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  • s t i l l primarily pro-orphanage. There were 19 l e t t e r s from former orphans about orphanages, 11 were for the idea of orphanages and 8 were against t h i s idea. There were five writers inviting you to Boys Town. II. Welfare Reform You
  • and Wage Effects of Employer Mandates Medicaid Changes over the Past Decade A Look at Maternal and Child Health Growth without Prosperity in San Antonio Welfare Reform and the LalW Market Mediation of Custody Cases Involving Domestic Abuse Work and Child
  • Image Other Abortion Multi Issues Health, Women Children's Issues Orphanage School Prayer Welfare Reform Hunting/Fishing Foreign Affairs Drugs/Substance Abuse Tax Reform Deficit/Balance Budget Minority Issues Environment Immigrants/Immigration Education
  • Chairman, Pro-life Committee InSrop John H Ricafd, SSI » Chairman, Domestic Policy Committee MAJOR STATE ISSUES IN 1994 STATE GOVERNOR (ELECTION YEAR) Alabama Jim Folsom, (D) 1994 HEALTH CARE REFORM AND OTHER SIGNIFICANT HCFA WAIVERS WELFARE REFORM
  • on Carter's welfare reform proposals and hospital cost containment proposals. Took lead staff role in developing H.R. 10711, the Welfare Reform Act of 1978. and H.R. 5470. the Health Cost Restraint Act of 1979. Consultant to the Survev of Income and Proeram
  • . It would save about $22 billion over five years, but at the same time, it makes about $13 billion in investments in Medicaid, including proposals to expand coverage for eligible children, and changes to last year's welfare reform law. Per Capita Cap
  • credit to help cover up-front adoption expenses such as legal fees and home studies. The adoption tax credit is a provision in the Senate-passed welfare reform bill and was also passed by the House in HR1215, the Family Reinforcement Act. Federal funds
  • Committed to proposing a national welfare reform plan early this year, the Clinton administration Thursday gave disadvantaged people in two Florida counties a chance to get an early taste of the reforms he i s advocating for the whole country. The Health
  • Potential Enrollment-Related Savings [Range of Savings: 7.8%-17.4%] Reductions in Coverage of Low-Income Families Restrict coverage through welfare reform-related AFDC eligibility changes Eliminate expanded coverage of older children in poverty Restrict
  • of the less privileged. To abandon health-care cost containment, Mr. Reinhardt concludes, is "to say the hell with education, infrastructure, welfare reform and everything else." CI
  • , there are at least two imponant differences. First. President Clinton has placed health insurance high on his agenda trom the earliest months of his admin•stration. In tne Carter administration, nealth insurance took a back seat to energy issues and welfare reform
  • who are understandably worried about their health coverage. Clinton's politically calculated threats . to veto the GOP reform measure are a marked contrastfromhis constructive embrace of the welfare reform plan. approved by Senate Republicans. Any
  • idea. Besides, the solution to subsidized idleness is not subsidized work; itls to eliminate or perhaps phase out the original subsidy. "Any welfare reform proposal" write Gate's analysts, "mustrecognizethat individuals are unlikely to move from welfare
  • of federal policymaking was never more apparent than in the difVerence between Rodham-iVlagazinerCare and TennCare. He could start with welfare reform Uist week the congresIronically, the Republicans seem to have taken the capital at a sional Republicans
  • than 20 percent— from $8 billion to a record of nearly $10 billion. The President's child support plan, a part of his welfare reform legislation, would double child support collections by the year 2000. By executive order, federal agencies have been
  • period. Submitted; Approved: June 17, 1993 November 18, 1993 VIRGINIA Medicaid Waiver V i r g i n i a ' s welfare reform demonstration gives cases who lose AFDC e l i g i b i l i t y due to earnings a 3-year Medicaid t r a n s i t i o n benefit in four
  • . • Medicaid savings are $55 billion in over 7 years — one-third the size of the Republican proposals — and include a per person cap to protect coverage, rather than an aggregate block grant. • Welfare reform has savings of $35 billion which is less than half
  • . New Brunswick. Walter Zelman on WNYC. the NPR affiliate in New York City and Good Day USA Show on the Independent Broadcaster's Network. Larry Levitt on KTKK. Salt Lake City on the Hank Hathaway Show. Welfare Reform There is an accompanying clip set
  • billion over 10 years. • Providing coverage to people who leave welfare for work is consistent with the goals of welfare reform. However, it does not fully break the link between welfare and health coverage as a broader subsidy program would do
  • , the party of women, the party of gays. But we're not the party of white working men and women anymore and the middle class." To change that perception. Press said "we have to reshape our agenda and stress the issues that appeal to the haves, like welfare
  • yesterday signed a letter to Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole urging him not to include welfare reform in a reconciliation bill. "We think that would be wrong on many fronts," Senate Minority Leader Tbm Daschle said yesterday. Welfare refonn is "tcr
  • in all areas of national life to join in promoting individual responsibility and economic opportunity for America's young people. The President's welfare reform plan, introduced last year, provided funding for community-based initiatives to end teen
  • . Although there are a host of state and federal subsidies for segments of society, there is a vehement and malicious focus on the benefits received by low-income women and children. "Welfare Reform" has become a code word for forcing poor individual not seen
  • discretion. • Gives states the option to continue using AFDC rules to determine eligibility or (heir new welfare eligibility methodologies enacted under welfare reform. Proposal is silent on current law upper limjts on eligibility standards and methodologies
  • on welfare and getting health benefits or leaving for a job with no benefits. This would encourage welfare dependency, and threaten any attempt at welfare reform. WHAT W I L L HAPPEN IF WE PASS BOB DOLE'S PLAN, INSTEAD OF A UNIVERSAL C O V E R A G E PLAN
Kid's Health (Item)
  • strategy cannot be implemented without the administrators of Medicaid ~ the States.) This would be a logical amendment to the Medicaid eligibility work that will have to occur post enactment of welfare reform. Follow-up the kids outreach meetings
  • important as i t r e l a t e s t o implementation of .welfare reform. • Most o f the remaining uninsured c h i l d r e n -- known as "Gap K i d s " - - f a l l between Medicaid e l i g i b i l i t y and p r i v a t e coverage from t h e i r parents
  • and threatened to hold a health bill cause Senator Movnihan is commit- . "hostage" if the President did not ted to working toward the President's move forward with Mr. Movnihan's goal of covering every American, and true passion, welfare reform. Mr he's doing his
  • with welfare reform, everyone in the country will then be covered through a mix of affordable private insurance, publicly funded programs and subsidized coverage. MR. PRESIDENT - GO FOR IT! THE COUNTRY WILL BE THRILLED TO HAVE THE SAME HEALTH CARE PLAN AS YOU
  • . * This goal w i l l be undermined or perhaps circumvented by other aspects of the l e g i s l a t i o n , p a r t i c u l a r l y i f you consider the l i k e l y broader design of community networks i n support of healthy c i t i e s and welfare reform (e.g
  • . The Los Angeles Times today reported that President Clinton would be holding a summit "with governors, local o f f i c i a l s and members of Congress, aimed at hammering out agreement on broad principles for welfare reform." I notice that those particular
  • a lot of work to do and a very limited time in which to get it done. And, we thought that, like the economic package, NAFTA, reinventing govemment and welfare reform, there would be plenty of time to educate the public and the press about the plan after
  • several of about putting government in charge of raising PPOK M O Handlers high a the GPO's top technical and children. And while his supporters may talk about option, $1,840, and standard administrative jobs. / welfare reform, they endorse policies
  • , more conservative Congress: The balanced-budget amendment will have its best chance of passage ever. Welfare reform will be hot, with Republicans and Democrats jostling to get in front of the parade, but a deal wont be easy. A middle-class tax cut looks
  • on the big three issues of 1994: crime, health care and welfare reform. There's also a chapter on his plans fbr reinventing government, a plug fbr his trade programs and a summons to Congress to stick with the deficit curbs so narrowly approved in the first
  • Deficit Uses o Spending Initiatives o Tax "Extenders" (net) o Welfare Reform (net) Sources o REGO-II Restructuring Savings (other than those enumerated on following page) o Extend Discretionary Caps to FY 2000 o Health "Extenders" in OBRA-93 o Non-Health
  • willing to listen to concerns and suggestions about his approach to reform. But he has not been willing to waver on his commitment to the underlying values of his Presidency. Whether we are talking about jobs, education, welfare reform, earned income tax
  • welfare reform, when someone proposed a littie stick—a twig, reaDy. _ U.S. News reports that Henry CAneros, the secretary of housing and urban development, recoiled froarthe suggestion that unmarried teenage mothers be required to live at home i rather
  • Medicare and carrying out a GOP plan to cut Medicare growth by $270 billion over the next seven years. 6 11 M v 11 I Stye JBfagfjtngftm goncg SATI/RDAy, AUGUST 12,1995 / Gramm, Weld state case for GOP welfare reforms By Cheryl Wetzstein
  • credited with enormous leadership in helping CWLA's state organizations rise above parochial interests and recognize the importance of taking a comprehensive approach to child welfare. Liederman has become an outspoken proponent of meaningful welfare reform
  • , and possibly a question as to whether the President will veto a bill without abortion coverage. You might also want to be prepared for one specific question on welfare reform. The League disagrees with the President with regard to eliminating benefits
  • of uninsured would likely have increased significantly. • This trend could be partially reversed by Republican welfare reform proposals, which could eliminate Medicaid eligibility for up to 2 million people (over 6 million if all AFDC adults lose eligibility
  • . And we have to continue to provide for education and training opportunities; to push for health care reform and welfare reform and p o l i c i e s l i k e Family and Medical Leave and expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit that make a r e a l
  • Political Action Committee Service Employees International Union Society of Gerontology Spinal Cord Injury Association United Church of Christ University Health Professionals, Local 3837 Urban League of Greater Hartford WeCAHR Welfare Reform Coalition
  • of antiquity. ABCARIAN COMMENTARY: For Every Teen Mom/There Has to Be a Dad By Robin Abcarian= (c) 1995, Los Angeles Times= Is shaming the children the answer? Do the great conservative minds behind welfare reform really think that reviving the stigma
  • seek a spot on the 1996 GOP presidential ticket. But in a brisk, assured presentation, she signaled an intent to make her presence felt in the sharpening intra-party discussions over abortion, welfare reform and the role of religious conservatives
  • , the White House Justice Department lawyers de- would be put on notice that other fending Mrs. Clinton's group, which special task forces — such as those Despite assurances that it has has disbanded, said in court filings on welfare reform and crime
  • legislation on crime, immigration, welfare reform and Vice President Gore's "reinventing government" initiative. One piece of good news for the president is that, in the crunch. White House lobbyists and Democratic congressional leaders showed they could work
  • introduced the Re-Employment Act of 1994 t h a t w i l l provide meaningful assistance t o displaced workers and w i l l help them f i n d good jobs w i t h good incomes. And he i s working toward r e a l welfare reform t h a t w i l l help parents f i n d
  • 2000 253.1 12/13/94 1995-00 NA Uses Spending Initiatives Tax "Extenders" (net) Cosf * (Tax) Offsets (Tax) Welfare Reform (net) 0 Cosfs Offsets N.A. 0.0 f.6 -1.6 N.A. N.A. N.A. 0.0 0.0 3.3 -3.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.1 -2.1 0.0 1.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
  • the target of increased focus in the last few years for a number of reasons: the debate over reforming our nation's health care system, the rapidly increasing costs and increasing fiscal pressures on state and federal budgets, the secondary effects of welfare
  • out welfare reform i f t a k i n g a low-wage job means l o s i n g h e a l t h s e c u r i t y . M i n i m a l i s t a l t e r n a t i v e s w i l l not be s u f f i c i e n t . Insurance market reform--though a needed component o f the o v e r a l l
  • guest, Senate Budget Committee Chairman Pete Domenici, w i l l be t a l k i n g about h i s thoughts about the end o f w e l f a r e r e f o r m and t h e end o f w e l f a r e as we know i t . Stay w i t h us. Domenici Agrees Welfare Reform B i l l
  • t i f i e d in the House l a s t month on welfare reform, he talked about our obligation as a nation to keep a l l children from harm. That single phrase, "to keep a l l children from harm," summed up the moral imperative before us now. For decades
  • discussions on Frank Stanton Fi.'KMHK rRCSIIiENT. CHS INC. issues of preeminent importance to the Administration — health care, the Joe B. Wyatt V.VNDERIIIl.T UNIVEKflTV deficit, and welfare reform. The discussions would be designed to enhance public
  • kind of neanderthal for pointing out the social costs of illegitimacy. It is far from certain whether anything clear and useful will come out of this long-delayedrecognitionof the obvious. Instead, the country may be promised Welfare Reform
  • interests. They conceded, however, that pending legislation in those areas would be far less-sweeping than originally hoped. Some also hope to pass portions of welfare reform, such as politically popular efforts to become more aggressive about establiahing