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  • . As we debate welfare reform, I hope we will learn from the recent verbal skirmishes over or.phanages how public discussion of c:r-itical issues can be confus'ed and bogged down by polarizing language. I agree with the recent. comments of Speaker Gingrich
  • child support e~forcement, there's, alot in that , ~elfare bill which the President has advocated ever since he got ,,' , . involved in welfare reform Iwhenhe was the governor of Arkansas. And there are features in that welfare bill which are not ones
  • more ~olice on the streets, just like the mayor did here in Houston. Welfare reform that's actually going to work. And health ~are reform. I mean,le've done so much, we haven't had. time to stop and tell you ~ll about it. So you need to telll your
  • allover . each other. We must seek change that takes us. forward, not back. " .'j.. .That is why we cannot allow a debate over welfare reform to. turn into a.war against th. poor. Tbat'is why we cannot permit welfare reform to become a~ excuse
  • of politics today. But they a're far outweighed by -- ' ' it makes a difference to me that we finally have a president who has introduced welfare reform after other people talked about it. It makes a difference"to me that yesterday the President got to sign
  • are the fundamental disagreements between this admini~tr9.tion and Senator: D'ole on welfare reform? HRC: Let me just back up one minute on that, because my husband has a long record on welfare reform. When he was in the National Governors' Association, he
  • for a living and take care of their children and play by the rules should be rewarded. And instead of rewarding those who don't, let's start rewarding those who do. (Applause.) And you know, a lot of people have made a lot of speeches about. welfare reform
  • a friend in (inaudible). (Applause) We also have to take on the tough challenge of welfare reform. We've got to give people the opportunity to be productive, not dependent. There are many things ahead of this nation's. .\ MORE Diversified Reporting
  • police on the streets and get the weapons out of violent criminals' hands? And are we going to have health care and Welfare reform? 'That is what people talk tome about, and that is' what we are working on. Q Great. MRS. CLINTON: Thank you
  • of welfare reform. (Applause) The President has asked your governor to lead the Governors' Task Force on welfare reform, because you know and I know that if we do not start seriously moving people off welfare and onto work, we will have continued
  • more peoplejmove from welfare to work and perhaps even to provide . . more discounts to low-income workers to make child care affordable for them. .- '1 ~e, . - ' . acci-edited~ ­ - This welfare reform C?ffort, if focused on child can train lots
  • they are, not only individually, but in relation to a community in a more productive and positive way. So, for example, we both advocate welfare reform, not because we want to be punitive or point fingers at people, but because in the absence of the eventual
  • that, ~e/re going to have health care.lreform and welfare reform, I think a lot of you would ,have s~id, "wait a minute. ,This doesn't seem likely." Some off you might say, if I were to say that, "What is she smoking artd did she inhale (inaudible
  • today, beyond anything anybody could hav~ predicted, but also other tough decisions for people. This lis the first President who really has introduced welfare reform. The other side talks about it, they love to beatiup on it. They don't want to reform
  • making some hard decisions so that we can pull together to solve our problems. It was this presidbnt, not his predecessors, who has introduced real wea.fare reform. And it ib with Jim Maloney's help that we will get I real welfare reform, because
  • .: , ' , . . I " ,. And as part of jobs and the economy we need in these next . mOl)ths to come up.with cf. decent welfare reform proposal that will move people from welfare to work, but will also recognize that there are some skills a~d some training and some
  • be addressed if the entire community pulls together, if elected officials and business and labor leaders and those in our religious community and our not-for-profit sector and voluntary org~nizations all take as our priority making welfare reform work, not just
  • to work together. Every time we get in one of these fights people throw their hands up. But there's normally a process that goes on here. When we were doing welfare reform I vetoed two bills because it took away the mandate of health care and nutrition
  • who talk a lot about welfare reform, and ,the welfare system only got 'worse under the Republican. I don't know what the ge1")esis of that was. I would guess ,that it was so clear what the President was aiming to do, which I agree with a hundred
  • squarely on the national agenda. Virtually all of his legislative initiatives thus far are related to improving the lives of families and chi]dren and to restoring the American dream of opportunity and rlpward mobility. Health Icare reform, welfare reform
  • welfare reform, by trying to create entrepreneurial activities, by trying to give, for example, housing projects back to tenants so that they are responsible for themselves, by trying to give the kind of incentive that will enable individuals to take
  • will get done, will give real security to people. Welfare reform. What.'more'meaningful effort could the Congress engage in than trying to provide independence and self-sufficiency and ,end wel~are as a way of life? And then health care. Every time I hear
  • , thJI static, across all the mlslnformation, so , that people know what the real choices are. And while we are debating health Icare reform, Welfare reform is also moving , through the Congress. Everything my husband said he would do, we are either doing
  • before. , " " • , ' • I' ",' , , "WheriDayid Liede~mar t,estified tri't~e' Ho~se :las~ month on welfare reform, 'he talked, about our obllgatlon .as a natlon to keep all' childreri from harm.' . Thalt s~ngle p~rase, "-toke'ep al1chi~dr'en" from
  • to give the child the kind of attent>ion the child needs. We know that. , , I ' ,' As you so eloquently state, welfare reform must not focus on eliminating programs, bUt on eliminating poverty and the damage that it inflicts on chilaren
  • ;, welfare reform and better child care!I for working parents; tougher child . support enforcement and second-chance homes for unwed mothers; ~ore police on thd beat and fewer guns on the street; better protection for the environment and steady
  • , walking a beat and do something about gangs and. assault :weapons and the other ways [hat criminals terrorize people. Even before he signed welfare reform, we were seeing progress because the . President gave authority to stales t~ start experimenting
  • that IS readily available andl usable in many different venues. We need that now as much as ever. I think there is a greatei attention to the needs of children than there has been. We are ,embarking in our country on many changes -- welfare reform being but one
  • of higher and higher prices in the health care field unless we aFt. ' There is also a reason to do it because it will help us deal wi thl some of 'our social problems. ' It is hard to imagine how we can achieve welfare reform for example when one
  • ~ interview last wee~ that he might ask you to playa significant role in the implementation of the Welfare Reform BiU in a second term, so what I I role would you see for yourself o~ tbat SUbject and wbat is your view of the re.siguatioll of a , i couple
  • a lot of speculation, that people have been saying, "Oh, Mrs. Clinton didn't really agree with her husband on welfare reform, or maybe there's a bit of a difference or conflict with her stated views recently on Mideast policy and administration point
  • inertia no matter what they're called. So what we're trying to do in his announcements about welfare reform in this administration is to ,come up with new approaches to it that make it work better. ' Q I know that you're just getting started on health
  • . responsibility truly has a chance to flourish. That's really the motivating force behind welfare reform. Some people may want to do it because they want to punish people because they're not worthy, but where the President comes from and where I corne from
  • an essential ctmponent of welfare 'reform. He insisted that welfare reform include spending for child care b
  • on the President's promise of welfare reform, which is inextricably bound with MORE 3 health care reform. It is absolutely provable that millions of Americans are ~orking every day without health care benefits to provide taxes to pay for health benefits for people
  • think this whole debate about welfare reform, which my husband has been talking about for years and which I have supported for years, it's not a liberal or a conservative debate, it is looking at the facts, which have been pointed out as long ago as Pat
  • . Our national service is an option to repay loans. So that's a big part of what we're doing this year. Then the welfare reform initiative is a really big family issue that enables -- the whole idea is enabling people on welfare to succeed as workers
  • ,rtantto :do welfare '.-reform '50 .that· .we,. oilceagaln reward' i.ndependence and . s~lf-slhJf iciency;.. "It ~ S. import.aht t,o ha·ve, j pb .:) . traiJ':tiD9 pr¢>gramsa:nd If.fe~l:ohg learning.and. the Secretary' Riley
  • ~q,:,: w,:ill,those', pi~ces, -of legislation be, signea, ~ill tha~'ptogress around the ,world take place, but : , ,h~al thcare~\refor:fn ,welfare '.reform, ,campaign finance' reform:, ,'lc:>bbyiligr.reform'~ill' a'l L: be'in~ro~uced-and pushed
  • ' ,on ,behalf of children.' To s.kethe' extent In this 'recent debate to , which ,rhetoric' obscures r~atity. If,/we are serious about 'welfare reform,' for 'example, weo~ght to be .serious about child care as ,weil. 'We 'know that will be difficult, to reform
  • . It is in all of our interests. to be more effective in investing in education and health care throughout the IIWOrld, and wherever there is a particular pocket of . poverty in an advanced economy, to take what we have learned about welfare reform and.other
  • ends. The welfare reform debate, is a perfect example '. I . ' • of that. You know, ther~ ~s a broad consensus, I th~nk, fueled largely. by my husband's '92 campaign and by what he tried to do 'with the legislation thatj'he introduced, 'we need
  • assistance that· is provided. This guarantee enables these families to care for children who would otherwise languish in the foster care system!. And we are aware that there are welfare reform proposals that are pending now in Congress that would
  • and' of Govel11h1ents of the Americas Plenary conference of the First Ladi~s and State Govel11ments of the Americas Response to question about her role ,n welfare reform for 2nd term Human Rights Day Event with Julie Su-Roosevelt Room Announcement of Donations
  • for everybody. And now he's pushing welfare reform. So, when you take on that many strong interests, they have lots of money, they have unlimited resources to put out propaganda 'and to mail things to people to get them ups~t and scared. So I think there's a loi
  • for everybody who's responsible enough to work for it. And my goal for the next four years will be to "improve the educational and the jOb. opportunities for all Americans and to implement this welfare reform bill in a humane and constructive way so that we've
  • , otherwise languish in the foster care. systbm'.' And weare aware that there are . I ". . . ', welfare reform proposals that ' . pendlng nOW,ln Congress that are would eliminate this mu~h needed ,guarantee. And so our aim, and our struggle coritinues ~swe
  • of a sudden they had some resources which they use~ !O create a business. . I' ' \ .~.. :'.,' . . . As we begin to implement welfare reform, I think one of the most important aspects· of our efforts will have to :mblui::le a very "large
  • for 'the cities coming. We've got all the political reform things that are coming -­ campaign finance reform, more on the lobbying front and a number of other issues, in terms of reforming the government. We've got the big welfare reform initiative still coming
  • for years of sUbstantial welfare reform. Now, to some people that's conservative. To me, it's pragmatic. It's responsible. It makes sense. I'm a big supporter of reforming our health care system so that everybody has health care coverage. To some, I suppose
  • . The President focused all of his energy on the Family support Act and, you know, welfare reform was popular, and he would work on the education goals. But nothing ever got done on them until he became President. I mean, they just kept spinning around. And I
  • , but in the ~hple range;of issues that affect ¢hildren and families-- maybe afterw~ do health care reform and we ~o welfare reform, both • of which ~te on the.agenda as two , , I, ,.. ' more of my husband's maJor prlorltles, w~,can take some:t1~e and step back
  • . . I mean, hopefully, welfare reform, which we've also got on the agenda, jlWil1 get a lot of people off of welfare who are only there because they get health benefits that they don't get if .they go to minimum wage. The real people I'm concerned about
  • recently about people who are automatically dropped by the computer from Medicaid when they go off welfare. Now that is a catch 22. One of the reasons that I suppotted welfare reform is because I believed it would encourage people to be responsible for th
  • . And this is quintessential American v~lues and the best of capitalism. I I Q In the effort to make welfare reform work, how much do you think this can help? And in our experience with these prokrams, have·we found that the people who end up participating are people who
  • disposal to try to reach every single teenager. And the Administration working with the Campaign is doing just that. For example, under the new welfare reform law we're telling unmarried teen parents that they have to stay in school and live at home
  • ~aobuJithis?!': D(f:ydti~thirik they'iF',': go along with it?'" ,"";
  • you? HRS. ClI NTON: Oh, child ren and ch ild ren' s needs in te res ts me. Tha t' s really drives me on this health care issue. I want to be sure that we get welfare reform done. That's an issue that Secretary Shalala and the president -- well
  • Perspectives on Permanency, a conference dedicated to adoption, foster care; and child welfare reform at the Renaissance Washington Hotel. The conference, sponsored by the W.K. Kellogg foundation, will highlight· ways to improve foster care and adoption systems
  • for Planning and Evaluation, Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and member of the HHS Working Group on Welfare Reform, Family Support and Independence; Detective Kevin Jett, New York Police Department; Mary Jo Bane, Assistant Secretary for Children
  • frustrat~.d·,.' you knoW:. . • " • '. 1,. ' I" ! ,', ' He'd come 1:0 Washing;ton,and he'd talk to these guys • He'd go, andpe' d talk ~o the dlamocr.ats in congress, and he'd say, you guys have a'great story. ·1 mean, y~u passed welfare reform
  • their jobs' or health iDsurance. In addition, the welfare reform legislation signed by thePresi~ent maintained the guarantee ofchild protection and adoption, and did not reduce funds for child welfare, child abuse, andfoster care and adoption services.. . t
  • and examples of how tO,streamline the application and enrollment. process, making it easier for families to sign up their children. Last month, HHS also' released new guidance on ensuring Medicaid coverage for families and children affected by welfare reform
  • the years. Then,.when Bill was asked to chair the National Governor's Association task force on health care, we talked about it a lot, because he had by that time .done welfare reform work. He had done a lot of the education, economic developmeht 'Work