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9 results

  • w 44 OU co z b p N , « N cd d ,ce A O G7 V] A " a o ay C b O F, rn 00 to C U z Zi " " y C U C O; z O { h y z y a w° o .s c; y : a .1 , a a a b0 1 H + u] N p; v v x + P. A vi + fsI + w
  • . At the planned London Conference, to be held sometime in December, a structure will be established to coordinate these civilian efforts, with the G-7 plus Russia and the OIC Presidency likely to serve as the steering group. A "High Representative" (possibly Carl
  • not endure another . winter. Some Deputies speculated the timing was calculated to ensure Bosnia received high visibility at the G-7 Summit. 4. There was considerable discussion among the Deputies about what action to take regarding this offensive
  • this to happen anyhow. O A US aid assessment team will go out to Bosnia later this month. o The G-7 states have agreed to look favorably at debt reduction of 50-100%. [ Estimates of reconstruction needs are $4 billion over 3 years for the territory
  • area Q (~2 Croatia Trebinje * Bihac UN-declared "Safe Area" 40 o * erers -o ivJ4314 ocret SC 0039 g7-~ Albania 40 Miles iv_______________ ROO0a9) 12.9 C00389760 Secret UM NOFO ORCON -NOCONTRACT Bosnia: Serb Ethnic Cleansing Summary
  • _____ C05915979 q-et e EU delegates will join representatives from the G-7, Russia, and the Organization of Islamic Conference to oversee reconstruction lanning and administration as part of the steering committee. ...But Divisions Remain Nonetheless, internal
  • states almost certainly would seek the participation of other G-7 countries and of international financial institutions in funding economic reconstruction in the Balkans. The Europeans would want to spread the financing burden so that it does not foil
  • their limited production toward domestic, often wartime, needs. -Top Seret. 71 .1 J RI 0O f f~H "n C. GI- G-" 7"A iv \ - - C05960842 Outlook Serbian PresidentMilosevic has little incentive to further restrictsupport to the BSA or reduce