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  • PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON IMPROVING AIR TRAVEL FOR AMERICA THE WHITE HOUSE DECEMBER 7, 2000 Acknowledgements: Thank you Keith Bellows for that gracious introduction; Secretary Slater; Administrator Garvey; John Cullinane; Sharon Patrick. When Al Gore
  • ; Secretary Slater; John Podesta; OMB Director Lew; Martin Baily; and Gene Sperling [organized conference]. Of course, I want to thank all of you for being a part of this first-ever White House Conference focused on the challenges and opportunities of the new
FDR Memorial (Item)
  • WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS AT UNVEILING OF FDR STATUE FRANKILIN D. ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL WASHINGTON, DC ' January 10, 2001 Acknowledgments: Sees. Herman, Babbitt, Shalala & Slater; Sens. Cleland, Levin & Harkin TBD; former Sen. Bumpers; Reps. Levin, Engel
  • to the President and Director, President's Initiative for One America FROM DIGITAL DIVIDETO DIGITAL OPPORTUNITY Tom Kalil, Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy TRANSPORTATION Secretary Rodney Slater, U.S. Department of Transportation SOLIDIFYING
  • of Transportation Rodney Slater, Federal High;.vay Administrator POST OFFICE BOX 1562 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251 713/247·2200 ·:· ·'' .-~ .:J 1nu 1 c. .: .. ' • uc. f 0/\ llUo . t:.Ut:. I .J I v l .J..J nrvm 11 vv t -··-·:M. ,;::~.;_ 0. I'd like
  • the seriousness of his commitment to them, Clinton brought almost his entire Cabinet with him, along with the first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, Vice President AI Gore and his wife, Tipper Gore." The Record ~arch 9, 1997 Rodney Slater l · "Clinton, raised by his
  • pressure, suddenly switched gears; Transportation Secretary Rodney Slater argued that the free market would help the system D_~JJ.niversity overcome any initial hiccups at La Guardia. And airlines, unwilling to P_!1_1:>Jic_a ti o ll_§.....b_iQ ra ry Jet
Arkansas [2] (Item)
  • Pryor and Congressman Snyder for joining me, and Mayor Daley. I think our speaker, Bob Johnson, is here and I was accompanied this morning by Secretary Riley, the Secretary of Education, from Washington, and Rodney Slater, our Secretary of Transportation
  • . Michael Wegner 884-7746 Echaveste (2) calls, serve as Validator. Taylor Branch S. Mathews ( 1) call as heads up one week before. Rodney Slater S. Mathews Ongoing discussions. S. Mathews Ongoing discussions. William Julius Wilson S. Mathews
  • -- thank you for sticking up for the civil rights of all Americans, Deval -- (applause) --Federal Highway Administrator Rodney Slater, Assistant to the President for Appointments Bob Nash. (Applause.) lf you get one, credit me; if you don't, blame him
  • Childhood: Mrs. Linda Leopoulos, David Leopoulos, Carolyn Staley During College/Law School: .William Coleman, Phil Verveer At the University of Arkansas: Mr. L.T. Simes, Carol Willis, Diane Blair As Governor: Rodney Slater, Lottie Shackelford, Freddie
  • -. _": ' SURROGATES I. ADMINISTRATION SURROGATES o o o o o o o o o Bob Nash (Assistant to the President) Alexis Herman (Assistant to the President) Rodney Slater (Federal Highway Administrator) Deval Patrick (Justice Department) Bernard Anderson (labor Department
  • Slater is representing our Administration today at her funeral. This week marks the tenth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. So it seems only fitting that we honor nine brave Americans who did so much to tear down the walls ofbigotry
NAACP (Item)
  • 7:30pm · PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON 88TH ANNUAL NATIONAL NAACP CONVENTION PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA JULY 17, 1997 / 'I Acknowledgments: Myrlie Evers-Williams; Kweisi Mfume; Mayor Murphy; Sec. Herman; Sec. Slater; I also want to congratulate all
  • Angeles to cool off, and I thank you very much for that. I want to thank Secretary Daley and Secretary Slater who are here. And, Reverend Jackson, thank you for making this tour with us, and all the business leaders who have been with us. I want to thank
  • March 24. 1997 IV. PRESS PLAN Closed Press V. SEQUENCE OF EVENTS NIA VI. REMARKS None required List of Attendees Agencies and Other non-White House staff Secretary Pena Secretary Slater Chris Edley Bill Galston David Ogden Department of Justice
  • percent were. Obviously, ifthere was more transportation availability, we could do a better job ofmoving people that have to go to work where the jobs are-- sometimes even within the cities themselves. So Secretary Slater and I are committed to that. Most
  • WILLIAM J. CLINTON 88TH ANNUAL NATIONAL NAACP CONVENTION PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA JULY 17, 19_97 Acknowledgments: Myrlie Evers-Williams; Kweisi Mfume; Mayor Murphy; Sec. Herman; Sec. Slater; I also want to congratulate all the NAACP award winners ofthis
  • :15 p.m. Glastris PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS AT EARLE HIGH SCHOOL EARLE, ARKANSAS December 10, 1999 Acknowledgments: Sec. Riley; Sec. Slater; Slater CoS (and Earle grad) Jerry Malone; Sen. Blanch Lincoln and Rep. Marion~; MCI VP
  • on Brownfields. Secretary Slater will be speaking on June 21 on the way in which ISTEA impacts welfare to work. Secretary Herman will be speaking on June 24 on the subject ofwelfare reform. Mayor Daley, President of the Conference of Mayors, speaks before you
  • U.S. CONFERENCE OF MAYORS SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA JUNE 23, 1997 Acknowledgments: Sec. Cuomo; Sec. Herman; Sec. Slater; Sen. Barbara Boxer; Rep. Zoe Lofgren; Mayor Daley; Mayor Willie Brown; Mayor Helmke; Tom Cochran. Announce intention to nominate
  • , after the summit meeting in Denver, is to address the conference as are Vice President AI Gore, Transportation Secretary Rodney Slater and Labor Secretary Alexis Herman. "Our national leaders understand the strength mayors have as a group," said Mike
  • in the gov's office ---President of the AR Dev. Finance Authority, largest Fin. institution in the state Rodney Slater--Community Dev. Advisor (office of the gov) ----(later) Chairman of the AR State Highway commission (most powerful commission in the state
Arkansas [1] (Item)
  • Slater, Assistant to the President for Appointments Bob Nash. (Applause.) Tf you get one, credil me~ if you don't, blame him. (Laughter.) OCT-09 96 13:35 to:4964B79 FROM: PRGE:03 I'm glad to see my friend, Mayor Dinkins, here tonight. (Applause
  • March 10, 2000 TOPPER ON MINIMUM WAGE TO BE ADDED Acknowledgements: Secretary of Transportation Rodney Slater; FAA Administrator Jane Garvey; head of my National Economic Council Gene Sperling; representatives of industry and unions; also glad Senator
  • .--------------- - Acknowledgments: VP Gore; Senator Harry Reid (for inspiring this forum); ·EPA Administrator Browner, Agriculture Secretary Glickman, Interior Secretary Babbitt, Transportation Secretary Slater, and Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works Michael
  • (I've talked with him a bit ) and Rodney Slater, maybe some ministers to give examples. And we need it --of course --at once. I'll have more for you in a little while --maybe tomorrow mornrng. ·. Ann F. Lewis 05/10/97 10:43:59 AM Record Type
  • JanuaJ:y 27, 1997 NOTJ: TO TERRY EDMONDS F:rom: Andy Paven RE: Slater Opening Statement The elamenl Lenny inadvertently left out of this is on jobs ... people . . Slater has often said "transportation is about more than concrete, asphalt and steel
Arkansas [3] (Item)
  • , who have been tireless advocates in Washington for the citizens of this region; Dr. Glen Fenter, president ofMid-South Community College. I especially want to thank Transportation Secretary Rodney Slater who has led my Administration's efforts
  • for America's Future for your consideration for the President's remarks at the Summit: Garrett A. Morgan Technology & Transportation Futures Program: Through Secretary Slater's vision and leadership, the Department commits to establishing the Garrett A. Morgan
  • , and the " caucus L~ was told by Secretary of 'llanspo:rta.tion Rodney Slater that this kind of initiative is what the administration needs to g take before congress in ;r support. e d orde,r to win congressional d A m.arc:h . like this starts 14
  • Bethune-Cookman College Daytona, FL · 4/29 Dep. Secy. Robinson St. Augustine.College Raleigh; NC 5111 Secretary Pena (with POTUS) US Coast Guard Academy New London, CT 5/22 Admin. Slater Arkansas State University 5110 Jonesboro, AR West Virginia
  • needed to operate more like a business. It will be located within the FAA, but will be separate from, and regulated by, the FAA's safety oversight and enforcement arm. 2 • The President and Secretary of Transportation Rodney E. Slater are naming
  • on Historically Black Colleges and Universities Reading of Presidential Proclamation Mr. J. Terry Edmonds Assistant to the President ·Director of Speech Writing 9:00a.m. -10:15 a.m. Plenary I Honorable Rodney S. Slater Secretary U.S. Department
  • , Secretary Slater, for coming out of the Arkansas Delta and going all the way to become Secretary of Transportation. I'm not sure you heard the Superintendent when he said this, but Secretary Slater's Chief of Staff and a longtime supporter of mine
  • wife, Kerry, are here with me, and he deserves the honor you gave him. You know, he and Secretary Slater make me look good every day. And too often I get the credit when they deserve more. I thank them for being here. I thank Thurgood Marshall, Jr
  • with. The Fourth Amendment there are only thi'ee in high positions Rodney Slater as secretary of rule generally requires police with a search warrant to knock and transportatioll; Federico Pena as secretary of energy, and Jesse B:own announce their presence before
  • One Amcriot. The President has appointed the most diverse Cabinet and Administration in history. African Americans make up twelve percent ofthe Clinton Cabinet, including: Rodm:y Slater, Secretary of the Depanment of Transportation; Togo West, Jr
  • would like us to take. Note: The Vice President will be speaking on June 20 on sustainable development, concentrating on Brownfields. Secretary Slater will be speaking on June 21 on the way in which ISTEA impacts welfare to work. Secretary Herman
New Markets (Item)
  • for reminding us of why we're here. Mayor Daley, thank you for making me feel welcome -- and, Secretary Daley, Secretary Slater. Representative Sanchez, we're delighted to be in your district and to be here with other Members of Congress who I'd like
  • that Secretary Slater has already spoken here. Our AID Director, Brady Anderson, will speak. Our Vice President will be here. You said, Secretary Salim, you hope future administrations will follow our lead in Africa. I know one that would. [Laughter] I want
NGA [2] (Item)
  • ~se in several other studies. In 1991. a report prepared by the Chapel Hill. N.C.-based Triangle Research Institute for the U.S. Justice Department concluded that DARE was largely unsuccessful in preventing drug Jana Kay Slater. a research and use
Race/OJ [2] (Item)