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  • Child Care - Welfare Reform Yale-Berkeley Report
  • 17:58 DHHSIASPA ACF/OPA 202 205 '36l:;l1:1 ., ':~:~-', ! "';.' ··".111111, the" CIIUdnl· ':'Mothers Balance Work and .Child :care· under Welfare Reform' . Orowing Up in poverty Project 2000 Wave 1 Findings-ealifornia. cannecticut,' Florida
  • that, in combination with funds provided in welfare reform, could result in the desired ·participation levels. We estimate that funding increases provided in welfare reform will account for 240,000 of the new slots. New Federal $ at 80% match New Federal $ at FMAP
  • recipients with the greatest challengeS? . " , A: First and most important, we do expect states to make 'full use of their TANF funds (or to make considered decisions to save these funds for a rainy day) as they put their welfare reform programs in full
  • ! *~, PHOTOCOPY PRESERVATION COVER STORY GmlNG THERE For Many Working-Poor Families, a Car Is the Key to Upward Mobility By' MARGY WALLER ANO'MARK·ALAN HUGHES 'The 1996 federal welfare reform)aw issued a clear marching order to Americans on public
  • of Welfare Reform Census Bureau November 30, 1999 For Further Information: Nancy M. Gordon Chester E. Bowie ~Charles T. Nelson ·301-457-2126 301-457-3,.773 301-457-3183 [email protected] chester.e. [email protected] charles.t.nelson
  • Responses to Welfare Reform: Who's Taking Care ofthe Children? Moderator: Judy Woodruff, CNN Panelists: Olivia Golden, Department of Health & Human Services Mark Greenberg, Center for Law and Social Policy David Edie, Wisconsin Department of Workforce
  • that had nothing to do .with welfare reform. It restores benefits to Hmong immigrants from Laos who aided our country during the Vietnam War and extends the period during which refugees and asylees may qualify for Food Stamps while they await citizenship
  • for child care subsidies by $817 million in FY 2001, enabling the program to serve nearly 150,000 more children next year. These new funds, combined with the child care funds provided in welfare reform, will enable the program to serve over 2.2 million
  • fWidingthe activities previously provided under the consoli-. dated progtilmS, In addition, the Committee notes that child care entitlement funding Urt
  • . By cutting billions from the program, the federal government would undermine the true goals of welfare reform and abandon its commitment to provide a fixed level of funding to states who live up to their commitment to invest their own dollars in assistance
  • over five years in mandatory funds with an 80/20 match, which when . combined with the funds added in welfare reform, would h~ve enabled the program to serve 2.4 million children in FY 04 (and increase of 1.15 million children over FY 97). The chart
  • a strong economy and welfare reform. The report is eOO tIed, liThe ....... - ~=i===~~!l.:!"~1-~~'l..o:fJ!b-4Vtt:c..B.t';m on the Economic Well·beina-:~~........~~,-:::::~ . I Children. " . , I I I . This report focuses on a sUghtly longer time
  • to do .. It will strengthen ongoing efforts across the nation by increasing opportunities through welfare reform; supporting promising approaches; building partnerships; Improving data collection, research, and evaluation; and disseminating information
  • or health insurance coverage. The 1996 welfare reform law you signed also maintains child protection and adoption guarantees. 2 Now Is The Time To Take Important Next Steps. To follow through on this record of . achievement, today you and the First Lady
  • Congressional interest in child welfare reform. Major provisions include: the authorization of fifty child welfare demonstration projects; the establishment of an advisory panel on kinship care; and, incentive payments for States that increase the number
FY01 Budget (Item)
  • , Infants and Children (WIC). Welfare reform has also placed additio~al responsibility on non-custodial parents for financial responsibility in child rearing, by strengthening child support provisions. In order to support at-risk families and individuals
  • and welfare reform. TODAY, THE CENSUS BUREAU RELEASED THEIR ANNUAL REPORT ON INCOME AND POVERTY IN AMERICA FOR 1998. HERE ARE SOME OF THE RESULTS: Strong Broad-Based Income Gains: • All Groups Have Seen Their Incomes Rise~ - From Richest to Poorest
  • 11123/99 CHAPTER 5 25 PRELIMINARY & CLOSE HOLD OFFICIAL USE ONLY Welfare, Reform . Legislation enacted in 1996 transformed ¥e Nation's welfare system into one that is work-focused and time-limited. Although it mayI produce short term strains for some
Autism [1] (Item)
  • process, making it easier for families to sign up their children. Last month,HHS also released new guidance on ensuring Medicaid coverage for families and children affected by welfare reform. Efforts will continue to strip away all unnecessary
  • in welfare .reform. This law protects those immigrants now receiving assistance, ensuring that they will not be turned out of their apartments or nursing homes or otherwise left destitute. And for immigrants already here but not receiving benefits, the BBA
  • this is especially important. Let me say in the welfare reform bill, we put another $4 billion ,in for child care. In addi~ion to that, because the states are getting money for welfare refo~m based on the peak case load in welfare in 1994, and we've redufed
  • deal. THE PRESIDENT: You know, it's very interesting. One of the things that -- I saw a study of Georgia about -- oh, this was six-eight months ago, we were looking at the impact of the welfare reform law. And at the time, one of the big problems
  • . The initiative is, part of a larger effort to transform public housing and stimulate welfare reform. Local public ' housing authorities raise money from private and public partners to fundthe initiative. The, Campus ofLearners designation enhances the public
Admin/Intern (Item)
  • next stage of welfare reform and one of the most important things we can do to reduce child' poverty. Mothers should not bear the whole burden of welfare reform; now we must make sure that every unemployed father who owes child support goes ,to work
  • for our most vulnerable citizens. In adl.lHioll. OQvemof5 strongly support the provision from the 1996 welfare reform law that allows Rtates to transfer up to 10 percent of their TANF block grant into SSBO. Both the House and Senate versions of the flseal
  • insurance deduction for self-employed individuals . included a variation of a Clinton Administration proposal to deny the EITC to taxpayers with large amounts of inv~stment income. As modified by the welfare reform act, the EITC is denied to taxpayers
  • at 42 percent, a 30-year low, many employers are having difficulty finding the workers they need. Women are expected to make up over 60 percent of new entrants to the labor force between 1994 and 2005. Welfare reform makes it likely that the demand
  • for child care subsidies by $817 million in FY 2001, enabling the program to serve nearly 150,000 more children next year. These new funds, combined with the child care funds p~ovided in welfare reform, will enable the program to serve over 2.2 million
  • party lines to hire 30,000 of that 100,000 teachers I talked about. It was a wonderful moment -- like when we passed the balanced budget in '97, overwhelming majorities of both parties in both houses; when we passed welfare reform in \ '96, overwhelming
  • -income Latinos, a key element of California's welfare reform is providing a sirttilar incentive. Under the CalWorks program, wrueh emphasizes jobs as an alternative to public assistanec. those making the transition from welfare to work may use
  • to look for, how to write proposals. Currently, we are preparing to submit proposals to the state for review. I can't say what those are because the residents don't know yet," she said. What Hughes will tell is that the delegation is looking at welfare
  • rates nationwide. Two years ago, the President called for a national effort by businesses to hire people off welfare, to make sure the welfare reform effort would work. Today, under the leadership of Eli Segal, the Welfare to Work Partnership has grown
  • Enforcement Acadejny in Budapest. Prime Minister Hom described the political difficulty of continuing :the pace of economic and social welfare reform, btlt stressed his determination to do so'. recognizing that while the present generation '" i may not be able
  • for a significant new investment in the Child Care and Development Block Grant, combined with the funds provided in welfare reform, would have served up to one million new children -- assisting low-income working families struggling to pay for child care
  • $4.25 in 1993 to $5.15 in 1997; 15 -', • Expanded child support enforcement provisions, which help ease the economic burden on single mothers and enforce responsibility for economic support of children on both parents; • Major welfare reform
  • , is cosponsored by 73 Members of'the House including many New York Members. The benefit cuts which were enacted under the 1996 welfare reform laws went too far and have disproportionately hurt states like New York, which is home to a large and diverse . . newcomer
  • '" " ,,' ,,", ' " ' '.~.' ' • And, let me be clear: this President and this Secretary, with your h~lp'will come ba~k to fix what is wrong with the Welfare Bill, to overturn the'wrong':'headed provisiorison food 'stamps and legal irinnigrants that have nothing to do with Welfare Reform
  • , including the President's Advisory on Welfare Reform, the U.S. Advisory on Child Abuse and Neglect, the New York City Mayor's Commission on the Foster Care of Children, and the New York City Civilian Complaint Review Board. She is currently a member