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10 results

  • , Rodney Slater, to be Secretary of Transportation. 9 First as chair of the State Highway Commission in our home state, and then as Federal Highway Administrator, he has managed large programs with skill and high standards. And as he has rebuilt
  • ranks? A: President Clinton is proud of the record diversity of his Administration. He has appointed more African Americans, Hispanics and Asian Americans than any other President. Cabinet: 15% African American [Alexis Herman (Labor), Rodney Slater
  • Slater ·are strongly committed to ISTEA reauthorization. Specifically, a strong ISTEA program advances our shared agenda -- welfare-to-work, strengthening communities, improving access and mobility, and improving the environment.· With proposals to revise
  • FOR ALAMEDA CORRIDOR EVENT THE WHITE HOUSE JANUARY 17, 1997 Acknowledgments: Sec. Pena: Michael Huerta; Rodney Slater; Sen. Barbara Boxer: Reps. Jane Harmon, Steve Hom, Jay Kim, Juanita Millende~-McDonald, Thomas Petri, Lucille Roybal-Allard; Mayor Riordan
  • African-American representation d~ring your second term. . . . Secretaries Brown, Slater and Herman along with OMB Director Raines are confirmed to attend the Caucus meeting with you. · ' · COMPUTER LEARNING CENTER ACT, OF 1997 Section-by-Section
  • their homes and businesses. Transportation Secretary Rodney Slater is already in Arkansas, surveying the d~age and reporting back to me. And by tomorrow morning, FEMA Director James Lee Witt will join I . him to direct the federal response and ensure
  • U.S. CONFERENCE OF MAYORS SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA JUNE 23, 1997 Acknowledgments: Sec. Cuomo; Sec. Herman; Sec. Slater; Sen. Barbara Boxer; Rep. Zoe Lofgren; Mayor Daley; Mayor Willie Brown; Mayor Helmke; Tom Cochran. Announce intention to nominate
  • Board of Supervisors is scheduled to take up a resolution, at Supervisor Pam Slater's initiative, supporting legislation to require such reporting_ It also calls for laws on minimum cooking tempe-ratures that would kill the E. coli bacteria