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  • Family Support Act.·, The 1988 Act and the 1996 Welfare reform require all states to have a child support enforcement system ·autoro.~ti(;m. pla~ .ready and certified by HHS by October 1, 199ias part of the state plan requi'iemenf for re~eiving TANF funds
  • to Protect The Most Vulnerable People . 'I ­ ~_ _--"-c-) Several provisions in last year's welfare reform bill had nothing to do with the goals of welfare . reform. The President said so at the time and promised to work to correct these provisions. He
  • reflect the new relationship between the Federal and State governments estab-lished. in welfare reform. This proposal would give States additional flexibility to design their own CSE programs. including passing through the full amount of child support
  • "beyond the box" to address the operational challenges and opportunities facing our respective programs. Adequately"funding IV-D operations, " timely and successful implementation of welfare reform provisions, on-going automated systems challenges
  • by the Clinton administration, was a key provision of the child support enforcement reforms contained in the 1996 welfare reform law. Under the program, the nation's 6.4 million employers report information on newly hir~d employees to the state child
  • states the opportunity to proII).ote responsible fatherhood by providing employment and training to . noncustodial parents of children on welfare, and increasing child support collections. • As part of welfare reform, the D~pa:rtment of Health and Human
  • of human tissue, the FDA's .sixth reinvention effort as part of the Clinton Administration's Reinventing Government Initiative. ' . " Uti11.::> I il..::>ril. -9­ MOVING FORWARD ON THE. PROMISE OF WELFARE REFORM. Largest Caseload Decline ill History
  • , sometimes two: But something - low wages, transportation problems, child care - always seemed to get in the way of her getting ahead. With welfare reform came the requirement that able recipients go to work. Last March, Kinslow's caseworker sent her to Keys
  • URBAN· INST ITUTE I IBP Mott Brief #2 February 10,1999 Obligating Dads: Getting Low-Income Noncustodial Fathers to Do More for Their Children Under Welfare Reform by Elaine Sorensen In 1996, Congress fundamentally changed government's support system
  • implemented as Delaware strives to bea father and family friendly state. Delaware's welfare reform program has worked to assure that two-parent families are not experiencing a "marriage penalty". Barriers to assistance for two-parent families have been removed
  • , . there is not a parallel social • Dads don't care al,oUl the wcll· be· that can them of '. Recent in child forcement and welfare. reform shifted financial responsibility away from and back on parents. Ti~e limits and work requirements push welfare recipients iuto
  • in 1994 and enacted as part of the 1996 welfare reform law, helps track parents across state lines and withhold their wages by enabling child support officials to match records of delinquent parents with wage records from throughout the nation
  • collection and'our state agency has ~een in the lead nationally, making every effort to increase collections over the years. I . 1 \fashington passe~ W?rkF~rst le~jslation in 1997 to b~ng our sta~e i,nto c~mpliance with fed~ral welfare reform legislation
  • are to disentangle the money in a v.-ay that supports welfare reform and improved child support performance. A federal funding cut will have the opposite effect. Sometimes, the role and importance of child support in the budget oflow-income families are treated
  • paid to the family (URA) Pre-welfare reform assigned support - permanently assigned Post welfare reform (TANF) assigned support . During assistance arrearages p,ermanently assigned Pre-assistance arrearages tern.'porarily assigned during recei t
  • the distribution list at the boHomof this message cc: bee: Subject: Child care Child care regulations and standards The proposed welfare reform regulations will do two things regarding standards: 1) Health and safety standards will apply to more federally
  • . The vast majority offamilies receiv-. ing welfare are headed by a never-married, divorced, or separated mother. Ind~ed, the 1996 welfare reform law reflects policymakers' aware­ portion of births to unmarried women are births to women who are in cohabiting
  • .. _ _ _ _ , ___ '-.... ~--.-----~ _.______ • _ _ ___ . ~ - _._•.__ .._. _____
  • This year's budget proposes, in FY 2001, to reinstate the pre-welfare policy of mandatory review and adjustment of child support assistance cases. What is this? Why is it being done? How much money does it save? ANSWER • Prior to welfare reform, periodic
  • PAGE 10,2022054928 FEB-05-9816.30 FROM,ACF/OPS/OMS WASH.D.C. 10/14 ~ Welfare Reform. Daily Report - PebTUllJ'Y 5. 1998 (PA.GE 9) Copyright 1998 Times .lfrrror Company Los Angeles runes Fehruary 4, J 998, ffetinestiay. CALIFORNIA
  • garnishing of wages, seizing of bank accounts, and taking of drivers and other licenses. In addition, based on the 1996 welfare reform law, state lottery winnings are withheld from parents who owe past due ,child support. This proposal only builds
  • and Fathers . Judy -- I tried to reach you by phone this afternoon,but since you were out decided to try email instead. I'm a special assistant io the President on the'Domestic,Policy Council staff, in charge of our welfare reform policy team. Before Elena
  • . The delinquency may also be reported to credit reporting'l:lgencies: ' . . The 1996 welfare reform. law included President CJinton~s proposed Financial Institution Data ,' ' Match Program;; which matches records of delinquent parents with financial institutions
  • 456 5561:# 2 , Fathers Count: The Next Step in Welfare Reform A Republican Initiative to Help Low-Inco~e Fath Congressman E. Clay Shaw, Jr. M~h 1998 The' 1996 welfare reform' la~ has had the effect of encouraging s welfare mothers ~o take jobs
  • avoidance? Welfare reform has clearly ended this debate in favor of self-sufficiency. Nonetheless, there is still , . unfinished business to root out the last vestiges of welfare reimbursement.and cost recovery - simplifying the rules for distributing child
  • employment laws continue to apply. An enforcement mechanism forthe maximum hours (minimum wage) may be. needed. ­ ... TANF TRANSFERS TO TITLE XX CONFERENCE PROVISIONS • The welfare reform bill allowed States to transfer up to 10% of their TANF block
  • Statement of Issues A B. C. D. E. E. IV. 'The TaskForce should expect collaboration among Federal agencies. OSERS' experience ~th inter-agency collaboration, e.g. RSA's systems change demonstration, welfare reform and welfare-to-work
  • also terminated it). welfare reform. This law protects . those immigrants now receiving'assistance, ensuring that they willt).ot be turned out ofthdr apartments or nursing homes or otherwise left destitute. And for immigrants already here
  • 1727 KEYS TO WORK .APat'inder ·Welfare Reform Transitional Service Provider Path FinderTransportation Service was formed to fill a need created by the recent welfare reform and restructuring. Currently, public transportation does not meet
  • being achieved. Without t.he ability to examine over tjmp- the wages ot current ~nd tormer TANF recipients and other parents, it will not be possible to determine the long term effects of welfare reform. We would be happy to work wi~hthc Committoe
  • . Panel V: . Lessons From Welfare Reform· 1-- . • Candy Shively Department of Social and Rehabilitative Services fonhe State of Kartsas . / \ I • Rebecca Brown National Governors Association. I \. . . • Catherine K Ruckelshaus, Esquire
  • : It is our pleasure to invite you to the Fathers and Families Roundtable on 'Welfare Reform, Fathers, and Families," co-sponsored by the National Center on Fathers and Families (NCOFF) and The Urban Institute. The roundtable will be held on December 8
  • increased 30 percent between 1996 and 1997, to 1. 7 niillion', The President signed t~(nandinark welfare reform law to require work, impose time limits, and dramatically exparid chiid c'are spending. '" ',. Nearly 70% Increase in Child Support Collections
  • children living in another state or who flee across state lines to avoid paying child support. ' , LOCATING OVER ONE MILLION DELINQUENT PARENTS. As part of the 1996 welfare 'reform law, the National Directory of New Hires was established to help track
Fathers-HHS (Item)
  • Welcome October 14, 1998 AN INCENTIVE PLAN TO PROMOTE THE PAYMENT OF CHILD SUPPORT I ' by Wendell Primus and Esther Rosenbaum Introduction I As welfare reform encourages families to rely on earnings and eventually moves th em off of public
Adoption (Item)
  • and Neglected Children (PASS). The general policy: Under the welfare reform block grant, there is a 15% cap on administrative costs for states. CBO asslimes that states will shift administrative costs from welfare which is now a block grant into open ended
  • -discrimination programs in reducing employment discrimination. Report on Section 2 Mandates Review of Federal Government Personnel Laws, Regulations, and Policies (OPM, DOL, and EEOC) Implementation of the Welfare Reform and Welfare-to-Work DOJ, DOL
  • is working with researchers and communities to learn more about how incarcerated fathers can safely reintegrate with their families and communities. Fathers playa critical role in welfare reform as the income from both parents is essential to the well being
  • underage qne. I I I I , I~ the past several years, we have worked with Congress in a bipartisan manner to build a solid fJundation for child care. In enactirig welfare reform, Congress and the Administration made a I 2 2 conimitment to help families
  • welfare rolls are entering the labor market. . I . Work Participation Rates Q: Why are so many states not meeting the work rates? Does that mean welfare reform is a failure? A: Almost all the states are meeting the work rates for ~ne-parent
  • by locating nonc~stodial parents, establishing paternity whep the parents are not married, and establishing and enforcing child support orders. Welfare reform legislation :enacted in 1996 provides strong measures for ensuring that children receive financial
  • OVc::r 1 $9.2 billion. In this ca dar yelU' through August 23 11l• over SI.2 b~ ion bas been collecteel. , ! " -, I In addition to the direct c lleetion! that result from the various tools rovided by the welfare - reform law. these tools al 0
  • part' to the success of an Ad~inistration proposal enacted into law in the 1993 budget, which requires hospitals to 'provide new parents with the opportunity to establish paternity on site. The 1996 welfare reform law expanded the ,voluntary in-hospital
  • intervention programs as welfare reform is implemented. Leading academics and policy makers will discuss the cost versus quality trade-off, the future of Head Start, the 'child care feeding program, and the linkages among early childhood intervention, child
  • Security Act, is to ensure that children are financially supported by both their parents. Welfare reform legislation that President Clinton signed in 1996 provided strong measures for ensuring that children receive the support due them: • States were
  • would like to receive the WR Doily Report bye-mail or if you have questions about articles found in this publication. ([email protected] v (e-mail) or 202-401-1230(voice)). IU Welfare Reform Daily Report-October 13,1998 (PACE J}) Copyright 199
  • a.m. Refreshment Break 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Plenary Session: Family Self-Sufficiency in the Post Welfare..,Reform Environment Leading experts discu..s the impact that child support. and "welfare reform" program.. are having to help both
  • , we'reVery proud of you. Please stand up. (Applause.) We still have a lot more to do, all of us, to make welfare reform a success -- providing child care, helping families move closer to available jobs, challenging more companies to join our welfare-to-work
  • to promote more high-wage, non-traditional jobs for former welfare recipients. This could be packaged with existing initiatives within DOT to help employ women in non- . traditional highway jobs. ; 6. Tribal Welfare Reform Employment Initiatives. We
  • of quicksand: , jFor a decade, the core idea; of welfare reform /':' ouflaged enough to lure the GOP in, and " been that nobodY,sho,uld ger a free ride-recipients> . enough ,to suck ,them under. PQlling:data ' {should work in return for tqeir bef!efits
  • 516,949 were established. " .,;' :' The President signed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act in August 1996. Better known as welfare reform, the law provides critical new tools to improve our Nation's child support
  • to mothers on welfare. And the'landmark welfare reform legislation i signed last month institutes the most dramatic crackdown yet' on child support enforcement. It says to deadbeat parents: pay up, or we'll t~ack you down" garnish your wages .and make
  • . Three more work groups will begin meeting this week to address the remaining mandates in Section 2 of the Executive Order: (l}compliance with the ADA and other applicable laws under welfare reform and welfare-to-work programs; (2) development of small
  • . ' ! , \ " I The welfare reform law (P.L. 104-193) made several changes to the support enforcement program •. It establishedla "family first" prbvision that gave former TANF recipients t~e first claim on St~te collections
  • , and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990: so that individuals, with disabilities and their families can realize the full promise of welfare reform by having an equal opportunity for employment. (c) The Departments of Education, Labor, Commerce, and Health
  • numbers. ~ sou12,8,wpd . .." . , , .....- . ' . . . . '. DRAFT 12/l8/97 State of the Union Ideas oil Welfare Reform Success Story: [Highlight success story of former welfare recipient in gallery.] Caseload Numbers: We are so proud of [name
  • of the movement from "Maini~riance to Transformation" in soclai services. that is at the heart of welfare reform., 'DPP's purpose is to stimulate the development of innovative approaches to increasing thB self­ , ';'I?,CY of the poor; to testand'evaluate
  • to ,students. , . '. f\(..w (Ut'\!S 6. Demanding Responsible Fatherhood~ we are going to c osethe opportunity gap, we must clQse the responsibility gap. Demanding d promoting respo ible fatherhood is the critical next stage of welfare reform and one
  • families as one of several sources of program financing. This support is split between the State and Federal Government as reimbursement for welfare services. Under welfare reform, states were given the option of continuing the previous $50 pass~through
  • in the naturalization process. In the wake of the 1996 welfare reform law, many immigrants with disabilities throughout the United States faced the possibility of losing necessary Social Security and food stamp benefits if they did not become U.S. citizens
  • reform, families needing financial guidance, social workers dealing with welfare reform, and citizens generally concerned about the current state of families in Arkansas were invited to participate in the conference. .. .'" To finance the conference
  • ~opOSed changes to welfare reform wo~dexempt aliens who became disabled after enteruig the United States frOm the .new restrictions'~ Supplemental Security Income (SS!) , , ' and Medicaid benefits. In addition
  • that we re~ that national standards are controversial, and we have found that the most successful efforts dccur when the Federal government works hand-in-hand with States to improve and enforce high standards. . Child Care and Welfare Reform Question
  • ........................................ .. Welfare reform' proposals .......: ........ :............................ .. Effects' of other mandatory proposals .......... " ......... " .. .. 4,757 4,896 3,525 .~ Subtotal, new initiatives ....................... ,,: ............... :... . Net
Budget-1999 (Item)
  • the problems' faced bya particular group of working famjlies ­ - legal iInmi~rants, In signing the J 996 welfare reform law, the President said that he ",-ould try to restore th~ cuts in benefits for legal immi~ants.that were not only harsh and unnecessary
  • , but States should not forced to remove people from the program if that person simply cannot find a job. The President's budget transforms the unrealistic time limit in the welfare ,reform law into a meaninkful work requirement The President's Budget
  • ,the " , , ' " 'pe>a1t1ve ree'ulte tha.t'tho provtc1ona of welfare reform \01111' brins to !urtherm•• t theee critical 90a~a. President Clinton haa mad.e 1mproving child itU.iJ~OL·l;. 811torcernent ,i I I , I ID: I SEP 09'97 and 1ncraal1ng child,support
  • . '. , ' iv .. I. . Introduction The Welfare-to-Wo'rk (WtW) Grants Program, authorized under the Budget 1997, is an important component of fed~ral welfare reform anp .represents Reconciliation Act of . , . " the only federal funds specifically designated
  • for the unemployed than other remedies such as incarceration because it allows t~e noncustodial parent t9 keep earning income; This provision builds on the success of Parents ~Fair Share and other welfare ' reform experiments by States to improve child I
Childcare-GSA (Item)
  • Welfare Reform New Ideas Helping the Hardest-to-Employ Get and Keep Jobs o Extend Welfare-to-Work Grants and Strengthen Focus on Fathers. Funding for the $3 billion grant program that the President fought for in the Balanced Budget Act ends in FY
  • been very small in the paSt, a ,10% cap provides su~cient flexibility to States . .3. Administrative Costs ,The welfare reform, bill places a 5% limitation on State administrative costs wider the hew child , care program created by the legislation
  • about whether to pay taxes or court-ordered child support. That's just the law. The 1996 welfare reform act contained a number of proposals made by the President to help locate delinquent 'parents and garnish wages and bank accounts for the child support
  • is ineffective or at least inefficient. QuestioJts have Cl:lso been raised about the viability of the current financing system in light ~f welfare reform. Most stakeholders agree that there may be numerous positive prdgram outcomes that often go unidentified anq
  • . And the new child support enrorcement measures included in the new welfare reform law are projeCied to increlsc collections by billions over the next 10 years. ### Note: For other HHS Press Releases and Fact Sheets pertaining to the subjecL
  • of the welfare reform effort. In addition, 25 percent ofthe funds are awarded by the Department of Labor; on a competitive basis to support innovative welfare to work projects. The President announced the first round of 49 competitive grants in May, and the Vice
  • Dear Cynthia: - .. -.11· had -previously ~i·nv-i ted,' you- ·t;o 'participate in a panel at CRC's 12th national conference on "Valuing the Family on Capitol Hill. ·We would like you to speak on welfare reform, access (visitation) grants, the upcoming
  • a time limit on the receipt of assistance, Congress increased the importance of the child support program in achieving and sustaining family self-sufficiency. As part of welfare reform negotiations,' Congress, the administration, and states reached
  • -9 -9 1 -22 -38 -68 -1 -2 -5 -9 -23 -41 -72 -118 121 117 87 36 -15 1 -58 Entitlement changes -64 -121 Medicare 100 Medicaid (net) -9 Health insurance initiatives 14 1 Welfare reform (excluding Medicaid) 4 3 3 16 spectrum proposals
  • . RESPONSIBILITY A.~OVERNMENTAl RESPONSIBILITY • Balanced Feder~1 Budget B. INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY .. .. ' , Welfare Reform & "Deadbeat Parents" Teen Pregnancy: C. CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY • • • Better Protecting Pensions Requiring Envir~nmental
  • and Family Welfare Post Office Box 5345 ~ Tacoma. Washington 93415 Dear Mr. Harrington: I appreciate your sending me the information that you shared with Congress concerning welfare reform a~d the fatherhood issues. You raise some interesting concerns
  • ' Current law • Collections on beh~lf ofTANF families are shared betwee '"State and federaU~Q..v..emmoot at FMAP. Welfare reform gave states the option to continue pass-through under AFDC, but ~ .4. cost must comes from state share of Gollections
  • economy, which has slashed their welfare rolls but not their share of federal welfare payments. And Clinton, eager to brand' welfare reform a success, wants to ensure that governors use the unexpected gains to help put poor people to work. "Because
  • inefficient. Questions have also been raised about the viability of the current financing system in light of welfare reform .. Most stakeholders agree that there may be numerous positive program outcomes that often go unidentified and undocumented
  • practices. We could probably do this with respect to the certification -requirements for PRWORA and aspects of the FSA requirements impacted by welfare reform. ACF has concerns about a revision of the Family Support Act requirements. ACF has an existing
  • --when do you need this? ' , Background . The welfare reform law"as-amended by BBA, said states could transfer up'to 30%; of their TANF block grant to child care, including up to 10% for SSBG. TEA-21 reduced the SSBG transfer to ' 4.25% beginning
  • (currently?4). '; '. I, State Flexibility. Since taking office, the Clinton Administration has granted welfare reform waivers to a record 43.states....;~ more than the previous two administrations combined. Thirty-three states are plready pursuing
  • to work. Welfare reform increased federal funding 'for child care by approximately $4 billion over five years (FY 1997 - FY 2002), and it consolidated four·child care subsidy programs into the CCDBG. The funds are distributed primarily by formula
  • by 1993. . The survey question was changed .in 1994, but the num,ber of married men responding' that the stock market is too Jisky for them has continued to fall. . Responses for women show a similar pattern. . " ·, • i' :( SPECIAL ANALYSIS Welfare
  • to state) is an important tool for determining the long term effects of welfare reform. We would be happy to work, with the Committee to develop language that gives the Secretary this limited authority. ' TOgethe~ we ~~~e made great strides to craft
  • and systems requirements the new welfare reform law mandates-and that states support. Even under such pressure, states continue to increase their .p~rformance i~ ~p-p-ort p-rogra~. In=N.€w-ygrk,-we-will:::o . c.ollect::mor€~than-$800::mrl:l:ron::-0n::benalf
  • 1994 . ;' ~ , April 28, 1995 ,February 28",,1996 , 'These lias-of" dates correspond to the dates of the tables ACF provided Congressional Research Service as they analyzed Mandatory child Care allocations under the various versions of the welfare
  • . ' processed child support payments through local courts when welfare reform was enacted have until October 1, 1999 to establish SDUs. Of the states required to meet the 1998 deadlirie, Califobia is the only one, which has not met the deadline, thus