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- Collection > Speechwriting Office - Robert Boorstin (remove)
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- Panetta/Alice Rivlin & Gene· deficit reductioni WEEK 3 Hillary Clinton/Carol Rasco on health care reform. WEEK 4 Donna Shalala & Bruce Reed/Bill Galston on welfare reform. WEEK 5 Mickey Kantor & Robert Rubin on trade.· WEEK 6 Madeleine Albright
- of the speech. 1 * Welfare reform. Beside health care, this is the second highest area of Democra~ic advantage over the Republicans. GOP are not believed because they didn't do anything during twelve years when they had the chance. But we have to make it work
Investments - Options
- Credit Mortgage Revenue Bond Technology Environmental Technology HEALTH CARE AIDS, Women's and Public Health REWARDING WORK Expand EITC Expand Welfare Reform MIDDLE CLASS TAX CUT OPTION B-NO MIDDLE CLASS TAX CUT $55.9 (a) Notes: (a) Includes
Immigration - Legislation
- his state. · middle ground .. Since then others, such as Florida ..,.. , Referring to· a Republican welfare reform proGov. Lawton Chiles, Democrat and : .1:: -~'....;. ~r: INS:~·, posal that would completely eliminate access to a Clinton ally, have
- reform waivers ·· to 25 statesto cut t~ough .red tape and launch welfare reform initiatives. • In June. 1994, the Administration il)troduced tpe Work a~d Responsibiiity ACt -- the· most sweeping welfare reform. plan a President has· ever proposed
SOTU 1994 - Draft #8
- into a single source of new skills for people who lose their work. And we must do it this year. Welfare Reform. Just as our unemployment system was created for another era, so was our welfare system. 14 What we are left
SOTU 1994 - Draft #7
- communities, and create ~ jobs and work for the American people. . J~ ~~V Welfare Reform. work ethic. ~ ~i/~11llJeJ m~${k v2~fJe lj/(x!l{~ ~believe Work organizes our lives. in the It provides structure and f] b'r fhtt We started with the states
SOTU 1994 - POTUS #2 Draft
- to be successful workers and successful parents. But there is much more to be done. This year, I will· send you a comprehensive welfare reform . proposal. We will .say to teenagers, "'fhif:tJc ~- h t:sre you.. 13 longer. give you a check to set up a separate
Turkmenistan - Background
- efficient and comfortable. jobs in 1992 and 1993 might have been Maggi Mercado, design director for the overstated by as much 50%. Hush Puppies division of shoemaker Wolver· ine WorldWide Inc., Rockford, Mich., says IS WELFARE REFORM scaring people most
SOTU 1994 - POTUS #1 Draft
- more to be done. This year, I will send you a comprehensive welfare reform - u.\~) . proposal . ~ w111 . . say to teenagers, "Th1nk tw1ce before you bring a child into this world. Because if you do, we will no longer give you a check to set up
FY 1995 Budget - Message
- will confront these challenges this year, b~ health care reform, welfare reform, and .the crime bill now under consideration in the Congress, and by continuing to build on our economic plan, with further progress on deficits and investments in our people
- -time will no longer raise their children in poverty. Welfare reform to move people from welfare to work. Vaccinations and Head Start 6pporttinities for all children. And a system of affordable quality health care for all Americans. Our national service
Strategy - Numbers
- 3.3 0.8 2.4 0.1 1.0 0.1 28.3 20.0 0.2 0.5 0.0 5.9 1.4 5.0 0.1 1.5 0.3 34.9 Rewarding work earned income tax credit middle class tax relief welfare reform -total 2.5 12.0 1.0 15.5 2.5 14.5 2.0 19.0 3.0 16.1 2.5 21.6 3.0 18.6 3.0 24.6 3.0 20.3 4.0
- dayjweek ahead. 1 Tentative issue assignments for long-term monitoring/communications role Bob Boorstin Michael Waldman Health care Foreign policy Defense policy Welfare reform National service Gays in the military Immigration AIDS Terrorism POW/MIA o
- to give every child a head start in life, which are by all accounts a net gain. We need to pursue welfare refo~ and the federal government shoulcl support state.and local experiments _in welfare reform. Welfare reform means making good on _the
- Performance Review of the federal government. This intensive study by the Vice President recommended ways to make the federal government work better and cost less. • President Clinton unveiled his welfare reform plan -· a plan that is designed to help people
SOTU 1994 - Economic Agenda
- can afford to pay child support but won't. Our welfare reform plan will include the toughest child support measures any Administration has ever introduced. We'll give states the tools to collect child support from every parent who owes it, and throw
SOTU 1995 - "Final" Draft
- welfare than the past two administrations combined. Last year, I introduced the most sweeping welfare reform plan ever presented by an administration. We have to make welfare what it was meant .to be: a second chance, not a way of life. We'll help those
SOTU 1994 - Draft #9
- -- in the private sector if possible, in community service if necessary. We will make welfare what it ought to be: A second chance not a way of life. We must tackle welfare reform in 1994, yes, even as we tackle health care reform. We can and must -- do both
SOTU 1994 - Draft #6
- transforming our welfare system. We started with the states, giving them the chance to experiment with ·innovative welfare reform programs .. Then, to reward work.not welfare, we expanded the Earned Income Tax Credit. We gave fifteen million Americans. a tax
SOTU 1994 - Draft #5
- . It provides structure and discipline. Last year, to help those who want to work, we began transforming our welfare system. Welfare Reform. We started with the states, giving them the chance to experiment with innovative welfare reform programs
Terrorism - Initiatives
- whether they are convinced he believes · . them. Or thai he has the will and commitment to stand by ·_them against OpPosition from the GOP or his own party. -· For all his talk about personal responsibility; Clinton · ·dic;l not push his welfare reform
- or for welfare· reform. . . ·· ·· · ··~ . But far beyond that, their nice· sounding pl~m: could only be imptementea with devastating cuts that could· set our nation· back decades:. To reach the1r goal through across. the board spending cut~, . they w9uld have
SOTU 1994 - Outlines
- Training Health care Welfare reform Crime -guns, cops, opportunity for kids re: Jody Powell Memo to George (Violence is the problem. Not NRA members.) Focus on "security" regarding the Middle West and California -While we cannot solve all problems, we do
SOTU 1995 - Draft #6
- two years, my administration has given more states the chance to find their own ways to reform welfare than the past two administrations combined. Last year, I introduced the most sweeping welfare reform plan ever presented by an administration. 20
SOTU 1994 - Draft #1
- . Millions of children are stuck grow up on welfare because parents refuse to pay child support. Our welfare reform plan will include the toughest child support measures any White House has introduced. We'll give states the tools to collect child support from
- , trade. 2. Why. it's not enough: stress and ·strain again. 3. What we must do a. MCBOR: ·emphasis on education, family, tax-break. targeted to future and to empowe~ent b. Welfare reform: a drag on all of us if we do not fix it. (Need to develop this.) c
SOTU 1995 - Draft #2
- ·administration has granted more states the freedom to find .. innovative solutions than.the past two administrations combined. Last year, I sent Congress the most sweeping welfare reform bill that any·administration has ever presented-- but Congress chose
- that discourages dependency and irresponsible parenting. 4 'That is what I want too - and what I intend to pursue. Democrats and Republicans alike agree that welfare reform must have high priority. I believe my welfare reform bill is both compassionate and effect
SOTU 1994 - Theme Memos
- is an unacceptable alternative, and that any reform that falls short of universal access, not only won't solve the cost problems, it would be a betrayal of 37 million Americans. The welfare reform is popular, even if the rhetoric is easier to do than the policy. When
SOTU 1995 - Draft #5
- to reform welfare than the past two administrations combined. Last year, I 22 introduced the most sweeping welfare reform plan ever presented by an administration. We have to make welfare what it was meant to be: a second chance, not a way of life. We'll
SOTU 1993 - As Delivered
- crunch and to stop people from making sensible loans. (Applause.) I'd like for us to not only have welfare reform but to reexamine the whole focus of all of our programs that help people to shift them from entitlement programs to empowerment programs
SOTU 1994 - Draft #3
- veto warning on coverage alone. . : , p. 11 (the paragraph before "To teenagers"): the President has consistently said that two great forces organize our lives-work and family. The welfare reform plan is designed to honor and strengthen both
China - Deng's Death
- Finance Committee, is slated to play a key role in debates over tax cuts, the budget and welfare reform. Packwood's office had no immediate comment, but sources close to ihe Ethics Committee said that the six-member panel had concluded from· its review
[Anthony] Lake - Transcripts
- BROWNSTEIN·(Los Angeles Times): The biggest story in 1994 had to be the suicidal failure of the Clinton administration and the Democratic Congress to agree on a reform agenda--health-care reform, welfare reform, politicat reform-that would have fulfilled
- . Memorial Day has come and gone, and we are still waiting for a bill. I know Congress has a full agenda of important issues. Passing a responsible budget is important. Pushing through fundamental welfare reform is important. But all this will take time
Spending Cuts - Analyses
- if they were given their share in cash. If more taxpayers understood these facts, you would gain greater public support for your structural welfare reforms. Long-Term Strategies Your long-term goal should be unequivocal-reducing the power of the spendthrift
Economic Program [1]
- ............................................ .. 7,068 19,1081 Expand EITC (earned income tax credit) .......................................................................... 2,500 4,700 Expand Welfare Reform ............................................. . 3,800 10,700 REWARDING WORK. Other
Africa - Foreign Aid
- in damage. 'i,', 7 USIA Wireless File December 17, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------~. AFS518 . 4.t;• 1~94 .... middle-cla8s tax cut. And he put health-care reform ahead of welfare reform. 12/16/94
- choice is an empowerment issue. Welfare reform is a responsibility issue. We will give you a check, but not unless you promise and follow through 4 JAH-10-95 . TUE P.06 04:18 ... on the promise to. pursue a path to independence through education
SOTU 1994 - Draft #2
- truth: Governments don't raise parents do. And parents must. Millions of childrenc are stuck growing up on welfare because parents refu~e to pay ch~lg _suppQC~. Our welfare reform plan wil~ include t :c; ~~~~~ ~~~ child support measures any White House
Narcotics - Strategy
- . . Prohibiting abortion counseling in federally funded family planning services, including those created to discourage teen pregnancy under welfare reform. Rolling back a right won by federal employees in I 993 to buy private health insurance with abortion
- to focus on neglected domestic matters such as deficit reduction and welfare reform. Even in the foreign policy arena, the new diplomatic paradigm has been overshadowed by a grand theme left over from earlier eras-the notion that the United States can
SOTU 1994 - Health Memos
- that reinforce the welfare reform strategy, including ------~hool-bas.ed imtiatives aimed at reducing teen pregnancy, etc
SOTU 1994 - POTUS Meetings
- of the social contract, challenging people for opportunities, there's going responsibility to do health care, to do the education arid training piece and to do welfare reform~ 1 To then speak·about renewal in terms of·the frayed bonds of community
- placement;, de" pending,upon·the.Iocality:.Getting.someorte off 'welfare, ill: mpst :cases; :will save' the governmerit·far more. than $5,000. . ''• .' "' Initially, you could fmance the trust fund with• an;appropriation: .But welfare reform legislation