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Date Added
EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Note to Harwood-Technology Transfer to Russia-Ozone Protection
EPA [Environmental Protection Agency]-OMB [Office of Management and Budget] Clearance of EPA’s Responses to Senator Roth Regarding EPA S 171
EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Technical Corrections Regarding S 171 EPA Elevation
EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Testimony on Glenn Bill
Environmental Service Program Proposal
[Environmental Speeches and Background]
EC [European Community] Tuna/Dolphin GATT [General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade] Case March 2, 1993
EO [Executive Order]-CFC [Chlorofluorocarbon]/Alternative Fuel
Executive Order-Energy Efficiency and Alternative Fuel Use February 3, 1993
Exxon-Valdez: Alyeska Marine Terminal Briefing Valdez Alaska February 20, 1993
Exxon-Valdez: Exxon-Valdez Clean Up-Occupational Exposures from Oil Mist
Exxon-Valdez: Exxon-Valdez Trustee Council Meeting March 9-11
Exxon-Valdez: Status Report on Alaska’s Oil Industry by Oil Reform Alliance February 1993
February 1-7 [1994] [1]
February 1-7 [1994] [2]
February 1993 Regrets
February 1994 Backup [1]
February 1994 Backup [2]
FACA [Federal Advisory Committee Act]
Federal Register Notice
Final Report on the Comparative Evaluation of Two Major Studies on the Employment Impacts of the Interagency Scientific Committee Northern Spotted Owl Conservation Strategy on Washington, Oregon, and California
First 100 Days [1]
First 100 Days [2]
[First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit Report]
[“Fisherman’s Right to Know” Act] [Loose]
Forest Conference [1]
Forest Conference [2]
Forest Conference [3]
Forest Conference [4]
Forest Conference: [International Tropical Timber Agreement]
Forest Conference: Timber Prices
Forest Conference II [1]
Forest Conference II [2]
Forest Conference II: Forest Summit [1]
Forest Conference II: Forest Summit [2]
Forest Conference III [1]
Forest Conference III [2]
Forest Conference III [3]
Forest Conference III [4]
Forest Conference III: Forests
Forest Conference IV [1]
Forest Conference IV [2]
Forest Conference IV [3]
Forest Conference IV: Forest Summit
[Forest Management Crisis-Habitat Conservation Solutions] [Loose]
Forest Management Working Group (Proposal)
[Forest Policy Center-Current Programs and Activities] [Loose]
[Forest Resource Management Division] [Loose]
Forest SAT [Scientific Analysis Team] [1]
Forest SAT [Scientific Analysis Team] [2]
[Forest Service Appeals Process] [Loose]
[Forest Summit 1993] [Loose]
Forest Summit-Heather Ross Comments-February 28, 1993
Forest Summit-Interior Draft of a Possible Scenario February 23, 1993
Forest Summit Meeting March 10, 1993
Forest Summit-Mike Draper Letter to the Editor of The Oregonian
Forest Summit-Mike Draper Suggestions-Carpenters Union
Forest Summit-News Leaks March 17, 1993
Forest Summit Planning-Organization Suggestions and Task Lists
Forest Summit-Walcott/Peterson EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Comments February 26, 1993
Fuel Economy
Full Ozone Hearing Testimony
Gearan Comments on Draft Memo to President-NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act]-March 3, 1993
Gearan Comments to Forest Summit Announcement March 11, 1993
General Electric Agreement Letter
GSA [General Services Administration] Miscellaneous
George Brown
[Georgia Pacific Corporation] [Loose]
Gibbons Comments on the Forest Summit March 17, 1993
Global Climate
Global Climate: 1990 Temperature Data
Global Climate: 1991 Temperatures
Global Climate Coalition
Global Climate: Global Change Research
Global Climate: Global Warming-Science
Global Climate: ICGE [Interparliamentary Conference on the Global Environment
Global Climate: OTA [Office of Technology Assessment] Climate Change Report
Global Climate: NAS [National Academy of Sciences] Adaptation Study
Global Climate: Scientists
[Global Environmental Change Report] [Loose]
GEF [Global Environment Facility]-Draft Instructions Rome March 4-5
GEF [Global Environment Facility]-EDF’s [Environmental Defense Fund’s] Open Letter to Participants March 4, 1993
GEF [Global Environment Facility]-Repetto-WRI [World Resources Institute]-Future Orientation of GEF
Global Warming Oceans Hearing
Global Warming Skeptics
Governor Andrus
Governor Cecil Andrus No Jeopardy-Hydropower
Harry Reid
Harwood-Briefing Materials on INC [Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee]-7th Session March 9, 1993
Headwaters Journal
[Headwaters-Meeting Follow Up] [Loose]
Health Care Materials
Hearing-CFCs [Chlorofluorocarbons], Strong Ozone February 23, 1989
Hearing on 1991 Assessment Ozone: Testimony and Transcript [1]
Hearing on 1991 Assessment Ozone: Testimony and Transcript [2]
[Hearing on Role of Habitat Conservation Plans in the Endangered Species Act]
[Hearing on Vegetable Ink Printing Act]
[House Bill 3661-Concerns] [Loose]
[House Timber Caucus] [Loose]
Impending International Environmental Issues January 12, 1993
Implementation of the Forthcoming Administration Strategy to Address the Northwest Forest Controversy
[Influence of Log Exports and Timber Sales] [Loose]
Information on the Presidential Commission on Environmental Quality
Interagency Committee on Environmental Trends
Interagency Working Group Meeting on NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] March 2, 1993
INC [Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee] Framework Convention Climate Change Session 4 Part I
INC [Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee] Framework Convention Climate Change Session 4 Part II [1]
INC [Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee] Framework Convention Climate Change Session 4 Part II [2]
IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] News Updates-National Climate Program Office
IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change]-September 1990
IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change]-Working Group 1
Intern Information
Internal WTI [Waste Technologies Industries] Memos
International Meetings Lists
International Negotiations on Climate Change Nairobi Part I
International Negotiations on Climate Change Nairobi Part II
[International Northern Forests Organization] [Loose]
International Ozone Trends, 1991
[International Paper] [Loose]
Internship Program
[Internship Program] [Loose]
Internship Program: Fall 1993
Internship Program: Intern Handbook Summer 1993
Internship Program: Intern Program-Summer 1993
Internship Program: Intern Summer 1994
Internship Program: Interns-Duties Summer 1993
Internship Program: Interns Pending Summer 1994-Cold
Internship Program: Part Time Interns (Potential Summer) 1994
Internship Program: Spring 1994
Internship Program: Winter Break Interns/Program 1993/1994
Investing in Dislocated Families [Report]
Ira Magaziner
[Item by Item Cost of Dartmouth House] [Loose]
Jerry Costello
Jim Anderson Ozone
Jim Lyons-Species by Species-Not Good Enough February 25, 1992
Jim Spotila
Jimmy Hayes
John Bryant
Joint Appeal Mission to Washington [1]
Joint Appeal Mission to Washington [2]
June 12, 13, 14
Katie McGinty Scheduling Office Memos
Katie’s Notes on UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] Hearing March 11, 1992
Kopetski Letter to Katie McGinty-Forest Conference March 15, 1993
LF Payne
Larry Summers
Legislative Referral Comments: Default Legislative Referrals [1]
Legislative Referral Comments: Default Legislative Referrals [2]
Legislative Referral Comments: Default Legislative Referrals [3]
Legislative Referral Comments: OEP [Office of Environmental Policy] Legislative Referral Comments [1]
Legislative Referral Comments: OEP [Office of Environmental Policy] Legislative Referral Comments [2]
Legislative Referral Comments: OEP [Office of Environmental Policy] Legislative Referral Comments [3]
Leshy-God Squad Exemption-BLM [Bureau of Land Management] Timber Sales March 16, 1993
Letter from Brown to Panetta Regarding Fiscal Year 1994-1997 Budget February 24, 1993
Lindzen Article
[Log Exports] [Loose]
[Long and Short Term Timber Supplies and Lumber Prices] [Loose]
Los Angeles-Update
Lyons-Background on Forest Service Report March 15, 1993
Making the Environment Count September 16, 1991
[Management Issues at Environment Protection Agency Laboratories] [Loose]
[March 1993 Invitations/Regrets] [Loose]
March 1993 Regrets [1]
March 1993 Regrets [2]
Maynard-Desertification-Scientific Briefing March 17, 1993
Meeting Minutes
[Meeting Requests-1993] [Loose]
[Meeting with Congressman Peter DeFazio] [Loose]
Meeting with Western and Agriculture State Senators March 16, 1993
Meetings with German Members of Parliament-Energy Tax
Memo for President and Vice President from Katie McGinty-NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act]-Extraterritoriality-March 2, 1993
Memo to President from Vice President-NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act] Regarding Appeal of EDF [Environmental Defense Fund] v Massey
Memo to Vice President/Eli Segal-Environmental Component to National Service Proposal
Memo to Vice President from Katie McGinty-Forest Conference Discussion with President March 18, 1993
Memos to Babbitt
Methyl Bromide [1]
Methyl Bromide [2]
Metzenbaum-WTI [Waste Technologies Industries]
Michael Andrews
Miles Fridberg Molinaroli Incorporated
Miscellaneous Information on Members
Miscellaneous Notes
Mission to Planet Earth
Mitchell Resolution
Mollohan-WTI [Waste Technologies Industries]
Molly Olson-Biodiversity Convention Memo December 9, 1992
Molly Olson-SES [Senior Executive Service] Letter
Montreal Protocol
Multi-Scale Multi-Jurisdictional Study of Integrated Resource Management in Pacific Northwest Coniferous Forests Report
NAS [National Academy of Sciences]-Hearing General Information
National Academy Study
NASA Ozone Depletion Averted This Year
[National Association of State Foresters]
NEC [National Economic Council]-Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Staffer
NEC [National Economic Council] Principals Meeting Uruguay Round/NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] March 4, 1993
NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act]
NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act]
NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act]: CEQ [Council on Environmental Quality]-Biodiversity Considerations under NEPA
NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act] Materials form the Vice President March 16, 1993
NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act] Memos on Antarctica
NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act]-Memos to President and Vice President Regarding Appeal of EDF [Environmental Defense Fund] v Massey March 11, 1993
NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act]: OMB [Office of Management and Budget]-Language on NEPA February 23, 1993
[National Environmental Policy Act Survey-Environmental Impacts Abroad] [Loose]
National Environmental Strategy
National Environmental Survey
National Global Change Research Act S169
NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration]-Rural Ozone and the Clean Air Act Amendments March 8, 1993
NSC [National Security Council] Policy Review on Trade and the Environment February 23, 1993
NTEC [National Tribal Environmental Council]
[Native Forest Council] [Loose]
[Nature Conservancy and Earth Day Initiatives] [Loose]
Ned Potter
Nightline/CFC [Chlorofluorocarbon] Background
No Response Necessary
Norm Dicks
NACE [North American Commission on the Environment]-OSTP [Office of Science and Technology Policy]
NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] [Folder 1] [1]
NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] [Folder 1] [2]
NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] [Folder 1] [3]
NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] [Folder 1] [4]
NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] [Folder 1] [5]
NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] [Folder 2] [1]
NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] [Folder 2] [2]
NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] [Folder 2] [3]
NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] [Folder 2] [4]
NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] [Folder 2]: Center for International Environmental Law-Position on NAFTA February 12, 1993
NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] and GATT [General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade]-Tuna
NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] Memo to Bill Clinton from Katie McGinty December 31, 1992
NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] Memos and Documents
NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement]-NEC [National Economic Council] Meeting Paper Buff Bohlen-Subgroup February 2, 1993
NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement]/NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act]
NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement]-Protocol-Draft CIEL [Center for International Environmental Law]/Defenders-February 6, 1993
[Northern Spotted Owl Preservation-Conflicts]
[Northwest Forestry Issues/Recommendations] [Loose]
[Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission]
[Northwest Watershed and Salmon Protection] [Loose]
Notes on Forest Conference
Notes on NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act]-EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Bill
Ocean Temperatures (Biden)
Oceans Hearing
Oechel-Arctic Tundra-Carbon Dioxide Source-Nature February 14, 1993
OEP [Office of Environmental Policy]-Security Violations
OMB [Office of Management and Budget]-EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Environmental Technology Testimony-Gary Foley
OMB [Office of Management and Budget]-EPA’s [Environmental Protection Agency’s] Questions and Answers Regarding S171 3:30 February 24, 1993
OMB [Office of Management and Budget]-Kantor USTR [United States Trade Representative] Regarding Trade Policy Issues March 8, 1993
OMB [Office of Management and Budget]-Question and Answer on EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Cabinet Level Status March 3, 1993
OMB [Office of Management and Budget]-Turner Testimony-Fish and Wildlife Regarding NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] March 5, 1993
OES [Office of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs] Bohlen NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] Environmental Issues-Second Interagency Meeting
OES [Office of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs] Memo on NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement] Issues Ad Hoc Working Group Meeting February 2, 1993
[Office of Science and Technology Policy Meeting on United States Global Change Research Program August 9, 1993] [Loose]
OTA [Office of Technology Assessment] Adaptation Study
[Option 9-Concerns] [Loose]
[Oregon and California Act] [Loose]
[Oregon and California Grant Land Payments] [Loose]
[Oregon and Washington Voters and Polls] [Loose]
[Oregon Economic Development Department] [1]
[Oregon Economic Development Department] [2]
[Oregon Economic Development Department-Obstacles/Solutions] [Loose]
[Oregon Lands Coalition-Concerns] [Loose]
[Oregon Natural Resources Council-Possible Litigation] [Loose]
Oregon Values and Beliefs-Summary May 1993
[Oregon Wood Products Competitiveness Corporation] [Loose]
Oregon Works-Partnership for Results-Draft [Report]
Oregon Works-Partnership for Results [Report]
Outer Continental Shelf
[Owl Recovery Plan-Impact on Forest Industry] [Loose]
Ozone-1989 Scientific Assessment
Ozone Amendment to Energy Bill
Ozone and Phytoplankton
Ozone-Antarctic Plants
“Ozone Crisis”
Ozone Depletion Hearing Al’s Opening Statement November 15, 1991
Ozone Depletion Hearing Articles and Information November 15, 1991
Ozone Depletion Hearing Transcript (Part 1) November 15, 1991
Ozone Depletion Hearing Transcript (Part 2) November 15, 1991
Ozone Depletion Hearing United Nations Environment Programme November 15, 1991
Ozone Depletion Hearing Written Testimony November 15, 1991
Ozone Fund Dear Colleague
Ozone Fund-Sense of Senate
Ozone Hearing-Albritton March 16
Ozone Hearing-Doniger April 16, 1991
Ozone Hearing- General Information April 16, 1991
Ozone Hearing-Industry
Ozone Hearing-Katie’s Notes
Ozone Hearing November 15, 1991
Ozone Hearing Questions for Witnesses April 16, 1991
Ozone Hearing-Rowland March 16, 1991
Ozone Hearing-Stolarski/Watson March 16
Ozone II/Letter to President
Ozone-Institute for Energy and Environmental Research
Ozone Layer
Ozone Letter-Environment Committee
Ozone Phaseout Schedules
Ozone Press Release April 29, 1989
Ozone Science Assessment, 1991
Ozone Trends Panel
Ozone-Volcanic Eruptions
[PACFISH Strategy] [Loose]
[Pacific Northwest Forest Project-Regional Tribal Governments] [Loose]
[Pacific Northwest Wood Products Manufacturing Technology Centers] [Loose]
[Pacific Rim Trade Association] [Loose]
[Pacific Rivers Council Proposal] [Loose]
Patrick Leahy
Paul Wellstone
Pelly Amendment, Fisherman’s Protective Act
[Perot/Stockade Positions]
Peter DeFazio
Phil Sharp
Phone Lists
[Plum Creek Timber Company-“New Forestry” Practices] [Loose]
[Portland Panel/Gang of Four] [Loose]
Potential Social and Economic Impacts of Long-Rotation Timber Management [Report]
[Poverty-Timber Dependence Issue-Supplementary Information] [Loose]
Present State of Knowledge of the Upper Atmosphere: An Assessment Report-January 1984
Present State of Knowledge of the Upper Atmosphere: An Assessment Report-May 1986
Present State of Knowledge of the Upper Atmosphere 1988: An Assessment Report
Presidential Action Memo Regarding NEPA [National Environmental Protection Act] and Antarctica
PDDs [Presidential Decision Directives]
Presidential Formats
PCSD [President’s Council on Sustainable Development]
PCSD [President’s Council on Sustainable Development]
PCSD [President’s Council on Sustainable Development] Awards
PCSD [President’s Council on Sustainable Development] Charter Executive Order, Memo of Understanding
PCSD [President’s Council on Sustainable Development] Detailees
PCSD [President’s Council on Sustainable Development] Drafts
Press Releases
Public Linkages
[Questionnaire for Prospective Participants-Forest Conference] [Loose]
Quinn-EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Elevation Bill Memo to Commerce March 18, 1993
Quinn-EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Elevation Legislation-Draft-March 12, 1993
Reinventing Government (REGO) NPR [National Performance Review]
Religion and Environment
Religious Leaders Initiative on Environment
Representation at International Conferences: Browner/Wirth
Representative Barcia
Re-Seeding of Oceans
Rick Stokarski-Ozone
Rome-Italians Look to United States for Environmental Leadership
Room Reservations
Roots of the Labor-Environmental Conflict over Old Growth Timber-Draft [Report]
Round 4-Letter to President
Rudy Dornbusch
Russia Energy Initiative
S 870 Subcommittee Hearing October 19, 1989
S 2166
Sam Farr
Scheduling Proposals-John Shafer
Scott Klug
Second Round-Pledge and Review
Senate/House Committees
[Service Delivery Model-Principles and Values] [Loose]
Sierra Club Northwest-Framework of a Forest Solution [Report]
Sixty-Four Million Dollar Question: How Taxpayers Pay Pulp Mills to Clearcut the Tongass National Forest [Report]
[Skamania County-Impact of Northern Spotted Owl] [Loose]
[Small Island Conference, World Coast Conference, and Haiti International Task Force on the Environment and Development] [Loose]
[Small-Scale Forest Land] [Loose]
Solutions to Mitigate Economic Impact of Providing for Species Associated with Late Successional and Old Growth Forest [Report]
Speeches Talking Points (PCSD) [President’s Council on Sustainable Development]
Spotted Owl/Old Growth Forests [Report]
State-USUN [United States Mission to the United Nations] 0727-ECOSOC [United Nations Economic and Social Council] February 23, 1993
Stimulus Memos [1]
Stimulus Memos [2]
Strategic Environment Research and Development Program [1]
Strategic Environment Research and Development Program [2]
Strategic Environment Research and Development Program [3]
Studds Letter-NEPA [National Environmental Protection Act]-EDF [Environmental Defense Fund] v Massey February 2, 1993
Summit Invitees
[Superfund Hearing]
Superfund Reform Ideas
[Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program] [Loose]
[Talking Points for Interior Political Staff] [Loose]
Talking Points-Solien-11am-Congressional Briefing-Forest Summit March 17, 1993
Task Forces
[Technical Proposal for Exhibit Design Services for “Ocean Planet”] [Loose]
Technology Policy
Tecumseh Corporation
TVA [Tennessee Valley Authority] Fertilizer
Thatcher/London Ozone Conference
Theology and Environment-Summit Meeting Materials [1]
Theology and Environment-Summit Meeting Materials [2]
Tim Hutchinson
[Timber Conference-Leavenworth, Washington] [Loose]
[Timber Conference-Siskiyou County] [Loose]
[Timber Harvesting Options] [Loose]
[Timber Job Trends-Charts] [Loose]
[Timber Summit-Yew Tree Harvest] [Loose]
To Do Lists
Tom Daschle
Tom Harkin
Tongass National Forest
Tony Socci
Toxic Substances Rule
Transition Papers [1]
Transition Papers [2]
Transition Papers [3]
Transportation Department Comments on EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Bill S 171 March 3, 1993
Treasury Memo on GEF [Global Environmental Facility] for Rome Conference February 24, 1993
Twenty-Fifth Member
[United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners]
United Nations (Climate) [1]
United Nations (Climate) [2]
United Nations Climate Change Framework Session 5 [1]
United Nations Climate Change Framework Session 5 [2]
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] 1992 [1]
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] 1992 [2]
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] Agenda
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] Miscellaneous
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] Renewable Energy/Climate Change
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] Renewables
UNCED [United Nations Conference on Environment and Development] Resolution
UNDP [United Nations Development Programme]: Budget
UNEP [United Nations Environment Programme]-Preliminary Guidelines for Assessing Impacts of Climate Change
United Nations Organizations-PDD [Presidential Decision Directive]
[United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Research] [Loose]
USTR [United States Trade Representative] Comments on EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Bill S 171 February 25, 1993
USTR [United States Trade Representative]-NAFTA [North American Free Trade Agreement]-Draft Memos/Discussion Papers March 3, 1993
Update on the Lumber Market Situation- March 9, 1993 [Report]
Walden Woods/Don Henley
Wangari Maathai
[Washington State Counties and Communities-Coalitions for Forest Recovery] [Loose]
[Washington Wilderness Coalition] [Loose]
WTI [Waste Technologies Industries]-Applegate Amendment
WTI [Waste Technologies Industries]-Letter and Press Release December 7, 1992
WTI [Waste Technologies Industries] Pertinent
[Watershed and Salmon Habitat Protection] [Loose]
[Watershed Restoration Principles] [Loose]
Western Hemisphere Convention
[Weyerhaeuser Presentation-May 1993] [Loose]
White House Political and Communications Strategy for Forest Summit March 10, 1993
White House Structure [1]
White House Structure [2]
World Bank Appointments
Wyden Resolution Draft Regarding NACE [North American Commission on the Environment] February 18, 1993
Yamada/EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Letter-NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act] EDF [Environmental Defense Fund] v Massey February 26, 1993
Yanomami Massacre
Yucca Mountain [Folder 1]
Yucca Mountain [Folder 2]
[A-August 1993] [Loose]
[A-September 1993] [Loose]
[A-October 1993] [Loose]
[A-November 1993] [Loose]
[A-January 1994] [Loose]
[A-February 1994] [Loose]
[B-August 1993] [Loose]
[B-September 1993] [Loose]
[B-October 1993] [Loose]
[B-November 1993] [Loose]
[B-December 1993] [Loose]
[B-January 1994] [Loose]
[B-February 1994] [Loose]
[C-August 1993] [Loose]
[C-September 1993] [Loose]
[C-October 1993] [Loose]
[C-November 1993] [Loose]
[C-December 1993] [Loose]
[C-January 1994] [Loose]
[C-February 1994] [Loose]
[D-August 1993] [Loose]
[D-September 1993] [Loose]
[D-October 1993] [Loose]
[D-November 1993] [Loose]
[D-December 1993] [Loose]
[D-January 1994] [Loose]
[D-February 1994] [Loose]
[E-August 1993] [Loose]
[E-September 1993] [Loose]
[E-October 1993] [Loose]
[E-November 1993] [Loose]
[E-December 1993] [Loose]
[E-January 1994] [Loose]
[E-February 1994] [Loose]
[F-August 1993] [Loose]
[F-September 1993] [Loose]
[F-October 1993] [Loose]
[F-November 1993] [Loose]
[F-December 1993] [Loose]
[F-January 1994] [Loose]
[F-February 1994] [Loose]
[G-August 1993] [Loose]
[G-September 1993] [Loose]
[G-October 1993] [Loose]
[G-November 1993] [Loose]
[G-December 1993] [Loose]
[G-January 1994] [Loose]
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