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Merrill (Item)
  • the input of governors and state officials an invaluable resource. Your thoughts on a national welfare reform framework are appreciated, and we are encouraged by the welfare reform innovations under consideration in New Hampshire and in many other states
  • Welfare Reform [3]
  • to promote the health and welfare of America's families. We have, been following the current welfare reform debate, and we are writing to express our cOncern about the harmful impact of the CHILD EXCLUSION proposal contained in the Administration's most
  • of principles that will guide the President I s national health and welfare reform initiatives. In the coming months, as those pritlciples emerge, we will build on this new partnership with the governors to help them shape their own reforms to dovetail
  • Welfare Reform [4]
  • WITHDRAWAL SHEET Clinton Library Collection: Domestic Policy Council, Carol Rasco OA 7455' OAiBox: File Folder: Welfare Reform [4] DOCUf0 EN , ,l.' NO; & TYPE Archivist: rfw Date: 4/20/04 1. Memo From Carol Rasco to Bruce Reed; Kathi Way
  • Welfare Reform [5]
  • ~~~ DATE: July 22, 1993 TO: Honorable Mary Jo Ban~ HO~ David Ellwood Mr. uce Reed FROM: Ge aId Whitburn Secretary RE: i/d Ji/73 pry q3 President Clinton Welfare Reform Site Visit J;foqg e c( jJY As you know, Wisconsin's Learnfare
  • : Approved the Oregon health reform plan in April, which had languished for more than 16 months under the previous , Administration. Approved Vermont's welfare reform plan in April, 'which was received in late October 1992. Approved Hawaii's health reform
  • will not apply the 75/75 "hold harmless" test to taxes that are at or below 6 percent:. Clf provider revenue. Welfare Reform: As you may know, President Clinton has created an interagE~ncy Working Group on Welfare Reform, Family Support! and Independence, co
  • [Welfare Reform] [4]
  • '. Overview of Welfare Reform Waivers CURRDJ'l' AND NDR-TERK APPLICATIONS currently, 17 waiver applications from 16 states are pending: Arkansas California* Colorado* Florida* Georgia* Hawaii* Massachusetts* Mississippi New Hampshire* North
  • Welfare Reform [6]
  • DRAFT 1 Welfare Reform Financing Options Dollars in Billions 5 Year Total . Federal 4/20/9415:03 10 Year State Total Federal State A. Program Savings • Limit Emergency Assistance 1.50 1.50 0.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 3.13 2.24 0.89 8.70
  • mandate and tax cap, probably are not; and Medicare/Medicaid changes are being considered in the context of moving tow~rd your objective of universal coverage. 5. Welfare Reform: Putting Work First The DLC/PPI recommendations build on your June 1994
  • [Welfare Reform] [5]
  • of their demonstrations to the terms of national health care reform legislation, including global budgeting requirements, and to the terms of national welfare reform legislation. Timeliness and Administrative Complexity The Department has begun to implement procedures
  • ..,,­ ----------------- ------- LESS, M.~t;----------- --------------TO A, OS, ~ C. , --------~----- TEPH N HORN, M.C. KEN CALVERT, M.C. )~~'3W4CG THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON July 29, 1993 MEMORANDUM FOR CAROL RASCO PASTER~ FROM: HOWARD G. SUBJECT: WELFARE REFORM I
  • ~dite the exislting waiver process and thereby realize the potential for State el!:perimentation in health and welfare programs. Let me take this opportunity to reiterate my commitment to work wit~ you in developing an effective welfare reform waiver
  • Welfare Reform [2]
  • on welfare reform in the coming week or the week of November 21 at the latest; it should be done before Sec. Shalala leaves November 22 for Israel as she won't return until after December 1 when she is scheduled to be in Paris for an AIDS meeting. The purpose
  • [Welfare Reform] [3]
Media (Item)
  • in the "Editor's Notebookl! section of the same edition. too, want to applaud your commitment towards 'children. I Particularly now, as decisions in Congress are being made regarding the budget, welfare reform and other issues that will help define our country's
  • written to the 2 'j. Department to express concern that access to care and quality of services would diminish under the proposed waiver. The request must be approved or disapproved by June 26, 1994, • HHS - Welfare Reform: Kansas has developed
  • ; but has attempted to do so with an entirely new structured and styled DPC. PLANNING FOR THE DPC Welfare reform, Health Affordable Education... Care for all, Prevention, issues that these are the Crime the Clinton Campaign were founded
Budget [4] (Item)
  • . Welfare Reform 1~ Investillg ill Young Children CA,,"4-.n J) (y'\tl\~ "'t:..JIW 01'\ w,
  • Welfare Reform [1]
  • project seeking waivers for welfare reform. The waivers are based upon a common sense approach to ending the cycle of welfare and hopefully can serve as a model for other states' welfare reform initiatives. The demonstration project includes 42 different
  • on it but wanted to get it to you so that there would be time for comments and ironing out inconsistencies between sections. .. . . TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Children 2. Education ..3. Job Training 4. Welfare Reform l~ .. Investing in Young Children
  • their benefits in one lump sum payment when they file their' taxes. A partial redress to this delivery problem may be included in the reconciliation bill, and stronger remedies are being examined in the context of welfare reform, but it is likely to prove very
  • in one lump sum payment when they file their taxes. A partial redress to this delivery problem may be included in the reconciliation bill, and stronger remedies are being examined in the context of welfare reform, but it is likely to prove very difficult
  • with a cover note to me from Howard Paster. Please note we want to put a draft respon~~ before the President at some time on Monday. Please see that I have a draft in my hands by noon Monday. I realize David and Mary Jo are out today for the welfare reform
  • or empowJrment, but I think we should at least encourage it.) I : . • • Welfare Reform • Health Care Reform based on individual and corporate responsibility Tough and enforceable Environmental Justice laws Finally, I think that an important legacy
  • '., of Ametica FOl.r.oauon SaeretarvfT reaSlJrel {:'ADCA You1h Aovisorv CO"l'lmHtee Our members believe that substance abuse is pervasive in the very issues that are of importance to the President's agenda, including health ~e reform, welfare reform
  • ; ~ "(})t I' ~ ~ ~ ~ The bottom line: real welfare reform cannot happen without comprehensive health care reform. The President has already launched a major, comprehensive welfare reform effort. It has four parts: the Earned Income Tax Credit; health
Budget [5] (Item)
  • still working on it bUI wanted to get it to you so that there would be time for commems and ironing out inconsistencies between sections. 1. Children TABLE OF CONTENTS '1 2. Education ~~ 3. Job Training) 4. Welfare Reform 1 ~ Investing
  • Pennsylvania Avenu , NW washington, D.C. 20500 I I I I. ' Dear Mr. President: j' As Members of the. ongressional Hispanic Caucus, we support real welfare reform that will place low-income families on the path toward self-sufficiency •. We strongly
  • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 15 I Science and Techno1ogy/Te1ecommunications •••••••••• ~ ••••••• Page 16 I Welfare Reform ............................................. . Page 16 RGA REGULATORY ISSUES . Clean Air Regulations ... ................................... . Page 17
  • on the aging of the population and the dilemmas facing the next generation of ~orkers as the retirement population increases rapidly • Preventing welfare dependenc~-an opportunity to discuss welfare reform, empowerment, jobs, housing reform, etc
Puerto Rico (Item)
  • with their vote tor Commonwealth: 0) As pan of welfare reform. to implement the existing federal policy of granting full participation in federal nutritional assistance programs, so that the U.S. citizens in Puerto Rico are not treated less fairly than even
  • multiple problems because multiple interventions are the key to success. This premise, which underpins your health care and welfare reform efforts, needs to pertain in this empowerment initiative. o Individualized Service Integration To achieve the above
  • committee and to appoint one individual to serve on the staff working group. Because of legislation already on the legislative calendar and the need to coordinate carefully as new legislation lik'e welfare reform is finalized, Carol and Bob have scheduled
  • . Rasco: Thank you for taking 'the time to speak with me this morning about welfare reform and teenage pregnancy. It is encouraging to see teenage pregnancy and welfare, reform linked together. The chances for a ,teen mother who drops out of school
  • business/education partner­ ships f apprenti!ceships/jobs/adult literacy/welfare reform are other areas to which he can bring expertise and energy. Advo­ cating and lob~ying the President's policies would also be a strong suit. . . ~ life-long activist
  • worked closely with the NGA's Washington staff both during Governor Clinton's Chairmanship and while he was lead Governor on welfare reform. child care and health care reform. ' Before moving to her job in the White House. Ms. Rasco served on the National
  • /Telecommunications •••••••••••••••••• Page 16 Welfare Reform.!•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••• Page 16 I RGA REGULATORY ISSUES Clean Air I Regul~tions •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 17 Medicaid Provid~r Taxes and Voluntary Contributions
  • a reasonable period of time, relevant aspects of their demonstrations to the terms of national health care reform legislation, including global budgeting requirements, and to the terms of national welfare' reform legislation. ' ' I and Administrative complexity
Memorandums (Item)
  • a National Governors' Association (NGA) briefing on the NGA's medicaid and welfare reform proposals. The NGA briefing quickly diffused misunderstandings about the proposal, facilitating internal policy discussions. To be successful, these policy briefings
POTUS (Item)
  • during your administration is Welfare reform. It is easy togo and get a Harvard graduate to tell you what needs to be done to reform the Welfare system, but I don't think a Harvard graduate could tell you about the pain and problems that face mostly
  • a program management job. The one reservation I have is about the extent of her commmitment to the Preside~t's vision for welfare reform. other candidates for this job are Laurie Garduque, who is Asian and Ruby Hearn, who are African-American. Neither
  • there on issue after issue after issue. So the important thing and the message I have to say is; what is the direction you want? Do you want continued progress in the economy? Do you want a government that takes on tough problems like crime and welfare reform
  • . ",,;. -.'>'.' The ftrl-l'OVl~congressional letters were sent to your office .' for review. Please inform me as to the status of these letters. 1) Bill Emerson (R-MO), regarding Welfare Reform Working Group, (sent June 24, 1993). 2) Dick swett (O':NH)',. concerning
  • they needed more clarity here. 6. There was agreement that the references to health care reform and welfare reform need to be more nuanced since those initiatives were both still in process and were not likely to be cure-aIls for the residential care and other
  • zones to the types of activities mentioned above in source countries. IV. Suggested Points to Make • Recognize that doing something about drugs is essential to the success of the Administration's entire domestic agenda -- health care, welfare reform
  • President's agenda to disability community *aging 1 Howard Moses: Schedule A FTE Budget implications *National disabilitty Employment Policy NIB accessibility Eugene Brickhouse: update healthcare reform update welfare reform "expanding people
  • of the ideas and individuals ,that inspire me in my daily work •. Although I will focus here, on health care reform, 'our reform agenda also extends from education reform to welfare reform, and from safer streets to safer transitions, to adulthood for all our
  • : Max Starkloff's request .for a visit I see twooptioris on this sched~ling matter: 1. The people can come meet with you and Kathi Way to cover disability policy and welfare reform. or 2. We can look after mid-February at my schedule. With the State
  • [Welfare Reform] [1]
  • tested is a central consideration for approval of welfare reform demonstrations. We believe that a rigorous evalu~tion of this project will require random assignment of cases to experimental and control groups. Random assignment may be implemented state
  • [Welfare Reform] [2]
  • on it froml this group) OR Congressional Update \ \ " Greg Lawler or someone'from White House Legislative Affairs Carol, this item is the least developed, but I assume by this date, a lot of dust will have settled, and an update on health care, welfare
Violence [1] (Item)
  • initiatives aimed at improving economic opportunity and self-sufficiency, including community development banks, microenterprise, and welfare reform. * Values: The President will continue to use the Bully Pulpit to call attention to crime, violence
  • work to support PAD in advisory eouncil role. steil 8 Welfare Reform HHS Task Force Sawhill Proposal by 9/3 OMB staff attending working group meetings. continue development , of materials to support PAD participation on task force. Meeting
  • , it is indicative of a change in direction. . What will come from what we ,accomplished here -- more economic growth, comprehensive health and welfare reform, a new system of national service, and the like -- is new 'opportunities for achievement, empowerment
  • of children who are adopted. ' • The Clinton Administration has expressed strong concerns about "welfare reform" proposals that would j~oparpize these programs and eliminate the . guarantee of federal funds to help support adoption~. ' . CURRENT STATE
  • most popular proposals are welfare reform and the Brady bill, which enjoy nearly unanimous support as well as a near majority of strong support. Voters want, for instance, to move people from welfare to work, yet they don't want children
  • on the last six lMh 1'6 months of child welfare reform ~nd the last' two months of the Arkansas General Assembly into an hour Ibnch meeting! I hope my ramblings made ~~. some sense. As I mentioned bef6re,' your absence is sorely missed by· advocates for all
  • ' alearanae. Kitti Walsh Brown •• 1·~~:~~~9~:~~:~~~;~' IJ(;~~~~~~~~ ;i~k~~" ;... NO. 8 Head Start 9 Welfare Reform HHS OPC Sawhill Reauthorization 1994 HHS Sawhill UnknoWD. Sawhill Enacted Sawhill Enacted 10 Family Support & Preservation
  • Grov~ '. Page Social Programs Welfare Reform 54 Mental Health Demonstration Proposal 55 Social Security , 56 ! Education/Labor School-to-Work 57 Technology and Development Technology and Competitiveness 58 " Economic
  • OPPOlnUNl:TIES FOR WOIlDI, PUBLIC POLICY DIVISION, Acting Diree'torlSenicr Polioy A.ssoeiat:Q, ~ashingt:on, DC, ~984-1ge6. -- Ana loy 2ad and r,asearche6., leqislation ~elat:ed to 1 abo::: , economic development, welfare reform and educational issues
  • , CRIME, GUN CONTROL, WELFARE. REFORM, FRAUD IN GOVERNMENT, SOCIAL SECURITY, and the fear ,Qf the YOUNG ' that SOCIAL SECURITY will NOT be there for them.! All of these problems seem to have many common causes. The media has blasted the American citizens
  • . But v,;h::u ' chani.!es the' federal'government' make are crucial for Colorado" '"- - , ' ! Wt; dOrl't yet know the tinarr~sult of'thisbudget'debate~ panicularly in the areas of Medicaid and welfare reform. ' , . \But it i,slikely we
Kaleidoscope (Item)
  • on Employment of People with Disabilities, hosts a round table discussion with leaders in business, government, and disability on topics from welfare reform to education to the information superhighway. Deaf Connection: Hosted by Dr. Steve Baldwin
  • the tax owed, or -- if the person doesn't owe any tax -- is added to one's:refund. The tax credit was expanded with the enactment of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 (OBRA '93), and is the cornerstone of the Administration's welfare reform
  • if there is a break in the action on other bills. Kitti Walsh Brown Head Start HHS Sawhill Enacted Modified version of Administration bill enacted, 5/18. Agency implementation Roholt 8 DPC transmit~ed by the presiden~ March 15th. 9 10 II Welfare Reform
Budget [1] (Item)
  • billion over 5 years), Generalized System of Preferences ($2.7 billion), unemployment insuronco extended benefits program ($3.3, billion). the dislocated workers program ($5 billion), and welfare reform ($20 billion). I would note that a packllge
Farm Bill (Item)
  • ; earlier reforms targetted a~ socially disadvantaged . farmers. . Renovate programs based on competition, leveraging, strategy.:..driven 'plans '. DO: 2 of 10. The .. least political resistance--if'some . new monies are available Welfare reform
  • on health care, welfare reform, the unfunded mandate exemption for the,ADA and other anti-discrimination laws, etc F will be a whole lot clearer. Open Forwn (15 min) Full Group Closing (5 min. ) Carol H. Rasco August 18, 1994 Dear Friend~ Itts
  • emphasizes justice. opportunity. and empowerment. I , The Clinton civil rigHts policy empowers people by providing valuable tools to help them succeed; such as: ./ Universal add Guaranteed Health Care ./ Welfare Reform ./ Small Busin~ss Assistance
  • has placed on lifting full-time working families with children to the poverty line. The proposal also could compromise the Administration's forthcoming welfare reform plan, since many full-time working families would be left in poverty. The President
  • if the president will pullout all the stops ; on universal care for families the way he dld for NAFTA." The welfare reform package that the White House has' put , before Congress also troubles some family specialists. " . "We're worried about it," said Eve
  • and then losing their job and the health irtsurance benefits that go with it. ' I' , I ', '., . Besides health care reform,. I believe the time has also come for serious welfare reform., , . '.. Specifically, the pernicious marriage penalties for Supplemental
  • legislative specs Kitti Waish Brown 8/26. ,'. I .;,;'., i;(, dn , APPROXlllA'!B' '!IMIIiG , 8 9 I Head start Welfare Reform I HHS KJ 11(.. r HHS Task Force Sawhill Reauthorization 1994 11 Family Support' Preservation Food stamps USDA
Budget [6] (Item)
Tenncare [2] (Item)
  • Administration disability programs, vocational rehabilitation activities, and the various stages of education from pre-school to higher education and in school to work programs. In health care refo~ and welfare reform, we are on the right track in including
  • wants to women. discu~s Welfare Reform as it relates to ( Carol H. Rasco - Call List CALLER DATE/TIME Marcia Eric Schwartz's office X3737 12-10 3:45pm '" , MESSAGE called reo an upda:'t~ on "the attac~d document. FOLLOW-UP DISPOSITION 1
  • wants to women. discu~s Welfare Reform as it relates to ( Carol H. Rasco - Call List CALLER DATE/TIME Marcia Eric Schwartz's office X3737 12-10 3:45pm '" , MESSAGE called reo an upda:'t~ on "the attac~d document. FOLLOW-UP DISPOSITION 1