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  • FLOTUS Remarks and Speeches 5/99 - 10/12/99 [Binder]: [FLOTUS Remarks and Speeches 5/99 - 10/12/99 [Binder]: ["Culture Counts - A Conference on Financing, Resources, and the Economics of Culture in Sustainable Development" - Florence, Italy 10/7
  • •___ ~.~ _ _ _ _-~-:-_':r:s;:;;;-.-:-:"z. __ _ ~z ~o 0;:': UF$ O~ Or;) E-
  • , including east Jerusalem within the pure boundaries of 1967. Such:a sovereign state can be viable and will ensure ' sustainable development. Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank yOU' for being here and welcome you again. I hope that next time you visit us, we
  • address, Mrs. Clinton outlined the Millennium Communities Program, a 'new initiative developed by the White House Millennium Council to make America' scelebration of . . \ " ~ the millennium both memorable and me~gfi.l1. "This program gives us aD
  • partnerships and to share broad lessons and best practices to address these challenges. The First Lady will deliver a major address on encouraging the development of civil society alid democracy. In addition, Mrs. Clinton will meet with the President and Prime
  • of this event, please see the President's press schedule.' '; , ### THE WHITE HOUSE: Office of the First .Lady FOR IMMEDIATERELEASR March 12, 1999 CONTACT: White House Millennium Council 202/456-2000 Live Cybercast and SateUite Feed The Sixth
  • economic development, investing in tribal S9hools, and enhancing the well-being of families. At last year's first-ever W1:lite House Conference on Economic Development in Indian Country, the President announced! several important initiatives to boost
  • Foundation; Justin Timberlake of the band N'Sync; Peter Hart, Founder, Peter Hart Research Associates; and Dorothy Johnson, President Council of Michigan Foundations. The second panel, "New Philanthropy in the New Millennium" will feature three panelists who
  • Council i's working with countries at'ound the world to develop projects that emphasize preservation of cultural and natural resources,encQurage tourism and the imaginative use of technology, and engage all the world's children to.crea~e a positive vision
  • Reform Board of Trustees Mr. and Mrs. Clive S. Cummis, Esq. (Ann) Chairman and President, Sills Cummis Zuckerman Radin Tischman Epstein & Gross Hon. Glyn T. Davies; Executive Secretary, The National Security Council Mrs. Jacqueline Davies
  • much to the United states and to American culture. I . . I r . I see every day at the WhiteHouse the values of hard work, love of family, and respect for hu~an dignity that are hallmarks of the Philippine people. Among the President's most dedicated
  • to ensure that America's heritage is sustained for future generations. Throughout the trip, the First lLady will promote the goals ofthe White House Millennium Council's "Save America's Trbasures" initiative, a program dedicated to protecting the nation's
  • , ,:,' ,,,' .. I::' ( • I I ADDRESS BY l-flLLARY RODHAM CLINTON THE FIRST LAdy OF THE UNITED STATES I TIlE UNIYERSITY OF ZURICH JA~ruARY 31, 1998 I . , I Thank you very much. President Cotti; ,Governor Busehor; Rector Schmid
  • fOf; her leadership, her' courage and, on a p'et-sonal note, her friendship. And I am delighted that she has agreed to serve as the new chair for the President!s Interagency Council on Women; ably assisted on the issues bY'Teresa Loar' arid Tim Wirth
  • Development (USAlD) program in Haiti is to mitigate the effects of poverty.' address the underlying causes of poverty -- population pressure, poor education, and environmental degradation -- and create sustainable income opportunities for the poor. The AID
  • to his address at City Hall, the inauguration ceremonies for the Tip O'Neil Chair for Peace Studies at the University of Ulster, and attend the reception hosted by the Derry City council. Upon returning to Belfast, Mrs. Clinton will join the President
  • ~ in Transition: Lessons for the Next Decade" Conference, Warsaw, Poland 10/7/99 Remarks by FLOTuS at "Culturd Counts: A Conference on Financing, Resources, and the Econotnics of Culture in Sustainable Development" Florence, Italy I;, Remarks by FLOTUS at Vital
  • plunging into the depths of the ocean. These are the kinds of discovelies that have long shaped our understanding of the universe and bring us all here today, Our Millennium Lectures, and the entire White House Millennium Council, grew out of a selies
  • leaders are joining forces-­ and resources -- to develop innovate: health care strategies and tools that promote safe motherhood. We now know -- morelthan'ever -- that reducing maternal mortality requires sustained, long term commitments from the full
  • Banking, ~ario Atara of Action International, and othe~ leaders in the field. Arid we committed ourselves yet again to move forward in.this area of financing which is ofl such great importance to the development of women's ioles in the world. I would like
  • group, NSYNC.' At the age of 18, he has ,created his own charitable foundation to ~elp schools create high-caliber music programs. And, finally, Dorothy Johnson, the President of the Council of Michigan Foundations, is a nationally recognized expert
  • . CLINTON: I c~n tell you what We are to do here in our own country. The President has inter-agency council on'woken that is tasked with up on Beijing. It is chaife4 by the Secretary of j I 17 trying created an following Health and ~ Human Services
  • our nation and helping to imagine our future. Save America's Treasures is a public-private partnership between the White House Millennium Council and the National Trust for Historic Preservation. that is dedicated to the celebration and preservation
  • , Assistant to the President for Economic Policy Robert Rubin, Council of Economic Advisors Chair Laura Tyson and Senior Advisor to the President for'Policy Development Ira . Magazin~r. Magaziner will lead an interdepartmental working group which
  • Council on'Africa, Chantilly VA 65th Anniv. Of Folger 'Shakespeare Liora:ry University of Louisville· President's Summit on America's Future I Microenterprise SumIllit, Bridgetown, Barbados Univ. Amsterdam, The Neth. Banneker High School . OhioUniv
  • '.,: '. ~. ' .. ," \ THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Pres~ Secretary For Immediate Release January 25, 1999 FIFTH MILLENNIUM EVENING AT THE WHITE HOUSE Remarks by the President, the First Lady, Professor Natalie Davis and Professor
  • for All, above all, the proposals aiming for a sustainable development of health care systems", said Mrs Dreifuss. In conclusion, the Vice President reaffrrmed her countryls commitment to lIa health policy committed to a more just society. everywhere II
  • PHOTOCOPY PRESERVATION THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary December 31, 1998 Transcript \ REMARKSBY THE PRESIDENT AND MRS. CLINTON AT RENAISSANCE WEEKEND Hyatt Regency Hotel Hilton Head, South Carolina 10:45 P.M. EST
  • and Senate, one hour, no notes and got the longest sustained standing ovation ever accorded anyone to speak before the Arkansas Legislature. I think when she unveils this plan and when the President joins her in doing it, I think, too that we are going
  • husband sppke to the Council on Foreign Relations on 1 New York on Monday, he . . l~id out both an analysis of, and prescriptions I I , ' i I for, the international economic crisis that we are facing today. Those . ' I ' , prescriptions
  • of the Americas. The ' conference "The Rights of Women' and Children within the Framen,iTork of sustainable Human Development," will revie'W effective projects and strategies effecting the health and education of women and families. . Mrs •. Clinton's
  • of all, the national . part of it is very expensive and bureaucratic, in my view. We have watched. the development of a new board. We've watched the development of about four or five new councils or boards for graduate medical education, fordr:ug review
  • that the Presid~nt was comfortable with, he was certainly somebody that I had worked with, had a great deal ,of respect'with -­ Q ,You worked with him where? MRS. CLINTON: We were on the National Council on the Education a'nd the' Economy.' We had done
  • in Sustainable Development" . ' Florence, Italy Remarks,by FLOTUS at Vital Voices Conference on Women and Democracy, Reykjavik, Iceland' Millenniu~ Event atthe White House: Infonnatics Meets Gen'ol!lics, The White House 10/5/99 10/5/99 10/7/99 10/10/99 10/12/99
  • , 'but as the Americ~n citizen whom the President decided he could best entrust with this task that· he placed at the very top of his dom~stic agenda. NOw, I'm not saying that being a Friend of Bill hurt her any in this process. (Laughter.> After all, presidents hav
  • , I am going to save some money. And maybe that's my choice. But if I don't want to, 'I don't have to. So the President and I us~ally end up , choosing ~he Blue. Cross/Blue Shield where we can go anywhere. We pay more for it, but that's our choice
  • reform legislation passing that maybe does a little bit of insurance reform, maybe create voluntary co-ops for people to pool their purchasing power, and what's likely to happen if that's what we come up with, assuming the President would sign it, which
  • [Speeches and Remarks] [binder]: [IDB (Inter-Development Bank) Microenterprise Conference, November 8, 1995]
  • on "The lInter-Development Bank and Mic~oenterprise: Promoting Growth with Equity." I am accdmpanying the President to Japan and unfortunately cannot join you i~ person. , Microenterpr~se is the heart of development because micro­ enterprise progra~s work
  • Childhood Development and Learning) The East Room April 17, 1997 \ ,tit Adoption I .• Iremarks by the President and \the First Lady at Presentation of the Adoption 2002 Report The Oval Office February 14, 19971 • Iremarks for the W.K. Kellogg Foundation
  • on the front-burner of global politics~ I believe that ~ou here in Bolivia, and certainly your President and Vice President understand how they are part of sustainable development and progress. They represent a balancing of power that is just as crucial
  • the Challenge Little ~ock, AR March 11, 1997 \ , • Ipress Briefing on the Brain Cbnference April 14, 1997 • 'remarks by the President and the First Lady At the' Conference (on 'Early Childhood ' , /Development and Learning) The East Room April 17,1997 . I
  • [Speeches and Remarks] [binder]: [Remarks to the Society of Research in Child Development, 4/3/97]
  • ·.' . , ,; FIRST LADY HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON' REMARKS TO, THE SOCIE'FY OF RESEARCH IN CHILD DEVELOPMENT I , ' WASHINGTON, DC APRIL 3, 1997 , ~hankyoi1, Dr. Elder. And thahksto all of you for the expertise and leadership you bring
  • . The awards are administered by the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund of the US. Department of treasury. The fund, signed into law by' President Clinton in 1994, has certified over 400 Community Development Financial Institutions. (CDFIs
  • Company Mrs. Elaine Schuster Mr. Steven Schwarz; Chairman, Jewish Council for Public Affairs e Mrs. S. Evelyn Seelig; President, MERCAZ USA Mr. Burton J. Seelig; Developer, Nathan Serota & Sons Hon. Eli Segal; President and CEO, The Welfare ~o Work
  • administration and the President and Mrs. Clinton to the view that'Africa repr3esents a real area of opportunity and one that we couldtbypass at our own .per~l. • ObViOUSl~, But development assistance and aid alone can't be the engine 'for sustained econom~c
  • the conditions of self-sustained economic growth. Assistance go hand iin hand with private investment. I've had the opportunity to see American companies do well th~mselves, and doing well for the cou'htries of this continent. I know. that President Clinton
  • r.norning, ,\ I,am 'delighted, tobe'here in Kyrgyzstan. I have corne on behalf of the President and the ,Ametricanpeople to reinforce the young' but strong ties·betwe~n our ~wo countri••. I look forward to meeting wifh President Akayevandwi~nessing first
  • on challenges facing women and children of the Americas on the eve of a new century. I This year's conference apows us the opportunity to measure the progress achieved since Miami and to focus on concrete ways to advance this agenda for sustainable development
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 1/22/97 - 7/14/97 [Binder]: [Society for Research in Child Development, Washington D.C. 4/3/1997]
  • on children don't have any clu~ about that basic information nor what to do with it. ' . " As ~ome of you may know, th~ President and I will host a' conference at the White House later this month o~ early childh60d development and learning. Our goal
  • their mJrks in diplomacy and foreign policy, in business law, commvnications, academia, and gfass-roots advocacy. I know the President is grateful to have a number of SAIS graduates, workirig in his administration. . .' I . Given yqur diverse backirounds
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 1/22/97 - 7/14/97 [Binder]: [Corporate Council on Africa; Chantilly, Virginia 4/21/1997]
  • RODHAM CLiNtON REMARKS AT THE PRESENTATION OF "CREATIVE AMERICA" THE PRESIDENT'S Co.:tS1MITTEE ON THE ARTS AND HUMANITIES IWASHINGTON, D.C. FEBRUARY 25, 1997 Thank you John. I want to t~ank you and all the members of the President's comrtlittee
  • , for it is sustained by those very ! i ... . '. -1 .' 6 . : t 1 '.' .... . development without sacrificing traditional values. values that have stood us so wdll for so long: Hard work, ingenuity, sacrifice, a desire for a better life
  • of Child "& Adolescent Psychiatry Ronald F. Levant, Ph.D., Board of Directors, American Psychological AssQciation Harold James McGrady, Jr., MD, Council for Exceptional Children Allan Tasman, MD, President, American Psychiatry Association Jane Tustin, RN
  • ,.' ", '10' ­ (. depending on the c1ients'served .. \ • ."'" . Just last week the President, joilled by Treasury Secretary Bob Rubin, presented the first I , Presidential Awards for Excellence in Microenterprise Development. The awards recognize efforts
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 1/22/97 - 7/14/97 [Binder]: [White House Conference Early Childhood Development 4/17/1997]
  • by a report being issued today by the President's Council of Economic Advisors. If we, as a n'ation, commit ourselves nowto modest investments in the· sound development of our children, ipcluding especially our very youngest children, we will lay
  • COMMEMORATION OF THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SIGN1NG OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY FRIDAY, APRIL 23,1999 THE WIDTE HOUSE The President of the United States Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton The Secretary General of the Council of the North Atlantic Treaty
  • Ivey, the Chairman of the NEH; and Bill Ferris, the Chair of the NEA; John Brademas, the Chair of the President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities; the members and staff of the National Council on the Arts, and the National Council
  • Washington, DC -- President and Mrs. Clinton will host the White House Conference on Early Childhood Development and Learning: What the Newest Research on the Brain Tells Us About Our Youngest1Children, on Thursday, April 17, 1997. The conference
  • BenMassaoud, I'm a uniyersity professor; and I also head up a women's association in Fez, and within our societywe would develop the' cultural awareness of Moroccan women. i Aicha AcheIllla, I'm a social worker, and I preside over and the founder
  • , to have opportunities that are not just meaningless workshops, but sustained professional development that enable them to translate into action what they want to do for their students... ' Today the President, back at the White House, honored the 1999
  • , for their contributions to GMHC. And to,, thank them as well for the special example they set for all , Americans through their generosity rutd compassion. As the President said in his inaugural , on Monday, each of us has a stake in the address I " endurance
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 6/1/95 - 4/26/96 [Binder]: [Council on Foreign Relations 3/19/1996]
  • ;':' .,.. , First Lady Hillary Clinton's Remarks at the Opening of the Conference Women of the 21 51 Century: Transcending boundaries to Sustainable Development in Southeast Europe Ivan Vazov National Theater Sofia, Bulgaria October 11
  • at the very center of development, and I know that this work which carries on the commitment that you made at Cairo will continue to do what we know needs to be done in linking development, and human rights, and women's rights, and population issues together
  • a lot of shelter needs. So I think we also have to keep them in mind, because clearly they too are, faced with an enormous monetary challenge that will be difficult for them to bear alone. I met with the presidents of each of the countries who briefed me
  • this agenda for sustainable development. I . Let me report on three areas of concern 'that were discussed in Miami and Asuncion: the elimination of measles from our hetPisphere, education reform, and reducing the rate of maternal mortality. . First, we can
  • Ciinton will deliver a major addJ::ess on encouraging the development of civil society. The First Lady will be in Paris as part of President Clinton's trip to Europe. In the afternoon, the First Lady will travel separate from the President to Fes
  • Jesse Brown, Office of Management and Budget Director Leon Panetta, Assistant to the President for Domestic policy Carol Rasco, Assistant to the President for Economic policy Robert Rubin, Council of Economic Advisors Chair Laura Tyson and Senior Advisor
  • am very pleased also that the United States Congress recently approved $128 million in debt relief to developing countries around'the world. (Applause.) I know that the President has said on several occasions that this money ~i11 be money very well
  • learned from the Military Child Development Progcams with Federal, State, tribal, and local agencies, as well as with private and nonprofit groups, that are ·responsible for providing child care. In his Directive the President stated, "The Military Child
  • for gathering here this afternoon and honoring me with your presence. It is the first time I have been to your country, and it is one year to the day that Vice President Gbr~ was here to attend the Central American Env1ronmental Summ1t. We both happened to come
  • t? bring us all together. I want to thank Margreeth de Boer for speakmg to us Just now about tHe vItal role that women can ­ and must - play in developing democracies. Appreciation also ~o Sally for her kind words of introduction, and for all she
  • the White House Millennium Coundil, and how that effort ties in with this evening's celebration and pres~rvation of the arts. The President and I created the Millennium council\ to help develop ways to. engage all . Americans in marking this milestone
  • by the President and First Lady at Microenterprise Event (1/3) CONTACT: White House Press Office, 202-456-2100 DATELINE: WASHINGTON, Feb. 5 BODY: Following is a transcript of remarks by President Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 6/27/98 - 11/30/98 [Binder]: [United States Agency for International Development Signing Ceremony, Santiago, Chile, 9/30/98]
  • and promote regional economic growth, and strengthen democracy. At that Summit, hemispheric leaders recognized that educatio~ is critical to meeting all of our challenges. . ; ~i " ,I I ' I At the Summit, President Frei and my husband announced'plans
  • ~directed the internationally renowned child development unit ,of the Yale Child Study Center from 1951.until her retirement in 1986. She continued to serve as a research -- senior research scientist at the center. She was a founding member and president
  • and sustaining democracy is not just allowing free elections, creating.freelmarkets, and protecting people's legally V"""'.L,.'. . . u· rights. It's about the internalizatipn of democratic val1;les in people's 'min~s and everyday lives. It is abo* developing
  • here today, to be in New Delhi, in the companylof men and women who keep alive the high ideals for India andithe ~orld that Raj iv, Gandhi helped to sustain. ! i I would like' to thank the peqple of India for ,extending a warm and gracious welcome i~o
  • to enjoy the Berkshires, but keeping it going all year long, what that could mean to thk development of this community. ' . I , I I So in 1962 when President K~nnedy asked Americans for public support of the arts, by creating the National Endowment
  • , will witness the signing of two U.S. Agency for International Development grants which will support a United States/Chile scholarship program and bolster local governments thr0l:lghout Latin America. I.: ~; .1 .': , In Montevideo,Uruguay, the First Lady
  • Hillary 2000 Statements and Speeches 9/14/99-11/7/00 [binder]: [10-17-00 Council on Foreign Relations]
  • . I In many ways, this a continuatiqn of the discussion we had here four years ago, when I spo~e to the council about . women and development. But sirce then, I have seen even more work take place on issues ~ike these. We've seen, for example, the 0-8
  • sustainable development in any country. Where social services and women's accesS to those services 'remain limIted, growth will prove uneven . a~d,unsustainable.MY own country is debating vigorously the role of government in supplying social services because
  • of adoption. Tomorrow~ the President id I will host a.Conference on Early Childhood Development .. and LeamiQg ..' As science lis telling us, the first three years of life are crucial to.a child~s intellectual, neurologicat bd emotionaidevelopment
  • , please see the President's press schedule. ### USAID I U.S. AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT I PRESS RELEASE I WASHINGTON, DC 20523 ******* Contact: Gabrielle Bushman (202) 712-4320 99-162 I FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
  • ( . ".,' .>:•._.­ ( , ' ...... ' ( ::: ':1 , 1 ,I I , '.' I I I . FIRST LADY HILLARY RODHAM CLl;NTON 'REMARKs FOR CHIANG MAl UNIVERSITY . I ' CHIANG MAl, THAILAND ,NOVEMBER 25, 1996 , 1 I '. iMr .. Mr. President, Governor, Mr
  • Council web site (listed above). The site will also serve as a link to the cybercast. Millennium Evenings at the White House are a series of lectures and cultural prograp1s hosted by . the President and First Lady that highlight the creativity
  • Development Bank, which has done pioneering work in this area, show how domestic violence is a key factor ina country's ability to sustain economic growth. Some of you may have attended the conference on domestic violence that the IDB convened
  • thank Congressman William Pascrell for being with us and for caring about historic preservati6n. Mayor John McKeon and the West Orange Town Council who sits here in the front row with :their children. ­ I . I think what has already been said from
  • how we're helping people to create and develop and sustain their own businesses. Training and technical assista~ce has become an even more critical component for success. And I want to commend AEO for its commitment to sharing those skills
  • the development of the National Standards for Arts Educatioh with which the NAEP test was aligned. . . ",. . i ' I ARTS EDUCATION P ARTNERSIDP. The Arts Education Partnership is a private, nonprofit coalition I of education, arts, business, philanthropic
  • to the ideas that we have developed about honoring the millennium. So it gives me great pleasure to introduce the President of the 3 U~ited States. (Applause.) THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, ladies and gentlem~n. As you might imagine, this is a very
  • [Speeches and Remarks] [binder]: [Remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations, 3/19/96] [Folder 2]
  • THEWHITEHOUS~ ( Office of the Press Secretary March .19,. 1996 For Immediate Release ".( "'", I I REMARKS BY.FIRST LJoy HILLARY RODHAH CLINTON TO THE COUNCIL/ON FOREIGN.RELATIONS NEW YORK, NEW YORK . I :. r . MRS. CLINTON: Thank
  • of information regarding issues in government. I'm troubled by the tendency to inflame as opposed to info~ the electrate. And not because of who the President is. This has been a trend that has been developing over time. And unless:we as a coun~ry I
  • [Speeches and Remarks] [binder]: [Remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations, 3/19/96] [Folder 1]
  • " PIRST LADYBILLARY RODBAM CLINTON REMARKS TO THE COUNCIL ON POREIGN RELATIONS I KARCH 19, 1996 NEW YORK ,CITY ( I I I II'welcomethis opportunity to talk about women and development, an issue that I' believe is one· of the most comp~lling
  • by the. agency's National Council on the Arts. Recommendations are then forwarded to the President for his selection. Winners receive a gold-covered sterling silvdr medal designed by sculptor Robert. Graham (.'.~ Los Angeles. /1' ' The National Endowment fJ
  • Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information l(a)(4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(5) of the PRAI P6 Release would
  • to help poor and disadvantaged chil?ren. President Clinton has described congressional actions as "a war on the children of our country." The war takes many forms: cutting funds, eliminating programs or replacing them with block grants in the name
  • Remarks Princess Diana Remarks ' Death of Mother Teresa • Creator's Syndicate Luncheon . Childcare, University df MD Spouses of Heads of States Howard Air Force Base Development of People's Economy,Garacas, Venezuela of : . Remarks to Women,"Argentina
  • infonnation infrastructure JedS, and there, we'll be able to announce that the Vice President and the Secretary of HHS will be working to try tp make sure technological developments are readily available tl our health care professionals to expedite
  • yQU so. much President Kean, distinguished members of the BQard Qf Trustees, administratQrs , faculty;, students, parents, friends and mQst Qf all, I want to' ~hank t~e hQnQred graduates Qf the Class Qf 1996 fQr w~lcQming me to. this hQme Qf free
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 5/31/69 - 10/12/92 [Binder]: [Southeastern Council of Foundations 1/12/1988]
  • ,\" . " ":', ""'j' ,', " . " " " \:' , ­ SOUTHEASTERN COUNCIL OF FOUNDATIONS 1~4 Peachtre~ Street Atlanta, Georgia 30303 404 524-0911 THE HEALTH~ DEVELOPMENT OF OUR YOUTH -Hillary Rodham Clin"ton, Chair, Children's
  • Truman was sending the. message that investing in developing nations was not social work, but a pillar of our foreign. policy. It was not only the right thing to do, it was the smart thing to do. And I think that that reasoning of President Truman's
  • ,that it i,s. And in so doing, Ukraine will emerge a stronger economic competitor with the means to sustain the courageou~ course of economic reform on which it "has embarked.' ', , 'I Can ,we meet these goals? President Clinton believes ,that we can
  • today. We've looked at school violence. We've looked at child care and early childhood (education?) and development. We've looked at Social Security and Medicare. The President has held many important announcements here. But I truly believe
  • and the same thing. Here in America, w~are committed to build on the progress that is being made on beha1f of women and girls.. As soon as the Beij ing conference ended,; the President established the President's InterAgency Council on Women" which brings
  • of Agriculture . Mrs. Rhoda GIiCk~an; feputy Chief of Staff, Housing and L!rban Development Mr. Michael Graves; Architect I . Ms. Lynn Min; President, Shibao International Corporation (guest) I . Hon. Alan Greenspan; Chairman, Federal Reserve Board . Ms
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 6/1/95 - 4/26/96 [Binder]: [National Council of Jewish Women's 40th Annual Convention 3/9/1996]
  • \ I I PHOTOCOPY PRESERVATION , ' ;~ . • , " THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release . March 9, 1996 ,I . . REMARKS BY FIRST LADY HILLARY RODRAKCLIRTOB I ATTRBDTI~HAL . . ,COUNCIL O:r·JBWISH . .~'S
  • region of the world . ' And I must say that I would like a Copy of the speech that President Theodore Roosevelt gave here, because the challenge' to ~sustain democracy continues. , It is a challenge that we all must meet everyday in our own countries
  • will not lose faith in your march to d~mocracy. " ' . , ' , Two weeks ago, when: President Clinton'.metihWash1ngcon with Presidents Meri, Ulmanis [oc,l-MON'-is], and E::razal.lskae [Bra-ZQWS­ cuss1, he reiterated ~erican support ,for the sovereignty
  • doing. " ' , 1 , Essentially, ag~in, we'also feel that social development, work alone ,does not have sustainability. You h~ve to, couple 'it with:iri90me'gen~ration projects 'so that,You 'will continue to have th'e 'will to fund the other :social
  • . , . . . ,/ HRC'S GREATEST mTS .. . WorldS~mmit 317195 U.N. 3129/95 Raj iv Gandhi Foundation - New Delhi, India 915195 U.N. 4th World Conference on Women - Beijing, China on Social Development - Copenhagen, Denmark, i , . I . . J 9/6/95 "Women's
  • of Maternal and Child I I . ' Health Programs: President Debtrah Klein Walker (Massachusetts Assistant Health Commissioner); the AMCHP Ex~cutive Council; executive director Catherine . Hess I I I and the staff; and all ofyou, wh1 have worked so tirelessly
  • Hillary 2000 Statements and Speeches 9/14/99-11/7/00 [binder]: [9-26-00 NCJW (National Council of Jewish Women)]
  • this important legislation and send it' to the President for signature. And then last April I was at (inaudible) . Center With NCJW representatives including the national , president to talk about domestic violen~e. ' So it's a pleasure to be here, but my rel
  • on Satutday, February 24, 1996~ The President and Mrs. Clinton serve as the honorary co-chairs of the gala. Also attending the event will be Sir Peter Ustinov, UNICEF Director Carol Bellamy, actress Phylicia Rashad who will perform, and the Maryland Youth
  • facility temporarily. And now it's back to being a school, which is wonderful. We're very proud of the .tremendous job that Brian Atwood, as the Secretary of State just said, and the staff of the U.S. Agency for International Development have done
  • brings us together and not divides us, and trying always to be better informed, maybe better motivated and certainly more caring about the world around us. So first, let me, on behalf of my husband and myself, thank Chautauqua and thank you, President
  • a century ago. I know that David's organization has a fine track record--or I guess I should say "trail record"-in convelting these abandoned rail corridors. In fact, RTC received the President's Award t'orSustainable Development in 1996 fo'r its work. I
  • . And then experts might be called in to provide assistance and citizens might be asked for a response. But it is largely a process that is driven by a particular individual's or agency's point of view. And what we have tried to do when the President started
  • ~lthepresident and I created ~e White House Mm~~um Council to develop . ways to engage all Americans' in marking this milestone in human history -- to work with elected officials on state and local celebrations, to i~volve the fed~ral' agencies in national
  • , chailmen of the council-all who represent the peop~e of Acoma and the other pueblos. And particularly to the people who are gathered here and who have given me such a warm welcome. I am honored to be in this beautiful and sacred place. (Applause.) I know
  • . Affordability is th~ underlying foundation to sustain access and comprehensivene~s to all. . .I . The health of our children and the future of our nation are inextric~bly bound. I believe the President's plan best addresses these issues among the many federal
  • street. MRS. CLINTON: You know, it gave a sense of stability and structure to one's life that adds the changes of the 1960s, beginning with President Kennedy's election and accelerating with his assassination and moving through all the events
  • cc: Subject: STATEMENT BY THE PRESS SECRETARY: President and Mrs, Clinton Purchase a House THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary ',;, . For Immediate Release 2000 December 29, STATEMENT BY THE PRESS SECRETARY " The President:
  • Assistant, Office of Intergovernmental Affairs Ms. Debbie Kilmer Director, Office of the Governor of Florida Mr. Tom Herndon Hon. & Mrs. Ira Magaziner (Susan) Deputy Assistant to the President & Senior Adviser for Policy Development Mr. James L. Martin
  • indeed for I your work. I also want to thank Ruth Zeller, the president of the Metropolitan New York chapter for hosting this event, and indeed to all of you who are part of the New York chapter and the other chapters that are now springing up around
  • the dedicated staff of WEN, who teach women every day to believe in themselves, to develop the resources that they need to care for themselves, their families and to earn an income, should be especially t~anked. Women like Lynette Williams, who share
  • Millennium Council that the President and I created over two years ago. When we began thinking about this unique moment in history-the end of a century and a millennium, the beginning of the next-we knew we wanted to do more than just attend a great New
  • on it in the White House, and we put together the White House Millennium Council. And we adopted the theme "Honor the Past, Imagine the Future," And the president has invited states and cornmunities-non- profit, Indian communities, corporations, public agencies-all
  • , , I want,to thank the Nationa~ Council of W6m~nof the Philippines and its president,Ndna Ricafort, and the Congressional Spouses Foundation land its president, Gina de Venecia, for inviting me to be p~rt of this gathering. ,I join in 'congratulating
  • ; great doctors, like Dr. De Bakey; citizens, business leaders, all of us. We all need to be part of charting our nation's destiny when it comes to our health care system. The President has set goals, and they are goals that I think finally all of us can
  • HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON VIA SATELLITB1TO CHILDREN FIRST: A GLOBAL FORUM · ATLANTA, GEORGIA ' MRS CLINTON: Thank:you. And thank you, Bill for your leadership. I also want ito thank President Carter 'and Mrs. Carter who have done so much oyer so many years
  • in its people, but also the special role that girls and women p~ay in the economic and social development of the Western Hemisphere~ That theme was reiterated again in Copenhagen, which focused on the alleviation of poverty as an essential factor
  • :'.', '. . -. '.' .' 1: '.: (.;.... L'arly Chil~ [xyelopemeni and Learning 04/17/97 ( http://www.wbitehousc.govlWHJN~IECDC!Remarks.html [TeJd 'version] . " 'f' ';, ',', i Remarks by The Presid~nt and First I ILady 1l1IIUI1I
  • . It is.the stuff of life. It is tho~e issues we talk labout around our kitchen tables that help to develop those . habits of the heart that sustain democracy. .' . I thought often about the Troubles here as I have thought about Joyce McCartan
  • hospitality we have .receired in ou~ short time bere. I have. corrie to Ukraine on '. behalf of my husband, the President of the Uruted States, and the Amencan people to see firsthand the progress you are makink iIi building civil society and in advancing
  • when I saw her last, to be able actually to come and see HIPPY in Israel, because I have worked with it primarily in the United S'tates. And that is because of the wonderful commitment to this project that the National Council for Jewish Women
  • in the United States, the President announced last week that he is 'tequekting substantial increases ,in federal funding for the '" ',' '; , Community Development Financial irtitUtions Fund; :Hisbudgef Call. fot .: $) billion increase'·' ,: , I I I
  • and the Chamber of Commerce. I want to thank, particularly, Theresa Loar, and the President's Interagency Council on Women. Theresa, where are you? T~ank you. And.thanks to J~an Winship and the Stanley Foundation, Discovery Communicati~ms, McKinsey and Company
  • m~surLnot onlyin geo I ' proXimity --this time , " ' '. values. " , I' ' aphical distance, but in shared ' I' .' .' . '.' .' i .. ... '.. .... .. I have'come to Russia, on behalf of myhu band, the President of the United , ' " I
  • American style or design. Well, perhaps after today, it will also c~me.tosymbolize another aspect of the American. ! way: good citizenship. I When the President announced our Sav~ America's Treasures project during the State of the Union, he talked about
  • national . consciousness will help us build strength andresilienee as a nation. That is why the President and I believe this is such ~ historic -- and overdue -.,. occasion. Like many Americans, I have: only recently gained a full appreciation of Islam
  • a in life. We now know how critical th~ first three years are for a child's brain development -- and for how that child will grow and leadl' for a lifetime. That'$ Why the President is calling for a major investment in the Early Leamihg Fund -- seeking
  • of humanitarian development -- and particularly her efforts to encourage businesses to help educate policy makers about the importapce of internationJI affairs -- goes to the heart of what this campaign is all about.. I came to the realization of this need
  • is now recognized as a crime by international war tribunals. More women are getting rPicrocredit, running their own businesses, and owning property::jn their own names. H ere in the U. S., we created the President's Interagency Council for Women to ensure
  • of the storm that your Vice President showed me yesterday, it was clear that every person of every background came together in this time of tragedy. I can't help but think how that same courage, unbreakable spirit and trust in each other' huve sustained you
  • -'W theater, sponsored by GapKids features 30 computer terminals at which children can, learn about the World Wide Web and send an e-mail to the President, First Lady, Vice President or . Mrs. Gore. In addition, NASA Astronauts Mike Mullane and Richard
  • , not in a dogmatic way but in a real open way in which anything could be discussed, no question was out of bounds. And I think that gave me a grounding in my faith that has sustained me. The whole discipline of ttie Methodist Church appeals to me with the emphasis
  • PHOTOCOPY PRESERVATION . . " " ", " ' .THE WHITE HOUSE.'. Office of the, Press Secretary " . '/ FdrImmediate . 1 , Septe:mber21, 1994' Re~ease 1~. . REMARKS BY' THE PRESIDENT , ... '. AND THE FIRS,T LADX .. AT THE PRESIDENT
  • : scientists in laboratories; great doctors, like Dr. De BakeYi citizenS, business leaders, all of us. We all need to be part of charting our nation's destiny when it comes to I our health· care system. I ' The President has set goals, and they are goals
  • . The Children's Health Fund plans to develop a prirnary care and asthma center to address 'the epidemic proportions of asthma in New York City, where the incidence of the disease is among the highest in the nation . .WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, i997 EVENT: New York
  • an .' . . ' · unprecedented opportunity for us to araw attention to the succesSes of microcreditin developing' .. ' .' . " ".' countries; as well as in applications i~ .advanced economies around the world. " By bringing together experts1fromevery continent Wf£ will be able
  • that women must play in buildiP-g and sustaining democracy from the ground up. I also want tn bring a message of hope and solidarity from the American people~­ especially American women --lwho are standing with you as you remake your world.. . I I
  • PHOTOCOPY PRESERVATlO~ I \ White House Conference on. Philanthropy I Opening ~emarks by President Clinton and First ~ady Hillary Rodham Clinton The East Room October 22,1999 MRS. CLINTON: Thank you, and welcome to the White House
  • day care, emergency home care for their workers' sick dependents, tuition reimbursements, college scholarships, a~d subsidized tutoring for children. In Kansas City, an entire commt,lnity -- parents, schools, churches, city council, the media has
  • . and Mrs. Mike Anagnopoulos (Alexandra) Phoenix, AZ Mr. and Mrs. Philip N; Angelides (Julanne) . President, River West Developments Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Angelos (Georgia) Owner, Baltimore Orioles Mr. and Mrs. Ted Athanassiades (!=Iaine) President & Chief
  • -- this time measured not only in geographical i ' distance, but in shared values. I I have come to Russia on behalf of my husband, the President of the United States, and on behalf of the American people to rJinforce the expanding ties offriendship
  • States senator admitted he knew nothing about the subject and would have feit more comfortable discussing energy, Policymakers are simply not accustomed to thinking about children's needs in the same ways they think about missile development, dam
  • of the legislation. I But there. , sn't any issue that we have all worked on k as a country for as [ong as we have worked on health care. reform, because it really began in .earnest when Franklin Roosevelt was Presid~nt. He believed that health care security would
  • and for herself making history . because I checked -- I guess I don't need to tell you that your mayor is the first AfricanAmerican women elected a mayor irl New York State. Let me also thank your city council and I. . . your city manager, Harry Foor, and eweryone
  • ',', ' " FIRST LADY HILLARY RODHAI( CLINTON, , COMMENCEMENT'ADDRESS,: UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND AT COLLEGE PARK , MAY 23, 1996 , " , Thank you, thank you. Thank you very much, President'" Kirwan, for I . '. . _ that 1ntroduct10n. It 1S a great
  • try to think of some excuse to come by to see some of my friends that are here and see the progress that is being made and recapture the feeling that I always have when I walk through the doors here. I was privileged in some way to help the development
  • of friendship and 'partnership and look for ways to do all that we can make to make 'our relations even stronger, ! c . ,. " , I . When I went to the.countries that we will discuss, at the request of the President and the Secretary of State, I hoped
  • , we're havi~g an event at the White House , with the President in observation of Iinternational Women's Day, and we wanted to preview that event with you here now and have a discussion with you -- something th1t we'll not have an opportunity I . to do
  • President Yeitsin they have been talking to my husband and me about. the Urals. And they'ha,ve also been taiking to me about this great univbrsity and how they met here. I understand there is , I ' a legend they may have first kissed behind one
  • a Democratic President and Congress who would pass and put into law that act. We are enjoying one of the longest sustained periods of economic groJwth this country ever had. There are many reasons for that. Much of it is do to the extraordinarily hard work
  • will be Dick Gephardt. (Applause.) And we'll have a new Majority Leader, and his name will be David Bonior, (Applause,) Now, this will happen because under the leadership of the president, the vice president, Democrats in Congress and allies throughout
  • '~ I sustaining of democracy, to tre vitality of civil society, and more and more to the succe'ss ofa country:s eclnomy, In developing countries and industrial ones , I " " ' I alike, education is the bright !line that divides those who are able
  • .;, And this first global summit on microcredit offers an unprecedented opporturlity for us to draw attention to the successes of micro credit 'in developing ·countries, as , well as in applications in, advanced economies around the world. , " , By'bringing
  • , is, you . k novl; ~'the: President has alwaysbeen-- he started out and ,he remains, in my, 'view .;..";; and this i$ obviously biased in his favor,~s I'usu~ily ~ci -- ~h~ most knqwled.geable person about health care reJprm in the entire administrat,ion. I
  • our nations, and our political leade~s. The Summit not only recognized every nation's duty to invest in its people~ but.also the special role that girls and women play in the economic and social deVelopment of the Western Hemisphere. ' , 'That theme
  • were springing up everywhere. And with few exceptions, :citizens feltfreelto voice their beliefs without fear of government retribution. ~ . . • I ! . I was encouraged by:all of these developments but I also know, bec~use as an Amer~can, I
  • : • ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION WITH FINCA BANK MEMBERS February 3, 1997 1:00 PM FINCA Bank Latino Economic Development Corporation Building '2316 18th Street, NW Adams Morgan • PRESS NOTE This event is open to the press. Any members of the press ,who require
  • ; and to hear a,nythih~(elsEi.tliaemight .. be:o+ ,youl;"mipdsrthat .Icoufd... cony,~y ba6kto:,the;;:. . . ' President or that,would be uSEfful t~'tpe general natip.nalRonver~~~.i9..n that~:we' re : . trying to stimulate about educat ion. .,:: ;;. ."',: I I> I
  • to mention that among uS this evening are Sir Jeremy Greenstock, President of the Security Council, and Louise Frechette, the Deputy Secretary General of the United Natiops, and I am delighted both oftpem are here as well. I I This is a special occasion
  • Washington, D.C. MRS. CLINTON: Thank you very much. Those of you who have not previously been acquainted with President Bolger, I hope now you know why he is the longest-serving President of the Senate of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. I am grateful
  • much. Those of you who have not previously been acquaint~d with President Bolger, I hope now, you know why he is the longe~t-serving President of the Senate of the Commonwealth of Massachu~etts. / I am grateful for this invitation from the University
  • are the -- in most cases that's what we are dealing with. Tell us the dates and the number of people so that" we c'an start to develop a menu and present it through the Social Office for the First Lady's approval. Q You mean approving? MR. WALTERS: Mm-hmm
  • for signing ceremonies hosted by President Bill Clinton in the presence of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Chairman Vasser Arafat. The signing by Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and PLO Executive Council Member Mahmoud Abbas was witnessed by Secretary
  • good advice that they.enshrined in our f~unding documents and which we have over our centuries of development attempted to a1apt to modem conditions. ,They warned us about unaccountable power,'they warned us abput creating checks and balances
  • which send artists to· schools where 'children would never have seen artists otherwise. Ahd I just want to reiterate o'n behalf o'f my husband that the President will never back down on his commitment to federal funding for the arts and federal . funding
  • disclosecoilfidential advice between the President',· . . and his advisors. or between such advi~ors (a)(S) of the PRAj I' :: :,:' P6"Release would constitlitea ,dearly unwarranted invasion of' . i: " .' . personal p~ivacy l(a)(6) of the PAAI .. " . ' 'I, .' . l
  • also very pleased to ·be here with people who have years to make this birthday celebration possible. I want to thank the Boston Medical Center and your chief executive officer and president, ElaineUllian, who hb been so supportive of this effo~. I know
  • young people ,we met on this journey] ... But before I start, I want to start with some of the conclusions that I reachel~ and have passed on,. both, formally to the president and various people in the State Dept, AID, NSC and elsewhere, as w~ll
  • . It is my uriderstanding that Hillary Rodham Clinton presented this health care reform plan to the nation not as the First Lady, but as the American citizen whom the President decided hecou1d best trust with. this task in placing this on th~ top of his
  • , 1 , i I I !: :j • ~EMARKS BY THE FIRST LADY II AT THE UNITED NATIONS ii December 10, 1997 . Umted Natidbs Economic and Social Council Chamber I' ,I United Nations Plaza I;· New York, New York Ii , III MRS. CLINTON: Thank yqw. Mr
  • to all. , ' he~llth , The of our children and the future of our nation are inextri.lcably bound.' I believe the President's plan best address~s these issues among the many federal plans developed today fdr health care's transformation. ' ' . ' : I
  • , 1997 ';' I . 10/03/1997 3013149344 17:42 UNIV RELSPUBLICATNS PAGE 03 r I I Thank you very much. (applause) 11hank you. Thank you very much. Thank you Neil, thank you Professor 'Seefeldt, thank you cJngressman Hoyer, thank you, President
  • ' to • serve: ,the ne~ds of '. . '" 1 • • '. -. . ,- our ch~ldren and all. of o:ur nat~ons' ch~ldren. We've developed 'educational outreach materials', supported events.,silch' as this, . ' " ' 1 ' '. • ' and rea~ly a,cted, ,I ,.hope;tlo' b.e a proponent
  • .'. . . . I also want to express my great appreciation to the Conference's co-sponsor, the Inter­ Amkrican Development Bank. No~ we have heard from the President, who is our great frie~d. Who I believe said again tdday how committed the bank is to all
  • their faith, place it in the midst ofthd pressures and stresses ofthe global economy and the increasing, technological developments that affect our world and make it possible for those voices, even if they weren't magnified across the oceans but were quiet
  • . And although it's a complicated story sometimes to try to tell, the President, I think, sees all of this as part of the same theme, and particularly building on the first, from our perspective, responsible budget in a number of years. If you look at that budget
  • PHOTOCOPY PRESERVATION THE WIDTE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary April 7, 1999 For Immediate Release REMARKS OF THE PRESIDENT AND FIRST LADY AT ROUNDTABLE ON EQUAL PAY Presidential Hall 1:53 P.M. EDT MRS. CLINTON: Thank you
  • the DR. WALLER: First Lady of the united States, Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton. She has worked tirelessly to develop the plans and solutions for one of the most significant and important issues facing America today. ~lso joining us by satellite
  • developm~nt is the way we used the results of the Beijing conference to include women's issues at a'very high level of American foreign policy. And then . thirdly, we used the Beijing platform foraetion here at horne, through the Interagency Council
  • who are otherwise disadvantaged. I ·can make arguments on behalf of the arts that range from the economic in terms of what it does to promote economic development to the individual satisfaction that it gives to the deeper understanding of ourselves
  • this ~vening, especially President and Mrs. Trachtenberg and Vice President Williams [of The George Washington UniversitY] and Jean Lynn[GW Breast Care Center]. I am very proud of this university and all that it has. achieved, even in the few short years that I
  • on HIV/AIDS I Ms. B~rhane Ras Work, President, Inter-African i Committee on Tr1aditional Practices Affecting the Health of : Women and Children I I Ms. Rita Reddy, Senior Coordinator for Refugee I . W omen, . : Office of the United Nations High
  • that they are not still indifferent to our fate? MR. WIESEL: Madam, I wish I hid an answer. I don" t.Why are we so involved, so nobly, in Kosovo? Why were we not in Rwanda? I am-as you know, Mr. President, I am not in high councils of your govemment, so I don't know
  • a lot of Americans nervous. MRS. CLINTON: Well, it does. And I think that's a shame, because, you know, one of the great opportunities in this country is to pursue what one means by religion and to have a chance to develop spiritually, however one
  • bewildering tp me to read about the 1960'S like they were another decade but was just ripped out of history and put on a shelf and that we take it down to spear at . with curiosity because it was a part of what had been the development over
  • . Schiavoni I bd all associated With the National Council of Women by . anotherround of applause. Thank YOj. . . . I also understand I should give a special greeting to all the mothers in the audience, on the eve of Mother's Day, and I do so. I am, as you may
  • for the kickoff of all of these activities. And I just want quickly to introdude them. First.let me introduce Ellen Lovell, who is the Director of the White House Milleriruum Council. Some of you may know Ellen from a previous incarnation as Senator Leahy's Chi~f
  • involved •. "identified Woman 12: We are not qetting the:care we deserved because of ~n~. . ' Unidentified Man #4; As far as they're concerned, I'm not a human being in need of medical care. It's a numbers qame. President BILL' C'LINTON: The medical care
  • in the deficit, and, that ha~ only happen~d once since Harry Truman -- namely, under thi~,president why the downward trend in the deficit will be ~hort-livedin the absence of comprehensive health1care reform. ' -+ ecb~omic so, the stakes in health care reform
  • would violate a Federal statute [(a)(3) of the PRA) P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a){4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors
  • the distinguished women from the Baltic delegations-,and in particular, the distinguished President of Latvia. 1 I want also to thank our partner, the Nordic Council, whose nations are models-many of us believe-for women's equality, not only for this region
  • as well as the Jubilee Schoql, which also complements the fact that the school. is a center for the Arab Council for th~ Gifted and we have attending this workshop anq others, teachers and others from this oJ;le, Jordan, Palestine, and Saudi Arabia, and we
  • ,for me to describe where I think. we~re and what the fundamentai issues are and will be as we move forward in the debate. I want ,to start by stressing that the president has stressed and what~ll of us who, are promoting this plan have stressed repeatedly
  • ,'whetharto'run, so there's kind of 'that inner sect.ion ::of, 'the quest for the presidency inha series of economic,ideas. No~, what I'd love -- if you can recall your discus,sions with' him'. I would love to have' a time when that kind of all comes
  • to the platform." Now imagine what those women, those pioneers, would think if they were here with us today, and they could look' around this room and know that women were holding very high positions in corporations, as general counsels, vice-presidents
  • , the President will start off the discussion here, and with those of you on the Internet, moderated by our White House Millennium CounCil Director, Ellen LovelL Now, let us look at the first theine, "Women as Volunteers and RefOlmers." (Applause.) (A video
  • of sustained effort, plus an ass~ssina~ion, do you think we could have passed Medicare? I mean, this country is always reluctant to do things that are even in our own economic interest, as health care reform is, and universal coverage is. So
  • of the freshman Democratic women voted for -- with the exception of Pat Danner (D-MO), voted for your your husband's, the President's budget bill. Give me your assessment of that. really, really hard (inaudible) districts. you feel (inaudible)? Or-­ Many of us
  • commitment to medical research. simila~ly, all of the physicians, the specialists, who do researdh and work in the children's hospitals represented, here, were able to develop their 'expertise and training because the federal government decided to help defray
  • ". The two-hour program will be broadcast.via satellite to several hundred sites around the country. Sponsored by the President's Interagency Council on Women, the program will address key issues raised in Beijing heal th, education, economic' empowerment
  • about the (17) condition of children either do not get (18) covered or get covered in an episodic way or (19) do not get the kind of sustained attention that (20) many of us believe they deserve. . (21) So, I commend the Casey (22) Foundation
  • . Atlantic ~, a painting by the renownfd African-American artist Henry Ossawa Tanner. This is the first painting by an African-American artist to be a part of the White House permanent collection. The painting will be unveiled' by the President and Mrs
  • would violate a Federal statute [(a)(3) of the PRA) P4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA) P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors
  • about trying to get the system better controlled to be able to sustain a firm financial footing for Medicare into the future . . Then the third thing I would say is that, through what we are doing, we are going to be providing care, we believe, at high
  • RODHAM CLINTON TO ISRAEL AND GAZA (DECEMBER 12 - DECEMBER 15, 1998) Washington, D.C. - - First Lady Hillary Rodhffin Clinton will travel to the Middle East with President Clinton from December 12 - December 15, 1998. Mrs. Clinton will highlight
  • of you were around in 1915 when the first national commission called for health care reform on a universal basis or were around in 1938 and '39 when the Murray Dingle Bill was introduced. Maybe some of you were around in the early 1970's when President
  • -- my parents moved when I was 13, and I went from being president of the student council to being the new kid with· Koodies. ' Years later, I had -- I worked for Gannett -- and I had one of those. job evaluations which said I had a bad attitude. Six
  • of the President. . I've often been accused, Governor, of being a salesman for Hawaii's health care system ~GOVERNOR WAIHEE: Make it salesman, Jack, period. (Laughter. ) DR. LEWIN:, But I want to say that ou~ health care system sells itself if you t~ke a look
  • planted, can grow. I was pleased to learn that the first receptiort the Ministers held together was at Stormont in honor of the women delegates from this conferfnce. And to Lord Mayor, the Belf~st City Council and the ~ntire city of Belfast, thank you
  • !;pect. They ~te the free h.inch. ThcnJhcy said with one voice) you arc looking for Hillary Rodham Clinton, the finest attomey that you can find. And I was thrilled to have her serve as my church attorney. the chancellor, until the president was eleete'd
  • preventive intervention in the early stages in 2 childhood 3 w h e the r the· r e VII a sap art i cui arm 4 • 1 the Hawaii Healthy Family, something that you development bul a r have a par. t i m .i ,g h t you b Ie was w i I lin g t 0 ,I eve
  • the health care system -- by developing innovative solutions to the' health care crisis faced by their citizens. ,tt Many of the elements of the Washington Health Services Act mirror the essential elements of the national health care reform package
  • dimensions of social,deIl1ocratic, political and economic development. This 'historic Summit set forth an agenda to promote prosperity and democracy ! ' throughout the region by ~mplementing trade initiatives, sustainable 'development and more effective
  • , particularl~ women in Zimbabwe, have a chance to make a good living for themselves and their families. .. ~'. I am pleased to announce today, that the United States, through the United States Agency I for International Development, will provide an additional
  • , and these companies represent a long-standing American tradition. Not only are they developing good businesse~ - they are contributing to their communities. IBM donated cobputers and other high-tech equipment to this school i Coca-Cola; in addition to creating more
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 6/27/98 - 11/30/98 [Binder]: [Remarks at the Presidency Sophia, Bulgaria October 11, 1998]
  • First L~dy Hillary Rodharn Cli~ton , Remarks at the Presidency Sophia;, Bulgaria , October 11, 1998 Well, Mr. President, and to the ~resident of the National Parliament, and to the Prime , Minister, and to all the Members of Parliament
  • goals thatthe President outlined in his call for action last evening, I had the opportunity as all, I nope, of you did as well to listen to that speech -­ (laughter) -- and to hear the ¢mphasis that the President placed on education as a national
  • the President's proposal, the number'of children served nearly triple, from 850,000 to 2.5 million children. will Promoting Early Learning. To ensure that children have access to early childhood programs that promote their cognitive development
  • ? --'was that social/ development and economic development go hand-in-hand. You canno1t have sustainable markets and trade without investing in human potential. ' I' . my trlp ' to South , .. Durlng . ,' example ASla, I saw , after example of ' women struggllng
  • HRC Greatest Hits [binder]: [Council on Foreign Relations - NY, NY 3/19/96]
  • "·r r'!
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 7/15/97-1/29/98 [Binder]: [Early Childhood Development, July 17, 1997]
  • , for a nation's future. This is such an important iJsue that, not long ago, President Clinton and I . I held a special conference at the White House to give some of America's leading experts in the field of early chilJood development -- scientists
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 5/1/96 - 1/22/97 [Binder]: [Child Development Event Georgetown University Medical Center 1/10/1997]
  • that reading and talking provide. • We feel so strongly about this that it is one of the reasons the President is accelerating ~headministration's efforts to strengthen early education and raise awareness about the importance of developing children's brains
  • PHOTOCOPY 'PRESERVAtION SRI LANKA -- DEPARTURE STATEMENT I am very grateful to the people of Sri Lanka, and to President Kumaratunga, for the warm hospitality and expressions of friendship I enjoyed du~ing my stay here. I leave today
  • this region. The President and I would like to extend our sympathy, along with that of all Americans, to the people ofEI Salvador. We will stand by the people ofEISalvador now -- as you deal with emergency needs of food, water, hou~ing and transportation
  • and President Sharma. Because issues concerning women andlchildren are of SUCh interest to me, r will also visit Mother Teresa's orphanage, the innovative Prayas school project, and community groups in Ahmadabad. ito I look forward as well excha;19in9 ideas
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 7/15/97-1/29/98 [Binder]: [Inter-American Development Bank, October 20, 1997]
  • and studies have documented the harm television does to children. We know, for inktance, that saturating young minds with increasingly graphic and sensational depictidns of violence prevents them from developing the emotional and psychological tools they need
  • developed into the most wonderful $pokesman for this whole concept. Now, whether you 'agre~ with every single facet of it or not --but it's front burner; it's here, it's long overdue. And so I am very, very honored to be here today to participate, to welcome
  • , to see s~!many friends and advocates of our nation'"s chlldren and" families who have helped push child c~e to the forefront of America's agenda, " 11 ' . . ." . \ . Tod~y, wej~in tOgether;~thl1h~.Presid~nt in taking this hi$toric step forward
  • that talking and reading to infants and toddlers is vital to their neurological, intellectual, and emotional development. Time spent sharing a favorite book with a child -- even a newborn -- strengthens . the bond between a parent and child) prepares him or her
  • on behalf of the President to help , I you rebuild your lives and your commpnities. First, as you know already, FEMA helped to develop an emergency plan before the:hurricane struck. And I would like to thank the governor ' " and government of Puerto Rico
  • in which I'm irivolved in some '/:,:',, C,- ::nother. , I .And today we're going to talk about educatic~ er the President regularly know is dhe of his pri :',:term. But it's really a concern th~t goes back :c : know Ron - - I don't think anybody elise
  • . The role that NOOs play in planning, developing and monitoring programs and services that advance women and families is being recognized for the value that it brings. Almost five years ago now, NGOs and governments together helped forge a historic consensus
  • parts of the globe. That consensus is a strong stand against the slavery that trafficking in human beings represents. Here tonight we have presidents, prime ministers and foreign ministers, , lawmakers and NGOs-intemation,al organizations from all over
  • look at how entire communities have developed comprehensive. intervention and prevention strategies that not only cut youth violence but lower drop out rates, teen pregnancies, and arrests for possession of drugs and weapons. The President and I have
  • recall that back in July the Vice President announced the Administration's request for $100 million on behalf of our government's efforts to combat the pandemic of AIDS. We also announced a series of meetings, of which this is one. There will be a number
  • [Speeches and Remarks] [binder]: [Remarks by the First Lady at Child Development Event, 1/10/1997]
  • " '" ';'p , ' , i "::1:, ( THE WInTE HOUSE I Office of the Press Secretr \ "- January 10,1997 ;.," REMARKS BY THE FffiST LADY AT CHILD DEVELOPMENT EVENli Georgetown Medical Center Washington, D.C. MRS. CLINTON: Thank you. I am so
  • : Hillary Rodham'Clinton BODY: When the president set out to reform our health-care system eight months ago, he was determined to fulfill the American promise of affordable, high-quality health care for every citizen. Th~t promise stems from a belief
  • at the top of the political a g e n d a . ' . I.. We saw that yest~rday when the President' and I :hosted a confere~ce on early childhood development. It was 'a re~arkable event where leading scientists, pediatricians, . .' . psychologists, educators
  • we are on the brink of really being able to deliver quality health care reform to our nation. The principles developed by the coalition on behalf of 62,000 community retail pharmacies and 112,000 community pharmacists have been especially helpful
  • on GU1f!war Veteran's Illnesses , was~inqton, DC I ', MRS. CLINTON: Tha'nk you very much. I am delighted' to be, here at this first' meeti~ng, arid on behalf of, the President, I want to thank the Chair and m1embers of the President's Advisory
  • of negativism that is really motivated by economic greed and political advantage, as much as any deep-:felt opposition to the President. So it's an unfortunate development that I think we will, as a nation, ,have to pay 'attention to and hopefully ride through
  • PHOTOCOP'r' PRESERVATION THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary (Auburn, New York) For Immediate Release September 2, 1999 J REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT'RECEPTION HONORING MRS. CLINTON Private Residence Cazenovia, New York 5:05 P.M. EDT
  • ! THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary Internal Transcript April 23, 1993 INTERVIEW OF THE PRESIDENT AND THE FIRST LADY BY KEN WALSH OF U.S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT The Rose Garden Q I wanted to just, since this has been
  • . '. . , • • A little later this afternoon, ~he President will annolince the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Microenterprise Development. These awards are our first effort to recognize within ;the United States the extension of credit and economic opportunity
  • . Under President Johnson we began to see Medicaid and Medicare. President Nixon introduced a health care reform plan. Other presidents, many members of Congress have struggled with this issue. And yet the problem has continued to develop. We
  • about the basic prinCiples underliAing the President's health care plan, , his commitment to them and the ways he has chosen to address them. I As both Congressman Conyers and Congressman Scott pointed out, there is a significant level of sU~Port
  • that " talking and to infants and toddlbrs is vital to their neurological, intellectual, and C::-~-emotiona1 development. Time spent sharing a favorite book not only strengthens the bond , ,'between a parent and child, it enriches kchild's vocabulary
  • :PHorocoP'Y P;RESERVATfC?N HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON . REMARKS TO BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH EVENT THE WHITE HOUSE , , II j OCTOBER 21, 1998 ;1 '! ,I I, I I, 'II 1 It's a great pleasure to join the President in welcoming all of you
  • . this democratic C01l1lUy is marmgljts sixth year of indepenqent Ukraine, and we Ameri,cans will always stand with you. Two years' lago, I was privileged to accompany the President and the FirsL Lady on their trip to Kyiv, the first ~e;an American President visited
  • century. And he played a leading role' in developing the President's national school construction initiative. As many of you know, the initiative, which is part of the Presideht's balanced budget plan, will help communities across the nation, including
  • Development F~nd for Women, which we all know as UNIFEM. It is a word that in lany language translates ,into hope' for women who dream of a bett,er life for themselves, their families, and their nations. I ' " Around the world, UNIFEM has invested in the lives
  • .' mqr.e responsible 1 than too inany haye been ,for too, I·ong., . Yes" parents .'mustdo' everything' they canto sustain a family"" ,:, , , envir6Ii~ent .that,j is good, arid, l1urturing f()r 'children~' And, ',' " yes, pa:r:'ents ar,e' the, primary
  • child in every country deserves a fair chance in life. I The political leaders convening at this historic summit have set forth an agenda to_p.romote prosperity and democracy throughout the hemisphe~e through t~ade initiatives, sustainable development
  • bringing to life the institutions that are set forth in the accord and thei~ belief that peace is the single most important factor in ensuring economic and social development here. The commitment to Vital Voices means that that rhetoric~ pledge was backed
  • live edition of "48 Hours." We've moved to an office just off the floor of the House of Representatives or (inaudible) where. President Clinton himsel~ has just detailed his vision of health care reform. Now, involved -- very involved from the very
  • , but also for the President, the Vice-President and all the members of the administration. We are so !grateful for your help. , Now 1 don't know if there are any bfyou from New Hampshire, but I remember very well in 1992, when you were on the frontli~es
  • PHOTOCOPY PRESERVATION Education Event Remarkslby First Lady Hillary Rodham ,Clinton The White House . January 21, 1999 Good morning, and welcome to the'White House. It is a great pleasure for the President and I to have you here
  • worth of lega.1 services through the volunteer participation ,of law firms, lawyers, law students and other legal workers .. The growth of pro bono programs across the nation is the most Significant . development in legal services in a decade
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 1/22/97 - 7/14/97 [Binder]: [Early Childhood Development and Learning 4/14/1997]
  • PHOTOCOPY PRESERVATION PRESS BREIFING ON WHIT~ HOUSE CONFERENCE ON EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT AND LEARNING 1 APRIL 14, 1997 HRC: We are, this week, going to have a conference about the latest on brain development in young children
  • sure that men and women, rich and poor, pebple of all races and creeds are ,included as full participants in bur society. ' , I ' ~hiS year, "Rethinking Development in The theme of your forUm Partnerships for a, New Century," speaks directly to both
  • Secretary December 31, 1999 For Immediate Release REMAlRKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT AMEluCNS MILLENNIUM GALA I The Lincoln Memorial , 11:53 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Ladies apd gentlemen, tonight we celebrl}te. The change of centuries, the dawning of a new
  • such a tremendous job as President over the past two years. And I want to thank Linda Dooley and the entire planning committee for making tbis extraordinary luncheon possible. , , • ,[I know there are also more than a fewgood men in the audience today - and I
  • of the answers and solutions to these problems already exist. Just as te are entering an unprecedented age of progress and " ' technological discovery, so we are discovering new information about early childhood development and literacy. Innovative edhcators
  • documents about the events' artd activities of the Presidents and their families over the last 200 year~. And so I thank him for his love of this . . . I . house, and his understanding that it was families who lived here -- not just Presidents
  • Director and a coordinator of the President's Committee ouArts and the Humanities and ~he playwright David Henry Wong who first proposed the idea for these awqrds.~d thanks to the many generous foundations and corporations who have ~upported this awards
  • of the President and me in the last year. 'It has meant a great deal to you, and I am very grateful to you. Thank you very much. • I 'am also delighted to be here with Senator Glenn, who has been a stalwart supporter of so many important issues .in his
  • , !Councilman Bill Perkins, Council member Dickins, all the district leaders and state committee members who. are here, tHe City Council members who are. I here, all of the elected officials, all of whom have gathered here this evening. I also ~ant to thank
  • a briefing from Mr, Harding and tilt: slaff of the Vice-President and have the opportunity to speak Lo the Prtlsidentaboutthe impact that Mitch has had on this country. They explained to me the loss or life. the injury, the hundreds or thousands of people who
  • of person we might look to replace Justice White on the U.S. Supreme Court? (Laughter.) MRS. CLINTON: The only clues that I have are that the President has said over and over again that he wants somebody who will be a symbol of excellence and have some
  • will come up with some type of solution to some of these problems? MRS. ' CLINTON: W.ell, part of what the President wanted'done is to be sure that every point of view was represented in the process that lead up to the plan that he presents
  • on Children's Mental Health: Developing a National Action Agenda, being held Sept. 18 and 19 in Washington, D.C. In her statement, the First Lady applauded the Surgeon General for convening advocates and expel1s to discuss thisimp0l1ant issue. She also noted
  • in Mongolia. I Professor,Dorj, facblty, students, and other guests, thank you for inviting me here/today. It isa great honor to be with you, and I want you to know that I bring with me very special greetings from the President and the people of the United
  • assassination and with very impressive win in 1964 by President Johnson and there were a lot of factors that enabled those important developments to occur. So I think that health care is just something that it very difficult to draw too many lessons from
  • the President and me in the last year. It has meant a great deal to you, and I am very grateful to I you. Thank you ve~y much. I am alsd delighted to be here with Senator Glenn, who has been a stalwart supporter of so many 1mportant 1ssues in his distinguish~d
  • might argue that other meetings where the headlines are trade or security or other matters that finance ministers and presidents and prime ministers discuss are more important. But I think ifwe take a look at what will really matter in the 21st century
  • because of the fact that they'ye liked what we've had up until now, they may never support the President's plan. But every other group, whether it's: doctors and nurses or families and businesses, they will be better off under this plan. Q Thank you. Do
  • to the bat and start dealing with the problems the President has said needed to be dealt with, ~e would not be on the track towards progress that we a~le today (inaudible). But you know, my husband believed that's what you're in public service
  • platform as the three people who [are here with me. Three that are here, Secretary Shalala, Secretary Lee, and Dr. Varmus are appointments that ::teally mark the first time that a president has chosen three p~ople from research universities to the top
  • " ' ·r " THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary Internal Transcript February 3, 1994 INTERVIEW OF THE PRESIDENT AND THE FIRST LADY BY PARENTS MAGAZINE The Diplomatic Reception Room 3:51 P.M. EST Q We're planning to do
  • BY THE PRESIDENT AT PRESENTATION OF THE NATIONAL-MEDAL OF THE ARTS AND THE NATIONAL HUMANITIES MEDAL Constitution Hall Washington. D.C. 12:55 P:M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Thank you so much, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome. I want
  • ·1 Thank you. . Tharik you. President Havel. Ministers, Ambass'ador Walker, ~mbassador Zantovsky, Ambassador Albright, Mr.· Klose, distinguisheq guests, staff of the radios, and listeners across the Czech Republic, Central and Eastern Europe
  • I PRESS BRIEFING ON THE BRAIN CONFERENCE I I APRIL 14, 1997 HRC: We are, this week, going to ~ave a conferenc~ about the latest on brain development in I YOU?g children a.r:d imp~ications oflthat for eve~ se,ctor of soc.i~ty; starting :with parents
  • of building cOmIl).unities. The world needs business leadership now that understands how strong !communities are critical to the long term functioning of markets land sustainable development. Such leadership has always Deen important, but never more than today
  • implement the pr:ogram in our state and to help in' some small. way with its :spread around' the country. t " MORE, . [' " i 2., , 'rhat would not have been p'ossible without the National ,Council of Jewish' Women" which played a central role' in both
  • but representing a future as well. I also want to thank the United States Agency for International Development for making these microcredit loans possible, and I particularly wish to thank the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Pales.tinian Refugees
  • ' for • extending such a 'warm arid'gracious welcome to ,me and iny daughter and those ~rav~ling with us. To the President • ,. . '., ' . ' and I oWeI · thanks for thel.r warm hospitality yesterday iTi' Ankqra. " , I know that 'my husband
  • BY THE PRESIDENT AND MRS. CLINTON AT THE CONCERT OF THE CENTURY FOR VH-1 SAVE THE MUSIC 3:58 P.M. EDT . MRS. CLINTON: Welcotpe, and please be seated. We're delighted to welcome you to the Concert Of The Century here
  • and diagnose it, and develop the tools *e need to suppdrtifamily members and ' communities as they contenq with thi~ disease. alreadY~begUnt~,pay The inveltment has dividends. And I know that th~ scientists who have been meeting here have been
  • , that the President first suggested that I might work on health care when he came to Washington. o When was that? MORE Diversified Reporting Services.' Inc. 918 16TH STREET. N.W. SUITE 803 WASHINGTON. D.C. 20006 (202) 296-2929 2 MRS. CLINTON: December probably
  • ROCKEFELLER: When President and Mrs. Clinton came to China, we know it was their desire to open p a discussion so that possibilities for all people be as broad and as optimistic as possible forlthe future. There is no more important, I think, way for my
  • . This seems to be one of the most contentious issues. If ,(he Congress were to pass health care without employer manJ~tesl but with a health plan with the burden on employees that calls for new taxes, would the President sign that plan into law? MRS. CLINTON
  • , Chancellor Danforth. (Applause. ) I know that you will miss him as he.retires. I only wish I could have been one of the. lucky people who heard him read a bedti~e story over the past years. It is such a good idea I am g6ing to suggest that maybe the President
  • . It is such a '~oodidea I am ~bing to suggest that maybe the President try :',:it with some people in Washington •. (Applause.) '. . . I . . I I alsoi want to thank Dean. Peck for opening up his .caIT\Pus, for giving me the tour, and for having some
  • Arkansas and Syracuse, and I think it would be great. (Applause.) I had the opportunity just a little while ago to tour the university(s new computer center and to get a glimpse of the cutting-edge computer technology that is being developed and imple~ented
  • to improve social conditions and promote social justice also drives our plan for health ca~e reform. All of us are committed to ensuring the well-~eing of every member of our society. I Last week, the President delivered the National Health security Act
  • . \ . 1 loved being president of college goyemment, but the people that I was interested in emulating were people who I thought were making a difference on issues, like Marian Wright Edelman of the Children's Defense Fund, whoml had worked with and I had
  • , and focus on setting goals and getting resl,llts. I , ' As you know, this Administnltion"and, particularly the President, are deeply committed to improving public education and hds been fighting fo~ th'at ever since he arrived here in the White House
  • opportunities for home ownership. She has worked to improv~ the schools, to promote economic development,and she has always been a powerful voice on b~ehalf of v,;omen and on behalf of issues such as domestic violence. .I ],'11 ;, I We have come together
  • HRC Greatest Hits [binder]: [UN Summit on Social Development, 3/7/95]
  • not ~uccumb to that temptation. In fact, every nation needs to reth+nk/its approach to social development and most nations need to d9 more for their own people and humanity~ . 1 , ... Tom.eet the qoals of this Summit, qovernments will have to qo about
  • 11/10/977:30 pm e' I FIRST LADY HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON WOMEN'S WELLNESS CENTER , I ALMATY,KAZAKHSTAN j . . '. • NrVEMBER 12,1997 Acknowledgments: From ad~~ce. . . . I l ' . . , , I want to tbank President and Mrs. Nazarbayev
  • discussed how to set goals in areas like fighting poverty, education, and economic development. I have heard that civil society organizations have promoted over 2250 local projects, and are active in over lOOor'Haiti's communities. The Haitian people's
  • to preserv~ our natural environment in those years. It was Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican president, who championed the Park servi6e in bringing in lots of the land that otherwise would have been!destroyed because of development. • ! You can go
  • , Center. I want to thank Dr. Michael Smith, who is the director of the epilepsy unit, for being with me and for explaining and answering many of my questions. I'm delighted that Jeane Carpinter, president of the Epilepsy Foundation of America­ and herself
  • years, because of the leadership of this President and the Administration and the supporters in Congress and elsewhere, :-v~'ve seen improvements in the health of America's all time low. And . children. Irnritunization rates are at an all time high
  • this President get a crime bill with real possible hope fo~ change this year. . At the Isame time, we have to stop and ask ourselves some very important questions: First, Ihas the exhaustive -- and perhaps excessive coverage of violence contributed to increasing
  • bring with me very special greetings ,from the 'President and. the ,people of the United states of America.· : , ' . I hope that in the yearsahea~ many more Americans will be . 'able'to travel her.e and experience; first-hand. the great beauty
  • this system develops, you will also hear th~t the president's system is just too bureaucratic, it has too· much g6vernment in it. What that means is this: the only way we can compete against. insurance companies is. to get big. The reason the largest
  • . It , " treat. gives,me such a real thrill to:be here with you, although I have to correct President Friedm~n for the second time today. Earlier he introduced me and said I had been at Dartmouth back in February of 1992 for my second visit. That was my' first
  • begun to deliver on the pro~ise the President made to change the • I. I , MORE 2 • direction of our 6ountry • We have begun to see the results. I picked up the newspaper today. The deficit is now down to 203 billion dollars, after itl had been
  • . CLINTON: Thank you so much. . President, you may be assured that I will Mr. I . . carry your warm words and your kind invitation to my husband, who is quite sad that I have had the opportunity to come to Uzbekistah first. And I know that if there is any
  • , president of DC Comics. I also want to welcome other key partners, including Ambassador Donald ,Steinberg from the State Department, who is now sei'ving as special representative of the President and Seci'etary of State for Global Humanitarian De-mining
  • description of what the President believes. He does believe in a competitive system because that's what we have now in this country. That is a real strength if properly managed to ensure continuing quality and technological development in the other hallmarks
  • they are not sure what it means. Then if you go through the principles of the President's plan, there is very strong support for most of those principles. The trick is how do you take the consensus that is developing about the need for insurance reform, the need
  • ' , . ' .' . . • "," ' • • ','" - .,. •• .'" ." ... •. . . .'. """,.. ". '.' '. ,;::';'~;:::,' :,fin~ncial inform?tion l(a),(4) ..()f t~~ PRA! ' ":, , . '::; ;'~, : ': ,.,;:, ,,{>' ';:,b(~), ~eleas~ ~oul~discl~se secr,e~s or confide~tial o,r:fi~ali~i~l­ , PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President'" ' mformatlOn l
  • Congressman Mike . , on behalf of the campaign for the presidency of the United States of my friend, Bill Clinton. The phone rang in my office the other day and my great secretary, Lois Lois 'Lois said stand up, these folks haven't·seenYou, Lois
  • and I had stood here before you and had said, you know if you elect this new president and ~ive all of us who are working with him a chance, we won't have a budget deficit this seven years. I I We will lower the crime rate; We will end welfare as we
  • a nationwide network 6f community development banks. I ' After the election, one of the first things the President did was to set : , ' , t() work to , people I . ' ' turn that vision into a reality, anq out of that came the CDFI Fund which waS enacted
  • and Peace Center is developing a l curriculum to be used throughout the campus , so that the lessons taught and learned here will stay with everyone forever. Because, ultimat1ely, all the work that the President or Mrs. I '. Museveni,-or the Vice President
  • funding I for breast cancer research, treatment abd prevention nearly double? That the , President would propose a 65 percent Increase in cancer research? Or that we'd I , · dramatically expand the Department o~f Defense breast cancer research program
  • a connection with where we are going and to carve out what we believe to be in the c6m~on good, and the not-for:-pl'ofit sector which is unique in the development of any civilization th~t has reached its highest point I , here in the United States as we end
  • educational, recreational, land employment' opportunities; counseling and assistance to the poor, the 'elderly, the unemployed; the promotion !of' economic development; and, as,you already hea,rd this evening,; the creation and rehabilitatiort of "housing
  • PHOTOCOPY PRESERVATION ,THE WIDTE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release' October 23, 1999 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT FUNDRAISER FOR MRS. CLINTON The Capitol Hilton Washington, D. C. ,THE PRESIDENT: Senator
  • , which appear to be taking root. iEven with the busi~st ,of schedules ' that one'can imagine, duripg'his recent trip to Tuzla, the President met with NGO representatives in Bosnia, all of whom are represented in this room.: , I , I' ','" 'i
  • that our country needed to have the kind of commi,tment' r;preseni;:edby' these agencies. So, I. want to thank, all of you for making that possible.' , , Oh behalf,of the President, let me also convey our very deep apprec1at10n to the members
  • the Secretary General join the President and me at the White House to mark Internatiomil Women's Day, and at that time the Secretary General said the following: "Women's rights are not something to be given or taken away by government like a subsidy
  • systems are not that's not as important. MRS. CLINTON: I think everyone wants a personal relationship with the doctor who takes care of them. And even within the HMOs, people develop those personal relationships. And I've talked with many patients
  • and you m)lst be very careful. ' , , I bring you greetin~s from the President,who shares my deep sense of appreciation for your steadfast commitment to justice , I and peace. And I want to congratulate all of tonight's award winners. I was pleased
  • have four members of the US Congress here with us. They arb Palt of the President's delegation, I'd would ask them to just stand becaus'e I think it is impoitant that we recognize that we have political leaders in , addition to the President who
  • new road to democracy and prosperity. During my visit, I will have the oppottunity to nieet with the President and Mrs. Nazarbayev and with non-governmental organizations; who are working to ensure that civil society takes root, grows, and thrives. I
  • Jrom Chicago.' , , Before I begin, I want to thank President and MrS. 'Karunovand the people of Uzbekistan for the wann welco!ne and 'generous hospitality we have received in our ' shortt~e here, I hav~ cOf1}e to IUzbekistan and,to Central" Asia
  • House, and the Home and Studio Foundation, managers of the property for welcoming all of us here today. I also want to thank Dick:Moe, the president of the National Trust for Historic Preservation for his leadership. And congratulate th~ Trust on its
  • in the ~White House, many of the women who volunteer, and many of the women on the president's and i:ice p~esident's staff, so many :vomen t?r0ughout the government, so many women on CapItol HIll, so many women here m Wash mgt on -- have heard the words
  • Shestack is here, an up and coming new President of the ABA' as' well. And Rocky Rodriguez who's done such a good job as the chair of the YO,ung Lawyers Division. You know, I was wondering after I accepted the invitation and I was looking' forward to comin
  • in and out qftheir homes, and that every man, woman, and child. is treated with the respect and dignity thh deserve. I • . '" President Mandela and his gorernment should be applauded for pursuing a: prog'ram of reconstruction and development that ~eeks
  • on anywhere in our country. I I'd like to Jxteild my. congratulations to Bob Dunn, who has been an inspi~ation for many years at Levi-strauss and will continue to be in his new role as president of BSR. I . I'm sorry I can't be with you today,because I
  • in Orlando with all of you. Because what we are embarked upon and partners in is nothing less than trying to deliver that this organization and the President have made care in a way that is affordable, maintain quality to every citizen of our country. what
  • throughout Turkey. All around the world, we have seen what can happen when culture is considered last or not at all in plans for economic development. For the sake of progress, we have seen cultural treasures degraded by poorly managed tourism and historic
  • ; . . .I ... . . . 'I'hope someone here ~ old~oJgh to remember what it was like in the days and months .' . . ! , '. " . . ", . after the Soviet Union latmched sputIlik. President Eisenhower asked us all to m~t the challenge , ' . ' I
  • ­ the City and the state of New York have now a President in a long period who really cared about New York, who wanted to help New York -­ (Applause) -- and New York city" and who wanted this old-fashioned idea that the cities and states and our national
  • of life a . child is constantly learning. We now Know what it requires for the brain to develop. Science has opened up all kinds of information tp ~s that good mothers and fathers and grandparents knew instinctively for generations, but now we know
  • of the United States, he recognizes the importance of microenterprise as one df America's strongest tools for increasing the development and democratic progress of people arohnd the world. Thank you, Chairman Gilman. (Applause). i co~gresslan fO~ , And want
  • ;ressures' because ,of the financing . . But the ,real issues 'are: .the' people'issues" the families' of, " / our countrY'",rid their health' needs.' . " f J J ." ! - , , " ' , .; " ,' Those needs' .arenotgoing to go. away, and ·so' the ,President
  • a Federal statute [(a)(3) of the PRA] Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA), P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors
  • HRC Remarks [Binder]:[Committee for Economic Development, NYC, 9/23/93; health care reform]
  • this session, recorded live, from' the Hilton Hotel and Towers. :,e MODERATOR: --Rodham Clinton, First Lady of the united States. (Applause) Ladies and gentlemen, we will officially start this session. And I call upon the President of the Union
  • '. . '. yeld at Beijing Medical University I . Beijing,~hina Saturday,June 27,1998 ' , ,'.' I i DR. BERRY: . Mrs. Clinton, Minister Jiang, President Wang, PrefessorLi, colleagues and 1, . friends, I am honored to paiticipate in the signing
  • " "'. ,',: ' c .; ( I Remarks!by First Lady: Hillary Rodham Clinton United Stat~s Agency for'International Development i Girls' Education Conference Ronald Reagan Building Washington, D.C. ! May 7,1998 Thank you so much. Itlis
  • of the families you represent, the President. will stand with you. And I think most ·Americans will stand aslwell in favor of making it possible for people to be good worke~s, good parents and good citizens. That's what we're trying to develop in this country
  • into the center's clinic. with so many open eyes and ears, Gavinsky says, developing health problems are detected much earlier, and it saves many hospital visits. CCE marketing director, Tom Andrews (phonetic), says early intervention not only keeps the clients
  • . MRS. CLINTON: But in any case, Yes, that is certainly true. Q And at a certain point he developed a goal of running for president, and you have been an integral part of that process. Is it what you expected? MRS. CLINTON: The public life part
  • at the White House for a kind of mini:-reunion. And Erskine, who has given up much for his service to our country and his assistance. to the President, has certainlyl given up the time that he loves and cherishes with his family. And he was so excited about
  • and seminars, and I know you are going to end with ian excellent panel this afternoon when we finish here. You heard the Vice-President and the President ·.~ast night at the white Hquse, and you are just probably filled to the brim with information and programs
  • better academIC aC~ievement and attitudes tJ1wards school. Yet, demand for after-school I' .. .' . .programs outstrips supply 2 Ito 1. I . And we heard about i I . . ~ , , i~portant models being developed around the I,' I' . cOlllntry
  • FLOTUS Statements and Speeches 9/21/93 - 11/22/93 [Binder]: [Committee for Economic Development 9/23/1993]
  • DEVELOPMENT NEW YORK CITY MRS. CLINTON: I want to thank John for that introduction and also for the leadership he has given to CED and other efforts with which he has been involved now for a number of years. I want to thank CED for this invitation
  • to solve our problems., We do know what makes sense. We do know that as tough as things are, we can make a difference. Who would have thohght that 5 years ago we'd be able to say that crime has fallen 5 years in a row? Well, the Presid~nt and the mayor
  • has ,been sounding ,the alert on this for decades" because he saw the trends developing more than other observ~rs. ' But the way I think about it is that poverty has ,been 'with us since the beginning of time and in many cultures there is a' permanent
  • ~ Yale Law joul11al book review: "Public Welfru-e" Book Review: '''Public Welfare" 1978 Handbodkon Legal Rights for Arkansas W6men'(revised) 1987 1112/1988 Healty Youth Development speech for Southeastern Council of FO!lndations ASU
  • fashioned way. Let people invest in jobs here, new plants and equipment, new research and development • .You'll hear a lot in this campaign with people trading all kinds of charges back-and-forth. . One of those is th~t my husband and A1 Gore have proposed
  • ',',' . , (,' :$' ,I :,'. " THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release May 1, 1993 REMARKS BY THE FIRST LADY IN COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS TO THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MRS. CLINTON: Thank you, President
  • . This is particularly true in/develOping nations where so much of your work takes place. Women represent more than half the world's popUlation. They .tend to be ,the primary nurturers and i teachers Qf· ,t,h.e!'lo:r::td '~qh.iJp.r..en .. alld, car~takeFs. of our
  • malpractice reform as part of health care reform. (Applause. ) The President's plan includes a number of steps that we think will be very important and we especially believe that working with the profession to develop practice guidelines so that you can have
  • of'the college, instilled the sense of confidence that is just unmatched. I was talking with a friend of mine who has just left being the president of Randolph-Macon to go· to be one of the chief executives in the new administration at Yale, Lin
  • the billing. records and some of the questions from that, and then questions about the Castle Grande' development .. ·e MRS. CLINTON: Right. Right. Q And the fact that there were approximately 14 conversations or discussions between yourself and Mr
  • : .[ , • " . I ! It's a pleasure and hon~r to join Senator Barbara Mikulski, .• Repre~entatives Robert Andrews; Timothy Ro¢mer; Christopher Shays; and Harris Wofford, as we deliver the President's Nation~l Service Leg~slation to Capitol Hill. It's wonderful
  • that\ the development of the people of this region is. Not only for the future of the countries here but for our entire global family ~nd I hope also perhaps through my visiting and my seeing a lot of what I experienced for the first time, perhaps some Americans
  • : Are you ready for me?' (Applause.) DR. KOOP: Before I introduce Hillary 'Rodham Clinton to you,' I want to express my personal admiration and my gratitude to her ~or her leadership in the President's health care reform e£fort. She, has brought
  • :'.',. :, I " ','(:' THE WlllTE HOUSE Office of the Press· Secretary ! For Immediate Release May 7, 2000 REMARKS: BY THE PRESIDENT AND MRS. CLINTON AT RECEPTI0N FOR MRS. CLINTON New Statehouse Convention Center Littl~ Rock
  • the President was able to speak at Peking Univetsity to a crowd of students and faculty and they were then able I to ask him questions. Today, I would like also to give you the opportunity to ask me I I I , I ! I questions and I may have a fe~ questions
  • walk from room to room and think of what I've heard that's happened in these rooms and also imagine, what I think might have happened. For. exampl~, when one walks;irtto what is now.the Lincoln Bedroom, which was President Lincoln(s office during his
  • Texts of Remarks i ~y Hillary Rodham Clinton . ,President Vaclav Havel Am~assador i : Madeleine, Albright Kevin Klose '\ ',July 4, 1996 in Prague I ' Following is a transcript of Mrs. Clinton's address as delivered at Radio Free
  • for the president, Mrs. Clinton and Chelsea are hung from the fire place mantel. Socks, the first ~at~ is sitting beside the fire. There is a saxophone'under the tree. The painting above t~e Red Room door is from McKnight's "Wanderer" series.• The painting
  • . And people have been sending me all kinds of information, and much to my delight, I learned that prior to her becoming First Lady, about three months before President Rooseyelt was sworn in, she was editorialized against in the New York Times for speaking out
  • well-being ~ '.' " ' 'During 'a' mornirig piCkUp a ,driver, might: potice a s'iight 'change .and\}jring them straight into the center ' s clinic., . withso '" ','inany, open eyes 'and ears, 'Gavinsky 'says" developing health. ',' pr'oblems
  • that you have' developed that ~e need ~o. know ,more about. And there are some things in the united states that I think can be of benefit to Canada. So i~'s a trading of information all with the same goal which is to try to make sure quality health care
  • . (Applause.) . I to I DR. BRAZELTON: Well, Hillary, it's a great pleasure to be here with you again in the White House. Hillary h~ done more for children and families than any president's wife that I know of, 'Fd it's just incredible to me. I hate to lose
  • . Carolyn McCarthy, is I champion about this. . . has Nita Lowey . . a bill that also address~s breast cancer and environmental issues and we need to support Nita's bill and Carolyn's leadership so that with:the President's initiative, we will get more money
  • pleased to be here again in the Republic of Macedonia with my husband, the President, our daughter and our delegation - at a time when there is so much more hope for peace and stability in this region. I want to thank the Ambassador for that introduction
  • the opportunity. I spent much of last year gOingl around and talking with and listening about the problems. Now we have a lot of approaches and ideas and solutions on the table that we want to get continuing health. Very briefly, the • president knew
  • . ,What the President .has meant and what I have repeated is that if there are better ways th'at are developed during the legislativeproceg's to workout some of. ,the ways that we reacn our goals like universal coverage and simp+icity, gettihgrid
  • and other'members 'of the Q; (Indistinct) and seconQIy. , ' , , ' , Mrs. Cllinfon: , " " Administration have been saying over the last two days, especially the President's statement , I " " ' yesterday. and I havcno concern about travel at all
  • to land a plane or hop a fence to get a president's atterttion. (Laughter.) In fact, she could just walk right in here. lAnd a lot of us look forward -- and held our breath on occasion -- as to what would happen once she did. I " Many of you are also
  • BY THE PRESIDENT AND THE FIRST LADY AT FOSTER CARE EVENT Presidential Hall 5:45 P.M~ EST MRS. CLINTON: Welcome to the White House, and please be seated. This is a truly wonderful day. In a few minutes thJ President will sign into law landmark legislation
  • . We spend ~ore money and really end up getting less for it. Weare notl making a good bargain with our health care system. I Over the years!, starting with Franklin Roosevelt, a lot of people and, both 'Presidents, and Republican and Democratic parties
  • : that was going on it is an interesting historic development to see how that method was embraced not just by management in business, but also by labor. The concept of how we organized factory work in a production line approach became dominant in many
  • care myse!f some ~ears ago -,and those efforts go back at least to PreSIdentTruman, and they got through Presidents Kennedy and Johnson! Presidents Carter and Nixon, and our current President, fnyhusband. " Because we've made a lot of advances
  • when he was elected President as a model for the kinG of national service program that we hoped could fill the entire country with the same kind of endrgy and enthusiasm that is brought to you now that the City Year Corps members wear thelAmeriCorps
  • and families restored. In Prague, where tanks once crushed the hopes of thousands, . workers and students were gathering and demonstrating without fear. And where once dissidents were led away as prisoners in handcuffs, now they served as presidents leading
  • to health care reform, the devil is in the details. And I'd like to focus today on the specific solutions the President has proposed and talk through some of the implications for hospitals like yours. The first principle, as I mentioned above, is already
  • Moran from across the I river in Virginia, and Representative Eleanor Holmes Norton from here in the. District of Columbia. I I • . • We are also gel~ghted that R~chard Carlson, the President of the corporat~on. for Public Broadcasting; Ervin Duggan
  • and they said;' 'You know, they've thrown everything but the kitchen sink, but they'll probably throw that.' And I got up to speak and I said, 'Well they'll probably also throw, the kitchen, the house, the housing development, whatever can be hurled.' We're just
  • and Medicaid in /1965, Dr. Koop persists in his,creative and courageous ways' , working closely with President and, Mrs. Clinton to teform the nation's health care system so that it will provide lifetime security for all Americans. , It is now my privilege
  • this impressive history, it is not surprising that we are here in this state to talk about the future of health care . ' In just a few days, the President will outline the principles underlying the National Health security Act. This initiative marks the first
  • Hosts CommitteeJor Economic Development Lasker Awards Florida Democratic Party Self Magazine Health Care Issues Forum ARC American Magazine Conference California Association of hospitals David Dinkins Fundraiser Press Conf. W/ Attorney General Institute
  • to have to be making a lot of those hard decisions. The President's made very clear what he is . willing .­ to accept. It has to be abilT that honesty achieves guaranteed' private insurance with comprehensive benefits for every American. And so that's
  • the President and I are to know that , you are going to be in Congress come January and we are going'to have a strong voice for education in the halls of Congress. Someone who is not up here with me but someone who I know is very iinportant to this school
  • DEVELOPMENT I ' COPENHAGEN, DENMARK \ MARCH 7, 1995 I ' Thank you. Good morning. Desai, Mr. Nielsen. Thank you Ambassador Teymour, Mr. \ I I am honored to participate' in this historic gathering, where civic, religious, ~nd social organizations as well
  • • ' possibly can to cure it. And it's no different if the problem they bring to us lies in their head or their heart. I Thanks in large part to the lead~rship of Tipper Gore, the President's mental health adviser, we've come a long way in our11battle to bring
  • / tliatrejected absolutism and built the fun9,amentals of the rule10f law during the Renaissance. When America's Founding Fathefs wrote the world's first Constitution, Poland, soon followed 'with the world's second. President Wilson ' put the weight
  • the National Review. Of course, a lot of Presidents' wives have been on a lot of magazine covers, but only Mrs. Clinton, I feel sure, can claim this broad a gamut, all the way from Good House~eeping to the American Spectator. And magazines have presented her
  • experiences of ' these stUdents. We're very encouraged by President Clinton's America's HOPE scholarship. And I think you can realize that we stand ready to serve, to assist this program in its development in aryy way that is deemed appropriate. And we,would
  • : .,It's so' hard: Ith;ink i~ I felt when we walked out of thlS ~ouse that every adultln America, whether or not :they were a parent, unc;1e,rstood what it took for children to develop 'into healthy, resilient, seif-discipliried,adults-andwere d.ter~in~d
  • There are economic reasons why this country needs. to have universai health care coverage. Those economic reasons are at t~e base of what the President has s~id over and over again, ~hen he has pointed out that our country spends more money than any other country
  • ,but "it,' s also had some difficulties, too. We both,lo~t parents. My father 'died" and ,my husband's mother ~ied. So it's been a year of~ostly very 'good developments, but some difficulties as well. 'Q Ina-certain sense, it waspi6bably th~ most interesting
  • have MORE I reached the same cohclusions that the President reached in the work that ~as dbne on behalf of' the' a~ministration ~nd that I think any falr obseryer of health care in America reaches as well. Ahd'that is that there are 6ertain
  • . Koop persi~ts in his creative and courageous ways working closely with! President and Mrs. Clinton to reform the nation's health car~: system so that it will provide lifetime security for all Americans. It is now my privilege to introduce Dr. C. Eve
  • of, the Americas i;n' Miami, ,at the Vnited,Nations , ,Conf~rence, on social Development lin Copenhagen earlier this year, and more recently at,the'UnitedNations Fourth World Conference on, 1! I " f' I ',: '" ','f , i' I •.•• • Women in Beijing. I think
  • to make a decision about life-sustaining systems and what the right decision is and how you try to fulfill the beliefs and wishes of the patient. We're talking to nurses, who are often on the front lines of delivering health care and need to have more
  • the President has put together. And he said something that stuck in my , mind. He said, you kno~, when you study business cycles, they appear to go up and down, and you think it's inevitable. But, he said, if you 100~ more closely, below the surface, Y0!l'll
  • . As proponents of freedom, we rejoice in recent developments around the globe: There is no Iron Curtain, any more. In country after country, dictatorships have crumqled and democracy has come alive. The threat.· of nuclear war no longer hovers over us. As my
  • less developed countries. Weare not producing the serums for the, immunizations; ,We are not staffing our public health facilities. We are not doing the outreach. We are beginning to see the results of mini-epidemics in the inner cities of things like
  • the excellence that you represent, or that we can continue to afford to provide the quality of care we currently do. • The president has said, and we have repeated in every speech that anyone representing him has made in the weeks since he presented
  • ::heideas that' 'germinat~d' '~ttl.le' erid' af last century, are once, again germinating ',at the end of this centurY .,' ~ou' :probaply' ,heard the, President ", ' ,talk'lof his idea ,of' a New: Covenant for 'America,,:,,,~ a wayef ' , '" talking ,both
  • ), Ramallah Remarks by FLOTUS at Press COIiference, Petra, Jordan Remarks by FLOTUS at "Fulfilling the'Promise: Prutnerships in Eru'ly Childhood Development," Amman, Jordan FLOTUS and Queen Al Hussein, Open Discussion with the Students at the Jubilee School
  • , peoplel from the pharmaceutical community, people from the rest of th1e private and public sector who know what is at stake. I Women's health has been a particular concern Qf the President as he took office and he Was tried to increase attention
  • in my country at least. Q; With your vast knowledge of the U.S. health system, are there any tips you can give , Australia as it negotiates the development of its health system? A: Well, I had a wonderful conversation with your Minister of Health
  • PHOTOCOPY PRESERVATION First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton Reach Out & Read Announcement New York City, NY December 1, 1998 Thank you all. Thank you. Thank you so much. You know, I know that Pat [Schroeder, president and CEO
  • want to recognize your leadership that is helping to chart the way towards your goal, starting with your president. He has been an outspoken d passionate advocate for Ametica's teachers, and a tireless crusader for the school refOI s that we know are so
  • to be here at this wonderful university. I want to thank my friend and your president, Father O'Donovan, for his introduction, for his leadership, for his many contributions. Not only here to this university btlt to the much broader Ameri.can community
  • all MORE Diversified Reportinl) Services, Inc. 918 16TH STREET, N.W. SUITE 803 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 (202) 296-29.29' , ' - 4 ­ want to do. Q " coming? And will your mother and the President's mother be MRS. CLINTON: I hope so
  • • 2 government health care plan that the President has proposed • Right now, the government is deeply involved in health care. As you know, the government funds Medicare through a payroll contribution. The government funds Medicaid to take care of our
  • development and children. The Carnegie Corporation is investing quite a bit into trying to ,educate 'America about the ,first three years of life. There will be a conference in Chicago ne~t week where brain development is going to be looked at. ,Because 'we
  • now or us to do some extensive public , education about child development and children. The Carnegie Corporation is investing quite a bit into trying ,to educate America about the first three years of life. There will be a conference in Chicago next
  • experiences of my life, and continues to be. Not only because of what it added to my life, but becaus,e' of ,what I have learned from it. Watching someone grow and develop, who shares some of your views, but not all of them; who struggles to find her own
  • for them. . The United Nations Con'vention on the Rights ofthe Child-which we were reminded the United States has yet to ratify, despite the President having sent it to the Senate; it is sitting there, languishing. But the Convention does declare that every
  • ~ed ourselves: yet. agrin,.to, ,move.dorward in this,area.:: : of fin,ancing which. ~s,::pf:spchgreat .importaDPe to. the development of women's roles in the world. F p.~!Y;':t~\; y~u: . '/ i~':~y,'Alm~aJ '.~:, I would like, to.. filar
  • in Estonia when I ,visited a clinic that is the first in that country to offer a broad range of health servic6s for wo'rrien.' 'I heard them in Romania when I met with teachers who are developing anew pedagogy that emphasizes civic participating
  • violate a Federal statute ](a)(3) of the PRA] Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information ](a)(4) of the PRA] P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between
  • to 'be,able lodo what isbesttfbr~thfat 'person, for the President, for the',family, 'for the country. So I'~,not JeallysupPbrtirig~lheidea that there is'one way to do the role or away to change the role that isveryfdifferent.I'ni really trying very hard
  • in the fall at Georgetown, and look at the way he tries to develop what amounts to a new political language in this country about personal responsibility, and communal responsibility, and how those have to interact, and how we have to begin expecting ,e
  • to see added in general, or the ~cid rain that affects the Adirondacks and for what is bolluting the Sound. i I was told yesterday in the A~irondacks by.some of the Adirondacks council people that the second biggest source of nitrogen in the Long Island
  • with the President, just the two of you? Or do you get -- other than the Truman Balcony, do you get much time? MRS. CLINTON: Oh; yes, we have great times. On Valentine's Day, we went to church, and Che1sea was gone again. She had a couple of -- she's made friends
  • of ,them joining togEkther to play our anthem, ,I ,was so proud to be an Ainerican.· , I was, so grateful." ' I , .. I' " a ' " was so' grateful to have President who', :in the words of Eleanor Roosevelt, do~s'not curse ,the darkness", but lights
  • , 1999 Thank you so much. Thank you, Nava, for that extremely strong and powerful statement. I am delighted to be here at the university, to be.with the president, our old friend the rector. Iwant to thank Professor Segal for your description about
  • on discretionary'spendihg. So you will have the money taken ~way from ,the medicafe system decreasing and will find it extremely difficult to add to it because of these caps. I A second ald equally threatening development is the I I MORE ';' .. I . 4 I
  • to be healthy and happy and develop w e l l . ' . And I know so many people who are doing great work with children" but somehow that information either doesn't get out or doesn't get out to the people who' could put it to good use. So I thought I would take so
  • once we ¢ari say., "write your member and tell him to support Bill XYZ." .. We can"·t do that right now, and if we were trying to gin up that kind of support arouild the president"s.plan, wheri we know there will be changes in it, and we welcome
  • of this process is that if we enact the President's proposal, those millions of Americans, nearly 40 million now, who do not have any insurance will have health security. Those millions more who have some insurance but not enough if the real emergency· comes
  • know, healing comes not only from medications and technologies that you were experiencing when your father was ill, (inaudible) was a trusting relationship involving your physician. My question is: What is President Clinton planning to do about pres
  • ' \, ' " "" " ,;, ," -' ' -' '. ' '" "We wil) see 90, "percent'o! ,bur ,small bus,lnesses become'~li~~ble',~~i t~x',bfeaks, ~nd ,iniest~erii!predits",so , ' that·they can beg'in to grow and develop' and' inv.e,st more. 'We, will'-':see all 'or this, an~ 'we'llfinqllyhave' a President who
  • much, Tom [Hobart, Jr., president of the New York State United Teachers]. I am deeply honored and moved by this award, and feel very grateful to you fqr yourleadership. And all those who lead with you and all who are assembled here, for your
  • a chance to visit, and leading into the reception, I wanted to : Page 2 Legal SelVices Group-White House + IntelViews just emphasize a few of the points made by the President in your program when he declared this "National Legal Services Week
  • to. ', ,! ' , ' , I ­ I also want to commend Chile for the ~trong leadership that you have here in this co~try in the three sectors that Dr. Alleyne referred to. Certainly ,in the public sector under the leadership of President Frei, the Ca~inet and other
  • · travel 1ith her,' so hoW can I ask her questions? So, for th
  • haVe not yet fillly grasped the impact of these budget proposals, because we . are ,aLl ..f.orbalancingthe :.budget. .It was this President "and ·Democratic C.ongressmember~, like Carolyn Maloney and Charles · Rangel, who are here, who -voted for the 'f
  • to develop, between pren~tal and three years of age. And all too often, we have these public debates and policy discussions that are not well informed. I certainly found that during the health care debate. And there are many people in this country
  • , 'are you in the audience? ,Yes. We thank Creighton too. In my opening comments I moved down a nostalgic trail in time of when I' was first appointed in '1966. And 1;" recall the day af.ter my appointment was made' by' President Johnson 'in Johnson ' City
  • !as and must continue to provide vital 'functions in our country~l, So when the ·axes start to fallon the budget block I hope you ~illl remember that government'has' a role to play and the real challl~:mge for us as the President has said, is to redefine
  • me on the wrong side," and he couldn't hear a word you said. to This ismy second trip to Hofstra, and I want to thank the president, the faculty, the staff, and the students for hosting this important symposium. I am very impressed by what I know
  • . , i Q As a Eu~opean pr~~s,we are not mftny very often with you, 'andwewDuld like, to tell our American ' colleagues a ~ide of the Presideht, the 'President's, life in ,the White Hous~, ,tti~t no on~knows~ ,Cah you help ug? MRS. 'CLINTON: :Well~I don't
  • conviction about what we need to do to help each other and to support people than I h~d before my husband became President, but I have a higher I level of frustration because it is so hard to break throug~:the kind of privi.leged, protected lifestyle that too
  • : Thank you very much. President Richardson and Dean Johns, thank you for those very warm words of welcome. And I am delighted, Dean Johns, that you have made it clear that my predecessor, Mrs. Harrison, was here before. and also I believe Mrs. Cleveland
  • be able to come do spe~~ wi~h so many people having a 20 direct stake in . 21 j piece of legislation that has just I been passed in WJShihgton, and signed by the PreSident, I o
  • served on our working group on ethics, the group charged with making sure that the system we develop is driven by fundamental values, shared responsibilities, social justice. Monsignor Fahey has confronted the fragmentation and backward incentives of our
  • On it. [Laughter] But seriously, Ithil:lk that part of what we learned in that effort, is how much time it takes to talk through some complex issues such as the ones that the President put on the American agenda/when he took offic~. with respect to the economy
  • the number of . women-owned busines~es, and increase the number of women who can go onfline and learn about starting their own businesses.! . Folks working in Silic6n Alley tell me we need to develop a . workforce that is prepa!red to excel in technology
  • very well that the fIrst ye~s of life are critical for the development of the humari braih. And the more we talk to our babies, our toddlers, the m'ore Jre really engage in learning . with them in the home - n~t anYthing fancy, nothing that .. I . costs
  • Queen Noor. I count her friendship as one of my greatest joys during my service here in Washington, as well as the work that my husband and I have ~one and the friendship we have developed with, both, the King and Queen of Jordan. They are lamong two
  • withmi~e. I feel very privileged to be ,able to travel, as I have in the last several years, to visit countries bqth with my huspand on Qfficial trips, but' then also on my own to. try., perhaps in a more intormalway than the president is able to when he
  • much. Thank you so much for being here for this imporitant and, in many ways, unprecedented event. I want ,to thank secretarYI Shalala for her leadership in so many areas, but as she mentioned, whe,nthe President announced the National Breast' Cancer
  • PHOTOCOPY PRESERVATION • THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release October 1, 1995 REMARKS BY FIRST LADY HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON AT VASSAR COLLEGE MRS. CLINTON: Thank ,you. Thank you so much. Thank you, President
  • David. '. It w~s one of those nice holiday morni'ngs where you wake up late 'and go for a walk and', read the paper. And' the President read, apout ~ow many people 'ypu had' fed here at Glide. And he picked up the phone and he called Cecil and said, "I'm
  • ~at the combination ofsingie motherhood and teenage years is a recipe for children growing up i~ poverty without proper healthcare, nutrition, or nurtUling. I ~ Five years ago in his State of the Union address, the President challenged parents and leaders across our
  • to help paraprofessionals become fully certified teacher~. (Applause.) I'll fight to help school districts develop careet ladder programs that offer the skills training, the profes~ion~l developmerit and the certification you need to beco~e teachers
  • . KOOP: Good morning. Before I introduc~ Hillary .Rodham Clinton to you, I want to express my personal admiration and my gratitude to her for her leadership of the President's health care reform effort. She has brought to this assignment exemplary energy
  • : REMARKS 'BY I U.S. FIRST LAIDY HILLARY RODHAM (LINTON I iupon receipt of the United Arab !Emirates Health Foundation Prize I at the ViforldHealth Assembly , Geneva - 14 May 1998 I (Begin transcript) I Mr. President, Director-General, ministek
  • in the House particularly, I don't think that they 'will dominate that conversation. The conversation will be between those who genuinely believe we've got to get to universal coverage. And I think that includes the President and certainly John Chafee has said
  • , the children haveand'assist them in developing their mOral' consciences and compassiory arid a sense of service. Ch,ildren need a sense of commun~~y. Earlier today I was in Philadelphia. I was, at' ah· . Americorps project in the inner cityl. and I vis.ited