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- process, his use of expertise); Trieste; the Austrian State Treaty; the Suez conference; Anglo-American relations; the campaign controversy on "containment;" JFD as an administrator. [PAC] 24 pages. 1966 Open. 14. Barnes, Roswell P. (1901- ) - Clergyman
Articles - November 1999 [4]
- of the International Law Enforcement Academy of the West~rn Hemisphere at the deBremmond Training Center in Roswell, New Mexico; $35.8: million is earmarked for the Global Environment Facility. Total: $321 million . I
- as a sign of "good faitJ;1" in an effort to open negotiations with the Americans. Roswell McClelland, the US rept;esentativeofthe War Refugee Board in Switzerland, played along with the Nazi illusion that releasing some Jews might gain Himmler something
- ,New York, N. Y. ALBERT G. REDPATH, New York, R Y. Address all cOmmunications to Kent Hall, Columbia University, New York 27, N. Y.' 00 CONTTUDUTOIlS To THIS ISSUE ROSWELL MAGILL,A.R, 1916, Dartmouth College; J.D., 1920, University of Chicago; LL.D
- Report III p. 31. 11 I II • • • • • II II • II • II, II • 180 the War Refugee Board, Roswell D. McClelland. 75 Kasztner and dr:Billitz had ,already been in Switierland since October 29: Dr. Billitz (financier, ex-employee' of the Manfred Weiss