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  • , Kathleen. January 27, 1995. Memorandum to distribution. Stlbject: Implementation of the President's Northw~st Forest Plan. Thomas, Jack Ward. Rolland Schmitten. Mike Dombeck. Mollie Beattie. March 8, 1995. Memorandum. Subject: Consultation Timelines
  • Carolina School Meals/Small Farmers llnitiative Town Hall Meeting in Greenville, NC. • On Jan. 9, Assistant Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs Michael Dunn will attend the Local Producers and Schools Coming Together town hall meeting
  • is Doing is Right," The Durango flen,tid, April 14,2000 54. "Babbitt's Secret Growth-Control Plan," New Times, March 2-&, 2000 55. "On a Mission from God: Bruce Bahbitt and the Environment Movement: P~1l1 The Washington Post, November 23,1999 j
  • Backiel, Office ofthe ChiefEco!lomi:·;l: Jim Newby, Rural DCl'elopment; Michael Schechtman and Deb Hayes, Animal lind Plam Health Inspec/fotlS'crvice; Shannon Hamm, A1arkcting and Regulatory Programs; Linda Couvillion, Office ojBudget f.vui Program
  • on the application of NEPA. Michael Dombeck, Chief, U.S. Forest Service, testified. • On July 30, the House Agriculture Committee held a hearing on the "State ofthe Fann Economy." Secretary Glickman testified. • .On July 31, the Senate Agriculture Committee
  • will testify. • On May 7, thl~ House agriculture committee will hold a hearing to review the FY 1999 budget for the Forest Servi~e. Mike Dombeck, Chief, U.S .. Forest Service, will testify. • On May 7, tht~ House resources subcommittee on forests
  • Director USDC National Marine Fisheries Service Managemen~ Michael J. Spear HICHEA.L J. SPEAR RogioDal Director USDr Fish and Uildlife Service MAY~22-1995 18:87 Enclosures::!. (4) FROM WILDLIFE & FISHERIES TO 97284732 . P. 84 MAY-22
  • operations at Agropecuaria Nacional in Yauco, Puerto Rico, for SSOP system failures. On March 11, USDA stopped p"roduction at Sardinha Sausage, Inc., in Fall River, Massachusetts for SSOP system failures. • USDA Requests Recall of Suspect Meat: On March
  • ~ in .orlando, FL . .on Sunday, January 16, Under Secretary Catherine Woteki will attend a Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration agribusiness seminar, in Cambridge, MA. On Tuesday, January 18, Under Secretary Michael V. Dunn
  • , Project Lea,ler of Gray WolfEIS; ROGER KENNEDY, Director ofNationa! Park Service~ DANIEL GLICKMAN, SecretalY of Department of Agriculture; I MICHAEL DOMBECK, Chief Forester of United States Forest Service, in their official capacities; DEPARTMENT
  • :" March 14, 1996 3/14/96 Memo to Arkansas weeklies and dailies from Michael Gauldin, 001 Director of Communications forwarding camera-ready article "Arkansas, South Shows Nation How it's Done," by Bruce B,abbitt, Secretary ofthe Interior
  • of many in the the ma j 0 ritY 0 f I the em p loy e e s , are f air min d ed, i: and dedicated individuals. some management level employees have! 10 work force and destroying the Agency as a whole. 11 Added to this, 12 which may not be guilty
  • . Statement of Michael Penfold, Assistant Director, Land and Renewable Resources before the Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands, House Committee on Natural Resources, on Reforestation and Reinvestment on public lands and National Forests
  • solution should be pursued .. . Vice President and S~cretary Announce An~i-Plum Pox Effort: On June 29, the Vice President and Secretary Glickman announced that USDA is providing $13.2 million to compensate P A fruit growers for plum pox virus-related tree
  • James Lee -Win, -Director, -Federal-Emergency Management Agency Michael Dombeck, Director, U.S. Forest Service . We thank you in advance for the opporrunity to discuss this proposal with you. -I can be reached 011 202·208-4203. ~ Sincerely, Jo Berry
  • . . On March 24, Deputy Secretary Rominger will address the 132nd Charter Anniversary and Alumna of the Year ceremony at the University of California in San Francisco, CA. On Tuesday, March 21, Under Secretary Michael V. Dunn accompanied Secretary Glickman
  • , Idaho. McGinty, Kathleen. January 27, 1995. Memorandum to distribution. Subject: Implementation of the President's Northwest Forest Plan. Thomas, Jack Ward. Rolland Schmitten. Mike Dombeck. MoHie Beattie. March 8, 1995. Memorandum. Subject
  • a"d photographs from tile slg"lng ceremo"y are tWaUable 0" tJr.e I",ntor web site lI"der "ews releases.' hlfP:/Iw....... do/.'ol' For more I"for'".allo" p{elUe co"tacl: Bllna" of {"dla" A/Jaln: Nedra Darling (101) 108-4/51 Trlba: JIIff Malo" (54
  • and negative effects of changes in federal forest policies will be unevenly felt, even within affected communities. CHAPTER 6 P:'oviding Economic ,A.ssiStZlnCe Table 9-Mr.jor land uses ft.r metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties in the region' Total 1
  • Sentfle and laID OIls job" • Iblnk. a It'SII parlilan . adIoGI auPdle!, alVlcwtural re­ pmpet.tlve SlId approub, Md I!f\ ~ II!8IdI lind 'ood salet.\'. nlJll'ltroP 'approach ilia! IrIes to worle wlltJ (J\ 'p!'O(p'iIIlIlI end soli roa!Im'atJon. Republlaue
  • for Arkansas weeklies and dailies, I hope you will consider publishing it. Sincerely, ~/-;: C·rs--', -~"~ " ~ Michael Gauldin Director of Communications U.S. Department of the Interior Enclosure • Endangere
  • . . c'trVifM hc~~ "'1 fv .~.. !-kiPtt P""{jki tt-n de)£L p~ ] (/U'l 'fl'--~ tv
  • a in I yap p r e:c i ate it. I would appreciate getting your card. 14 (Applause.) 15 MR. JOHNSON: 16 We will follow up. Reverend:: Hill and then Early Monroe.' REVEREND HILL: 17 Secretary, members of the " It is a· pleasure to have
  • [History of USDA - Archival Documents - Chapter 10:00 Oral History Videotapes & Transcripts Mike Dombeck]
  • ORAL HISTORY MIKE DOMBECK CHIEF, FOREST SERVICE . USDA 00:00:19:19 Q: Today is November 30th of the year 2000, I'm Larry Qu.inn with the Office of Communications at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Washington and today we're talking with Mike
  • - - - - : Audiovisual Collection : Book Collection : N[useum Collection _ _ _~~: Other-Specify ---"---~ '---~--- Medialbescripti()n: 18 videotapes; Mike Dombeck - Chief, ForestService; Ken Ackerman -- Administrator, Risk Management Agency, 12/5/00; Rosalind
  • - - - - : Audiovisual Collection : Book Collection : N[useum Collection _ _ _~~: Other-Specify ---"---~ '---~--- Medialbescripti()n: 18 videotapes; Mike Dombeck - Chief, ForestService; Ken Ackerman -- Administrator, Risk Management Agency, 12/5/00; Rosalind
  • roclmologics to ~ iIllrO
  • · Growth Forest, the Pacific Northwest, or it's wetlands in the Dakotas, the Chesapeake Bay region on the East. 00:19:25:07 P~op1e care passionately about their places and that leads to a passionate ~ia1og and controversy. economics comes into play
  • understand the Congress and le9islative process and also allowed me to make lots of, friends on Capitol Hill which was p~rticularly help~ul in dealing with all the problems we faced here. 00:02:02:11 LQ: Sb you were on the Committee and led a lot
  • , Forest Service Chief MIke Dombeck at the Outdoor Wnters Association of America annual conference here. The BLM manages nine national conservation areas and seven national monwnents. The designations are similar. Activities such as hwuing. grazing
  • , as well as the other initiatives contained iI1 the FYOO budget. • Forest Service to Protect Land from Mining: In a speech February 4 at the University ofMT, Forest Service Chief Dombeck announced that he has taken steps to withdraw forest lands along
  • of the judge's ru.t. a ing, including portions that coold apply greater mviroruntntal scruti­ ny to mountaintop mining opm:. tiona. but disagreed that the p~ d~ should be curt..aiIed ent:irdy. The ad.mlnistration also argued ,bat the rourt emd wbm it ru.Ied
  • , in Detroit, MI. • On June 9, Under Secretary Lyons will address the Keep America Growing Conference, . in Philadelphia, P A. • On June 9, Under Secretary Long Thompson will address the 25 th Annual Silver Celebration of the Federal Women's Program
  • Programs Michael Dunn:. • July 30 -- Naltional Animal Damage Control advisory committee, Washington, DC. • August 1 -- Animal Damage Control Research Cent~r, Sandusky, OH. • August 12 -- Annual Birdstrike Meeting, Boston, MA. • August 18-20
  • , Office of Civil Rights Ken Ackerman, Administrator, Risk Management Agency Mike Dombeck, Chid, Forest Service Kathleen Merrigan, Administrator, Agricultural Marketing Service Joel Berg, Director, Coordinator of Food Security (and USDA AmeriCorps Program