to be a winning one: the program increased employment
  • this, but it increasingly appears that we all need a timeline of key dates for welfare reform. I think we might have a better chance of avoiding problems if we do. I have taken a first and very rough crack at it, and would very much appreciate it if your staff could make
  • and websites to allow federal, state and local Government entities to share pertinent information on this initiative. • A cross-cutting Ad Hoc Agency team on Welfare Reform has been established to identifY and discuss issues which impact on DOL programs
  • in Federal assistance programs relating to welfare reform, and Cuban and Haitian entrants and refugees. The conferees intend that ORR comply with the directive in the Senate report regarding the Voluntary Agency Grant program. CHILD CARli: AND DEVELOPMENT
  • the passage of welfare reform, recent discoveries about early childhood development, and increased understanding of the difficulties of balancing work and family -- the issue of child care is ready to burst onto the national scene, and the President and First
  • FONT 12 POINT ROMAN INTERGOVERNMENTAL WELFARE REFORM MEETING October 8, 1996 I. Outstanding Issues from Last Meeting HHS responses - state plan review process - TANF - SSBG transfers - Spending on immigrants and MOE - Pro Rata Reductions - Claims
  • Partnership .:. The Welfare to Work Partnership is a non-partisan, non-profit organization of more than 500 businesses committed to hiring former welfare recipients without displacing existing workers . •:. With the enactment of the federal welfare reform
[01/07/1998] (Item)
  • increased by 70%, helping parents pay for the care of about one million children. The 1996 welfare reform law increased child care funding by $4 billion over six years to provide child care assistance to low-income working families moving from welfare
  • ISSUES Attached is a memorandum Ii-om Stacey GrundmWl regarding a press bricfing l;cheduled for next Thursday by severa.! worker and welfare advocacy groups on the application of employment laws in the welfare reform context. Unless you object, J
  • then that work -- work that gives structure and dignity to our lives -- was the only way to truly reform welfare. When I became President, that became our guiding principle. We began by granting waivers to 43 states to launch welfare reform experiments that set
Medicaid (Item)
  • NLWJC - Kagan Counsel- Box 035 - Folder 014 Medicaid 12-13-96 SEm'I8Y: 18:14 :OGC IMMEDIATE OFFICE- 94561647:# 21 3 DcceIDber 11. 1"' IMMIGRANTS WHO LOSE SSllMEDICAID DUE TO IMMIGRATION STATUS Background The welfare reform law affects
  • in the United States." Legislative History on Eligibility for Citizen Children: Early versions of Congressional welfare reform proposals which had made citizen children ineligible for benefits were amended before final passage to maintain their eligibility
  • of an overly costly bill. He said he appreciated the feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of the bill and was pleased we would say positive things about his efforts in this area. Welfare Reform -- Memo from Secretary Shalala: Secretary Shalala has submitted
  • (PRWORA). I congratulate you· on your early and continued commitment to welfare reform that is about work, responsibility, and protecting children. Within the Department's statutory authority regarding the TANF program, the Sec~etaryhas found that Florida
  • Opportunity Reconciliation Act (i.e., "welfare reform ''). How does this initiative fit with Secretary Sha/a/a 's report? PRWORA required the Secretary ofHHS to report to Congress on the requirements necessary to establish a system capable of tracking
  • with our friends -One pager on welfare reform and the FY 99 budget Updated welfare accomplishments doc (with FY 99 budget and new #s)================== ATT CREATION TIME/DATE: 0 00:00:00.00 TEXT: Unable to convert ARMS_EXT: [ATTACH.D581MAIL498556930~026
  • and assessing outcome5. Developing an effective and efficieDt welfare reform PrograJD which creates opportunities (or Arironans to b~OlXle self sufficient is.a laudable goal and one that should be encouraged. I IUD hopeful that this Administration will conclude
  • suggestions. Thanks, Q: Won't raising the minimum wage hurt welfare-to-work efforts in the states? A: No. An increase in the minimum wage will support the goals of welfare reform by ensuring that wages keep up with the cost of living and people leaving
  • Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, strengthening child support enforcement, and building comprehensive child care systems for low-income families. The ultimate success of welfare reform will require an unprecedented partnership among government
  • Fortuna/OU=OPD/O=EOP [ OPD ] ) CREATION DATE/TIME:14-FEB-1997 13:12:00.00 SUBJECT: Labor protection/welfare reform piece for VP TO: Elena Kagan ( CN=Elena Kagan/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD ] ) READ: UNKNOWN TEXT: Here it is at last. To be safe, I have asked
  • FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: BRUCE REED CYNTHIA RICE SUBJECT: NEXT WEEK'S SPEECH ON STATE WELFARE REFORM EFFORTS On Monday, July 28th, you will speak to the National Governors' Association in Las Vegas. We believe your speech is an opportunity to make a major
  • their ability to reproduce and bear children. ARMS Email System Page 1 of 13 RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Andrea Kane ( CN=Andrea Kane/OU=OPD/O=EOP [ OPD 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME:25-JUN-1998 15:14:22.00 SUBJECT: Updated Welfare Reform
  • ) are supposed to gain flexibility and be exempt from many of the housing rules so they can test innovative ideas like time limits, flat rent, linking their policies to welfare reform strategies etc. On a recent visit to California, Michael Deich heard an earful
[09/18/1998] (Item)
  • announce TANF participation rates, along with latest caseload numbers, at a site visit that highlights welfare reform working well. Note that we don't know exactly when the participation rates will be ready (probably no earlier than later part of October
  • Population 7/92-6/98 6% 2% 9% 24% 22% % of Total Pop 6/98 100% 72% 12% 11% 4% The question is how welfare reform may be affecting these historic trends. National data on the raciaVethnic characteristics ofwe1fare recipients are only available
  • filing a cert petition to seek Supreme Court review. PHOTOCOPY W0C HANDWRITING THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN 5-7-C\Cj 5 10. Welfare Reform - Cuts in TANF Block Grant: As you know, the Senate Appropriations Committee last week proposed paying for part
  • by welfare reform in 1996 (when four child care assistance programs were consolidated). ,.• , ...... ~, CEO Roundtable Discussion on WorklFamily Issues: The President could host a meeting of CEOs to discuss "family-friendly" workplace practice!! that meet
  • . Welfare -- Press Reports: As you know, the Washington Post ran a front-page banner headline on the day after your trip to Missouri saying "Welfare Rolls Continue Sharp Decline." In the wake of the Post story, several good articles on welfare reform have
  • permission -- which Ms. Powers declined to give -- we cannot determine the full truth of the matter. We therefore recommend that you and the Vice President avoid referring to this case in the future. 10. Welfare Reform -- HHS Study: HHS just announced
  • ) has expressed interest in the program, and we are hopeful that he will support a greater number of vouchers. I 10. Welfare Reform -- Portland Study: HHS is preparing to release an evaluation of P on's mandatory welfare refo ws that the program bas
  • to promote physical fitness and that this proposal -- which probably will require new legislation -- therefore merits serious consideration. We will give you a recommendation when you come back from vacation. 10. Welfare Reform - New Caseload Numbers
  • . ........ " -E. ...."'t 1M"""" '-'f ~ .l; U~(..,L.. \ . . . . . ..l V
  • original estimate. ," ARMS Email System RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL CREATOR: ~~drea Page 1 of 6 (NOTES MAIL) Kane ( CN=Andrea Kane/OU=OPD/O=EOP [ OPD 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME:28-JUL-1998 15:17:15.00 SUBJECT: NGA Press Release on Welfare Reform's Second
  • budget proposes these investments, including a renewal of the Welfare-to-Work program, an expansive child care initiative, and significant increases in funds for transportation services and housing vouchers. 8. Welfare Reform -- Food Stamp Review: As you
  • . 7. Welfare 'Reform - Urban Caseload Trends: A Brookings study released last week on welfare trends in the nation's 30 largest cities shows that caseloads are declining rapidly in these cities, although the rate of decline in some cities lags behind
  • of officers ded through the COPS program to over 73,000. Welfare Reform -- Survey of Businesses: The Welfare to Work Partnership just released the results of the first in a series of surveys conducted by the Wirthlin group of 400 of the Partnership's 3,200
  • primarily focus on the issues this year,that have a cha~e of being enacted by a Republican Congress. ~Welfare Reform --New York Results: Last month you asked whether we had any explanation for the recent report that only 29 percent of the cases who left
  • discussions with members of the Minority Caucuses to work out ways of making them more comfortable with the public health provisions of the legislation. & 4. Welfare Reform -- State Use of TANF Funds: The NGA Fiscal Survey of States, released on May 27
  • HAS SEEN q .1'-\- ., ,. '. o.i 3 6. Welfare Reform";" Caseload Decline: The rate of decline in welfare caseloads is continuing to hold steady across the nation, at about 2 percent each month and 20 percent each year. (Of course, as the rolls get
  • NLWJC - Kagan DPC - Box 036 - Folder 013 POTUS Press Conference Q&A 12/16 \ ',' Questions and Answers on Welfare Reform and Jobs December 11, 1997 Q: Some people are concerned 'that there won't be enough jobs for all the welfare recipients
  • their funds with the new Federal money. We urge the Committee to strengthen the maintenance of effort requirements. o The proposal funds work slots that do not meet the welfare reform statute's tough work requirements for Food Stamp recipients. The Committee
  • Americans with Disabilities Act so that individuals with disabilities and their families can ha, e •. qual opportunity to realize the full promise of Welfare Reform, i.e., the opportunity to work their WI y out of poverty while keeping their families healthy
  • task that all states face in instituting the prOVisions of welfare reforM related to eligibility of ~noncitlze~s. Recognizing the challenges of immediate implementation of the new law, USDAhaa provided states with a waiver Of federal regulations
[02/24/1997] (Item)
  • =Lyn A. Hogan/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TEXT: House Ways and Means has a draft technicals bill for welfare reform that they want to drop on Thursday. Olivia has been asked to testify on it on Thursday. I met with HHS and OMB today
[04/08/1999] (Item)
  • :03:10.17 SMALLIGAN J (OMB) (OMB) (OMB) TEXT: This morning, you should be rece1v1ng a copy of the REVISED Justice Department letter to the welfare reform conferees. We have asked that comments be returned to us by 4 pm today. ARMS Email System
[06/25/1998] (Item)
  • this civil rights guidance on welfare reform thing was resolved ... HHS had a counter-suggestion to our suggestion. Actually, I'm not sure it's so bad. HHS's concern about our suggested language was that it appeared too much to invite racially neutral
  • is announcing plans to meet in May with a large group of corporate CEOs to discuss their specific commitments to make the welfare reform effort a success. Background On March 8, 1997, President Clinton directed each head of a Federal agency or department to use
  • by the section 213A of the INA, established by the megal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA). IIRlRA and the recent welfare reform lawsl have sparked public confusion about the relationship between the receipt offederal, state
Privatization (Item)
  • ( The welfare reform bill removes th erit system protections and State f'Ul>.~ \\,.~ ,_ administration requirements unde AFDC and gives States complete flexibility to .-- contract out TANF administration. This degree of flexibility is not provided
  • Welfare Reform - WSW
  • NLWJC - Kagan Counsel - Box 038 - Folder 001 Welfare Reform - WSW \ . \ '\ Date: February to, t 997 To: Elena Kagan Wendy WhIte Randy Moss From: Diana Fortuna Subject: Fax TransmIttal ThIs is background material for our meeting
  • of transportation to the success of welfare reform by introducing a former welfare recipient who gets to her job every day because of a federally funded transportation pilot project. He would promote his plan to provide $600 million in welfare to work funds (part
  • : Andrea Kane ( CN=Andrea Kane/OU=OPD/O=EOP [ OPD- 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME:30-JAN-1998 15:54:01.00 SUBJECT: Weekly welfare reform item on 9th Circuit Decision TO: Laura Emmett ( CN=Laura Emmett/OU=WHO/O=EOP @ EOP [ WHO 1 READ: UNKNOWN TO: Elena Kagan ( CN
  • one million children. The 1996 welfare reform law increased child care funding by $4 billion over six years to provide child care assistance to low-income working families moving from welfare to work. 3. How are you going to pay for this big package
[01/09/1998] (Item)
  • welfare reform; and second, because it does nothing to help parents who want to stay at home to care for their children. You asked about an op-ed by David Blankenhorn in the December 19th New York Times, which criticizes tax cuts for child care and which
  • these meetings with Maria and Sylvia. • Today, I hope we talk about a wide array of issues. T know each of you have your own targeted issues from child care, to procurement, to women's health, to late term, to welfare reform, to domestic violen.ce. I want
  • ,\.-o....uA.1"J? .. (luv, -tvv "'-' ..... "H,.. ..... c. \-'Au) ~) ,,,,,r.,;,, ..Lj •• \,...u....1, ,.... r.. , """. J""""::' t.t..\A.\. FS 1\.-0+-\... ......... ri l ~ foA. 1; t clAvytA,A.fl'1 N:c";',,'V\..\ ()2... \ '"' """ T Welfare Reform
  • children; Lamar Smith may react); and that child care funds are federal public benefits (bad news for the child care . which will now have 0 2. INS Verification Rule: This proposed rule is required by welfare reform. It tells providers of federal public
  • health initiative provides States with grants that, by law, will not exceed $750 million in each year. We are also proposing some changes to the welfare reform legislation that was enacted last year, but our purpose is to fix unnecessary and damaging
  • ... 411412009 ARMS Email System RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL Page 1 of 1 (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Elena Kagan ( CN;Elena Kagan/OU;OPD/O;EOP [ OPD 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME:24-FEB-1997, 18:55:47.00 SUBJECT: Re: More for your memo on the welfare reform
  • indicate that they expect to write the welfare to work event as mostly a Gephardt/Clinton/Gore story-- not a welfare reform at work story. The more new numbers-- best being caseload, next perhaps being new companies or goals-- may be the best tool to keep
  • percent). (Note to EK: All of percentage declines are for the number of offenses, not rates.) 11. Welfare Reform -- Work Participation Rates: We just received (but have not yet published) the first work participation statistics from the welfare reform law
[01/22/1999] (Item)
  • their own programs to move Americans from welfare to work; and, in 1996, I signed the landmark bipartisan welfare reform law, ending the old system as we knew it. I said then that D&our nationD,s answer to the problems of poverty will no longer be a never
  • (3). RR. Document will be reviewed upon request. ARMS Email System RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL Page 1 of 1 (ALL-IN-1 MAIL) CREATOR: Dorothy K. Craft ( CRAFT_D) (OPD) CREATION DATE/TIME:15-AUG-1996 17:56:18.89 SUBJECT: Welfare Reform Subgroup
  • was hoping to avoid this, but it increasingly appears that we all need a timeline of key dates for welfare reform. I think we might have a better chance of avoiding problems if we do. I have taken a first and very rough crack at it, and would very much
  • :03:00 Below is my staff's draft of a summary of this issue. DEFINITION OF MEANS-TESTED BENEFIT PROGRAM IN WELFARE REFORM The Personal Oppor·tunity and Work Responsibility Reconciliation Act of 1996 bans all new immigrants from receiving Federal
  • includes a provision not in the Senate bill, which ensures that states continuing welfare reform waivers will be subject to the five year time limit. , 10li4l97 " TUE 11: 04 FAX 202 456 5581 ~'Z- -J~.H" vi , DOMESTIC POLICY COL III 001 Jle.vv.A
  • KAGAN SUBJECT: POTENTIAL AUGUST MESSAGE EVENTS 1.Welfare Reform: *Anniversary of the Welfare Law. On August 22, the first anniversary of the signing of the welfare law, we hope to be able to release a report showing that the economy is producing more
  • (EXTERNAL MAIL) CREATOR: Melinda D. Haskins@EOP@LNGTWY@EOPMRX CREATION DATE/TIME: 9-DEC-1996 18:26:00.00 SUBJECT: Proposed Final Welfare Reform Technical Amendments Draft Bill TO: FORTUNA D READ:10-DEC-1996 10:05:45.27 FORTUNA D@A1@CD ) TO: BENAMI J READ
  • . Fortuna ( FORTUNA_D) (OPD) CREATION DATE/TIME:27-SEP-1996 15:13:26.72 SUBJECT: Meeting on Medicaid and welfare reform TO: Jeremy D. Benami READ:27-SEP-1996 15:56:16.11 BENAMI J ) (WHO) TO: Emily Bromberg READ:30-SEP-1996 08:37:41.22 BROMBERG E ) (WHO
  • research; (3) children and family, particularly child care programs; and (4) welfare reform. We should continue to push our agenda on crimes and drugs -- especially with respect to community policing -- but should recognize that we Management System
  • , the agency primarily responsible for welfare reform. Others will be placed through the Executive Office of the President. Question: Aren't you favoring welfare recipients over everyone else? Answer: Weare not creating any preference such as the one
  • other American worker. • Excluding workfare participants would create incentives for employees to lay ofT current minimum-wage earners. Last year's welfare reform legislation was never meant to artificially subsidize employers so they could replace
[08/11/1997] (Item)
  • since 1970. You will also underscore the critical role of the private sector in welfare reform by praising the over 300 bi-state St. Louis region companies that are committing to hire and retain welfare recipients without displacing current workers. St
  • States Council for Automotive Research (a cooperative research effort between Chrysler, Ford and GM). Under Secretary of Technology Mary Good is working with Chrysler to give PNGV proper credit for their role in the project. "Is Welfare Reform Really
  • in the reconciliation bill. Second, the Ways and Means Subcommittee proposal would undermine the fundamental goals of welfare reform. The Administration believes strongly that everyone who can work, must work -and that those who work must be paid the minimum wage
  • Welfare Reform Cynthia Rice Diana Fortuna Lyn Hogan 6-2846 6-5570 6-5567 6-7431 6-7431 6-5581 212ROEOB 212L OEOB 217L OEOB ARMS Email System RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL Page 1 of 1 (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Cynthia A. Rice ( CN=Cynthia A. Rice/OU=OPD/O
[02/11/1998] (Item)
  • skeptical of all targeted tax credits; and (3) it provides major corporations (and investors) a way to participate in helping to make welfare reform work (in addition to their own hiring or asking their suppliers or investees to hire WTW participants.) 2
  • welfare reform; and second, because it does nothing to help parents who want to stay at home to care for their children. You asked about an op-ed by David Blankenhorn in the December 19th New York Times, which criticizes tax cuts for child care and which
  • ) CREATION DATE/TIME:29-MAR-1999 12:51:12.00 SUBJECT: Updated Welfare Reform Accomplishments TO: Beach-Benjamin ( Beach-Benjamin @ @ inet READ: UNKNOWN [ UNKNOWN 1 ) TO: Heyman-Stephen ( Heyman-Stephen @ @ inet [ UNKNOWN 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN
  • for disabled children whose families are appealing SSA's decision to drop them from the rolls. Background: Under the welfare reform statute, 190,000 disabled children will lose eligibility for SSI benefits because their impairments are not severe enough
  • that he was working through Dan Balz of the Washington Post to try to get an interview on welfare reform, and said Balz had contacted Bruce. Apparently Timmins had arranged an interview for Balz with Tony Blair or some high level British official and now
  • 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TEXT: now listed as "possibly domestic violence." Needless to say, I think that would be a bad topic, . since we've never supported her proposal exempting domestic violence victims from all welfare reform requirements. .' ARMS
  • ) CREATOR: Andrea Kane ( CN=Andrea Kane/OU=OPD/O=EOP [ OPD 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME:29-MAR-1999 12:51:12.00 SUBJECT: Updated Welfare Reform Accomplishments TO: Beach-Benjamin ( Beach-Benjamin @ @ inet [ UNKNOWN 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TO: Heyman-Stephen
  • . During recent debate on welfare reform legislation. Congressional conferees reinserted the merit system provisions in the Food Stamp Act that a previous Senate biD had deleted. Medicaid Similar to Food Stamps, the entire appliCation proc;ess. from taking
  • of these important programs in Wisconsin. We hope you concur with our position and will express your concern to President Clinton and Secretaries Shalala and Glickman. Congress clearly expressed its intent when it passed the Welfare Reform Bill last session
[11/20/1998] (Item)
  • this) Q&A Latest Welfare Reform accomplishments document We got good commitments from Cabinet Secretaries/officials to amplify release of grants Cuomo doing interviews for Chicago papers, HUD Dep Sec doing Texas; Alzarez. doing Hispanic press; Slater
  • Meeting on Welfare Reform Technical Amendments
  • ) CREATION DATE/TIME: 3-APR-1998 12:34:47.00 SUBJECT: VP Welfare Reform Coalition Meeting TO: Laura Emmett ( CN=Laura Emmett/OU=WHO/O=EOP @ EOP [ WHO 1 READ: UNKNOWN TO: Elena Kagan ( CN=Elena Kagan/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TO: Cynthia
[03/28/1997] (Item)
  • academies. ARMS Email System RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL Page 1 of 1 (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Lyn A. Hogan ( CN=Lyn A. Hogan/OU=OPD/O=EOP [ OPD 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME: 28-MAR-1997 14:58:13.00 SUBJECT: Housing/Welfare Reform Meeting TO: Kenneth S. Apfel
  • , with Texas and Virginia accounting for halfthe total (17 and 12, respectively). Welfare Reform -- Work Participation Rates: We now have in hand the very first work participation data from the new welfare reform law. The data show that 95 percent of states met
  • , as many as 428,000 citizen children nationwide could be blocked from obtaining Food Stamps if other jurisdictions follow San Diego's policy. • During welfare reform, the Administration supported maintaining u.s. citizen children's eligibility
[06/13/1997] (Item)
  • reform law was the beginning -- not the end -- of welfare reform, ard I am pleased of the progress we have made. We all have a responsibility to cooperate to make this law work, and we need to continue our bipartisan effort to help ensure that TANF
  • eligibility may he arrected by changes in childhood disability from I year after the date of enactment to 18 months after the date of enactment. The provision also specifies that any child subject to a sst n:determination under the terms of the welfare reform
  • :10am lO:15am - 1l:15am EVENT TIME: FROM: Bruce Reed I. PURPOSE To highlight the successes of welfare reform and call upon Congress to pass a new set of welfare-to-work initiatives in your budget. II. BACKGROUND You will announce today a new package
  • protections in the conference agreement so that working people do not end up paying for welfare reform with a loss in jobs and income. We now are at a critical juncture in the deliberations on the conference agreement. We believe your continued strong
  • with disabilities community (incentives for work empowerment, etc,). Since I am not the communications expert, I of course completely defer to Bruce on this one, cj [CHO~I{WPD Page 1J/ Talking Points Welfare Reform and the Faith Communities • Before I begin
[05/16/1997] (Item)
  • ; Pledges Transportation, Supports to Help Welfare Reform Succeed May 20, 1997 -- 5/16/97 1:00 PM DRAFT Announcements Today, President Clinton announced that XX companies have accepted his welfare to work challenge and launched the "new national effort" he
  • : Melinda D. Haskins ( HASKINS_M) (OMB) CREATION DATE/TIME: 5-AUG-l996 13:29:57.51 SUBJECT: Draft Signing Statement on Welfare Reform Bill TO: Jill M. Blickstein READ: 5-AUG-1996 14:44:22.56 BLICKSTEIN J TO: Kenneth S. Apfel READ: 5-AUG-1996 13:29:53.72
  • : Welfare Reform and Benefits for Cubans/Haitians. Also attending: Paul Virtue w/ INS, Geri Ratliff w/ Justice, Dennis Hayashi w/ HHS. I will be faxing the draft memo, written by Rob Malley, to agencies in a few moments. ARMS Email System Page 1 of 1
[07/29/1998] (Item)
  • showing that two years into the new law, more recipients are working and states are investing more per person in welfare reform. Announce that we're taking steps to ensure those leaving welfare for work have health coverage, accumlate assets
  • , or new business. The one initiative we failed to enact was your proposal to expand the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC). We believe, however, that we have laid the groundwork to secure Congressional approval of this proposal next year. 11. Welfare
  • . This bonus was included in the 1996 welfare reform law. The statute 'makes clear that bonuses will go only to states that simultaneously i=0aaSe bE-th QutJ>fwedlock ~irths and abortions. Nationwide trends are moving inJhe right direction -- preliminary 1997
  • and privatization of Food Stamp and Medicaid operations. 11. Welfare -- NACo Report: A report released this week by the National Association of Counties concludes that "counties are making welfare reform work by using the flexibility granted in the new law
  • halls on tobacco in the months to come. ~11. Welfare Reform -- FairLabor Standards Act: Rep. Clay Shaw is continuing his effort to draft a bill that will address state concerns about the cost of workfare programs. His first draft was attractive
  • on holding states accountable for o.utcomes -- particularly in putting welfare recipients to work -- while maintaining state flexibility in designing and implementing welfare reform efforts. Most important, we are seeking to ensure that states do
  • an evaluation of the state's welfare reform waiver program calied A Better Chance (ABC). The program began in 1995 as one of the first comprehensive statewide waivers granted by the ., .) PHOTOCOPY WJC HANDWRITING Administration. Initial results
  • : Secretary Herman just finished a ten-city welfare-to-work tour to explore welfare reform efforts and promote the $3 billion we1fare-towork program. The tour began in November in Washington, D.C. and ended last week in Los Angeles. Along the way
  • ) numerous counties in non-complying states could make an identical argument and (2) optimal tracking of deadbeat parents across state lines requires statewide' (not just well-functioning countrywide) systems. 10. Welfare Reform -- Welfare-to-Work
  • change in the number of children in poverty (about 20 percent). We will try to time the CHIP approvals to coincide with this data, and the First Lady will highlight the findings in her weekly column the following week. ~o. Welfare Reform -- Child Support
  • . Conservative groups and Members have criticized the initiative on two grounds: first, as too big and somewhat unnessary given the amount spent on child care already during welfare reform; and second, because it does nothing to help parents who want to stay
  • to 43 states to launch welfare reform experiments that set time limits and required work. Those efforts alone brought the welfare rolls down by nearly two million people. Then, in 1996, I signed the historic bipartisan Welfare Reform bill that ended
  • concerns: Welfare-to-Work -- The following serious concerns are raised by the Chairman's Mark: Local Proqram Administration. The challenge of welfare reform -- moving welfare recipients into permanent, unsubsidized employment -- will be greatest in our
  • -employment supportive services. The Labor Department will provide oversight but the dollars will be placed in the hands of the localities who are on the front lines of the welfare reform effort. PRESIDENT CLINTON FOUGHT TO PROTECT OUR MOST VULNERABLE PEOPLE
  • ,. executive director of mingtonwants to expand ail exiSting agency sets standards, but counties the California County Welfare Direc- welfare reform program, .while Pat~ can establish their own work pro- tors Association·, whose .members terson is proposing
  • would like for the President to announcement a major housing initiative, that would be tied to welfare reform and the race initiative in his State of the Union.
  • ). 422(b), or 423(d) o!Public Law 104-193 (Welfare Reform) may be considered a "means-tested public benefit." These sections identify, respectively, which benefits are exempt from the general prohibition'on the receipt ofben.efits by non-qualified aliens
  • of backgrounds -- from engineers with advanced technical degrees to illiterate farmers -- all of whom need refugee-specific services. Neither welfare nor welfare reform was designed specifically for newcomers who are fleeing persecution. 2) Social Adjustment
  • will have more to say about them in my State of the Union address. I am not prepared to discuss the details at this time. Questions and Answers on Welfare Reform and Jobs January 12, 1998 . Q: Even with the good economy, some people are concerned
  • Dole helped bring new voices into the Harry Truman could call the on institutions, particularly those of the G O P . . . . 'The debate over welfare reform heated up Republicans a "me too" party and GOP -but he· chose to build party More significantly
  • are on the front lines of the welfare reform effort. Welfare-to-Work Tax Credit -- This provision will give employers an added incentive to hire long-term welfare recipients by providing a credit equal to 35% of the first $10.000 in wages in the first year
  • "" GIVII. LIS.IITI •• UNION a:I MlII'fW1d Avenue. N& WS~. e.c. 2OOC2 TO: Interested Persons FR: Liz Symonds Dan Katz Washington National Office RE: Church/5tate issues in the welfare reform bill and tbc impact of the Cohen ~ DATE: . SeptcJIlber 19
[09/30/1998] (Item)
  • Million People Have Left Welfare... over 40% decrease from January, 1993 and the largest decline in history. The President signed landmark welfare reform legislation in 1996 requiring work, imposing time limits and dramatically expanding child eire
  • accountable for the success or failure of welfare reform. In addition. we beiieve Ihat the authority to d.termine services, as provided in the proposed changes. is substantially broader Ihan the authority to expendfunds. as provided in the statute. , '1.1
[04/22/1999] (Item)
  • citizens of the state of Texas." Sue Thornton, legislative consultant for Texas Impact, which represents Protestant, Jewish and Greek Orthodox denominations, said religious groups cannot handle the extra burden welfare reform is placing on them. She also
  • rain forest. • • • . • as the Administration certified that their state plans met all requirements of the new law. President Clinton said Wisconsin had "one of the boldest, most revolutionary welfare reform plans" in the country. Mr. Wilson said
[05/20/1997] (Item)
  • TO: Bruce N. Reed ( CN=Bruce N. Reed/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ:UNKNOWN TEXT: The following is yesterday's NPR Morning Edition story on Oregon's Welfare Reform. We should get today's tomorrow. I think it overstates the issue of time limits -- fed law
[02/25/1997] (Item)
  • and Representatives Shays and Meehan and I have also met with the House sponsors of the legislation. As I have done with other issues that I have designated as a priority, such as the crime bill and welfare reform, I have appointed several senior White House officials
[3/13/1997] (Item)
  • : GUIDANCE TO STATES REGARDING TWO WELFARE REFORM ISSUES States are currently seeking guidance on two welfare reform issues: whether they can privatize certain administrative functions of the Food Stamp and Medicaid programs, and whether worker protection
  • . • Approved 37 waivers to states permitting comprehensive welfare reform demonstrations. • Collected a record $10 billion in child support through enforcement in 1994 -- an 11 percent increase over the previous year. RESTORING TRUST IN OUR GOVERNMENT • Signed
  • CREATOR: Andrea Kane (NOTES MAIL) ( CN;Andrea Kane/OU;OPD/O;EOP [OPD 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME: 13-JUL-1998 11:21:17.00 SUBJECT: NACO and welfare reform TO: Diana Fortuna ( CN;Diana Fortuna/OU;OPD/O;EOP READ: UNKNOWN [ OPD 1 ) TO: Elena Kagan ( CN
[07/31/1998] (Item)
  • until October, when data from 1997-98, the first year of that program, is complete. Welfare Reform -- Minorities on Welfare Reform Caseload: The New York Times report on the increasing share of minorities on the welfare caseloads highlights some
  • authorities (about 24) are supposed to gain flexibility and be exempt from many of the housing rules so they can test innovative ideas like time limits, flat rent, linking their policies to welfare reform strategies etc. On a recent visit to California
  • . Fontenot READ: NOT READ FONTENOT K ) Autoforward to: Remote Addre (WHO) (WHO) (WHO) TEXT: Sorry for the short notice, but here's the 2pm agenda materials. PRINTER FONT 12 - POINT- ROMAN SUBGROUP ON IMPLEMENTATION WELFARE REFORM WORKING GROUP AGENDA
  • underscored the importance of monitoring welfare reform carefully. You should stress three points I) you have fought for and won additional targeted funding for jobs, training, and services to ensure all welfare recipients -- particularly those living
  • a President's Council on Food Safety to develop a comprehensive food safety strategic plan for federal agencies, Welfare Reform and Community Empowerment: Largest Drop in the Welfare Rolls in History 5.7 Million People Are Off Welfare Today Compared to 1992
  • is represented. Thanks! ARMS Email System RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL Page 1 of 1 (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Jordan Tamagni ( CN=Jordan Tamagni/OU=WHO/O=EOP [ WHO 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME: 7-APR-1999 09:33:50.00 SUBJECT: Welfare Reform TO: Elena Kagan READ:UNKNOWN
  • denied states in the past. The other approach would be to treat Wisconsin as the political equivalent of another welfare reform bill, and judge its elements based on what we are willing to accept or reject in national legislation from Congress. The first
  • " spending. As such, states would have the same amount of Federal match that they would have had before. All administrative activities would still be matched by the Federal government. Background • Before welfare reform, States charged most common
  • would indicate he's tilting at windmills. In years past, many private companies have been reluctant to pull people from the bottom rungs of the economic ladder. But the president knows that if he bows to history, welfare reform -- one of the hallmarks
  • among long-term welfare recipients. This welfare reform program was one of the first to provide both fmancial incentives to work and mandatory participation in employment-related activities. This combination appears to be a winning one: the program
  • strongest welfare reform allies, complained about the delay to Frank Raines in a February 24th letter, saying the state of Texas is ''willing to make accommodations to address administration concerns." Secretary Shalala has promised Texas an answer by early
  • finding for welfare-to-work housing vouchers will support implementation of welfare reform by assisting those welfare recipients who need housing assistance to get or keep a job. The Administration encourages the Congress to fund fully the President's
  • . The President first made this proposal last August, as a critical part of his strategy to make welfare reform a success and move I million people from welfare to work by the year 2000. This program recognizes that there are special challenges to moving
  • AND AGENCIES Since I signed the historic welfare reform law, I have urged businesses, non-profit organizations, and religious groups across the nation to help make its promise of opportunity real by offering jobs to welfare recipients. We are making great
  • opportunities for welfare recipients at the White House. Automated Records Management System Hex-Dump Conversion Welfare Reform: Food Stamps Question: The new welfare law cuts off food stamps after three months for unemployed non-disabled adults, and allows
[12/12/1997] (Item)
  • may result from families' misunderstanding of their children's continued eligibility for Medicaid in the wake of welfare reform. . Options to Increase Outreach for Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program To address the need for children's
  • of the partnership's founding members, Cessna Aircraft Company, and to praise a new campaign by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to enlist every local chamber of commerce in the welfare to work effort. The President also unveiled new work-focussed welfare reform rules
  • welfare reforms, and requesting increases for the federal family planning program each year he has been in office. Now American women must get involved to stop the Congressional majority's war on women. Making our voices heard has never been more
  • Report -- July 17, 1997 Cynthia Rice Automated Records Management System Hex·Dump Conversion Welfare -- Counties: "Counties are making welfare reform work," said a report released this week by the National Association of Counties, by "using
  • -JUN-1998 17:20:02.00 SUBJECT: Just when you thought this civil rights guidance on welfare reform thing w TO: Cynthia·A. Rice ( CN=Cynthia A. Rice/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD ] READ: UNKNOWN TO: Edward W. Correia ( CN=Edward READ: UNKNOWN ·w. Correia
[06/23/1998] (Item)
  • of the Partnership's founding members, Cessna Aircraft Company, and to praise a new campaign by the u.s. Chamber of Commerce to enlist every local chamber of commerce in the welfare to work effort. The President also unveiled new work-focussed welfare reform rules
  • accountability measures. 2 Automated Records Management System Hex-Dump Conversion Welfare Reform -- u.s. Conference ofMayors Report: At its meeting in Reno on Friday, the USCM is releasing a report called "The Welfare Challenge Facing America's Cities
  • . Refer to section 408(a)(7)(C). Will the State have time limits for benefits less than 60 months? 7 WAIVERS Section 415 establishes criteriafor the treatment of welfare reform waivers cu"ently being tested in States. Please identify those areas of your
  • welfare reform law. While these early figures suggest that SSAD,s initial estimate that 135,000 children would lose their benefits may be exceeded, you have to remember: SSA cautions that this early data is not representative and should not be used
[09/30/1998] (Item)
  • will develop a comprehensive food safety strategic plan for federal agencies. Welfare Reform and CommunitvEmpowerment: Largest Drop in the Welfare Rolls in History 5.7 Million People Are Off Welfare Today -- a more than 40% decrease from 1992 and the largest
[03/19/1999] (Item)
  • waiting periods for issuing an application or determining Medicaid eligibility. This guidance makes it clear that these delays are impermissible and inconsistent with the law and underscores your long standing commitment· to ensure that welfare reform does
  • . Welfare Reform -- Mayor Giuliani's New Plan: In a July 20th speech, Mayor Giuliani announced he would eliminate welfare by 2000, with everyone engaged in some kind of work. He promised to move New York from the welfare capital to the work capital
[08/26/1998] (Item)
  • Research. In this emerging field ofresearch, important questions to address are the effects of variations in health care and welfare reform on children and families, the combined effect of policy changes on child well-being and service delivery, approaches
  • , states no longer need to continue to evaluate the welfare reform wograms they operated through Clinton Administration waivers and the no Ion er receive 5 50 match to help payor eva uatlons. These un s were ·offered as an incentive for states to continue
  • NLWJC - Kagan DPC - Box 068 - Folder-014 NGA Resolutions HR-36: Implementation of Welfare Reform' Assistance to Legal Immigrants and Refugees. The NGA proposes that legal immigrants who cannot become citizens because of age or disability should
  • MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: BRUCE REED ELENA KAGAN SUBJECT: WELFARE REFORM -- PRIVATIZATION AND MINIMUM WAGE We must soon provide guidance on two welfare reform issues of importance both to States and labor unions: (1) whether states can privatize
  • welfare reform, campaign finance reform, and environmental policy. I also provided constitutional advice, in a variety of contexts, on these and other issues, including separation of powers, governmental privileges, freedom of speech, and churchstate
  • ews As Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, I gave press briefings on: the progress of welfare reform (5/27/98, with Secretary Donna Shalala and Eli Segal); tobacco use and proposed tobacco legislation (2/13/98, with General Barry
  • million in the 11 months after you signed welfare reform into law. According to the new numbers, 10,258,000 people were on welfare in July, a 27 percent drop from the 14,115,000 on the rolls when you took office. Since January 1993, a total of 49 out of 50
  • think reinforces the impot?nce of the law's work requirements while giving states flexibility to design welfare reform programs and a fair opportunity to correct any failures. Under the T ANF regulations, states that fail the work rates will be levied
  • to a better bill than the Abraham-sponsored legislation passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee on a straight party-line vote last month. " .. ' -.' , 13. Welfare Reform -- Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy: Secretary Shalala will h~ reception
  • . The House language on how to distribute and use the funds is virtually identical to our proposal, whereas the Senate establishes a narrower demonstration program. We are continuing to push for our full request. a JI 14. Welfare Reform/Community Empowerment
  • to coordinate their own programs and help states and local communities build a continuum of services aimed at prevention and early intervention. Non-Welfare Reform Pending Child Welfare Legislation, l04th Congress H.R. 3286 (Molinari): The Adoption Promotion
  • the President's Agenda widespread Support (Tony) Marea 2risto Ill. Concerns (S min) Integrating Disability Policy into Broader Agenda state of the Union Address Budget/Implementation Issues -Special Education -Welfare Reform and 551 -Children's 5SI 8enefits
[02/23/1999] (Item)
  • working in 1998, and that all states met the first overall work participation rates required under the welfare reform law. Automated Records ~Ianagcment System Hex-Dump Conversion January 25, 1999 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT ON WELFARE-TO-WORK INITIATIVES
[04/22/1999] (Item)
  • by 70%, helping parents pay for the care of about one million children. The 1996 welfare reform law increased child care funding by $4 billion over six years to provide child care assistance to low-income working families moving from welfare to work. 3
  • Conversion Welfare Reform and Fair Labor Standards Act/Minimum Wage Background: As you know, this summer we worked with the labor unions in a successful effort to defeat Republican legislation that would have weakened labor protections for welfare
  • of violence. Security enhancements to improve safety and better protect health care providers and their patients may include closed circuit camera systems, improved lighting, motion detectors, alarm systems or bullet-resistant windows. Welfare Reform
  • :15am Bruce Reed FROM: I. PURPOSE To highlight the successes of welfare reform and call upon Congress to pass a new set of welfare-to-work initiatives in your budget. II. BACKGROUND You will announce today a new package of budget initiatives
  • (EITC), transportation subsidies, and affordable child care. Background Since the President signed the historic welfare reform law, he has urged businesses, non-profit organizations, and religious groups across the nation to help make its promise
  • : UNKNOWN TEXT: ARMS Email System RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL Page 1 of 1 (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Andrea Kane ( CN=Andrea Kane/OU=OPD/O=EOP [ OPD 1 ) CREATION DATE/TIME:30-JAN-1998 15:54:01.00 SUBJECT: Weekly welfare reform item on 9th Circuit Decision
  • appreciates the Committee action to provide the requested level for Food Stamp, Child Nutrition, and WIC program research. The challenge of ensuring the success of welfare reform has increased the importance of practical, applied, and timely research
  • into the issue of California and other states facing the possible loss of billions of dollars in Federal funds due to a delay in development of a child support enforcement system as required under the 1988 Family Support Act and Welfare Reform. As a follow up
[05/08/1998] (Item)
  • , particularly for the 10 million children who grow up in low-income working families, and concludes that ensuring adequate child care is crucial to the success of welfare reform. Welfare Reform -- Federal Hiring Initiative: The federal agencies continue to make
[06/05/1997] (Item)
  • 1200EOF20CF257656C66617265805265666F726D80616E6480746865804269706172746973616E 8042616C616E636564804275646765748041677265656D656E74F3OCF388D0041500000B000900 01B0040000000001201500DOCC5468658041646D696E697374726174696F6E80697380706C6561 Welfare Reform and the Bipartisan Balanced Budget Agreement The Administration
[11/13/1998] (Item)
  • 10FDDBAE195A3BD6EOA96FC6A17A1A23DE2D5A6E1BF09C2F0236CCF1739443307BC24EF3245B03 Welfare Reform -- New York City Food Stamp and Medicaid Application Procedures: There are growing concerns that in converting welfare offices into 'job centers" New York City may be inappropriately preventing families from obtaining Food Stamps
  • Orszag knew about this, but none of us at DPC had any idea until we read about it in the published budget. In fact, we included the tax credits as part of our package of welfare reform accomplishments and included the extension of credits in our list
  • SECTION: World Politics and Current Affairs; AMERICAN SURVEY; Pg. 29 LENGTH: 1095 words HEADLINE: The crunch comes for welfare reform BODY: WASHINGTON, DC ACROSS the country they greet the guests at Marriott hotels or dispense Burger King Whoppers; east
  • ATT TO: John C, Angell ATT CC: Carol H. Rasco RASCO C ATT CC: Diana M. Fortuna FORTUNA D ATT CC: Emily Bromberg BROMBERG E TEXT: Secretary Shalala may call Leon to follow up on an issue from the meeting we had yesterday on welfare reform
[06/05/1998] (Item)
  • supported. We are working with Sen. Kennedy to bolster his support for this bill, and to ensure that it provides incentives both for the more rapid expansion of charter schools and for strong accountability measures. Welfare Reform -- u.s. Conference
  • Moss on the letter he has been planning to send to California in answer to the state's question about how-to interpret effective dates on immigration in welfare reform. (Elena, you know about this issue, right? Call me if not.) r, c. Page 1 of2
  • - September 1997, are the first available under the new welfare reform law) ; (2) new caseload data showing continuing declines; and (3) new data on the number of people who were on welfare in 1997 and working in March 1998. This event could also be used
  • , not rates.) 11. Welfare Reform -- Work Participation Rates: We just received (but have not yet published) the first work participation statistics from the welfare reform law. The data show that 36 of the 38 states that were required to meet the law's all
[03/26/1999] (Item)
  • stakeholders. While states have until July 2000 to fuBy implement the Act, a handful of states are expected to file their state plans shortly. We wiII work with DOL to identify any potential announcements. Welfare Reform -- Economist article: We thought you
  • with reporters Wednesday at 11:30 as part of her on-going welfare reform campaign. I'm getting their entire press packet -- so far I've seen their Q&As which are surprisingly on message. They are also preparing a publication for release in January which I need
  • states have plenty of money through their Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) welfare reform block grants and Welfare-to-Work grants? Answer: Transportation is widely recognized as a critical need for those moving from welfare to work
  • 0000710300000301000400020000001BOOF41A5C121A0900000000000000600018110000102400 540069006D006500730020004E0065007700000052006F006D0061006E00000000000000010000 0004003E00000000000000100000000000000000000000031587A624002206000053006D006100 Welfare Reform Automated Records Management System Hex-Dump Conversion Welfare
  • . Possible Outreach Activities/Events/Executive Actions There are several types of activities we could consider: • Administration officials could conduct a briefing for groups concerned about welfare . reform to inform them of the Administration's NEXTEA
  • issues, but is being revamped so that it can serve as a portal to other existing Federal resources for Native Americans on areas, such as welfare reform and economic development. HUD proposes implementing a Memorandum of Understanding with other agencies
  • @ inet cc: Sally Katzen/OPD/EOP, Elena Kagan/OPD/EOP, Laura Emmett/WHO/EOP Subject: Follow up Kelvin, it was a pleasure meeting with you and Mayor Anthony last week. As discussed by phone, here is additional information about our welfare-reform related
[03/17/1999] (Item)
  • :33.00 SUBJECT: meeting tomorrow on Congressional Testimony on Welfare Reform TO: Diana Fortuna ( CN=Diana Fortuna/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TO: Elena Kagan ( CN=Elena Kagan/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN CC: Cynthia M
  • Kane/OU=OPD/O=EOP [ OPD ) ) CREATION DATE/TIME:24-JUL-1998 15:41:33.00 SUBJECT: Q&As on Guiliani's Welfare Reform Plan TO: Bruce N. Reed ( CN=Bruce N. Reed/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP READ: UNKNOWN [ OPD ) ) TO: Laura Emmett ( CN=Laura Emmett/OU=WHO/O=EOP
  • TEXT: FYI, here's Eli's letter to the editor in response to the Chicago Tribune article about the Partnership's convention in August ('also included below) . Copyright 1999 Chicago Tribune Company Chicago Tribune April 28, 1999 Wednesday WELFARE REFORM
  • on crime; he supported welfare reform; he is a fiscal hawk: there is no way that he could be identified with the Democratic PartyD,s liberal wing, Mr Edley concludes regretfully. The archetypal Gore man is Mr Klain, the chief of staff, a super-smart lawyer
  • , and welfare reform. 2 Automated Records Management Syslerr Hex-Dump Conversion • Department of Transportation, Office of Civil Rights The Administration budget increases funds to reduce case back-logs and address new complaints. U_S_ Commission on Civil
  • the schools with violence prevention programs involve all or nearly all the students. 3 Automated Records Management System Hex-Dump Conversion • < Welfare Reform -- Transportation Funding: The ISTEA reauthorization passed by the Senate includes
  • incentives both for the more rapid expansion of charter schools and for strong accountability measures. Welfare Reform -- u.s. Conference ofMayors Report: At its meeting in Reno on Friday, the USCM is releasing a report called "The Welfare Challenge Facing
  • have to verify children's status, as below). 2. INS Verification Rule: This proposed rule is required by welfare reform. It tells providers of federal public benefits how to make sure that they are providing benefits only to those who are eligible
  • Clinton, federal funding for child care has increased by 70%, helping parents pay for the care of about one million children. The 1996 welfare reform law increased child care funding by $4 billion over six years to provide child care assistance to low
[02/19/1999] (Item)
  • might be good to include in the President's remarks to NGA reo welfare reform: We suggest that the PresidentD,s remarks to the NGA: Commend the Governors for their leadership on welfare reform and cite our successes. Commit to the governors that we
  • , residency requirements, etc. -- that HHS has denied states in the past. The other approach would be to treat Wisconsin as the political equivalent of another welfare reform bill, and judge its elements based on what we are willing to accept or reject
  • on California and at least II other states. California and II other states are facing an October I, 1997 Child Support Enforcement System automation deadline imposed by the 1988 Family Support Act. The 1988 Act and the 1996 Welfare reform require all states
  • Sperling to discuss the president's welfare reform initiative, while it pressed its case that workfare recipients should have the right to organize for the purpose of collective bargaining . . Haven't Heard from the Lawyers , 'Our orientation and our hope
  • , the President has launched an aggressive campaign to challenge both the public and private sector to help welfare reform succeed. The President signaled his commitment to work with the corporate community by holding a White House meeting with 14 company CEOs
  • , with a particular focus on meeting local needs since the block grant goes to states. For FY 1988, SAMHSA identified several target groups including: substance abusing women and their children, clients participating in welfare reform programs, juvenile and adult
  • moving from welfare to work January 8, 1998 The number of people on leaving welfare for work and the percentage of people on welfare who are working has increased dramatically since welfare reform (see attached one pager on employment numbers). To ensure
  • :28:01.00 SUBJECT: naturalization regulations & welfare reform TO: Kenneth S. Apfel ( CN=Kenneth S. Apfel!OU=OMB!O=EOP @ EOP [ OMB 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TO: Cynthia A. Rice ( CN=Cynthia A. Rice!OU=OPD!O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TO: Diana Fortuna
  • FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Bruce Reed RE: DPC Weekly Report 1.) Displacement You asked whether there are protections in the welfare law to prevent worker displacement. The law expressly forbids federally· subsidized welfare reform programs from placing welfare
  • successfully, and to work with state and local governments to give on-the-job training and child care to people moving from welfare to work. I think this is especially important. Let me say in the welfare reform bill, we put another $4 billion in for child
  • benefits to legal immigrants who were dropped from the rolls in the 1996 welfare reform law. In a 289-120 vote, the House rejected an effort by Rep. Gerald Solomon, R-N.Y., to strip the food stamp provisions out of a wide-ranging $1.9 billion measure
  • . Welfare Reform -- Portland Shows Strong Evaluation Results: HHS is preparing to release an evaluation of Portland, Oregon's welfare reform program showing impacts on employment, earnings, and reduced welfare expenditures that are among the strongest
  • greater support and 4 Automated Records Management System H~x·[lum:' CcmJrsion ,. funding both to traditional after-schoolleaming programs and specific service-oriented programs. Welfare Reform -- Minorities on Welfare Reform Caseload: The New York
  • the W-2 application moot. According to presidential adviser Bruce Reed: "When the bill becomes law, Wisconsin should be able to do the welfare reform plan that they submitted to us." However, a line in the new welfare reform bill's conference report
  • : Restored Basic Health And Disability Benefits To Legal, Law-Abiding Immigrants: When the President signed the 1996 Welfare Reform Law, he pledged to go back and change provisions he opposed regarding the cutting off of benefits to legal, law abiding
  • Children's Health Waiver Proposal 3 ) Summary of Wisconsin Works welfare reform program Thanks to Andrea, Diana and Jeanne for your help. Bruce, you already have the additional attachments on Wisconsin Works (I dropped them off last night) -- let me know
  • Information September 18, 1997 Welfare Reform and Fair Labor Standards ActlMinimum Wage Background: As you know, this summer we worked with the labor unions in a successful effort to defeat Republican legislation that would have weakened labor protections
  • if welfare reform simply shifted funds from welfare to SSI. The President said he had never made the connection before in his mind between our TANF welfare to work efforts and putting people with disabilities to work. The Vice President said he would follow
  • ... 411412009 QUESTION AND ANSWER ON WELFARE REFORM AND THE MINIMUM WAGE Question: Is the Administration going to make clear that the Fair Labor Standards Act requires that at least the minimum wage be paid to welfare recipients participating in work
[09/29/1997] (Item)
  • . A. " i\ utomatcd Records Management System Hex-Dump Conversion Q. Does the Administration support the Commission's proposed changes to last year's welfare reform law which restricts benefits for legal immigrants? A. The President worked with Congress
[06/10/1997] (Item)
  • 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000B0100002800D61EC30F3908000011090000005AOOOB01008B Automaled Records Management System Hex-Dump Conversion Welfare Reform and Congressional Action on the Bipartisan Budget Agreement Question: Is Congress following
[07/22/1997] (Item)
  • =Melissa Green/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TEXT: We will be holding the weekly Welfare Reform strategy meeting TODAY at 4:00 p.m. in Bruce Reed's office. Page 1 of 1 ARMS Email System RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR
  • Lamar Smith, Bishop, Becerra, Watt and Berman. Welfare Reform -- Caseloads Continue to Decline: Last week, USA Today published a misleading story saying the decline in welfare rolls is slowing. In fact, the rate of decline is continuing to hold steady
  • ) CREATION DATE/TIME:17-SEP-1996 09:26:11.12 SUBJECT: LRM 5597 HHS Testimony on Welfare Reform Implementation/CSE TO: Kenneth S. Apfel READ:NOT READ APFEL K } Autoforward to: Remote Addresse TO: Cynthia M. Smith READ:18-SEP-1996 17:33:21.66 SMITH CM } (OMB
  • such a limitation weakens the agency's ability to effectively enforce the law. 11 1 Budget Implications on Food Stamps for Legal Immigrants Staff person: Barbara Chow Background • The 1996 welfare reform bill denied Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Food
  • for by the Department of Health and Human Services. The members of the Commission will not be paid. WELFARE REFORM: FOOD STAMP WORK REQUIREMENT Question: Under the new welfare law, states began to cut off food stamps for non-disabled adults who aren't working after
[12/03/1997] (Item)
[12/04/1997] (Item)
  • strengthen our housing policy and support our welfare reform goals. While enacting this proposal may be an uphill battle, it is achievable if the Administration makes a firm commitment and recruits effective congressional champions. DPC, NEC, OMB, and HUD
[05/06/1997] (Item)
  • TO WORK BUT CANO,T FIND A JOB Childless adults. Last yearO,s welfare reform bill harshly restricted food stamps for able-bodied childless adults to only 3 out of every 36 months, unless they are working. This move ignored the fact that finding a job often
[03/26/1999] (Item)
  • stakeholders. While states have until July 2000 to fully implement the Act, a handful of states are expected to file their state plans shortly. We will work with DOL to identify any potential announcements. Welfare Reform -- Economist article: We thought you
[01/08/1999] (Item)
  • providers and their patients may include closed circuit camera systems, improved lighting, motion detectors, alarm systems or bullet-resistant windows. Welfare Reform -- Wisconsin Welfare Reform Study: The first major study of individuals leaving
  • welfare reform meeting wi agencies 3/17. Food Safety -- Possible Event on FORCG: The VP could announce an executive order that formalizes the Foodbome Outbreak Response Coordinating Group (FORCG). The purpose ofFORCG is to improve the coordination
  • with the States which is critical to the success of welfare reform. .. ,( Treatment of State Waivers The TANF Jaw allows States to continue to operate waiver provisions that are "inconsistent" with TANF. The issues at hand are I) what is the scope of waiver
  • . In signing the 1996 welfare reform law, the President said that he would try to restore the cuts in benefits for legal immigrants that were not only harsh and unnecessary but that had nothing to do with the fundamental goal of welfare reform -- to move people
  • udi(. say this. There are two sets of numbers for welfare reform in my budget: money for the Welfare to Work Initiative and money to improve areas of the welfare law I earlier indicated I would address. Q: You already passed welfare reform. Why do you
  • for increasing the supply of qualified attendants with the work requirements of state welfare reform under TANF. Linking the needs of people with physical disabilities for attendants and the needs oflow-income families for jobs seems to be wen worth pursuing
[02/19/1999] (Item)
  • . Reed/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TO: Elena Kagan ( CN=Elena Kagan/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TO: Laura Emmett ( CN=Laura Emmett/OU=WHO/O=EOP @ EOP [ WHO 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN TEXT: FYI, on the welfare reform Q&A, Bill White
  • , to share information on how to operate successfully, and to work with state and local governments to give on-the-job training and child care to people moving from"welt"are to work. I think this is especially important. Let me say in the welfare reform
  • of Welfare Reform Assistance to Legal Immigrants and Refugees. The NGA proposes that legal immigrants who cannot become citizens because of age or disability should not lose SSI or food stamps. The Administration has criticized the welfare law's denial
  • AND AGENCIES Since I signed the historic welfare reform law, I have urged businesses, non-profit organizations, and religious groups across the nation to help make its promise of opportunity real by offering jobs to welfare recipients. We are making great
[01/14/1998] (Item)
  • OCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOEAOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOEAOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ,# Welfare Reform Announcements 1. Anounce that we've met the goal -- two years ahead of schedule -- to move two million more Americans off of welfare by the year 2000 (goal set by President in last year's State of the Union). 2. Announce
  • ) CREATOR: Bruce N. Reed ( CN=Bruce N. Reed/OU=OPD/O=EOP [ OPD 1 CREATION DATE/TIME:20-JAN-1998 17:00:59.00 SUBJECT: 3 cheers for welfare reform TO: Cynthia A. Rice ( CN=Cynthia A. Rice/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD READ: UNKNOWN TO: Elena Kagan ( CN=Elena
[04/01/1998] (Item)
  • eligible for food stamps. Disabled legal immigrants who entered the country before welfare reform was passed and who became disabled after they entered the country would also retain food stamps. The agreement differs from the Administration's proposal
  • weekly welfare reform meeting we learned that Olivia will be visiting several states in the midwest in coming weeks, including a trip to Milwaukee. I asked if she would brief us on what she hears, particularly about welfare reform. I think she would like
[06/24/1997] (Item)
  • -- as you suggested, I had a long talk with Richard Schwartz who used to run NYC's workfare program and who is now a consultant for other local governments and some companies. Here are his views about what's important to make welfare reform work in the real
[08/05/1997] (Item)
  • of children would seriously jeopardize Florida's welfare-reform efforts to solve a shortage of infant, evening and weekend care. Pintacuda believes that thousands of poor children will be without affordable day care if the state can't expand the number
[09/30/1997] (Item)
  • note below, I'd recommend the following lead paragraph: Changed graph: Despite our many efforts we have been unable to persuade Senator Murray to embrace our approach on welfare reform and domestic violence. We recommend against supporting any
  • colleagues. During the Vice President's Cancer March speech on Saturday, he will challenge to Congress to confirm the first oncologist and the first woman to serve as FDA Commissioner. Welfare Reform -- New Numbers on Employment of Welfare Recipients
  • the applications without delay. Is this an attempt to compensate for the drop in Medicaid enrollment caused by welfare reform? A: No. It is to ensure that the statutory requirements of the law are followed to ensure that former AFDC recipients and their children do
[05/07/1997] (Item)
  • ." Texas Lawmakers Seek Welfare Reform Meeting With Bowles. Several members of Texas' congressional delegation are seeking to meet next week with White House Chief of Staff Erskine Bowles and discuss Texas' welfare reform plan. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison
[07/23/1997] (Item)
[07/29/1997] (Item)
  • of the welfare reform effort. Automated Records Management System Hex-Dump Conversion PRESIDENT CLINTON DELIVERS THE LARGEST SINGLE INVESTMENT IN CHILDREN'S HEALTH CARE SINCE THE PASSAGE OF MEDICAID IN 1965 The President fought hard to ensure that the Budget
[09/30/1997] (Item)
  • Records Management System Hex-Dump Conversion Outline of Murray Amendment (a) Findings -- The intent of Congress in enacting welfare reform was to allow states to grant individual, temporary waivers to victims of domestic violence without regard to other
  • . Welfare Reform: Arizona Privatization Waiver -- This week, USDA requested more information from the state of Arizona on its privatization waiver request, meeting the welfare law deadline that it must approve, deny, or request more information on waiver
  • children's status, as below). 2. INS Verification Rule: This proposed rule is required by welfare reform. It tells providers of federal public benefits how to make sure that they are providing benefits only to those who are eligible for them -- i.e., how
[07/15/1998] (Item)
  • for the Congress to fund the entire 50,000 welfare-to-work housing vouchers provided for in the President's request. Welfare-to-work housing vouchers will support implementation of welfare reform by assisting those welfare recipients who need housing assistance
  • housing tenants and other low-income individuals with the opportunity to move to neighborhoods with more jobs, better schools, and less crime. Affordable Housing and Welfare Reform The need for affordable housing exceeds supply, particularly for poor
  • areas: education; children and families; crime; welfare reform; environment; service and volunteerism; consumer protection; farming and the food supply; and aid to small businesses. I. Education Charter Schools • Advocating and Funding Charter Schools