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  • and the First Lady arrive Tulsa Convention Center and proceed to hold 9:30 am10:30 am SPEECH PREP ROOM 3A, THIRD LEVEL, TULSA CONVENTION CENTER Staff Contact: CLOSED PRESS 10:30 am11:15 am SPEECH to the opening plenary session on Health Care and Welfare
  • and Social P o l i c y , " e x p l o r i n g f e d e r a l and s t a t e roles i n h e a l t h and welfare reform. Sen. Moynihan i s scheduled t o speak a t 10:00 a.m.. Rep. Pomeroy (D-ND) a t 3:00 p.m., and Social Security Commissioner Chater a t 7:00 p.m
  • in Welfare Reform Peter Jennings Washington 0:20 6 Secret Settlement May Save Michael Jackson from Prosecution B i l l Redeker Los Angeles 2:05 7 Government Sues Hearing Aid Manufacturer over False Claims George^Strait ^Washington 1:40 8 NYNEX'to Cut 17,000
  • future they deserve," he said. of the State address that stressed tax cuts, welfare reform, gun control and tougher sentences for criminals. Approval Rating Low But the Republicans will also be If the 61-year-old Mr. Cuomo wins emphasizing Mr. Cuomo's
  • be covered. By ensuring universal coverage, the Health Security Act provides the necessary foundation for welfare reform. * Personal responsibility. The President's welfare refonn plan w i l l include i n i t i a t i v e s to prevent teen pregnancy, ensure
  • paying service job without defaulting on loans. —Legislation already submitted. —The proposed program applies to training programs and proprietary schools as well as 4 year colleges. -3- • Note: Welfare Reform should also provide extensive new training
  • tax would be from both parties have spent the last weeks cnticiz- used to supplement their wages. The tax credit takes ing the budget as too weak. Some then spent their the president partway to welfare reform. The idea is spare time weakening
  • . Welfare reform, community development Bruce Reed Child Welfare . C a r r o l Rascoe Cabinet A f f a i r s X6286 L a u r i e Labuda Intergovernmental A f f a i r s 7 060 Assistant t o the President Regina Montoya Deputy A s s i s t a n t s John H
  • to welfare reform that willjr give the poor a hand up, not a handout. I hope you w i l l join me in this part of the journey, too. In Conclusion [FLOWERY CONCLUSION NEEDED] 09/02/93 12:22 08/01/93 ND.104 18:00 Q CIO ^ SuffMtionB for PrMiteatUl Xaura
  • increase in the eamedincome tax credit that supplements their wages. That and a food stamp increase in the bill represent a first step toward the president's image of welfare reform. The bill would begin the restructuring of college student aid he has
  • surprising-agenda for the coming congressional session. At the top of his list: health care, welfare reform, crime, education and jobs. Clinton also vowed, read-mylips style, to veto any healthcare bill that doesn't guarantee universal coverage. Senate
  • . White House says Bosnia negotiated peace could take months. With Mid-East peace near, Hamas guns down 3 i n Gaza. Egyptian peacemaker k i l l e d i n ambush i n Mogadishu. Welfare reform could h u r t those i t wants to help. Budget cuts close successful
  • OR G A I N I S SUBJECT TO O R I G I N A L COPYRIGHT R E S T R I C T I O N S . WHITE HOUSE NEWS REPORT Friday, August 20, 1993 AP Daybook i 9:00 a.m. Continuation o f two-day regional p u b l i c meeting by the President's Working Group on Welfare
  • pm in tent. 3:20 pm3:30 pm MEETING OVAL OFFICE Staff Contact: Carol Rasco 3:30 pm4:45 pm WELFARE REFORM MEETING CABINET ROOM Staff Contact: Carol Rasco CLOSED PRESS 5:15 pm5:30 pm RADIO ADDRESS TAPING ROOSEVELT ROOM Staff Contact: Dave Anderson
  • CONVENTION CENTER 10:25 am THE PRESIDENT and the First Lady will be greeted by Gov. Campbell and Gov. Romer ROOM 3A, THIRD LEVEL, TULSA CONVENTION CENTER 10:30 am11:15 am SPEECH to the opening plenary session on Health Care and Welfare Reform ARENA, LOWER
  • , and the hospitals' mission i s to take care of everybody. * The President w i l l today address the nation's Governors on the c r i s i s they face, and on the pressing need for a state/federal partnership in addressing both health care reform and welfare reform
  • Foundation announce the formation of the Empowerment Network and release the group's r e p o r t on welfare reform. 708 HSOB. 1:30 p.m. The President p a r t i c i p a t e s i n t h e Labor Department's conference on employment programs. Omni Shoreham Hotel
  • a r i e s secret. R e a l i t y Check: the cost o f welfare reform. Eye on America: Aushwitz s u r v i v o r f i g h t i n g f o r r e p a r a t i o n s . NBC Nightly News 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Economic gains overshadowed by trade
  • with, a crime b i l l to deal with, welfare reform to deal with — a l l these things that have to be done, but can't be done u n t i l we f i r s t pass the economic plan. With that, I ' l l be glad to take as many questions as we can. Q Thank you, Mr. President
  • on national service and why he's moved forward on a l l the other i n i t i a t i v e s — on welfare reform, urban policy, that he was committed to i n the campaign. And we feel good about that. Q How do you defend permitting major corporations to opt out
  • in the House of Representatives, with its 38 votes, as well as the backing of a significant number of women in Congress. He conceded that he could not afford to lose those votes on important issues like his health plan and campaign and welfare reform, to say
  • one overriding goal — getting through the President's economic package - and thai everything they do and sav must be subordinated to and inlegraled with that objective. Instead, vou have welfare reform, campaign finance, health care, iravel office
  • in the fight for gun control and welfare reform. "But please, vote for Jim Florio for all the reasons America needs him. Re-elect Jim Florio." Mrs. Clinton spoke to a partisan crowd crammed into a pavilion at Garden State Park, the Camden County horse racing
  • initiative — welfare reform was for Mr, Carter. He proposed a $30 billion plan to shift from Aid to Families With Dependent Children and food, stamp assistance to a guaranteed job for all who could work and guaranteed annual incomes for those who could
  • , 'the Speaker of the House, Thorn is S. F*ley achieve success on his economic plan, of Washington, and other I emoci^tic Continued on Page B9, Column 5 and I will be there by his side on health: represenutives who suppor t the tnade care, education, welfare
  • because it elected them. won't drown everything else," hecare Administration offldala of treating said Procedural changes within ConAnd Mr. Rostenkowski said he welfare reform like "beH for tltettiv feared that too much AdministraUon bas," he said it waa
  • at once." worried one of the President's closest friends in the Government. "We've laid the intellectual framework for all sorts of major initiatives — national service, welfare reform, campaign finance, the budget, health care — but we don't quite have
  • " I Have a Dream" speech. AFL-CIO Headquarters. 9:00 a.m. S t a r t of two-day regional p u b l i c meeting by the President's Working Group on Welfare Reform, Family Support and Independence. P a r t i c i p a n t s include Bruce Reed and David
  • Washington on Monday a t t h e N o r f o l k Naval Base. (W. Times) WELFARE REFORM — The A d m i n i s t r a t i o n asked Congress t o postpone the e f f e c t i v e d a t e o f a law r e q u i r i n g s t a t e s t o f i n d j o b s o r j o b t r a i n i n
  • want to say i s , we need to bring the d e f i c i t down to zero. To do that, we have to pass health care reform. Then to make people more productive we need to pass our education b i l l and the welfare reform b i l l , and we need to pass a l o t