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17 results

  • , REEVES, KAHN & EDER . z;J . £dW'" p~nnessy, ~#87250 Of Attorneys for Forest Co~servation Council Page 3 - ~nd APPELLANTS FOREST CONSERVATION COUNCIL AND SAVE THE WEST'S RESPONSE TO MOTION FOR DIVISION OF ARGUMENT / ~11122/95 WED 16:19 FAX
  • TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL Page I of 5 (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Paul J. weinstein Jr. ( CN=Paul J. weinstein Jr./OU=OPD/O=EOP [ OPD ] ) CREATION DATE/TIME:l4-FEB-1997 18:06:49.00 SUBJECT: Political reform Document TO: Michael Waldman ( CN=Michael Waldman/OU
  • as soon as the drafting concludes) before sharing it with us so that what we work off of is a concensus HHS document. They want to defer sharing a draft with us until Monday, suggesting that we meet on Tuesday, at which p oint all WH comments could
  • of3 ARMS Email System • RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Christa Robinson ( CN=Christa Robinson/OU=WHO/O=EOP [ WHO ) ) CREATION DATE/TIME: 8-FEB-1997 18:58:18.00 SUBJECT: FYI final version of education attachment TO: Michael Cohen
  • NLWJC - Kagan Counsel - Box 029 - Folder 001 Northwest Forest Council v. Dan Glickman and Bruce Babbitt [Binder] [2] 41 FAX - 1-503-32b-3807 9 1 503 32b 3115 P.03 J. SCHIFFLER siatant Attorney General ~LLS D. BURGESS MICHELLE L. GILBERT
  • with the Resoissions Aot, P~b1io' Law 104- 19 (109 Stat. 194), including the provisions regarding "Awa.rd and ,i '" , 'II Contracts," section 2001.(lt). " Xn its Febr~ary 16, 1996, compliance report, the BLM 3. provided two showing' the status ot 1ts
  • @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN CC: Jack A. Smalligan ( CN=Jack A. Smalligan/OU=OMB/O=EOP @ EOP [ OMB 1 ) READ: UNKNOWN CC: Stephen C. Warnath ( CN=Stephen C. Warnath/OU=OPD/O=EOP @ EOP [ OPD 1 ) READ:UNKNOWN TEXT: do you agree with me that Michael
  • . Effective Friday 12/1 at 6 PM, the General Litigation's new fax number will be 305-0429. 11/29/95 1 2 3 4 5 141 002/022 12:40 Michael E. Haglund, OSB 77203 gcott W. Rorngren, OgB 88060 Shay S. Scott, OSB 93421 HAGLUND & KIRTLEY Attorneys at Law
  • capacity as Asst. Secretary of Agriculture for Natural Resources and Environment; UNITED STATES FOREST SERVICE, an agency of the United States; BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT, an agency of the United States; MICHAEL ESPY, in his official capacity as Secretary
  • logging road 08o~k,tlu~sis~ti;National ' , Forest, an e~camp~ent of ~o:.warriors pr~p~;~ .face'; bulldozers and chain saws. 'OJ.'ey'ye dug ,a ditcli~8Cross the~ , road, built a rock and log barricadei'an~ dragged out ~cO.Ji Pon~­ tiac - all more symbolic
  • ) for planned 20 non-salvage timber sales. 21 (8) REFORESTATIO~ OF S.-U.\·.l..GE TDIBER S.-u'E 22 P.-illCELS.-The Secretary concerned shall plan and 23 implement reforestation of each parcel of land har· 24 vested under a salvage timber sale
  • The agencies do not have standing under the APA for their claim against NFRC requesting review of their own decision 14 The Declaratory Judgment Act does not grant statutory standing to federal agencies and officials . . . . 17 Fed. R. Civ. P. 13(g) does
  • Reeources and Environment and Mike Dombeck, Director of the BLM. 2 - 6 - 1~vi~11 04/19/96 . . FRI 17:52 FAX 2023050506 ENRD GEN LIT AT'l'ORREY~CLI1m'I' _. WOltZ: ~RODl1C'1' PRXVXLBGED /COHP:tDBHTIAL DOClJllERT the ecological criteria ~d
  • :- (202)224-0238 DATE: To: FROM: f' ! '. C'..o v..( ci.y..
  • : 24 25 federal defend~nts 26 take no ac~ion ~o 27 thi$ CQurt'$ rulin9 on the DEC~ARATION OF who told me that the ~edera~ defendants wou~d ensure that 10gging does hot occur PAT~I A. pendin~ GO~D~~ p~ior to I motions. - 1
  • interpreted section 2001(k) (1) 8 9 Read in context, the "return of the consistent with this reading of the "return of the bid bond" Under Secretary of Agriculture James R. Lyons and 10 provision. 11 Acting BLM, Director Mike Dombeck described
  • and release of replacement the e~ope of the requ~red to n~tice fi~e an amended complaint. P~ocedure, Under the Federal Rules of Civil serves as a outside and that plaintiff and plaintiff- plead1n9~ intervenors should be ctmb~r a~e the complaint