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  • people into jobs and holds them accountable for maintaining spending on welfare reform. In addition, it gives States the ability to create subsidized jobs and to provide employers with incentives to hire people off welfare. The Act also does much more
  • to create opportunities and develop strategies to help welfare recipients get and keep what they need most of all -- a job. • The real work of welfare reform is being done in states and local communities across the nation. Where the rubber meets the road
  • , innovative programs that move Americans from welfare to work; and, in 1996, I signed the landmark bipartisan welfare reform law, ending the old system as we knew it. I said then that "our nation's answer to the problems of poverty will no longer be a never
  • in the history and minority unemployment the lowest ever recorded. You all know, and I think Tom referred to this, that 0ith the ~elfat~ waivers that we granted the states, followed by the Welfare Reform Act ,-i-D 1996, your initiatives have led us to the lowest
  • the welfare reform law was signed -- local initiatives in welfare which moved record numbers of people from welfare to work, and all the ·analysis showed that a great deal of them moved because of the local efforts that people were making. The key to all
  • by employees and their families. Let me mention five ways businesses can show good citizenship toward their employees." The new bully pulpit strategy was employed on one of the most sensitive, politically charged issues of all: welfare reform. In 199 5, as part
  • of the chair just a year later when the GOP.·trounced the Democrats and took control of Congress. In the 104th Congress, Moynihan continued to push for overhauling welfare and led the fight against Republican welfare reform, which for the first time would
  • , in an election year, we passed welfare reform with overwhelming majorities of both parties in both Houses. And yesterday we celebrated cutting the rolls in half. And 12,000 companies are helping us to hire people off welfare. So we can do this. We can do this. We
  • ought to do what it takes for educational excellence. We also ought to do more to help working families afford quality child care. One of the great ironies is when we fought very hard for welfare reform the Democratic Governors stood with me in insisting
  • for the states as a part of welfare reform. These efforts are a · good start. But states are still struggling to meet the·needs of working parents, the thousands upon thousands who . ... ' need care for their children but cannot find it or afford
  • in both Houses voted for the Balanced Budget Act. Overwhelming majorities of ourparty in both Houses voted · for welfare reform. We are still not of one mind and we do not have a consensus on the way forward with trade. So tonight I would like to talk
  • welfare reform that elevates work and family and protects children, and gives people a chance to make the most of their . I . , own lives. You want to know what kind of welfare reform I want? You just heard her speak up here. That's what this country needs
  • . But the strategy is now no longer open to doubt, as we've just seen our fifth year of declining crime, in the last year the steepest decline in violent crime of all. We continued with the initiatives before the welfare reform law was signed -- local initiatives
  • for the states as a part of · welfare reform. These efforts are a good start. But states are still struggling to meet the needs of working parents, the thousands upon thousands who need care for their children but cannot find it or afford it. These working
  • as well as catching criminals. They were wrong about that, too. We need to keep on going until we put all those police officers on the street. (Applause.) When it came to welfare reform, I said we ought to move people from welfare to work, but we should
  • of the first paycheck, the challenge of starting that first business, the pride in following in a parent's footsteps. The' welfare reform law I signed last week gives America a chance, but not a guarantee, to have that kind of new beginning; to have a new
  • and the Council of Economic Advisers after the Census Bureau released its report. The president called it ' 'another economic milestone" for the Clinton-Gore administration. ' 'These exciting developments are the direct result of the welfare reform law Republicans
  • percent for Hispanic men, 6.2 percent for black women, and 2.6 percent for Hispanic women. Furthermore, the black and Hispanic unemployment rates are at long-time lows. • Welfare reform, the expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit, and the strong
  • (welfare reform demonstrations in thirteen states. ,These waivers enabled states to coordinate their experiments with both Aid to Families with Dependent Childi-en (AFDC) and Food Stamps. The approved waivers·affected income disregards, resource exclusion
  • the strength. of the right wing, the successes of moderate Republicans. in the Senate are impressive. In the past few months, they have: * scaled back EITC cuts by $ 10 billion; * removed a plank in the welfare reform package tl;lat would have cut off funds
  • democracy, and finish the job of welfare reform. Over the last four years, we have brought new economic growth by investing in our people, expanding our exports; cutting our deficits, creating over 11 million new jobs, a four-year record. (Applause.) Now we
  • that moves the American people· forward and makes this ·_a more just and a more healthy society, we can get an agreement. EVerybody wanted in agreement. in 1 96 on. welfare reform; we got it. we'.wanted an agreement on the minimum wage; we got it. We wanted
  • to complete the unfinished business of our country -- to balance our budget, renew our democracy, and finish the job of welfare reform. · Over the last four years, we have brought new economic growth by investin2: in our people, expanding our exports, cutting
  • tonight. Elaine, we're very proud of you. Please stand up. We still have a lot more to do, all of us, to make welfare reform a success -- providing child care, helping families move closer to available jobs, challenging more companies to join our welfare
  • to end the open-ended cycle that had made a monthly welfare check a way of life for too many people. I went back out, speaking about welfare reform and to urge people to demand that their legislators· clean up the mess. We organized committees in all
  • every American with a chance to improve their own lives. This included policies to reward work, such as expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the enactment of welfare reform and welfare to work programs. Second, spurring private investment
  • the welfare reform effort would work. Today, under the leadership of Eli Segal the Welfare to Work partnership has grown to 10,000 companies that have helped us move more than 400,000 people from the welfare rolls to the job rolls. Time and again, we have seen
  • some good success there. We've also tried'to give the states just blanket freedom to try more new ideas in areas where we think we don't have all the answer now, from health policy to welfare reform; to education to fighting crime. We have always felf
  • . They sent us all here to get things done. And we have proved in the past, with the Welfare Reform bill of 1996 and the Balanced Budget Act of1997, that we can work together to get things done and bring good results to our country. So, instead, I ask Congress
Commencements (Item)
  • . In addition, the:Clinto11 ·Administration granted welfare reform waivers ton record 43 states. More than two-thirds of these states ·pursued innovative child support:r,e(orms und~r waiv~rs approved by the Clinton Admii~istration. · · 1ncreasing resources
  • and Medical Leave Act which enables parents to take time off to adopt a child without losing their jobs or health insurance. In addition, the . . . ,, welfare reform bill that the President signed into law maintains the guarantee of child protection
  • of it is the laws that have been passed, including the Welfare Reform Act of 1996, which required people who could work to work, but also. invested more money in child care for their children and transportation so they could get to work, and kept their kids in food
  • those who are working hard to raise their children; pay their taxes and be good citizens, and the agreement does just that. (Applause.) Fourth, this is a balanced budget that will help us finish the job of welfare reform, providing $3 billion to move
  • these examples over and over again, but the Welfare Reform Act in 1996, coming on top of the initiatives we had taken in the previous three years has now given us the lowest welfare rolls in 32 years. And the Balanced Budget Act completed the work of the economic