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14 results

[Environment] (Item)
  • ) 11114/1995 P6/b(6) 003.letter Phillips to Clinton's; RE: Home address (partial) (1 page) 11/08/1995 P6/b(6) 004.letter Slater to Clinton; RE: Home address (partial) (1 page) 10/30/1995 P6/b(6) COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records
Flood Stuff (Item)
  • this opportunity to say, on behalf of all Americans, Thank you. • Last SatUrday I dispatched FEMA Director James Lee Witt, Federal Highway Administrator Rodney Slater, Army Corps ofEngineers Commander General Stanley Genega and other members of my administration
  • safety regulations. And we worked to revitalize America's airlines, by opening more markets than ever before around the world. ·u fl... ~ ~+- ~ ~~r4
  • municipalities and school districts; Rodney E. Slater, a state highway commissioner and former Clinton aide, and Betsey Wright, a longtime friend and former top assistant of Clinton's who is now the campaign's director of research. Dr. Elders, Slater and Nash
  • governments on NCARC would be a serious mistake. He has implied that this question may be raised during confirmation hearings for Rodney Slater. Bridgeport, CN/Milk ~rices: The mayor of Bridgeport, CT might express concern over the Northeast Interstate Dairy
Olympics [2] (Item)
  • Administration 400 Seventh Street, S.W., Room 8206 Washington, D.C. 20590 Phone: (202) 366-0710 Fax: (202) 366-7009 Rodney Slater Administrator Federal Highway Administration 400 Seventh Street, S.W., Room 4218 Washington, D.C. 20590 (202) 366-0650 Phone: Fax
  • Slater MRR 03 ·'93 05:09PM E N W PRES. ,. P.2 JOINT CENTER -FORPOLmCAL AND ECONOMIC STUDIES Boa.rd of Gov8r110r1 Aradrcnor F, Brimmer, Chaii'IIUID Pototld•ao, 8>~- & COMpUIJ, w. wlher H. Foster, Vtoe ClaairmaD PHoridu•Biulua•. T!Wcap Ulllftlll&y
Religion (Item)
  • member." "Even if Detroit is passed over, council members say, the process moved Detroit closer to renewal." "The process is going to go forward whether we get the federal dollars or not," [John] Slater said. For once, we just all got together and dreamed
  • members say, the process moved Detroit closer to renewal." "The process is going to go forward whether we get the federal dollars or not," [John] Slater said. For once, we just all got together and dreamed, and now that we know what needs to be done, we're
  • DOT rep - either Rodney Slater or Dave Charma (sp?) Susan McCann, SBA Reqional Director Ray Chatham, SBA Reqional Disaster Area Director Burkie Kulik, SBA Associate Administrator for Disasters General Stanley Geneqa, Army Corps of Enqineers Martin
Women [2] (Item)