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- SOTU [State of the Union] '99
- TO: The First Lady FROM: Jen Klein, Neera Tanden RE: The Family Agenda for the State of the Union DATE: December 30, 1998 We have attached a draft of an outline of a proposed family agenda for the State of the Union. We caution that some
Presidential Calendar
- ------------] [Drug Seizure Even/, Miami, FL 12· ···-- -·- IP~~.;;.~i~iiP~~-~:·-~::=-1 Live Radio Address DNC Lunch, Miami, FL Off-_----=:J 11- 10 VP Lunch -~ DNC Dinner, DC Metropolitan Baptist Church SOTU Prep @ay& Evening Kennedy Center Honors
- State of the Union Materials '98
- .... SUNTUM _M @ A 1 01/27/98 10:53:00 PM Record Type: To: Record See the distribution list at the bottom of this message cc: · Subject: 1 998-1-2 7 State of the Union speech THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release
- for policing. Economic Opportunity for all Americans Strengthening National Security ( IV. Familiar Themes and Values While the President's State of the Union addres~ will contain new ideas, it will be built around familiar themes and values reflecting Bill
- to expand the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) for your consideration before a possible announcement on this issue in your State of the Union Address. Expanding FMLA would further enable American workers to take protected time off to spend with a new
- importance to working families. Second, it will provide a basis from which to launch significant child care proposal in the State of the Union. ,. a The conference will address three critical child care challenges -~ availability, affordability, and safety
Pillars [1]
- Attachments 11:........;;;~;;.._...:;._.;::0::;;._.;../ -_{_ __ Interesting Articles /1/Atc/J it 1771d-, Girl Power - Women and Girls Education State of the Union/General Accomplishments National Parks Asthma Event 5/21 Boxer Event 5/26 CLINTON LIBHARY
- State of the Union-General Accomplishments [1]
- ~ting the system. The goals are to have ru1 operator in each of the 50 states as issues of consistency' with state securities laws are ~esolved. · · · · · . 20 ' ·.· ·-·Reinafks By The President In State Of The Union Address http
- Youth Development/Afterschool/Violence-State of the Union [1999]
- fstate/Office of Legal Adviser) Re: State ofthe Union Address & Education-- Mention of Presidential Request to Federal Agencies to Form Tutoring Partnerships with Am~rica Reads-Targeted D.C. Elementary Schools Dear Ms. Echaveste: This is further
- ~ . .. ~- ., "' ;.I. . PRESIDENTIAL ACTION IN THE SECOND TERM Friday, April18, 1997 In State of the Union, t~e President outlined his concrete action plan to prepare America for the 21st Century. Since then, he has worke~ to take action
- parents the right to choose which public school their children will atterul; and to let teachers form new schools with a · charter they can keep only if they do a good job. " President William Clinton State of the Union January 23, 1996 In the State
- can shape our culture to do it. " . January 24, 1995. Address Before· a Joint Session of the Congress on the State of the Union "For people in the entertainment industry in this country, we applaudyour creativity and your worldwide success, and we
- for America's working married couples. · In 10 days time, President Clinton will give his State of' the Union Address outlining many of the things he wants to do with the budget surplus a surplus provided by the Republican Congress which cut waste, put America's
- that would like to adopt will be an important part of the Presi- . And lastly, .Democrats want, and!
Health Reform-Senior Remarks
- •!• Children's Health •!• Poem by Kenzo Dix •!• POTUS-Presidential Action in the 2"d Term •!• Presidenth:tl Calendar •!• Race •!• Reinvention Laboratory •!• Social Security •!• Social Security-Women •!• Spending •!• State ofthe Union-Education •!• Education
Accomplishments [2] [Binder]
- and nelps individuals who lose jobs.maintain. coverage. As many as 25 ~illion people will benefit from this law. [source: FY 2000. Budget, p. 83] I of3 2/14/2000 II :28 AM 2000 The State ofthe Union Message: Improving Our Nation's Hea~th; http
- State of the Union-General Accomplishments [2]
Child Care-Group Proposals
- part in your upcoming State of the Union address, I think it's important to frame it as part of that continued commitment to a healthy stan· for our youngest children. The connection of child care to your education goals, which were so eloquently
Education-School Choice
- million for this program this year was cut was cut more than half by the House of Representatives. Meanwhile, five states have enacted laws authorizing charter schools since the President's State of the Union appeal in January for more public school choice
National Parks
- social and environmental issues of high interest to our audience. I believe the timing of our event is significant, too, giving you an opportunity to address issues of personal concern that may also be cited in the President's State-of~the-Union address
- child care better, safer, and more affordable. Last night, in my State of the Union Address, I asked Congress to reach across party lines to work on this important issue. ·I am very pleased that today, Senators Chafee, Hatch, Snowe, Roberts, Specter
- State of the Union address, the President focused the nation on this issue and reiterated his call on Congress to pass a patients' bill of rights before they adjourned this year. • February 1998. The President issued an Executive Memorandum directing
- in the State of the Union tg allow more workers to stay at home for longer periods with their .newborns .. We are also open to ·discussing with members. of Congress an' expansion ofthe child, although we found. such proposals too expensive
- ) 3) Representation of the Partnership by NCAAC on the Interagency TaskForce 4) Mention the Partnership as a Creative Innovative Public/Private Partnership Conducting CHIP in the State of the Union Address 5) Inclusion of the Partnership in all White
- in advance of the State of the. Union Address and discuss details of the proposal. II. BACKGROUND Mort Foundation Announcement ·The Charles Stewart Mort Foundation has pledged up to $55 million over five years to support the President's proposal
- have a race and health initiative that, pending budget approval, would probably be a great announcement/event before the State of the Union Address. This is becoming a very hot issue that we can get some validation that we are doing something serious
- and repeatedly that teenagers ought not to become pregnant or be parents. Leaders may feel it's taboo- "too hot to handle"- but they should know that the President's statement 8 J in the 1995·State of the Union message_ that teenage pregnancy is "our most
- mentioned it in the State of the Union Address, my last State of the Union Address, I always try to keep up with the reaction -- on balance, it was the most positive reaction I ever got, except for all of the nasty letters I got from kids saying, "How dare
- ·· ................................................................... • Katherine Searcy Iii 1/27/98 (310) 337-7625 (S)6:18PM . 1)213 TALKING IT OVER '· BY HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE As I write this, my husband is working hard on the State of the Union message that he will deliver to~ight. Yester
Child Care Media [2]
- up: To the 75 Valley child-development specialists who * gathered recently to participate in the White House Conference on * Child Care, which was taped and fed by satellite to the Satellite * Student Union at Fresno State. Quality child care
Child Care Media [3]
- aimed * at improving the affordability, safety and quality of child care, including a measure that would make it easier for states to conduct * criminal background checks on prospective child care workers. Clinton also said his next State of the Union
Children's Health Day
- of healthcare specialists in the areas of nutrition, fitness, and dental health just to name a few. MASSACHUSE11 S LEADS THE WAY M assachusetts led the way as the first "state" in the union to join AHF in celebrating Child Health Day. MA's ceremony took place
Project Connect
- these issues a central element of his 1998 State of the Union address. · ...,. • .· October 1997: Participated in the White House Conference on Child Care. • . October 6, 1997: Cong. McGovern hosted the first-ever Massachusetts Child Heal¢. Day in Boston
- .06 J a.nuary 18, 1999 To: Maria Echaveste, Deputy Chief of Staff Tho White House From: John Arbogast ~ate/Office of Legal Adviser) Re: State of the Union Address & Education-- Merltioo of Presidential Request to Federal ~encies to Form Tutoring
- - -+---i 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+- appears to be the result of the unprecedented focus on children's health in 1997. Beginning with the State of the Union and ending with the establishment of your Children~s Health Insurance Program (CHIP
- leader in technology, finance, military power. What are the domestic key factors and priorities that you believe are required to maintain this leadership in the long run. CLINTON: Well, I think my husband very well outlined those priorirites in his State
- budget testimony. Note that this was before the State of the Union Address. Tax Policy has separate Qs and As on the tax proposals; if you haven't received those, you sho·uld give Janet Holtzblatt a call. Let me know if you have any questions. 141001
- of President Clinton's State of the Union · Address Tuesday evening. Recognizing the social and economic importance of early childhood issues, · . state lawmakers have recently adopted policies to support working families anc::Lquadrupled legislation addressing
- and the child they love. " President Bill Clinton State of the Union Address, January 27, 1998 President Clinton announced an hi~toric initiative to improve child care for America's working· families. The initiative proposes over $20 billion over five years
Pillars [2]
- . Congress for authoriZation and appropriation Need to shore up bi-partisan support by distinguishing this research program from shortterm technical improvements by the private sector and from connections programs. Fulfills State oftht: Union pledge
- know that the President's statement in the 1995 State of the Union message that teenage pregnancy is "our most serious social problem" earned the loudest and longest applause of any portion of that speech. Speaking out clearly against teenage pregnancy
Health Reform-Long Term Care
- . At the very least,' this time squeeze is a · source of anxiety for parents; at its worst, it places more children at risk. As part of the State of the Union Address, the President will unveil a bold agenda that puts families first by helping struggling parents
Equal Pay [Folder 1]
- in trying to geta message out to the country. But I'd like to point out as I tried to do in the State of the Union that the time in which we are living now in terms of our economic prosperity is virtually unprecedented. We had 4.2 percent unemployment last
- the ' \ education of our children. I will be talking about all this and more in my State of the Union address. - 10- .. But today, by rais~ng our investment in quality after school .programs, we are taking another crucial step . ~owargs transforming our public
- in his State of the Union Address. We have approached these discussions with the understanding that the debate around reauthorization of ESEA will be the primary education debate before the next election cycle. Because conservatives are likely to use ESEA
Accomplishments [3] [Binder]
- Clinton, State olthe Union Address to Congress, January 19, 1999 1 "It is time for all Americans to recognize that the issues that face gays and lesbians in this country are not narrow, special interests -- they are matters of basic human and civil rights
- on Child. Care that you will_. unveil a child care ,initiative in your State . I . , ,· . of the Union Address and FY ~999 budget proposal. . The memorandum refle!cts· a policy development process led by the Domestic f_o)*ey . Council with significant input
- statement in the 1995 State of the Union message that teenage pregnancy is "our most serious social problem" earned the loudest and longest applause of any portion of that speech. Speaking out clearly against teenage pregnancy would do much to clarify values
- Services Donna Shalala to argue forcefully for more funding for early. childhood development and child care programs, encouraging Secretary Shalala to urge President Clinton to make these issues a central element of his 1998 State of the Union address
- of transmitting legislation in early March and enabling the President to announce the more significant proposals in his State of the Union Address. We have approached these discussions with the understanding that the debate around reauthorization of ESEA
Education-Teacher Quality
- cent1;1ry, spending about half of his State of the Union talking about education. To those who might ask that question, I would reply, as the President did last eveniri.g, that it is through education and a national commitment to education that we have
Environment-Green Bonds
- America to build on things to bring people to the cities, and to keep people in the cities .... " • The Denver Post, January 20, 1999: "Congress should support a pair of Clinton administration proposals. outlined in President Clinton's State of the Union
- . Origins and history: The initiative was stimulated by President Clinton's challenge issued in bis 1995 State of the Union address that ''parents and leaders all across the country ... join together in a national campaign against teen pregnancy to make
Welfare [2]
- State of the Union to move two million more Americans off of welfare by the year 2000. The latest caseload numbers, announced May 27th, sho'Y that welfare caseloads fell·by 5.2 million since President Clinton took office anq 3.3-million since he signed
- TO THE PRESIDENT EOR DOMESTIC POLICY ~: I RE: . II . . . DEPUTIES MEETING ON CHILD CARE INITIATIVE 'I ·- ,. i'' . • i I . I As you know, the President announced that he will unveil a child care initiative in his 1998 State of the Union Addre
- environment." The study, which will be released tomorrow, could have implications for the unfolding political debate about violence in the entertainment industry. Both President Clinton, iri his State of the Union speech two weeks ago, and See VIOLENCE, A7
- State of the Union address and his FY1999 budget request. His budget provides $21.3 billion in new child care funding from 1999 to 2003 to help families meet their child care needs. The President's budget expands child care subsidies for low-income
- . In the State of the Union, I set out a plan to provide the pro.gram with the necessary new funds and proposed working on a bipartisan basis to develop appropriate reforms. I believed that it was appropriate to await the recommendations of the Commission before
Education [Folder 3]
- by the year 2000. · .. . . .j . . : · .. . , . . I . . . . -President Clinton, State of the Union Address, January 23, 1996 · . MEETING THE COMMITMENT EARLY. Two years.ago, the President committed to expanding the Federal Work-Study Program to one
Health Reform-Teen Pregnancy
- percent ofthe children born to unmarried teenagers who dropped out of high school are poor. In contrast, just 8 percent of children born to married high school graduates aged 20 or older are poor. In his 1995 State ofthe Union Address, President Clinton