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  • Welfare Reform Working Group
  • . ; ... ," " , , ;, " " ,.' ,-. ..;. ," .. '. ". . ," \ .,-:' '., ".'" . ........ , .' . ~. ,. , . .. ;', . .:.,. .. :; -':. !. -, .. : .. ~ e. , ' E X E CUT I V E o F OFF ICE PRE SID E N T , THE ' 09-Aug-1996 09:23am TO: CarolH. Ras'co FROM: Jeremy D. Benami Domestic Policy Council CC: Elizabeth E. Drye SUBJECT: RE: welfare reform Good morning. I have spoken
  • Welfare Reform 1995: The Clinton Record and Current Background Materials [2]
  • Welfare Reform Talking Points: WELFARE WORKING SESSION January 25, 1995, This working session has been an important step in an honest bipartisan dialogue about what we must do to fix this country's broken welfare system. President Clinton has
  • 8:00 am-10:oo am (continued) QUALITY CONTROL DIRECTORS (CLOSED) Sedona 3 Room Board Meeting 4:00 pm-5:30 pm IMPLEMENTING WELFARE REFORM: IMMIGRATION, SSI &. MEDICAID JuDY CHESSER Deputy Commissioner for legislation and Congressional Affairs
  • Welfare Reform 1995: The Clinton Record and Current Background Materials [1]
  • , .' " ",', . . . . " Welfare Reform 1995: .. . . .. the -Clinton Record ..•... & , '. ,.' , . Current.BackgroundMateriais Welfare Reform Talking Points: OVERALL PLAN January 24, 1995 "I believe we must end welfare as we know
  • Partnerships For Stronger Families initiative. 16 • •. Most recently, President Clinton asked the Domestic Policy Council to coordinate implementation of the new welfare reform . law. Because of its importance to this . country, I'd like to take a few
  • Welfare Reform Legislation Meeting
  • clearance for 08/20/96 (partial) (1 page) nd P6/b(6) 006. memo Sujata to Pizzuto and Craft re RSVP list, Welfare Reform Implementation Working Group Meeting, 08120/96 (partial) (3 pages) nd P6/b(6) 007. notes handwritten re meeting attendee
  • ; ., e-· TH E WH·n:E.1iOUS E WASHINGTON :;eotemoer From: Carol :-::. Subject: ~'leekly 1996 Report: r 7-13, 1996 UPDATES ON KEY. INITIATIVES WELFARE REFORM e_ State WaiverS~8 Delav _~olement:aeicn 6f Tmmicrane Food Stamn Cuts
  • I" • APWA ·CONFERENCE Phoenix Arizona "Measuring State Success in Welfare Reform" Carol H. Rasco December 8, 1996 / 1 · Thank you, Gary. I want to thank APWA for inviting me to be part of this conference and this panel. I deeply
  • . Neely: 'Ibis Is in tefctaIcc:' to your State's application for Waivers under Section 17(b) of the Food Stamp Act of Im.u amended, for Ibe JOBS Plus welfare reform den'lonsttaUon project. We support yourigoal of promotia,gtbc sclf-SlIf'f1clency
  • Welfare Reform Waiver Activities [3]
  • ........... -.--~ ---- ---- --- --- ---- I STATE GOVERNOR (ELECTION YEAR) HEALTH CARE REFORM AND ,­ OTHER SIGNIFICANT HCFA WAIVERS WELFARE REFORM WAIVERS ANTICIPATED FINANCIAL PENALTIES Arkansas Jim Guy Tucker. (D) 1994 Received 2/1/94. Decision by 5/2/94. Selective contracting
  • APWA members. As we discussed, the plenary session, "Who's Outcome is it Anyway?: Measuring State Success in Welfare Reform," will feature presentations from the Congress and the media. Each panelist would be asked to make a 15-20 minute presentation
  • -- ' "', ":;-: State Rep. Sandy Rosenberg House of Delegates 6615 Reistertown Road Suite 301 Baltimore, MD 21215-2603 410-764-3631 Evaluation Massachusetts Background In 1995, the Massachusetts state legislature passed its welfare reform 'act
  • !g!003. THE SECRETAR.., OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES WAIIIo1INGTON. D.C. '0201 AUG 10 1993 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT . I know that YOll are eager for us to make as much progress as possible on responding to state requests for welfare reform
  • School Act, m~'king violence ·prevention a key part. of that. program ... Our children must have something to'. hope. for.. And so do we. • 22 'e IV.. Welfare Reform . . , " The hope of the President and his Administration' is for truly
  • Welfare Reform Waiver Activities [2]
  • Koerper Office of Pol:Lcy and Evaluation, ACF RE: Weekly TrackinqUpciate - Welfare Reform: Section 1115 Waiver Activi,:y , Report attachede Hiqh~i9'hts: o ': Approve4 walVters: :~one o : 0 I ,j o Denied Waiver.s: Massachusetts (Co-Payment
  • INGTON . ." , ~ November 26, 1996 '96 NOIJ 27 ptll:32 MEMORANDUM FOR THE NrnSIDENT From: ·;'Hf. ~)NESmENT HAS SEE~ Subject: Report for November 16 - November 26, 1996 /1-::'>" -f't' UPDATES ON KEY INITIATIVES WELFARE REFORM IMPLEMENTATION
  • Welfare Reform Briefing January 19, 1995 [2]
  • the American people "," first by addressing two of the great domestic policy challenges , of the century -- health care reform and welfare refrm. I want to begin today by talking about our vision for welfare reform and our v,iew of the Personal
  • .... 27 Our children must have something to hope for. And so do we. Ie 28 WELFARE REFORM . The hope of the President and his Administration is .. for truly successful wel,fare reform. To that end the President has asked the D,omestic Policy
  • /POLlCY&EURLURTION WH/K; WRY TO P.02/19 , V:irqinia Welfare Reform. Demonstration DRAJ'T: 9/22/93 WAIVBRTBRKS AND CONDITIONS VIRGINIA Welfare Reform project SECTION 1: i 1.0 GENERAL ISSUES The D~partment of Health and Human Services
  • -rH E WH ITE HOUSE WASHINGTON January 20, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO LEON PANETTA RascoC)t~ From: Carol H. Subject: Weekly Report - January 13-20, 1995 UPDATE ON KEY INITIATIVES Welfare Reform o Working Session -- Planning for the working session
  • .~ .. " ,. • MEMORANDUM TO LEON PANEITA Carol From: Subject: H. Rasco .(~ Weekly Report - April 28 through May 5, 1995 UPDATE ON KEY INITIATIVES Welfare Reform o Bruce Reed worked with Daschle's stafion primary Democratic alternative
  • ,: H.Rasc~ : Weekly Report· - 'March 17-24, 19.95 ·'UPDATE ON ',KEY· .INITIATIVES '~I ' Welfare 'Reform o .Hbuse.-- House action on.welfare reform aominated the week.', Bruce Reed worked with Housemi:m6crats' to coordiriate strategy on flo.or debate
  • . March 3, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO LEON PANETTA . A\ ~ . From: Carol H. Rasco~ Subject: . Weekly Report - February 23 through March 2, 1995 UPDATE ON KEY I .INITI~TIVES I I I Welfare Reform I ain o Child Support The·President signed executive
  • Welfare Reform Waiver Activities [1]
  • the statu~ of the Administration for Children and Famililas (ACF) section' 1115 welfare reform demonstrations as well as some of the common characteristics that have emerged from their approval and implementation. ' BACKGROUJID The Clinton Administration
  • September 15, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO LEON PANETTA Rasco~ From: Carol H. Subject: Weekly Report - September 8-15, 1995 " , UPDATE ON KEY INITIATIVES Welfare Reform Bruce Reed worked' with Senate Democrats on key amendments to the Senate bill
  • as to comment on welfare reform and in particular the status of Medicaid under the anticipated welfare reform bill. There is no way as I stand here at this moment on August 23 in Orlando, Florida to tell you what might happen to health 7 care reform. As I
  • Report - 12/24/94 through 1/6/95 UPDATE ON KEY INITIATIVES Welfare Reform o Working Session -- Final discussions are continuing about the date and format for the working session on welfare. We n~ed to reach final re~olution within the next few days so
  • /96 3/18/96 3/19/96 3/20-3/22 3/20/96 3/20-3/22 3/20 3/26 3/26/96 3/26/96 3/26/96 3/26-3/27 3/27-3/28 4/1196 4/1196 . 4/8/96 4/8/96 4/9/96 4/9/96 4/9/96 4/11196 4/15-16 Welfare reform meeting Washington Workshops Meeting Fortuna Meeting
  • INITIATIVES " Welfare, Reform -:
  • Strategies for· Children and·F Amilies Partnerships for, Working Families / 3/13 Welfare reform meeting Washington Workshops Meeting 3/14/96 3/15/96 Fortuna Meeting on Appointees with disabilities 3/15/96 Mickey Leland Hunger Fellows Visit
  • sent to you in memos you received inLyon~ d~ily WAIVERS Michigan W~lfare -- On Wednesday,Gove:r;nor Engler submitted a new welfare reform waiver to HHS, requesting, "'fast-track" approval in 30 days. The next day,-Republicans in both houses
  • program can be reliably compared to the state's pre-waiver program. [] We feel that a Single Group Pre-Post Evaluation is essential to the success of South Dakota's welfare reform efforts becam:e restricting Section 1115 Waiver Request program changes
  • to the outline for welfare reform offered by President Clinton.· In each significant way in which WNW difjfers from the Clinton Administration's approach, WNW provides less assistance to families and may treat them more harshly. WNW differs from initial outlines
  • Welfare Reform Briefing January 19, 1995 [1]
  • ,',.'::',,:.. )':'?';'/' " ."', :
  • a passion for the issue of welfare reform and its relevance to child support and parental accountability. I have researched and-studied this issue for four years. I have participated in two sets of Congressional hearings and now serve on the Fairfax County
  • $ 731.00 * Difference between the :illotment under the current system and the allotment based on wages of $731. ' MISSISSIPPI'S WELFARE REFORM INITIATIVE THE WORK FIR:STDEMONSTRATION PROJECT PROPOSAL: •. Provides limited duration on-the-job
  • ,the nation, building local coalitions to improve meals and providing nutrition information to children and 'their families, 'Protecting the National NutritionSafety Net in Welfare Reform: The President· believes it is possible to enact real welfare reform
  • at 17 least 75% of our time on that. particular topic looking 18 at healthcare and what we were to do about healthcare 19 within the field of welfare reform. 20 So if we can get a health reform plan coupled 21 with the earned income tax credit
  • and Welfare Reform:~ In spite of these documented successes; Federal nutrition programs have come under attack as part of the welfare reform debate. Welfare reform should be about requiring parents to work and take responsibility, not about cutting food
  • . As a follow-up to your meetings with advocacy groups and Democratic governors, Bruce Reed and I will begin regular weekly meetings with them to coordinate strategy. The President told Senators that he would like to do a welfare reform speech over the recess
  • is taking many forms: o Under the mantle of "welfare reform ,il . House , ( Republicans have voted to block grant WIC and other. child nutrition .programs. WIC would be , placed in a block grant with family day care and other programs. And the funding
  • by Governors and approved by HHS are still a~aitirig state legislative approval. Welfare: "As you know, the intersection between the welfare waivers and' the new welfare , reform law is complex. The law includes a grandfather dause for waivers granted before
  • Welfare Reform~ New Opportunities and New Responsibilities SECTION 1: GENERAL ISSUES 1.0 The Department ~f Health and Human Services (hereinafter referred to as the Depa~~ment) will grant waivers to the state of Wyoming (hereinafter re'ferred
  • ON WELFARE REFORM AND DISABILITY SSI for Children: 'Bill cuts off 180,000 children currently on the' rolls (out of a total of 1 million) by eliminating the IFA 'test. Over the next 7 years, approximately 315,000 children will lose, eligibility. No children
Speeches [3] (Item)
  • both health care reform and welfare reform. • For health care reform to be truly successful at the local level, states have to be free to tailor their own solutions. Under the President's approach, states will have the flexibility to design
  • ­ Pre ing for the welfare reform meeting with Marian Wrigpt Edelman, et. aI'.: Panetta, Ickes, Griffin,Sbephanopolous;Rasco, Reed (~oS office) ,5: 30 6: 30, NEC 'Budget Issues' Mtg [~ong.:.terril], ,(OEOB 180) at VP~s resid~rice/discussion dn media
  • • June 9, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO LEON PANETTA ~ From: Carol H. Rasco Subject: Weekly Report - June 2-9, 1995 UPDATE ON KEY INITIATIVES Welfare Reform Bruce Reed worked with Senate Democrats to complete Democratic leadership bill, announced June
  • . Because without health reform, other social reforms become much harder. I first worked on health reform with then-Governor CI,inton years before he ever considered running for President as part of our work on the ,Family Support Act -- a welfare reform
  • '\ \\ : The I ' ' \ , , ' ' . current climate in the Congress has made all of us . apprehensive about the gains we ha~e made so far, The House welfare reform bill includes cutbacks in • . . , • , I . . the children's SSI program
  • food programs are prese:r:q:ing plenty of opportunities ~ Over the next few months, ,the'q'llestion qf hunger will .dominate the welfare-reform debate, as ,Congressional 'committees hear test'irriony on hunger' and " food-assistance 'programs
  • for that empowerment, process to unfold for all our country's citizens. You have examined carefully the major programs we are working on right now as part of that empowerment process •• '•. health care reform including long term care, welfare reform, housing
  • . One group bas HEAL1H CARE as their number one priority while other groups have EDUCATION, CRIME, GUN OONfROL, WELFARE REFORM, FRAUD IN GOVERNMENT, SOCIAL SECURrIY, and the fear ofthe YOUNG that SOCIAL SECURfIY wiD NOT be there for them.! All of 1hese
  • worked on health reform ~th then-Governor Clinton years before he ever considered running for President as part of our work on the Family Support Act -- a welfare reform proposal. It became very clear to us that one of the biggest issues for 9" e
  • ) . 12:00 noon Drop-by beginning of Welfare reform meeting (chaired by Bruce Reed), OEOB 211 12:45 - 2:15 Lunch with Bob Wasserman at the Army Navy Club 2:30 - 3:00 Weekly Mtg: Rivlin, Tyson,Rasco, 3:00 - 3:45 4:15 pm (CHR's office) EZ
  • cash-but as one component 'or-a welfare reform demonstrdtion. , \ ..•J . " The ASSETS. Demonstration and 'Evaluation '\ The ASS.ETS PrOgram represents a maj~rrestructuring~f th~ administration of the F~d . Stamp,' and~id to Families
  • for welfare reform. If you h'ave any' questions regaz:ding' ,this approval, please contact Leonard Rubin, the Federal Project Officer assigned to this project. His acidre,ss is: Admin~stration for thildr~n' and' Families, FamilY, Assist;al
  • was interviewed via conference call by members of Editorial Board in UT to discuss welfare reform. On Friday, I was interviewed via conference call with members' of Editorial Boards from NY and WI.· r::. ,~el1.!s: (' d. -v U{~ ,. CHR WEEKLY REPORT
  • , " ' .,' [, ,,' , , ' I '" ' j[ ," , l .. ~ ' .' WELFAREil~AI~ERREOUEST .., "~' ~~AAA~P ' ' Y,V \. " , ' On June' 21', 1994; Go';ernOr~ayh submitted a request"fora welfare'" 'reform waiver,., ,The appli1bation'has not been approved to date but neg-otia
Speeches [1] (Item)
  • January 20, 1997 Memo To: From: Re: The following is a list of binders contained in box 1 of the 3 being sent to archives today:. Health Care Background materials Welfare Reform Briefing - 1/19/95 CHRis 1996 Incoming Correspondenee ~og CHR's 1996
  • role as Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy ,at ~he White House,1 am involved in a very large number of policy issues -- welfare reform, immigration, crime, child welfare, housing, and the environment to' name a few. But none of them
  • or .~­ " her full potential. , .\ You are certainly familiar"with our Administration's primary programs as well as legislative initiatives' enabling young. children and their familie,s: The Family Preservation & Support Act Welfare Reform Health care
  • . They are especially critical in light of the possibility that as a part of welfare reform, a cap may be placed on the number of childr~n a woman on welfare can have. , • ~ • j - • • " • I applaud the U.S. for its leadership. role at the recent Population
  • June 28, , 1996 MEMORANDUM TO LEON PANETTA ~ From: € a rol Subject: Weekly Report: June 22 - June 28" H. Rasco 19~6 UPDATE, ON KEY" INITIATIVES , , , WAIVERS Michigan Welfare On Wednesday" Governor Engler submitted a new welfare reform
  • . The Governors propose to use the two-year freeze to work with COJl9tess ane tne W:nlte House on a bipartisan basis, as we dld on welfare reform, to tlna tne best SOlut1on$ to the hea~th care crisis tbat confronts this nation. SiDce:r:ely, ~~~. IQv7A
  • , • • • Welfare Reform: N~xt week, HHS will.announce the approvaLof'''Wisconsin Works W-2," a statewide weffarereform demonstration and amendments to two previous state demonstrations underi,which every parent who applie~ for welfare would be expected to work
  • ci1aracteriles discussions of poverty and welfare. You saw welfare reform as a way to , bring the eourltry together when so many had used it to divide us. , " ! ! , ' " " President William Jefferson Clinton November 14J 1sss ' Page 2 ultimatel~, at v
  • the primary principle on which our work is based. Pres. Clinton: 5 major goals outlined for the cabinet/staff at' the Camp David Retreat :1..""",~, GJICfdd~~ Q Economic packageC1Tq Health Care Reform . National Service ' Welfare Reform ...~ r
  • , the goverhment can and should play an important role. ' I kno~ that in the Clinton Administration's short but productive time here, we have made a difference in children's lives by creat~ng job opportunities, proposing responsible welfare reform legisiation
  • ',' .. at does h1nk -·1 - o-tr-U I about Ann Rosewater? - ~_ 'p Q)..(o '2d-1 .. ~ ­ An FYI for CHR: Nancy had 6 _!IP'" . , -an hour and a half con­ versation with Jeremy yesterday r~. welfare reform and questions reo conference. She asked him to fax questions
Speeches [4] (Item)
  • 'and were responsible.. I " That s what, II hope this welfare reform debate that welre qinning up aga1n after a year will be all about ill washington. 'I d.ol not believe that most Americans really want simply to reduc~ ~elfare ~o ,that we can p~n1sh po6r
  • that the Administration ~as done to bring clean water to all Americans by the year 2000. Over " .' 500,000 Americ~~ do"nof have indoor plumbing. , i: , ' .. . , '. '~ Welfire Refor~ 'Update: WY recently sUbrnitteda welfare reform dem6nst~ati~ proposal to, USI
  • or I~aving them to . fend for themselves.- Between contiriu~ng On, the path of rewarding work through the earned in~ome tax credit and real welfare reform, or a cut and run' strategy. The President lias :caned upon aU of us to.move ' forward
  • , the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) expects to announce a partnership with Fannie Mae to provide information about breast cancer screening to the corporation's 2,000 female employees. • Outreach Meetings on Welfare Reform: As part of her
  • IN WV 7:30a-8: 15a Senior Staff, COS 9:05a-9:20a Conference Call 9:30a-IO:OOa Pat and Julie 1O:00a-IO:30a Hold: Julie brieffor Harriett Woods Radio II :OOa-12:00p Hold: Radio Time (welfare reform) 12:00p-1 :OOp Hold: Ed. Boards Conference NY & WI
  • .' we shoul~ rededicate ourselves to working across party, lines to pass the strongest possible child support and welfare reform legislation~ Strong child support enforcement measures .are crucial not only because they help provide children
  • . A time agreement on this legislation was proposed and adopted after it was removed from consideration during the Welfare Reform action in I the Senate. After action on this legislation, it will go to Conference with the H.R. 1617 (the CAREERS Act
  • resulting in 3 deaths and 23 injured. Department of Health and Human Services • Virginia Welfare Waiver: Virginia's welfare reform proposal, will be approved this week. The proposal includes provisions to establish a family cap state-wide, require work
  • of services needed to make that real •.• we can't accomplish it all at once but we hope to present a comprehensive blueprint. Health care is tough .... far tougher than living facilities in residential neighborhoods . NIMBY o~ rt iY1J.1\. Welfare Reform: _ i
  • . Welfare Reform Health care initiatives including an expanding immunization program and the statement by the President in his State of the Union about our hopes for an .incremental health reform initiative, stressing the needs of working families
  • on GOP attacks on the environment. • HHS -- Welfare Waivers: On Monday, February 27, HHS will approve Nebraska's welfare waiver. Secretary Shalala will announce the waiver in a speech to the American Public Welfare Association on welfare reform
  • '~ ~~~ ~ ~ Welfare Reform: - ~~ ~~. - 'IAJ ..evruJflIlllH' ./ ! ~ I I - r-v---?7l/i1j Work in exchange for welfare Work instead of welfare ~ \::J ~ Campaign finance/lobbying reform 'rjk,\\~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~:h ~\C'\~(\J~\. ~ G~.chJ\ te\ National Service: look
  • (unskilled) - global competition and technological change - expanded Federal job training assistance - earlier identification of those at risk - improve school-to-work transition - education reform - welfare reform - strong real wage rigidity in some
  • \ ) 8 L.::::J Carol H: Rasco - Call List CALLER DATE/TIME MESSAGE FOLLOW-UP DISPOSITION w Bob Greenstein 408-1080 2-16 11:05 He has spoken with Melanne recently and she urged him to meet with you reo welfare reform. (He has done considerable
  • e letter for the Multi-Pronged Welfare Reform Demonstration, and amended August 4:3, 1993. This revision, which also provides the reques1:ed modifications to the Homeless Families Support prclject, incorporates the Work Pays Project into the Project
Speeches [5] (Item)
  • BY CAROL B. RASCO DT:IODL COUBC:IL OJ' STATB' LBG:ISLATORB saturday, Kay 7, 1994 Thank you. Jodie. Pre.ident'. ri]:)]:)inq Gout my ..introduo.r.... :I had some baqqaqe DD, Child support Bnforoem.nt, Xedicaid, Bduoation, welfare reform. Boz (and:I hope
  • achieving these goals. They are especially critical in light of the possibility that as a part of welfare reform, which I am definitely in favor of, a cap may be placed on the 'number ofichHdren a woman on welfare may have if she is to continue receiving
  • families and children in poverty, much of it "hot off the computer". On day two, .we will shift the focus to, a session that addresses the fourth goal noted above. State ' administrators of welfare reform initiatives will be presented with an array
  • List CALLER DATE/T MESSAGE FOLLOW-UP DISPOSITION Carol H. Rasco - Call List CALLER Fournier of ~~~~iql DATE/TIME 10/10 11:30 MESSAGE talk wi tn.. . . think the will mean for health care and welfare reform. U '"" FOLLOW-UP DISPOSITION
  • process. The I Council functions through committees, task forces, and interagency working groups which. facilitate the development of national policy on such issues as health care reform, welfare.: reform, crime, immigration, and Americans
  • . & Families:Where? 9:00a-9:30a Close Up ~~~~~: HOLD AFTER 4 p.m. 3:00p-4:oop Washington Bullock phone call reo 9:45a~1 O:ooa Break. Foundation 10 minute Workshops, Room welfare reform waiver 10:ooa-12:00p Federal Action sPeech: Room OEOB ::~:~. 4S0, (contact
  • Income (SSI).definition of the disabled, although no benefit package is specified. The SSI program, however, as amended by the welfare reform package excludes: . many legal immigrants; persons disabled principally because of alcoholism or other drug
  • that position to the Supreme court,! as an amicus in the California case. Among the reasons for opposing residency requirements are that; (i) they may impair the SUCCQSS of welfare reform by lmaking it morel difficult for recipients in high ~employment-low
  • . Title X funded programs and services are essential to achieving these goals. They are ~special1y critical in light of the possibility that as a part of welfare reform, a ~ap may be placed on the number of children a woman on welfare may have ts she
  • , editorial staff contact~ Jane Hansen (404) 526 5439. NOTE: In my latest conversation with Jane she mentionedthere>might ques ons on welfare reform (as it effects children) and one or two on the paralympics) . 3:30 4:15 FREE TIME - or you can go
  • in the form of the Hous of Representatives' welfare reform bill. The House has pr posed to eliminate cash payments for most children entering th program. Although the eligibility cuts in the Senate bill are Iso very significant, the Senate would not eliminate