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Collection- Don Baer (159)
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159 results
- SOTU [State of the Union] Follow-Through
- Subgroup/Office of Origin: Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10136 FolderiD: Folder Title: SOTU [State of the Union] follow-through Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 6 3 Withdrawal/Redaction
- SOTU [State of the Union] - Rollout
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OAIID Number: 10131 FolderiD: Folder Title: SOTU [State of the Union]- Rollout Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 2 9 1 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT
- SOTU [State of the Union] Talking Points
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10136 FolderiD: Folder Title: SOTU [State of the Union] Talking Points Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 6 3 PRESIDENT CLINTON'S STATE OF THE UNION: AMERICA'S
- SOTU [State of the Union] - Inserts
- /1995 P5 004. memo Todd Stem to Don Baer; RE: State of the Union (2 pages) 01119/1995 P5 005. memo Todd Stem to Don Baer; RE: SOTU (1 page) 01122/1995 P5 006. memo Bob to Don; RE: State of the Uni n Address (5 pages) n.d. P5 007a. fax Paul
- Scholars: SOTU [State of the Union]
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Sub series: OA/ID Number: 10138 FolderiD: Folder Title: Scholars: SOTU [State of the Union] Stack: Row: Section: s 90 2 ., Shelf: Position: 2 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT
- SOTU [State of the Union] - Input [2]
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OAIID Number: 10136 FolderiD: Folder Title: SOTU [State of the Union]- Input [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 6 3 -------------------------------- Withdrawal/Redaction
- SOTU [State of the Union] - Outlines, Talking Points
- to Don Baer, et al.; RE: State of the Union outline (6 pages) 01/08/1995 P5 004. memo David Dreyer to Donald Baer, Gabrielle Bushman; RE: Random SOTU thoughts (1 page) 01/23/1995 P5 005. memo MW to DB, B2, D2; RE: Pol Ref (3 pages) 01/14/1995 P5
- SOTU [State of the Union] - Input [1]
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OAIID Number: 10136 FolderiD: Folder Title: SOTU [State of the Union]- Input [1] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 6 3 - - - - - - - - ------ Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet
- SOTU [State of the Union] - Suggestions by Cabinet Departments
- January 12, 1995 MEMORANDUMFORDONBAER FROM: Harold Ic~ SUBJECT: Proposed language for the State of the Union sent by Secretary Cisneros Don, for your information, attached is proposed language for the State of the Union that was given to me
- SOTU [State of the Union] - Edits by Admin. Officials [4]
- is used as an am J. Clinton Staff. Subseries: OAIID Number: 10131 FolderiD: Folder Title: SOTU [State of the Union]- Edits by Admin. Officials [4] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 2 9 1 Withdrawal/Reda~~tion Clinton Libr~ry
- SOTU [State of the Union] - Suggestions/External [3]
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OAIID Number: 10139 FolderiD: Folder Title: SOTU [State of the Union]- Suggestions I External [3] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 7 3 ~--~--- ~----- H we are to meet
Acceptance Speeches
- Speaking Russia Reich, Speeches/Memos .""'. ill-lGA Summit of Americas Memo Presidential Planners SOTU - Edits by Admin. Officials SOTU - Edits by Admin. Officials State of the Union Memos H~aling Radio Address DGA Fundraise( Presidential Remarks
- SOTU [State of the Union] - Edits by Admin. Officials [3]
- Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet · Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE SUBJECTffiTLE DATE RESTRICTION 001. draft RE: State of the Union Address (22 pages) 01124/1994 P5 002. memo Paul Begala to Bob Boorstin, Don Baer; RE: Draft 2, SOTU (2
Message Calendars
- to the central theme of your State of the Union address -- preparing America for the 21st Century. We believe that we can further this goal by creating a package of three commencement addresses. Each would focus on a separate subject vital to the American people
- SOTU [State of the Union] - Edits by Admin. Officials [2]
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: 10131 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: SOTU [State of the Union]- Edits by Admin. Officials [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 2 9 1 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton
Long Term Strategy
- . Campaign/Vice President -- comparative; partisan C. Overall Approach 1. ~~· STATE OF THE UNION CHALLENGES AND PROGRESS TO DATE I. CHILDREN AND FAMILIES ,, !I MEDIA CHALLENGES ,I tl I Progress/Status/Events Challenge/Proposal :I I ·: ,'II
- SOTU [State of the Union] - Suggestions/External [2]
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OAIID Number: 10139 FolderiD: Folder Title: SOTU [State of the Union]- Suggestions I External [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 7 3 L
Political Reform
- to the White House for a speech on reform. 8 } , .. January pre-SOTU. The weeks before the State of the Union should include. a series of events designed to underscore and foreshadow ~he reform and change theme. o We should convene a citizen .i!!!Y
Speechwriting Office
- . There was one in t~e foyer of every agency building in Washington; for montha those speech lines were the morning's first greeting to every federal em:. ployee and visitor. Second in.speechwriting importance is the State of the Union message, given
- SOTU [State of the Union] - Edits by Admin. Officials [1]
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: 10131 OAIID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: SOTU [State of the Union]- Edits by Admin. Officials [1] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 2 9 1 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton
- SOTU [State of the Union] - Edits by Admin. Officials [5]
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OAIID Number: 10131 FolderiD: Folder Title: SOTU [State of the Union]- Edits by Admin. Officials [5] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 2 9 1 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton
- SOTU [State of the Union] - Background Articles [1]
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OAIID Number: 10131 FolderiD: Folder Title: SOTU [State of the Union]- Background Articles [1] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 2 9 1 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library
Overall Strategy
- dates and potential events As you know, President Clinton announced a new program in the State of the Union to designate "American Heritage Rivers" for special attention to environmental protection, historic recognition and economic revitalization. We
Updated Anecdotes
- out on the street confronting teenagers who are better armed than they are? Of course not." ·. i POTUS SPEECH CITATIONS • • Brady Bill Signing, The White House East Room, November 30, 1993. State of the Union Address, U.S. Capitol, 1994 ' 'l
Media Requests/Responses
- the opportunity to expound on the themes of his Inaugural and State of the Union Addresses. LARRY KING LIVE (CNN) Request: Air Date Recommendation Rationale FACE THE NATION (CBS) Request Air Date Recommendation Rationale Full-hour studio interview to take place
"Message" Memos
- discourse. Emphasize that this is a continuation of your leadership (State of the Union, Memphis, Character Conference) and that of your Administration (Hackney, Riley, Duffey, National Service, Public Liaison) on the issue. Uplift and inspire. ("There's
Media Event
- Tamagni Media Event Planning January 24, 1996 Bill wanted me to ask you to include him in any meeting regarding the media event announced by the President in the SOTU. Thanks. By the way, the Neophytes & Novices club thinks that last night was a stunning
- [State of the Union, Feb. 4, 1997 (Binder)] [1]
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13424 FolderlD: Folder Title: [State of the Union, Feb. 4, 1997 (Binder)] [1] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 90 2 8 2 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library
- comments. If you have any additional comments or edits to Deb Smith 62816, Room 271, by 5:00 today. Attachment Reinventing Public Education In this year's State of the Union, President Clinton challenged America to adopt tough new national education
- SOTU [State of the Union] - Background Articles [2]
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OAIID Number: 10131 FolderiD: Folder Title: SOTU [State of the Union]- Background Articles [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 2 9 1 •'~i· i.;\i THE WHITE ~Ot{$E ii!I!Jih' !1
- include: • Passed portability, guarantee issue and guarantee renewal insurance reforms• In response to the President's State of the Union challenge, the Congress finally passed long-overdue insurance reforms that will benefit as many as 25 million
- SOTU [State of the Union] - Background Articles [3]
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10131 FolderiD: Folder Title: SOTU [State of the Union]- Background Articles [3] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 2 9 1 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library
- SOTU [State of the Union] - OMB
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OAIID Number: 10131 FolderiD: Folder Title: SOTU-OMB Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 2 9 1 EXECUTIVE OmCE OF· THE PRESIDENT Washington, D. C. FAX TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET DATE
Talking Points (New)
- General Statement: The President challenged everyone in the State of the Union to do their part to help make good on a comprehensive, economic growth strategy that supports our values and allows all Americans to share in such economic growth. That is why
- SOTU [State of the Union] - Suggestions/External [1]
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10139 FolderiD: Folder Title: SOTU [State of the Union]- Suggestions I External [1] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 90 2 7 3 148 .. Jan. 24 I Administmtion
Higgins, Kitty
- attached a suggested format and a copy of the President's challenges as outlined in his State of the Union address. Each agency should submit their draft plan to the Office of Cabinet Affairs by 10:00 am, Wednesday, April lOth. We will share your proposals
Education Policy
- , partisan differences, and occasional opposition by state and local union affiliates. In addition, in at least one state (Virginia) the potential racial impact of charter schools emerged as an issue. However, there are some bright spots. In Washington State
Line Item Veto
- then, the President has consistently asked for enactment of the line-item veto legislation so that he could begin cutting unnecessary spending and reduce the budget deficit. The President has repeated his call in State of the Union addresses, in speeches and radio
- [State of the Union 1995 (Binder)] [4]
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13425 FolderlD: Folder Title: [State ofthe Union 1995 (Binder)] [4] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 90 2 8 3 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT
John Podesta
- and are in the final technical stages of completing a global Information Technology Agreement (IT A). These agreements are of tremendous importance to our country and fit well with the themes that the President emphasized in the State of the Union Address
State of the Union Memos
- State of the Union Memos
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: 10131 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: State of the Union Memos Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 2 9 1 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE
- , it's getting kind of late. Now I know how all of you felt by the end of the State of the Union·. senator Bennett Johnston [President, who has introduced ygu)__ . Now.that. Bennett. Johnston is"'Alfalfa' s.president, I~hope·~:r:.. :.:·:~;:Ji!{~;i · qet
Video Requests
- ~ "') ~ J / In September 1995, the President and Vice President launched a national effort to ensure that all students will be technologically literate by the beginning of the 21st century. In his recent State of the Union address, the President issued
Radio Address
- the nation has for you to be re-elected: • The first point relates to your upcoming State of the Union Address. In addressing your desire to work with Congress you have already started using adjectives like "reasonable" and "responsible" to describe the sorts
- [State of the Union 1995 (Binder)] [3]
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13425 FolderlD: Folder Title: [State of the Union 1995 (Binder)] [3] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 90 2 8 3 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT
- [State of the Union 1995 (Binder)] [2]
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13425 FolderlD: Folder Title: [State of the Union 1995 (Binder)] [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 90 2 8 3 JflN 06 '95 12:15PM COLUMBIfi U. HISTORY P.2
- late-term abortion procedure and were enthusiastic about the inclusion of some women issues in the President's State of the Union. Published polls also are indicating that women care whether the government is taking care of those in need. · o Women
Ann Lewis
- the Soviets to return to the arms talks. o January 25th state of the Union (theme: "America is Back") o January 26th attended "Spirit of America" rally in Atlanta o January 26th address to the Southern Republican Leadership Conference o January 27th
December Speech
- again. -- State of the Union Address, February 18, 1993 Economic Security We must do what no generation has had to. do before. We must invest more in our own people, in their jobs and in their future, and .at the same time cut our massive debt
- for the three weeks until your departure for Japan and Russia on April 15. I. MESSAGE THEMES A. The overall plan is to continue to follow through on your State of the Union challenges. While Congress is out for its two-week Easter recess (March 30-April 14
- California. We believe the San Francisco Bay area best represents the "age of possibility" described by the President in his State of the Union address. We live in a region rich in technology, education and entrepreneurship ... vital ingredients for America's
Chief of Staff Memo
- , the search for additional ideas will continue. Don Baer and I have been working on a process for the State of the Union to ensure that in preparation for the speech, we ask the Cabinet and prominent 'thinkers outside the Administration to submit
- (912034328260,Stephen Carter) FROM: David Dreyer Office of Communications SUBJECT: May I borrow Your Brain, Again? Dear Dr. Carter, I would like you to consider doing some more thinking on behalf of the President -- along the lines of the State of the Union
- District Worl Prriol II 11 1010111 IOIOJU 1010111 Jaaurr llislrila ••• r.- ,...., Oislrilt ... ,... Jllla'J Dislrilt ... , _ "· L IIIG11111HDU ,._, District ... , _ ...., Dislrilt ... ,... •.. u D 21 24 u IOtOIU IOJIIAIIII 5:00 U. STATE
State of the South
- deduction proposal in this year's State of the Union. Both the Georgia plan and the earlier Clinton proposal target young people who maintain a B average or better in high school Now, the president proposes a tax credit for one year to every student prepared
Two-Term History Memos
- is shutting 95 military install~ti9ns; and Sergeant Shriver announced the 120 anti-poverty . projects that caught your attention. Then, by December, LBJ seems to hold back more, planning for his State of the Union, downplaying ~is mandate, and generally
Education Technology
- is issued would also provide an opportunity for stakeholders. to announce further actions to achieve each one ofthese goals. At the end of January (hopefully in the State of the Union and at the stand-alone event discussed below), the President would
Moffett, Julia
- . As you know, CDC has been active in several important areas mentioned in the State of the Union Address, particularly t~n pre&!!WlC¥, children's tobacco use, and domestic violence. We think this would be a good opportunity for 1fie Prestdent to amplify
Weekly Reader
- the same wonderful way he did in this year's State of the Union message. You'll see that a lot of the language I've been using to develop this program runs along the same lines as did !hat speech. The timing would be, as always in publishing, the rub: I'm
1996 Convention
- Uniforms Education Loretta Ucelli :i~ L-----· - ... f-·· - SOTU Talking Points 3 9/9/96 DonI .I I '. r I . I : I I I '···1 The enclosed package contains: 1. The REO Speedwagon C. D. of "Building the Bridge" (my copy). As you will note
Admin. Accomplishments
- and our values are at stake, and where we can make a difference, America must lead. We must not be isolationist. " President Clinton, January 23, 1996, State of the Union President Clinton's leadership is making a difference around the world. Children
- The othL'r windows of the Memorial contain stained-glass replicas of the seals of the States of the Union arranged from left to right, in the order in which thev entered the Union. Above thL'm a're the seals of the United States (obverse ilnd reverse
Erskine Bowles
- emphasized in the State of the Union Address, such as the role of technology in the 21st century, U.S. competitiveness and the importance of education in taking advantage of the new global economy. The agreements can be summarized as follows: The Basic
- [State of the Union, Feb. 4, 1997 (Binder)] [2]
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13424 FolderlD: Folder Title: [State of the Union, Feb. 4, 1997 (Binder)] [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 90 2 8 2 Draft 2/1/97 PRESIDENT 'WILLIAM J. CLINTON
Tax Reform
- made the tax system more complicated and less fair. Members of the NEC favored both the tax simplification ideas and the idea of preparing a report on tax reform, but differed as to whether the State of the Union Address was the appropriate forum
Environmental Ideas
- at this -~ ~ time to make direct historical comparisons based largely on conservation acreage, and I will call you to discuss this in greater detail. However, we believe the report could be valuable folded into a post-SOTU conservation announcement where the message
Message Ideas
- Hold 1 hour Earth Pax - Evening OfT l(itizens' Service S:munit, Philade. __ _ Printed on 2128/97 7:08 PM 26 Live Radio Address WH Comospondent's Association Dinner - 1997 STATE OF THE UNION- MAJOR THEMES · Tuesday, February 4, 1997 Unfinished
- to America. As the President noted in his State of the Union address, employers must do their part along with employees -- sharing with workers the benefits of the good years, not just the burdens of the bad. It is a time for companies to focus beyond
- [State of the Union 1995 (Binder)] [5]
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13425 FolderlD: Folder Title: [State ofthe Union 1995 (Binder)] [5] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 90 2 8 3 I BILL CLINTON GOVERNOR OF ARKANSAS 1 1 CHAIRMAN
- : Date: Don Baer ~ Melissa Skolfield 1 1~ State-of-the-Union amplification 2/7/96 Per your request, please find some of Secretary Shalala's State-of-the-Union amplification activities for the next ten weeks, through the week of April 14-20
- /America Women's Issues .". WW1I Commemoration (1/27/95 mtg.) VJ Youth Summit Schedule July Medicare UNSF Truman SOTU - Suggestions/External Jokes Americorps Fulbright Eulogy fllEO OVERSIZF . Ali'~MENTS l 0 (31· . pf-r(IA?fllO 't • . 13ae.7 c_ Press
Teen Pregnancy [1]
- VICKI RADD ~t_ FROM: Jeremy Ben-Ajir SUBJECT: Teen Pregnancy/State of Union Rollout Attached is a memo on the current status of the National Campaign to Reduce Teenage Pregnancy as well as the current draft of the status report
Message Event Schedules
- , not growing apart." March 5 -- Speech to National Association of Counties: The President will amplify the State of the Union challenges, emphasizing their effect on local governments. (Possible budget statement) March 6 --Swearing-In of General McCaffrey
- extension ofthe President's thoughtful comments on research in major speeches last fall and in the State of the Union Address. We believe such an event could highlight the accomplishments of students and young scientists, and it could help to focus national
- of ~he President during his presentation posing as Secret Service. 2. {You'll have to fill in the actual number, but here is the formula) So, this is the 38th annual Washington Gridiron Dinner. Thirty-eight years. Big Deal. I've got State of the Union
Webster, Billy
- /Griffin 10/17/94 12:47 PM 5 .. POLITICAL Northeast Travel Western Swing Western Swing Western Swing Election Results Reaction Event New Jersey Day Reception Princeton Lacrosse Teams in Social Event DLC Gala Coffee with trustees of DLC State
- 7540 Soui'CI: HTI, 9/1B195-Sit2f98 - - -- --- _, ____ _ - - - - - - - - - - - By President William J. Clinton July 17, 1996 When I delivered my State of the Union address, I laid out seven challenges facing us as a nation as we prepare to enter
Talkers Magazine
- hitherto been the meat and State of the Union Address, although a bit long, would have made one of the best talk · lone less of a dreadful job. (Hearing G. potatos of the modem era talk radio phe- radio opening monologues he had ever heard. The President
- . " President Bill Clinton State of the Union Address January 25, 1995 Safety in schools is perhaps the number one concern of parents and educators throughout the· country. President Clinton recognizes the importance of this issue and has put together
- said it again in Memphis; and he's said it both times he has addressed Congress on the State of the Union: Governments don't raise children- parents do. That's a DLC idea, and he's going to keep saying it until every parent gets the message. Through
Legacy Memos
- pass in order to graduate from high school. The following are steps the PresiQent could take to promote these goals, in increasing order of difficulty. · 1. address. Announce these goals in his 1997 State of the Union Political cost: the President
Press Conference 11/9
- policy-- 1947 was largely devoted to foreign policy, conducted in a distinctly bipartisan manner. By the end of the year, Truman had neutralized a major source of worry for him. First, the day after the State of the Union he fired the Secretary of State
- [State of the Union 1995 (Binder)] [1]
- : Communications Series/Staff Member: Don Baer Subseries: OA/ID Number: 13425 FolderlD: Folder Title: [State of the Union 1995 (Binder)] [1] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: S 90 2 8 3 Withdrawal/Redaction Sheet Clinton Library DOCUMENT
Speech Drafts: 12/15 [2]
- -- that work •. I will be talking more abput what I will do to work with the new congres• in the state of the Union Address in · But hera· is what I von' t do: ·Jan~. .I won't. support icl- tbat ~-- · gOoct but aren't paid for, that vealtan-tba prograaa
Olympics [Folder 1] [2]
- from you congratulating the 5,500 Olympic Torchbearers who are being chosen today because of their work as Community Heroes. This is the completion of the selection process you began in the State of the Union address. This message, which highlights
Loretta Ucelli/EPA
- best. The program brings together people who live near contaminated land, businesses that want to get land cleaned up, community leaders. investors, lenders and developers. · • Tax Incentive: In his State of the Union Address and at an event in New
FDR Memorial
- to be a joint session of Congress on Jan. 28 devoted to FOR's Presidencyan "interesting juxtaposition," hesuggests, with President Reagan's State of tho Union Message before the same body earlier that week. Reagan, who cast his first four Presidential votes
Welfare Reform
- and SSA legislative staff will make calls to alert key staff of the upcoming submission. On Monday afternoon. HHS intergovernmental affairs office will make the package available ~o the key state, local and union groups, per the attached. list. The HHS
Outside Drafts
- constrained containment as the 'fo'cal point of American foreiqn policy. We have a. new opportunity to build a more secure and integrated world of open societies and open markets. But some thinqs do not change. Four final State of the Union, Harry·Truman
POTUS Requests (Sched.)
- , even autobiographical. Tone is extremely important. Some of the tone of the President's recent State of the Union message might serve as a model in that regard. -1- 2~1 EAST 50'" STREET NEW YORK, N.Y. 10022 TELEPHONE: 212·672·2894 FAX: 212·940·7464
Gang Suppression
- CURRY ANNE WALLEY FROM: RAHM EMANUEL SUBJECT: GANG SUPPRESSION !"~ ....- ...jv{c;,.rck_ e 6A ~·~ Overview: The objective of this event is to follow up on The President's statement during the State of the Union, regarding gangs. This objective
Amitai Etzioni
- specific programs; and given such a context, those projects to be launched will find their legitimation, public support, and framing for history. o The 1997 State of the Union Address might focus on your vision of the renewed America rather than
- heard yesterday that you wanted some immigration language to work with for the State of the Union. I hope that this is helpful. I am also attaching the President's Report on Immigration and some other material that may provide you with other ideas
Ben Barber
- of themselves and cheir country that will pull them out of cynicism. and alienation and allow them to become active agents and responsible citizens again. That is why national service has been such a.success. A ·State of the Union that begins to fashion a new
Foreign Policy Speeches
- ;.NANCY SODERBERG; JILL SCHUKER; DON BAER FROM: ANTONY BLINKEN ~if SUBJECT: FOREIGN POLICY SPEECH PLAN Per Don Baer, March 14·tentatively has been set aside for the President to deliver a broad foreign policy speech. Picking up from the State
- Role of military in 21 st century Save Social Security first State of the Union 21 st Century Leaming Program Urban Foreign Policy Entitltement Reform Agenda Child Care 23 22 21 20 19 Five years of accomplishment Family planning Home ownership
Newman, Bruce
- references to specific cases and people who are struggling and actually "have" achieved the American Dream, and showcase them, just as he did in the State of the Union. 3. The President should talk about how his programs have already made it easier
- . - NPR, l0/23/93 In the 2 hours following the President's State of the Union Address caller comments to radio shows were 2:1 unfavorable to Clinton, despite high approval ratings in the general public. - C-Span & NBC Mutual Radio, l/95 Rush Limbaugh
Dr. Foster
- of the nation's most serious social problems. In his State of the Union address last year, the President urged leaders from across the country to join together in a national, bipartisan campaign to reduce the incidence of teen pregnancy. A public/private
Atlantic Monthly Int.
- they disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job. As Congress goes, so goes Dole. The President established a double-digit polling lead over Dole in late January-after the government shutdown, Clinton's widely acclaimed State of the Union speech and Dole's
Foreign Policy
- . cf? tJ-R( . Five of the six major State of the Union/Second Term foreign policy agenda categories will be in serious play during this short period: L Security threats/Arms control (START II and III, CWC, Drugs) 2. Free, democratic and undivided
Ben Barber
- : To: President Bill Clinton: From: Benjamin Barber August 5, 1996 Dear Mr. President: I have been thinking about the Acceptance Speech in Chicago from the same broad and historical perspective I tried to bring to the two State of the Unions and some of the other
- . 17, 33 State of the Union Address 1 Sunar-Hauserman 51 Superfund 51 Tampa, Florida 57 Tea Taster I TeleTax 32 Texas 59 Thickening of Government 16 fn 3-M Corporation 46 Tennessee 56 Tillamook County, Oregon 51, 60 Transportation. Dept. 17, 19 Treasury
Race/Unity Materials
- State of the Union message last week included a · p'oignan't, and urgent, plea for ·racial reconciliation. Mr. Clinton has the moral authority and stature to lead on this issue- and he must · He can begin by accepting the· suggestion of· National Urban
Oklahoma City [1]
- if we want it to be different. MORE - 6 - Q Final question -- do we see too much violence in movies and · television in the United States? THE PRESIDENT: Well, I have said before, I said in my State of the Union Address, that I think we see
Olympics [Folder 2]
- as the State of the Union Address. 1 i Former Olympic Athletes 1 We should explore opportunities with the association of former athletes. Helping to engage them in visiting with a~d teaching America's youth would allow the President to highlight thd themes
- became the first woman in history to respond to the President's State of the Union Address. Republican women have been appointed for the first time to prestigious House office positions. Robin Carle is the first woman to serve as Clerk of the House
Crime Conference
- Roosevelt H.S., Greenbelt Md. Thursday March 7, 1996 MESSAGE o Demonstrate Presidential leadership in addressing the challenge of rising drug use and gang violence among young people. o High profile follow through to State of the Union commitments
- needs to be outlined in the State of the Union -- what the President says and the tone in which his remarks are delivered will likely outline our strategy in 1996 -- proud of what we have done, ceding nothing to competition
Commencement 1996
- to dichotomous international politics: peaceful relations-a "pacific union" among similarly liberal states-and a "state of war" between liberals and non liberals. First, Kant argues, republican governments tame the aggressive interests of absolutist monarchies
Nixon [2]
- the first president to submit a budget based on "the high-employment budget standard." As he said in his 1971 State of the Union Message, his full-employment budget was "designed to be in balance if the economy were operating at its peak potential
Remarks by the POTUS
- that I could be here on Veterans Day, because, as we all know, Alaska is veteran country -- with the highest concentration of former servicemen and current armed forces personnel of any state in the Union. On this day of remembrance, I . am traveling
- , the President should begin to speak about the games and the values associated with them in both unrelated and Olympic-specific public appearances. This may begin as soon as the State of the Union Address. Former Olympic Athletes We should explore opportunities
Health Care
- to gain momentum from the President's State of the Union address. For easy reference I have chosen to highlight the Placement, Media dollars and effect on call volume the President's Crime PSA had in 1994. PLACEMENT • 59,000 PSAs were placed
Peter Kouler
- the centennial highlight to be a joint session of Congress on Jan. 28 devoted to FDR's Presidencyan "interesting juxtaposition," he suggests, with President Reagan's State of the Union Message before the same body earlier that week. Reagan, who cast his first
Speeches for Reference
- guests, my fellow Americans: It's only 11:15 -- (laughter) -- I've gotten my second wind.· (Laughter.) I think I'll finish the State of the Union Address. (Laughter_and applause.) You know, before I showed up here, I was home watching the NCAA basketball
- to be seen as the party of government, so the future of the party l i e s in being seen as the party that can make government work, and solve problems that everybody cares about. DEC 19 '95 13:59 P.2/4 / Andrew Delbanco Thoughts on the State of the Union
National Service Summit
- . President:! 1 .. - . ----- ... ..l l 1:! ! -~i. a~predate taki~g .th~ I sincerely your time to personally respond to the suggestions I provid~d you regarding the State of the Union Address. I am very ple~ed that you may find the ideas useful
- $unity'' and "re· newal" in their titles. A few examples: • President Clinton~ whose:. White House h:as sponsorec;t :a.' Reiiwenting Citizenship Project, plans ·to highlight the issue in his State of the Union address this week. He told U.S. News
- of. ice as much about $1o,ooo a year, a life expectancy which is 7 years shorter, and the prospects of earning only half as much. This is not a sectional issue. Difficulties over segregation and discrimination exist in every city, in every State
- their efforts for health care reform. In his 1949 State of the Union message on January 5, Truman for the third time called for national health insurance. He reiterated that call in a Special Message to the Congress on the Nation's Health Needs on April 22