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  • in the development of trade-related infrastructure and NATL' ECONOMIC COUNCIL .. !41 018/040 9 institutional foundations, many of which are critical for a flourishing trade regime. In this regard, we support the commitment of the Bank to. provide sustained
  • of the admini.stration who are here-- Secretary Summers; Gene Sperling, my National Economic Council, who has done so much to develop the New Markets Initiative; Aida Alvarez of the SBA; and Jack Lew, Director of the Office of Management and Budget. We all know why we're
  • on their cars. Both car entries qualified for the June 13, 1998 Northeast Junior Solar Race Championship sponsored by the Northeast Sustainable Energy Assoc;iation (NESEA). This contest will be held at Unity Park, Turners Falls, MA (Next to Greenfield). Other
  • -Tentative China_event with POTUS and former Presidents 30 - Committee for Economic Development & World Affairs Council of Northern CA Corporate Luncheon, San Francisco, CA Speaker: TBD 31 ~ -Daley: Speaker at the Nat'l Press Club - Barshefsky
  • hindering the other. 1\ 1 is . Conclusion :~, \ 1 The chorus for a, new growth policy is, growing. According to a joint MIT/Council on Corl petitiveness report: "The capacity of.the U.S. to both develop ne"Y technology and to use it Js a source
  • \'" Final12/10/99 11:30am Jeff. Shesol PRESIDENT WILLIAM J .. CLINTON RADIO ADDRESS ON FOOD SAFETY . LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS . December 11, 1999 Good morning. The holidays are upon us; and across our nation families and friends are . gathering to celebrate
  • to be 81111ounced, to address the developing countries' vaccine needs: . ~.. ~tbag IJrltiadve!/Proposab~ Worltl.Biutk President 'Wtilfensoh" wrote the G-Sleaders prior to the Cologne SwDmit ·. urging them to: (I) reinforce the political cOmmitment to preventing
  • ). We are also seeking to ensure that environmental issues get full consideration throughout the course of negotiations, including through Ministerial De aration language establishing sustainable development as a negotiating objective and through
  • reserved. . . I·.· 2 of2 5/16/2000 5:29PM I . Melissa M. Murray Record Type: To: 05/02/2000 03:20:25 PM Record See the distribution list at the bottcim of this message cc: Subject: remarks of the President to Council of the Americas 30th
  • trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information j(a)(4) of the PRAJ PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRAJ P6 Release would constitute a clearly
  • President's Export Council Reagan Bldg. 11/10/98 [2]
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: OA/ID Number: 19944 FolderiD: Folder Title: President's Export Council Reagan Building 11110/98 [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 6 9 2 I ' • ' ' ' I ; ' I' : I
  • housing more available and mortgages more affordable. We've worked hard to build up other services that are important to economic development, especially in education. And I want to say another word about one of the Vice President's favorite projects
  • ~. President of MIT; Alexander d' Arbeloff, [DAR-bel-off] Chairman of the Corp.; Dr. Paul~. Honorary Chairman of the Corp.; members of the Corporation; members of the faculty; Geoffrey Coram, President of Graduate Student Council; Senior Class President Salman
  • in. developing, producing and distributing the PSAs to help bridge the digital divide. As stated above, the Kaiser Family Foundation, represented by President and CEO Drew Altman, will develop, produce and distribute public service announcements to help motivate
  • poised to approve the African Growth and Opportunity Act--one of the principal pillars of the President's strategy to deepen the partnership between our two regions and stimulate investment, economic development, and poverty reduction in Afiica. e
  • of Housing and Urban Development. The vouchers will be used to help families move closer to a new job, reduce a long commute, or secure more stable housing so they can perform better on the job. The President's budget will also increase Access to Jobs
  • to innovate. · ,. Sources of Innovative Advantage: Sector Snapshots The Council's R&D Advisory Committee examined global developments in five· industry sectors with a view towards current competitiveness trends, innovation needs and 'priorities. and strengths
  • COUNCIL GALA NtA.~tM~\ ~ 0 \\~tn\_ {h.;)Cufl/" ~SIIQRIHN\~r WASHINGTON, DC October 13, 1999 ( fx utt.t' 1'- iN ~ &
  • Communications Commission should adopt an "e-rate" under the Telecommunications Act of 1996 that would make a basic level of internet access free to schools; o Mitchell Kapor, who served on the President's National Information · Infrastructure Advisory Council
  • is responsible for developing and implementing secure and efficient methods to manage rhe federal government's cash flows. Note: The information in this release is a Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure, as defined in the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure
  • since he has been president and refused to take responsibility for any problem which has developed here at home since he became president. (Applause.) I agree with him about one thing. The choice in"this election is clear. For 20 years, going across
  • with international environmental organizations. 1·../ . ~.finally, we should ensure. that our efforts include developing countries, and strengthen embrgmg democracies. In Seattle and beyond, let us be guided by the vision of President Frarlidin Roosevelt, who said
  • Commencement 6/5/98 - Research and Development
  • •l1flf011rmation AgeL 'A One ot'the most important roles for government in sustaining the Information Revolution is to invest in long-term research and development, particularly at our world-Class universities. Many of the most important innovations that are now
  • statute l(a)(3) of the PRAI Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial" or financial information l(a)(4) of the PRAI PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(S
  • Granholm Mayor Dennis Archer Wayne County Executive Edward McNamara Representative Kwame Kilpatrick City Council President Gil Hill William Halling, President, Detroit Economic Club Detroit Airport Representative TBD January 8, 1999 (12:13am) Friday
  • New Opportunity EITC [ Earned Income Tax Credit] - DLC [Democratic Leadership Council] 1/12/00 - New Opportunity Speech EITC Rollout 1/12/00 [1]
  • --~--~~~~~~----------~------------~-----=--~--~~--~~~--Fo r Immediate Release January 12, 2000 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT TO THE DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Dorothy Betts Marvin Theatre George Washington University Washington, D.C. 1:45 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Well, first of all, I think we
  • 2 . . . .N:etwoats -National Research CoUncil's Computer·Science and Technology Board Some MIT Activities: Established the Robert Metcalfe Professorship Fund in 1986, and today · Dean Rosalind Williams is Metcalfe Professor of Writing. Development
  • assistance for small Noting that businesses faced numerous forms asking for similar information, the Kansas State Rural Development Council of the. National Rural Development Pirrtnership (NRDP) worked together with federal and state agencies to create
  • New Markets 7/99 Remarks by Johnson [Lyndon] on Development [2]
  • . The Federal government should not stand aloof from their efforts. The governor of Ohio has advised me that his State which was originally tendered an invitation by the Council of , Appalachian · Governors and the President's Appalachian Regional Commission
  • that, to date, the contractor had reviewed only five plans of the 11 systems behind schedule. Despite uneven progress, agencies are now focusing their efforts on developing solid contingency plans and continuity ofbusiness plans. As the President's Council
  • the driving idea behind the White House Millenniwn Council that the President and I have established. Most of us, if you are like me, are having a hard time getting used to writing the nwnbers 1999 and have been doing a lot of changing eights into nines
  • to be more excited and it changes every day. No one day is the same. I wake up every morning not knowing what's going to happen. (Laughter.) THE PRESIDENT: It is like our job. (Laughter.) Q I'm competing with maybe hundreds of thousands of developers
  • ) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA] C. Closed
  • President's Export Council Reagan Bldg. 11/10/98 [1]
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: OAIID Number: 19944 FolderiD: Folder Title: President's Export Council Reagan Building 11/10/98 [ 1] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 6 9 2 . . . REVISED Revised Final 11
  • disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRAI PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA[ P6 Release would constitute
  • was the 1972 Democratic nominee for President and currently is the U.S. Representative to the UN Food and Agricultural Organization, where developing a plan to address the food needs of 500 million people-- half the world's underfed --by 2015. Senator
  • . ' ------------- ------------ '. END 12:55 P.M. EST 2/23/00 Final Orzulak PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON REMARKS TO THE BUSINESS COUNCIL " ON CHINA WASHINGTON, DC. ·FEBRUARY 24, 2000 . Acknowledgments: Ralph Larsen; Phil Cassidy; Cindy Cassidy; ladie.s and gentlemen: earlier
  • Forward to Public Papers of the President - Pres. Forward
  • of mass destruction. This year, four decades after it was first proposed by President Eisenhower, a comprehensive nuclear test ban is within reach. By ending nuclear testing we can help to prevent the development of new and more dangerous weapons and make
  • assistance to make the transition from welfare to work and $75 million to assist-states and localities in developing flexible transportation alternatives, such as van services. For FY 2000, the President announced that he will propose an additional $1 billion
  • funding for our most critical military needs, including weapons procurement and modernization, ~esearch and development, and importantly, a much needed pay raise for our men and women in uniform. I had proposed the first sustained increase in defense
  • cast of automotive characters. DaimlerChrysler agreed to sell the land. Ford · agreed to develop it. Mackie, the Canadian half of the joint venture, is chaired by F. Alan Smith, a foriner General Motors executive vice president and chief financial
  • to be active in the South End," explains Michael Critelli, Chairman and CEO. In the past cou~l~ of ·years, Pitney Bowes has refocused its efforts to meet specific needs of its community, as articulated and developed in town meetings, councils, and civic groups
  • the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition
  • of this budget team. The President created a National Economic Council six years ago to make sure that we functioned as a team, that we all work together, and this is the seventh budget that has been put forward with Jack Lew's leadership, the OBM Director's
  • , 1998 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT {Jltp)-~ -;et~A- o/~ ~ ~~~~ 7-~(tt)? CC: THE VICE PRESIDENT FROM: 11VIIT COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS- TECHNOLOGY TRP\INING FOR RE: tf[AEHERsj .. ·. ~ Summary: A proposed major theme of your MIT speech is providing
  • THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON ~..w,~'· ..~· l i ""·l·.. !.. . Nanda Chitre ·'""'//-"' 06/30/2000 11 :39:08 AM Record Type: Record To: cc: Subject: 6/30/00 Remarks By the President to American Federation of Federal, State, County and Municipal Employees
  • be a part of this. Thank you, Mike Dombeck and Jim Lyons. And I'd also like to thank my main environmental adviser, George Frampton, who runs our:Council on Sustainable Development, Environmental Quality, for being here. I'd like to thank the representatives
  • 1 (by Yvette) 8 .2 minutes Acknowledgments President Clinton Senator Dale Bumpers Senator Tim Hutchinson Congressman Asa Hutchinson Administrator Jane Garvey John Paul Hammerschmidt - Chairman, NW Arkansas Council Stan Green ~ Chairman, NW Arkansas
  • President's Cup Golf Tournament 10/18/00
  • Want to learn more about. The Presidents Cup .was developed to give the world's best non-European players upcoming Delta Golf an opportunity to compete in international team match-play competition .. promotions and offers? Fill out a passenger profile
  • and maintaining the world's most open major market, America has sustained the world's highest real per capita incomes . . • Average real wages in the U.S. economy have grown 63% under. President Clinton, and grew by 2.7% in 1998 -the fastest aruiual growth in over
  • BOX #3 1. President's Export Council Reagan Building 11110/98 2. Adoption Day 11124/98 3. First Lady- Louis Armstrong House 12/3/98 4. WH Social Security Conference 12/8/98 '--- 12/9/98 5. Y2KJ Social Security 12/28/98 6. Long Term Care 114/99 7
  • of obscurity ne. TI1is project is designed to restore the $ite and develop it into a premier learning center dedicated to enhancing 1ding of Abra."tam Lincoln's presidency and his extra.ordinuy intellectual legacy. AnderSOn Cotta~e was built in 1842-43
  • New Opportunity EITC [ Earned Income Tax Credit] - DLC [Democratic Leadership Council] 1/12/00 - New Opportunity Speech EITC Rollout 1/12/00 [3]
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: OAIID Number: 19947 FolderiD: Folder Title: New Opportunity EITC [Earned Income Tax Credit] - DLC [Democratic Leadership Council] 1/12/00- New Opportunity Speech EITC Rollout 1/12/00 [3] Stack
  • advocate: for the arts-- serving on the National Council on the Arts and as president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. 10 Today, he tours America in a one-man show, sharing memories with fans who still consider him the "handsomest man
  • \ .. :' ..-.~ ... THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON ) ~t- ~w~ ~·~;-;~ ~~ ,tpad( ~ 4~ ~~· ~ . Tfhlt ~. . F0!t&hz! ~ F . .· ~ 4'-tfU IIYIF ~~~~---'' ·~4+-r~· ·· Draft 04/30/98 8:00am PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKSONTHEECONOMY THE WHITE HOUSE April 30, 1998
  • Forward to Public Papers of the President - Foreward - Pres. Papers [2]
  • : Speech writing Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: 24501 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: Forward to Public Papers of the President -Forward -Pres. Papers [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 6 11 1 'I
  • Chat1ottes'oille, Virginia, President Bush and the nation's governors agree to set performance goals for the nations schools. _ 1990 1994 Coalitions of teachers aned professional societies develop standards in · science, history, geography, English, art
  • bd5e46tb5bc658357 dbf5e4 7e87 ce: Search - 567 Results.- president w/2 reagan and legacy ' . Source: All Sources: News: News Group File, All Terms: president w/2 reagan 'and legacy and date(geq (10/1/1988} and leq (2/1/1989}} (Edit Search) · The Record, January
  • THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary (St. Louis, Missouri) August 8, For Immediate Release 1999 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT TO THE NATIONAL GOVERNORS' ASSOCIATION Adam's Mark Hotel St. Louis, Missouri 2:25 P.M. COT THE PRESIDENT: Thank you so much
  • ... S72T9SF80&SLUG=CLINTON%2dGOVERNORS .... -- ... ' ...'.L• FEBRUARY 28, 11:11 EST Clinton Pledges To Work With Govs By ANNE GEARAN Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON (AP) - President Clinton, who takes considerable credit for the nation's current economic
  • :15pm · JeffShesol' PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS TO STUDENTS OF COLUMBINE HIGH SCHOOL DAKOTA RIDGE HIGH SCHOOL · JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO May 20,.1999 Acknowledgments: the First Lady; Jon DeStefano, Jefferson County School Board Pres., Dr
  • Co-operation and Development OLIS Dist. 10-Apr-1998 14-Apr-1998 OCDE IS Or. Eng. CQUNCll.. Council at Ministerial Level, 27-28 April1998 TECHNOLOGY, PRODUCTIVITY AND JOB CREATION BEST POLICY PRACTICES IDGHLIGHTS Note by the Secretary-General
  • advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors ]a)(S) of the PRAl P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ](a)(6) of the PRAI C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's
  • would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors Ja)(S) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy l(a)(6) of the PRAJ C. Closed in accordance
  • advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors ja)(S) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy l(a)(6) of the PRAI C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's
  • concerns over denial of internationally recognized worker rights in China. President Jiang and I announced a dialogue on labor issues in June 1998 that addresses core labor standards, labor law, and development of soCial· !· ,. I i I I I I I I
  • ) of the PRAJ Release would violate a Federal statute j(a)(3) of the PRAJ Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information j(a)(4) of the PRAJ PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his
  • in research and defense transformations. We've invested in new technologies, and we've invested in environmental protection and sustainable development. And I will say, · parenthetically, the. great challenge of your age will be to prove that we can bring
  • /09/99 02:50:11 PM Record Jeffrey A. Shesoi/WHO/EOP cc:' Subject: 1998-10-15 President's remarks at Conference on School Safety see paras in bold ---------------------- Forwarded by Richard Socarides/WHO/EOP on 05/09/99 02:48 PM
  • . "When the econ9my is this strong, it raises rents. For those people who are on fixed incomes, they have an affordability crisis." President Bill Clinton announced the new Federal Housing and Urban Development grants Saturday during his weekly radio
  • violate a Federal statute [(a)(3) of the PRA( Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA( PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between
  • · Office of the Press Secretary ·For Immediate Release September 18, 1998 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AND THE FIRST LADY AT THE WHITE HOUSE MILLENNIUM EVENING LECTURE SERIES The East Room 7:30 P.M. EDT MRS. CLINTON: Good evening and welcome to the White
  • and staple crops such as maize ($351. AFSC fosters sustainable local economies 'and promotes justice around the world. Thars our gift as Quakers. Please help us do the job by sending your gift. American Friends Service Committee Development Office, 1501
  • . [ "'---' f\1\ .._ -\u ' c.. \ -- l?~ l ~q)lf ~~-p~~~ I vR£ ~ ~(M-#-) ?'fiZ~ M,n-f-r? 176110 } Page 1 of8 •I THE WHITE HOUSE ·Office of the Press Secretary (Ottawa, Canada) · For Immediate Release February 23, 1995 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT
  • or financial information j(a)(4) of the PRAj PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors ja)(S) of the PRAj P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy j(a)(6
  • TO COUNCIL OF JEWISH FEDERATIONS TELECONFERENCE 7:21P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. And, ladies and gentlemen, I have been told that · because I was a few moments late, that Dore Gold filled ·in me, and that's a pretty good substitute. I want to thank
  • [(a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA] b(l
  • ASSOCIATES Ill 002 MILLENNIUM OFFICE ID 2023930151 PACOE Memorandum DATE! February 24. 1998 TO: FROM; Ellen McCulloch~ Lovell Event Proposal; Childhood Development and Arts and M-qsic in th~ Schools The President and the First Lady have already
  • /98 2:00pm Jeff Shesol PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS ON APPROPRIATIONS BILLS THE WHITE HOUSE October 5, 1998 \' " ' From the very beginning of our efforts to create this . .. . ' J American economic renaissance, Congressman Gephardt
  • : s 91 6 8 2 '·- - - _j, Record Type: To: Record· See the distribution list at the bottom of this message cc: Subject: 2000 02/24 POTUS remarks on China/WTO to Business Council THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary ±:uary_2_4_
  • support. Starting with access to important resources like the Council of Better Business Bureaus and the National Charities Information Bureau, and tapping into the GuideStar® database of more than 620,000 public charities, users can make informed
  • information J(a)(4) of the PRAI PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors Ja)(S) of the PRAJ P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy J(a)(6) of the PRAJ
  • statute [(a)(3) of the PRAI Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRAI PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S
  • . The Vice President and I have proposed record funding for public transit and Better America bonds to help communities grow in ways that ensure a clean environment and strong, sustainable economic development. Third, we. must clean up the 40 percent of our
  • would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRAI C. Closed in accordance
  • and freedom fro_m government red tape for you to attract new investment. And we are establishing a network of community development financial institutions to infuse our cities with capital. It's very interesting to me -- I discovered when I became President
  • or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: 19943 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: School Modernization 10/13/98 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 6 9 3 K-E THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN 1o - ,3 -w Finall0/13/98 10:45am
  • commercial or financial information l(a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
  • disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors ]a)(S) ofthe PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ](a)(6) of the PRA] C. Closed in accordance with restrictions
  • . The I tion to be mel Council Preside Galvin as Vice 4 Robert /1 execut Ill. J-1, was n: and b< cer in Honor ation outsta1 of the the U1 sity of Appoi Institl ]une2 The I tion to a meml tice Ad· for the vember Samuel She i Univers consult: ment. P
  • Bob Georgine of the Building and Trades council of the AFL-CIO for serving on that commisison. And this year, I have acted, within my power as President, to extend these rights. Since February, we've extended the protections in the Patients bill
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: OA/ID Number: 19945 FolderiD: Folder Title: USA Accts. [Universal Savings Account] 4/14/99- US Accounts [2] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 6 8 3 Today, President Clinton
  • PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS ON RETIREMENT SECURITY FOR WOMEN THE WHITE HOUSE October 27, 1998 Acknowledgments: VP; Sec. Herman; the panelists; ~ the satellite audience at 12 sites across· America Six years ago, when I became President, I
  • in accomplishment. Developed Conscience of Nation http://www. was hi style/museums/edde/hardi ilgtex t. htm 12/22/1999 Text of President Harding's Address at Lincoln Memorial Dedication Page.2 of 6 The supreme chapter
  • ? · -·.:.- ·,. _,._ ..-, ~ . :. .--·~ . ,· r" .,. ..... · · · · .......... UP· CLOSE BY JAMES TRAUB :\ ' ·, " '":'o· .c-. ~ g:·. \.;_, _: ~0 ·'. At Queens College, Shaking Up Is Hard to Do The president of the school has some revolutionary ideas to transform his campus
  • , money for teacher training and more money to develop a master teacher program. It focuses on ~m~~ffi"e'::i::'ontit:~c):ci~~i:o:oi&.t:the_\/olur.daty.::n-atio.naLt.eJ>i/ @e&,eJ0'!5'rn1i"e:rat?;for.,8t~~~:;-4ttl"graae7eaaing.: .. , 7 I know that later
  • toward the students. THE PRESIDENT: I agree with that. But what happens if all of that still doesn't work because young people at some point develop a whole other life? .1 mean, when you look at what is apparently the fact here, these -- they created
  • commercial or financial information ((a)(4) of the PRA[ PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S) of the PRAJ P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal
  • advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) ofthe PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRAI C. Closed in accofdance with restrictions contained in do~or's
  • ~~~~~~~~--------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ J/9/QQ g;QQ }'J:l+l: Or:eulak/ ~B@SQl @Gits3/7/00 12:30 p.m. Orzulak PRESIDENT WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON REMARKS TO JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ADVANCED INTERNATIONAL STUDIES ON CHINA WASHINGTON, DC ~EBIUJARYMARCH 8, 2000 I want to thank
  • trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRAl PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRAl P6 Release would constitute a clearly
  • the WTO fulfill its responsibility to see that the benefits of trade are shared as broadly as possible. These involve promoting respect for workers' rights; supporting environmental protection and sustainable development; and pursuing institutional reforms
  • standards of living, to expand the production of arid trade in goods and services and to promote sustainable development I intend to devote · all my efforts to ensuring that we live up to that promise." Last tlpdatcd: 01.09.1999 . . Send comments
  • knowledge. · , Said MIT's Charles M. Vest in his 1997 annual report: "Working together, universities, industry, and governments can find ways to sustain a sound environment and economy." , · The Endless Frontier in the 21st Century In 1944, President
  • in Seattle, Washington on November 30th. The President noted that we have participated in eight such rounds over the past 50 years-- and that during that period the world has experienced the most rapid, sustained period of economic growth ever recorded
  • to be about jobs and development. I want it to raise working conditions for all ' our people and advance our shared goal of sustainable development. 5 ' _By breaking down barriers to trade, by leveling the playing field, we will give more work~rs
  • . Working closely with our private sector, we can help developing countries use the Internet to broaden the circle of economic opportunity. II. Background • In an October 12, 1998 address to the International Telecommunications Union, Vice President Gore
  • ." That is the approach I have pursued as President. And that is the approach that is working - through EZs and ECs, a stronger CRA, and CDFis. - 1 I • • The Enterprise Corporation of the Delta (ECD), aprivate, tax-exempt business development group, is one of those
  • should not have to go without the medicine they so desperately need.] 2 ~· . _. .. .. More generally, the new round should promote sustainable development in the places where poverty arid hunger still stoke despair. We know that countries that have
  • enrich all our lives if there were a thousand more "Cyberabads" in the developing world - if we unleashed the potential of half of humanity. [For almost eight years now, I have had the privilege to serv.e as President of the United States. I have had what
  • to the President Betty Monkman, White House Curator Jeff Shesol, Presidential Speechwriting . / Malcolm Richardson, White House Millennium Council From: Ellen McCulloch Lovell Deputy Assistant to the President and Advisor to the First Lady on the Millennium Date: 6
  • with the proposed Trade and Development Act of 2000, formalizes U.S. government policy in this area .. It also directs other steps to be taken to address the spread of HIV and·AIDS in Africa, one of the worst health crises the world faces. ~·~ ~~ As you know
  • of tornadoes, wildfires, etc.) • Vi~tual I "anchor desks" that allow crisis officials to use remote computers inf ormation, and human expertise. 1 I B. Admi~istration Record/Agenda • Vide President has encouraged development of Global Disaster
  • : Narrowing the Digitan Divide. Some have proposed that the President cover a wide range of themes related to the challenges and opportunities of the Information Age, including privacy, productivity growth, anti-trust enforcement, commercial development
  • Development. · . . • The House version of the Higher Education Act cuts all federal fimds to the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards • House appropriations committee cut the President's budget request for Eisenhower by $50 million; bilingual ed
  • WTO [World Trade Organization] Seattle Agenda - DLC Gala 10/13/99 - Developing Countries 5
  • , in many least developed countries, the financial burden posed by debt has made growth very difficult. This was the chief concern many African governments raised with us at the US-Africa Ministerial this spring. And thus President Clinton has challenged our
  • , and retention program for its development near the Meadowlands. 3 THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN lc-,i-q
  • to read about every place we go. But I think it would be interesting for you to know the note I got on Regency House here: Sarah Beaner is the president of the Residency Council; Kenneth Brown is the past president and is now serving as the vice president
  • , Glickman & Slater; Sen. Durbin; Reps. Jerry Costello, Clyburn, Kanjorski; Mayor Debra Powell; Jesse Jackson; Jackee Joyner Kersee; Mel Farr; Dave Bernauer, President, Walgreens; Dick Huber, CEO, Aetna; Cathy Bessant, Bank of America Community Development
  • advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors ]a)(S) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ](a)(6) of the PRA] b(l) National security classified information ](b)(I
  • ; Administrator Jane Garvey of FAA; John Paul Hammerschmidt, chairman of NW Ark. Council; Stan Green, chairman ofNW Ark. Regional Airport Authority; Peter Bowler, Pres. of American Eagle; Alice and Helen Walton : It was 42 years ago that President Eisenhower
  • to each handgun sale from a federally licensed firearms dealer. Increasing Gun Prosecutions. President Clinton directed the Secretary of the Treasury and Attorney General to develop a national strategy to increase gun prosecutions and further reduce gun
  • the distribution list at the bottom of this message cc: Subject: 1998-06-22 President's Remarks Upon Departure • '. , k THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary , For Immediate Release · June 2~, 1998 STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT UPON DEPARTURE Outside
  • REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT SCHOOL SAFETY EVENT The Grand Foyer 2:09P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, Superintendent Berg; Madam Attorney General; Senator Robb, thank you so much for your efforts. Congressman Castle, thank you. Mayor Donnelly
  • THE PRESIDENT: Thank you so much.· Welcome to t~e White House. Thank you for the good work you've been doing. I want to thank all the people who are responsible .for this reception. I than,k my C~binet members and the members of Congress for coming. I welcome
  • commercial impact, but we also view it as an important signal of China's commitment and desire to engage in the global community and one of its most important institutions." [Council Press Release, 11115/99] National Association of Manufacturers President
  • with 44 U.S.C. 2201(3). RR. Document will be reviewed upon request. Draft 07/07/99 12:00pm JeffShesol PRESIDENT Wll..LIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS TO THE 15th ANNUAL NATIONAL ACADEMY FOUNDATION INSTITUTE FOR STAFF DEVELOPMENT ANAHEIM Hll..TON AND TOWERS
  • an extraordinarily positive development for our country and for the world. .. · · Biotechnology and the Human Genome Project 5 of9 4/4/2000 4:25 PM alan%20greenspan%5D%5D%5D&x=Advanced&2.0 Document , Q. Mr. President
  • .---------------------------------- .. .. THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN . . . .. . . '' '-....~ . .. ;~ 2-- 7-00 ' ' Draft 02/05/00 I 2:00pm· . . ·~ ' ;00 FEB 5PHi:05 ' Cc;. ·Jeff Shesol' .!Jpced,Wr; f;n; '•,' PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON ' . ' REMARKS ON THE F.Y 2001 BUDGET · THE WHITE
  • government; and (3) initiatives or legislation that are designed to target specific aspects of the privacy problem (e.g. medical records, kids, companies that develop "electronic dossiers" on millions of Americans). The President could also dicuss the need
  • called dent, I reflected, as I am sure he did, once upon to govern has been one of the great again on the answer to that question. sustaining strengths of America. President Johnson sometimes used to I believe this has been true because the comment
  • by Audrey Choi/OVP on 01/12/99 03:51 PM--------------------------- Record Type: To: Record Audrey Choi/OVP cc: Subject: Re: VP's speeches on Crime Tech ~ D D D CRIMTECH.O CRIMEMAP.D CRIMTECH.5 REMARKS BY VICE PRESIDENT GORE LAW EN'FOR,C~EMENT
  • where they haven't always existed: With important economies and enormous markets like China. With developing nations. Between government and industry ... labor and management. .. community leaders and ordinary citizens. · In the streets outside
  • 'on the wage gap between men and women. · .. , A Continuing Need To Address The Wage Gap. T,he President will release the results of a .Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) report showing that the gender gap in wage earnings has closed .29 percent since 1963
  • an historic trade.agreement that will open Chinese markets to American goods and hold the Chinese government to international trade rules. Moreover, the President secured resources from Coq.gress to leverage over $90 billion of debt relief to developing
  • . The benefit was established.after Lake AssoCiates, Inc.'s first employee raised the issue of child care with President Diane Lustenader. Together, they developed the bonus premium, which now applies to all employees. Ms. Lus.tenader, who spends less than
  • [Chief of Staff] 10/20/98 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 6 11 1 Draft 10/19/98 9:00pm JeffShesol CHIEF OF STAFF JOHN PODESTA REMARKS UPON APPOINTMENT. October 20, 1998 · Thank you, Mr. President; Erskine. It has been my great
  • Presidential Records Speech writing Jeff Shesol Subseries: OA/ID Number: 19942 FolderiD: Folder Title: Econ. Statement Press Conf. 4/30/98 Economic Statement Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 6 fO 1 PRESIDENT CLINTON'S ECONOMIC
  • of Economics, attended 1950-51; Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Ph.D. 1961 MILITARY SERVICE Navy, 1944-47; Naval Reserve, 1947-66 CAREER Professor; writer POLITICAL HIGHLIGHTS Sought Democratic nomination for N.Y. City Council president. 1965
  • 06/11/98 3:30pm Jeff Shesol . THE PiU.SUJttH HKS $tEN . CvD-q~ ' ·, PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. 'CLINTON RADIO ADDRESS ·ON CHILDREN AND VIOLENCE · June 13, 1998 CG '. L(}.,Jl'q . c~f.f5
  • ) of the PRAI PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors ja)(S) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ](a)(6) of the PRAI C. Closed
  • with the power of technology. __ d -; Therefore, today I am directing the Secretary of Health and Human Services to work with . . . . the States, courts, private agencies and other leaders to develop a plan for expanding use of the ~fVI":'" ~ Internet
  • the Ale:g.andria Police Department as a national demonstration site for interoperability. This will use the new data and voice communications systems being installed within APD to develop, test and commence interoperability with surrounding local, state
  • of th e s e s c ulptures . That is extremely i mporta n t to the President a nd myself . We bel i eve that a r t i s n ot a ma r gi n al pa r t of soc i e t y , i s n ot a l u x ury , bu t t ha t i t has such e xtra o rdinar y p o wer and i s centered
  • would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors !a)(S) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy !(a)(6) of the PRAI C. Closed in accordance
  • information [(a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) ofthe PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA
  • institution: a Society of Arts, Museum of Arts, and a School of Industrial Scie11ce, with a view to aiding "the development and practical application ofscience in connection with arts, agriculture, manufactures, and commerce.~' Nine months after President
  • [(a)(4) of the PRA) PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors (a)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA[ b(l
  • to the chief of staff and the President, avoiding layers of editing. A team ofsix speechwriters reported to me. We worked on domestic issues and the international economy. Pure foreign policy speeches were handled by the National Security Council (so issues
  • information ](a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors ]a)(S) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ](a)(6) of the PRA
  • Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA) b(I) National security
  • weapons'as we work to develop a national missile defense system.while preserving;the ABM Treaty. Whdever is · elected Russia's next President ~ill also inherits a tougB challenge -to give Russians the sense of stability they crave after years of wrenching
  • paragraph used in most SAT letters: We stand at an exciting moment in human history - the beginning of a new century and a new millennium. In the summer of 1997, the President and I created the White House Millennium Council to encourage all Americans
  • between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(S) of the PRA( P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy i(a)(6) of the PRA( C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed
  • ;;. 116!''~~ . .; "t.).. ... t.· ow. ' . •• ,.,., .. 111~11!~1~~~~~~13 Final 07/30/00 11 pm Jeff Shesol 7-)/-dtJ . PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. TALKING POINTS ON CHIN "CHINA: FLORIDA'S NEW OPPORTUNITY" C TAMPA, FLORIDA July 31, 2000 . 1111 . . CQ_ ,y
  • .. If these provisions are in contracts, the · government will not e~force them. • Similarly, importation and investment will.not be conditioned on conducting research and development in China. · · February 15, 2000 • Foreign service suppliers who are certified
  • Policy and as director of the President's National Economic Council. http://www .pub. /uri-... .us/ 1998/9/28/ 12.text. I ' THE WHITE HOUSE Office of th~ Press Secretary (Chicago, Illinois) r~/~~ REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT
  • Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of the PRA] b(l) National security
  • but confess real pride- however uncool that is in these times -to have played some part in the accomplishments this President has· achieved over· the past seven years. But on days like today, when President Clinton stands before· the press corps -confident
  • between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors ]a)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ](a)(6) of the PRAI b(l) National security classified information ](b)(l) of the FOIA] b(2
  • EDITION SECTION: METRO NORTH; Pg. N01 LENGTH: 491 words HEADLINE: 8th-grader takes stand against wave of violence; Student council president gets more thC!n (9-0--crassmates--to--sf_ri_ re-dge tJi~w:ak-e 1 Co~~y-;-'~ BYLINE: JOHN M. FLORA; STAFF WRITER
  • : THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release RE~~~tEM~fl!~-~~s-JiD~Nlf;~tAt$~1J~1L[(E_I' ~:Tqti~s: i:Jt>IWEUNtEOFMXYORS j '• ' ' ~ 5:20 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, Mayor Helmke, for all your wonderful
  • violate a Federal statute i(a)(J) of the PRAI Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information l(a)(4) of the PRAI PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between
  • president have included: lhe rezoning of dozens of neighborhoQds to create reasonable and responsible development, while preserving the character of existing neighborhoods; lite economic revltalizatinn of many communities and the expansion oftlte borough's
  • to redevelop the Southwest section of the community, calling the Villages of Taylor "a model for the nation.". · 3. STERLING, MICHIGAN · . Population: 143,365 for all of Monroe County. · J ·".:: President of City Council, Robert Maday (non-partisan
  • ) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors ]a)(S) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ](a)(6) of the PRAl C. Closed
  • : Shelf: Position: s 91 6 9 3 ... .4 Final 07/17/98 6:00pm JeffShesol PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS TO THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF TEACHERS NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA July 20, 1998 Ackilowledgments: Sec. Herman; Mayor Mark Morial; Members
  • advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ](a)(6) of the PRA] C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's
  • .... .... ·----- ____.... ,__ -·· _____ .. _-· ... ·- ....... ··········-···---·-·•.O•·---- .. -·---~------ ---·· Draft 07/29/99 4:00pm Shesol/ Glastris · PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON , REMARKS ON A PRESCRIPTION DRUG BENEFIT AVIANO AIR BASE AVIANO, ITALY July 29, 1999 I would like to say a few words about the Senate vote
  • - China's ·entry into the WTO. I' i . I First, the President has asked me to apologize for his absence today. Unfortunately, he was called last minute to Cardinal O'Conner's funeral in New York City this afternoon. But as you know, there is no more
  • or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRAI PS Release would disdose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted Invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6
  • Forward to Public Papers of the President - Foreward - Pres. Papers [1]
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: 24501 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: Forward to Public Papers of the President - Forward - Pres. Papers [ 1] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 6 11 1 fl I ~·· I I I
  • and the Council of Economic Advisers after the Census Bureau released its report. The president called it ' 'another economic milestone" for the Clinton-Gore administration. ' 'These exciting developments are the direct result of the welfare reform law Republicans
  • : he debated tlon and Rep~oducttve Ri~ts Action committee and return the money to Cli.'nton two weeks ago, said yesterLeague President ~e Michelman. donors. By contrast. Jordan emphadav on ADC's "This Week" the whose New York aliilhte ~ ~~ sized
  • .. '1 ~ -... ... , .. '1 ~ ~- ' ~ '~· ,\~>·~ ,. .,. . :, i i· 't.. '' r . '. ~· .:~.·:~ ....~- ·~' ..... ~·· Record Type: Record To: cc: Subject: EMBARGOED: RADIO ADDRESS OF THE PRESIDENT TO THE NATION THE WHITE HOUSE Office
  • . The plan, which favors open space, would require the city to give back a big chunk of land at the northern end of the park that it nibbled off ~cr commercial development two years ago. In addition, the city would have to relocate a lot for sanitation
  • produced a brochure of tips to help its members maintain discipline in their classrooms, on school buses and on school grounds. The brochure helps members identify potential problems before they happen. • The AIT lobbied Congress to pass the President's
  • : Speech writing Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: OAIID Number: 19944 FolderiD: Folder Title: Adoption Day 11124/98 [I] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 6 9 2 Final 11/23/98 7:00pm Jeff Shesol PRESIDENT WILLIAM J
  • Compliance and Social Security. Phone Number handwritten. [partial] (I page) 12/23/1998 P6/b(6) 003. email John A Gribben to JeffShesol. Subject: Y2K Council Staff- Contact information. Phone Numbers. [partial] (I page) 12/23/1998 P6/b(6) COLLECTION
  • Medal of Arts by President Clinton In a ceremony at The White House. o Long a supporter of public Housing, he developed the Lionel Hampton Houses in the early 70s, and upon completion built the Gladys Hampton Houses, named for his late wire. To this 2
  • of them now. It is a great blessing to have a Borough President who is a champion of historic preservation. Thanks to Borough President Clare Shulman and city council member Helen 6 17189973677;#11/14 12 2 98 15:20 ;LOUIS ARMSTRONG ARCHIVE Marshall
  • New Opportunity EITC [ Earned Income Tax Credit] - DLC [Democratic Leadership Council] 1/12/00 - EITC/Welfare to Work
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: OAIID Number: 19947 FolderiD: Folder Title: New Opportunity EITC [Earned Income Tax Credit] - DLC [Democratic Leadership Council] 1/12/00- EITC/Welfare to Work Stack: Row: Section: Shelf
  • Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release February 11, 1998 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT MILLENNIUM LECTURE The East Room 7:45P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, Professor Bailyn, for that wonderful, wonderful lecture. I thank
  • can continue to have dramatic reductions in the crime," Jose Cerda, crime specialist on the president's Domestic Policy Council, said Wednesday. Clinton's new budget will ask Congress for $1.3 billion in fiscal 2000 - and a total of $6.4 billion over
  • New Opportunity EITC [ Earned Income Tax Credit] - DLC [Democratic Leadership Council] 1/12/00 - New Opportunity Speech EITC Rollout 1/12/00 [2]
  • : Speech writing Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: 19947 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: New Opportunity EITC [Earned Income Tax Credit] - DLC [Democratic Leadership Council] 1/12/00- New Opportunity Speech EITC Rollout 1112/00 [2
  • including DNA testing, computerized fingerprint matching and upgraded computer information systems on prior records of suspects. Doyle is the President of the National Association of Attorneys General. Doyle previously chaired NAAG's Consumer Protection
  • JeffShesol PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS ON SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION ABIGAIL ADAMS SCHOOL- P.S. 131 JAMAICA, QUEENS, NEW YORK June 16, 2000 ' '· . Acknowledgments: Reps. Crowley, Lowey, Maloney, Meeks, H~evy; NYC Schools Chancellor Zahra [ZAH-rah
  • PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS AT MILLENNIUM GALA THE LINCOLN MEMORIAL December 31, 1999 Tonight we celebrate two centuries. We celebrate-the past century- and write an ending to a remarkable story. We celebrate the new century- and mark a new
  • ) of the PRAI PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(S) of the PRAl P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy f(a)(6) of the PRAl C. Closed
  • as a Special Assistant to . the President and Director of the Food for Peace program, McGovern traveled continuously for two years overseeing donations of millions of tons of American food. and fiber. Such surplus commodities supported economic development
  • / IIIII IIIII llf//lllllllll/ll/1/ll/ · *432495* JeffShesol .. PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS TO THE DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS UNITED STATES CAPITOL WASHINGTON, DC . October 19, 2000 In February ofthis year,} gave Congress a budget · that keeps us
  • statute [(a)(3) of the PRA] Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information [(a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors [a)(S
  • for the milk council, I've been getting requests from other members of my administration to do more things in public. Janet Reno is eager appear in ads for fledgling software developers. CNN wants Madeline Albright, Sandy Berger and Bill Cohen to host a weekly
Commencements (Item)
  • Community College (Historically Hispanic), Osceola, FL [Near Orlando]- 20'00 . Stude1;1t Population: 8,598. No minority information available. Scheduled Speaker: Dr. Shuggert, College President · [possible date conflict] Apr:~ ~ Illinois * Northwestern
  • Minimum Wage Departure Statement 3/9/00 Record Type: To: Record See the distribution list·at the bottom of this message cc: Subject: remarks of the President on prescription drug benefits THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary March 9, .2000
  • 14th with the President. There are three significant reasons why we have developed this comprehensive package. · ·· · . ,. t~1HieJguiaeliiiestwe'.itteleaSFdron~i~Religious;:E~p~~sJon~~'tinl1;9.~Si~.l!slji~<!J£;:~ ·~t~~tp~~~~~~~9~~~~l~iit
  • would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors ]a)(S) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ](a)(6) of the PRA] C. Closed in accordance
  • Shesol ' PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON OPENING REMARKS AT THE WHITE HOUSE CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL SECURITY MARRIOTT W ARDMAN PARK HOTEL WASHINGTON, DC December 8, 1998 ) Acknowledgments: TK I want tp welcome all of you to this first-ever White House
  • . Thauk·you, 3ennifer. (Applause.) Thank you, Mr. McNamara, for ~e1n9 my fr1en4. And City council P~eside~t Gil Hill, rrank Garrison, President· of the Miehigu A!'L-C%0. And. I want to tbank my good friend, Govar.nor and former Ambassador tO canad•, Jim
  • BY THE PRESIDENT TO NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THEATER OWNERS The Roosevelt Room 1:55 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon. Please be seated. Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you won't be confused when I tell you that I have just met with the representatives of NATO
  • could share his memories with us, and I am very grateful to Jim Shelly and to Southwestern Bell for their understanding of how important this is. I got a lump in my throat when the five presidents from our public high schools came up because I think
  • of the press Ronald Reagan projected only good will. was coming back from serious surgery, but he seemed to me to radi.ate well-being, looking every it like a man who was pleased with life and his place in it as President of the United States. By the time
  • as the twentieth century. They, I submit, may turn out to be the most significant events of this, our century, and its lasting legacy. In the developed free-market countries--which contain less than a fifth of the earth's population but are a model for the rest
  • information j(a)(4) of the PRAj· PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(S) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy l(a)(6
  • notes that quality is uneven and often poor, and that inadequate care can have a dramatic impact on children's development. You released a statement on the report after it was released. Draft 04/22/98 8:00pm PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS
  • • Record Type: To: • • • • • • • • • 0 • Record See the distribution list at the bottom of this message cc: Subject: Statement By The President: Clark Clifford THE WHITE HOUSE ' Office of the Press. Secretary For Immediate Release 1998
  • : 15pm· Jeff Shesol. ' i' ' • ; -~~.-.~ \'. 8·:)3-Crv :. •. ;. PRESIDENT WILLIAM J .. CLINTON I . . ' REMARKS ON SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION . ' . CROSSROADS MIDDL.E ·SCHOOL ' ,. . . MQNMOUTH JUNCTION, NEW JERSEY · Aogust-23,.2000 (}op1 ~c
  • For Immediate Release .• PRESIDENT CLINTON RELEASES NEW STATE-BY-STATE REPORT DEMONSTRATING URGENT NEED FOR MEDICARE REFORM February 29, 2000 President Clinton today will release·a new report, called America's Seniors and Medicare: Challenges for ·Today
  • )(a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors )a)(S) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy )(a)(6) of the PRA] b(l
  • Record Record Type: To: See the distribution list at the bottom of this- message cc: Subject: 1998-11-02 President's Remarks on Patients' Rights THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Pr~ss Secretary For Immediate Release November 2, 1998 REMARKS
  • ) of the PRAI PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors Ia)(S) of the PRAJ P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy J(a)(6) of the PRAJ C. Closed
  • disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors ja)(S) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy l(a)(6) of the PRAI b(l) National security classified
  • confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors ja)(S) of the PRAJ P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy j(a)(6) of the PRAj b(l) National security classified information f(b)(l
  • : Speech writing ' Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: OA/ID Number: 19946 FolderiD: Folder Title: Baby Boom Echo Report 8/19/99 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 6 9 1 ------------- 9:00pm JeffSheso PRESIDENT WILLIAM J
  • /98 8:00pm Jeff Shesol :- ~ E ,.) Q t: ~ .:; ~; .·< .,.- ·-l "~ ": ·, \: L f'; ~-J0-9S' PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON RADIO ADDRESS ON THE EMBASSY BOMBINGS IN KENYA AND TANZANIA August 15, 1998 Two days ago, at Andrews Air Force Base, we
  • years ago--that every issue that is important is impacted in some way by people who sit in elected office. That is true of the school board, the city council, the mayor, the county officials, state legislators, governors, and finally the Congress
  • . - The United States is committed to expanding international opportunities for US information technology entrepreneurs through_the development of supportive international trade rules in tpe WTO. In his 1999 State of the Union Address last January, President
  • ... =50&order=down&sort=date&pos=O&box=Inbox Yahoo! Mail . ' . ~ ' keep us all informed of any new developments as the evening progresses. Suddenly, astaffer delivers a note to the President. I have just been handed a note ... Elian Gonzales
  • more Cy]:)erabads in the developing world - if we unleashed the potential of half of humanity. For almost eight years now, I have had the privilege to serve as President of the United States. I have had what I regard as a profound responsibility
  • of the IMFwill give the us and itsallies new flexibility to develop responses to help address the global finanCial crisis. and keep our economies strong." Also, refer to IMF as a "critical piece of the President's strategy .to protect our economy from
  • ~ ~ PM Dni. PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS ON THE SAFETY OF IMPORTED FOOD ACT THE ROOSEVELT ROOM March 4, 1998 Acknowledgments: VPOTUS; Sens. Barbara Mikulski and Edward Kennedy; Rep. Anna Eshoo; Rep. Frank Pallone, Rep. Lynn Rivers Last night I
  • development. Today, the President and Vice President announced that in the first year of this historic effort, the project has already identified more than 300,000 DNA sequences and 12,000 new genes, doubling initial expectations. Issued historic challenge
  • Pequot Tribal Nation. As President of the United States, ·lfi"l@'"lil11$ii f'AYsls'0.~'1'l.erle'@~rnlrara~iWs'P Native Americans deserve to be treated equitably and sensitively in policy and con?ulted as it is made. The unique situations, needs
  • as it develops and cames out policy actions that affect State and local government. As the President stated, "[t]he executive order on federalism I signed will strengthen our partnership with State and local governments and ensure that executive branch agencies
  • 9 1 ... U9KEF80&SLUG=CLINTON%2dWORLD%2dCUP JULY 19, 11:41 EDT Clinton Honors World Cup Winners WASHINGTON (AP) - President Clinton marked ''a moment of celebration and a moment of sadness" today, welcoming
  • choice, America must develop more charter schools. When I was elected President, there was only one charter · • I school in the country, in Minnesota. - 11
  • the Latin word meaning "to go before" -- has been on sale in Japan since December. Demand for the Prius has been so overwhelming that Toyota President Hiroshi Okuda decided it was time to take the Prius global. It will debut in the United States and Europe
  • a million children a year. MAKES CHILD CARE MORE AFFORDABLE FOR WORKING FAMILIES Doubles the Number of Children Receiving Child Care Subsidies to More than Two Million. The President proposes to expand the Child Care and Development Block Grant to help
  • 1 REVISED · Revised Final 03/17/98 1O:OOAM PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKS AT EVENT ON MEDICARE LONGWORTH HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON, DC March 17, 1998 ') ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Senator Daschle -- for working with Senator Moynihan, Senator
  • would disclose confidential advice between the Preside,nt and his advisors, or between such advisors ja)(S) of the PRA! P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy j(a)(6) of the PRAI C. Closed in accordance
  • disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information l(a)(4) of the PRAI PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(S) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute
  • : To: Record Thomas A. Kalii/OPD/EOP cc: See the distribution list at the bottom of this message Subject: Re: Decision memo to POTUS on MIT speech llliJ I guess we disagree on this one. If the President is going for an innovation in curricula
  • the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(S) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy l(a)(6) of the PRAI C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed of gift. PRM
  • New Markets 7/99 Remarks by Johnson [Lyndon] on Development [1]
  • forces." At the Conference's urging on April 9, 1963, President Kennedy established the President's Appalachian Regional Commission to prepare a plan of action for economic development of the region. · Exactly one year after their creation, the body
  • investment in jobs ... by providing incentives to the private sector." ·That is the approach I have pursued as President. And that approach is working through Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities, community development banks, a stronger Community
  • ~--~~--~~~--------------~----~------------------------ Immediate Release For June 22, 2000 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT UPON DEPARTURE The South Portico 1 0 : 0 0 A. M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Before I leave, I would like to make a couple of comments about two questions now before Congress; first
  • would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors Ja)(S) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy J(a)(6) of the PRAI C. Closed in accordance
  • advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors ]a)(S) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ](a)(6) of the PRA] C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's
  • -; - '. .. _ ' iO -~ ··- • .... '"""' • ... - '. ,·; Final 04. 7/00 I 0:30pm JeffShesol PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON. REMARKS TO COMDEX SPRING CONFERENCE McCORMICK PLACE CHICA
  • ' FOR PRESIDENT COMMITTEE< A VISION FOR AMERICA: A NEW COVENANT .GOVERNOR BILL CLIHTON DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION NEW YORlt CITY 7/16/92· Governor Richards, Chairman Brown, Mayor Dinkins, our great host, and my fellow Americans. I am so proud of Al Gore. H
  • would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors ja)(S) of the PRAI P6 Release. would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy j(a)(6) of the PRAI C. Closed in accordance
  • to more constructive relations with America and the world. Normalized trade will speed that development. That is why Presidents Ford, Carter and Bush have urged Congress to support it. So has Chairman Greenspan. So have former Secretaries of State
  • ~Progranfs INVf=NTION DIMENSION Henry Ford (1863-1947) The Assembly Line Most people credit Henry Ford with inventing the automobile. The fact is he didn't -- such a complex machine is the result of a combination of technologies developed by many people over
  • the distribution list at the bottom of this message cc: Subject: Statement by the President: Frank Sinatra THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary (Birmingham, England) May 15, 1998 For Immediate Release STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT Hillary and I were
  • . ,. . . .· .. .·: .. · . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- J Draft 06/04/98 11 :OOam ~~ .PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON RADIO ADDRESS ON THE 30TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEATH OF ROBERT F. KENNEDY I • · .. June6,1998 . .~~ f'l-J Thirty years agO, I scaled the heights of hope with Robert anne1L. I watched
  • 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Final 10/27/00 11 :45am COPY *431180* Jeff Shesol PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON REMARKSONTHEBUDGET THE WHITE HOUSE October 27, 2000 .. Good morning. I would like to say just a few .words about the budget -:--- the progress we have made artd
  • ://"i- .. ./ THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary February 22, 1999 For Immediate Release REMARKS·BY THE PRESIDENT TO THE DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL GOVERNOR'S ASSOCIATION DINNER National BuildingMuseum
  • : 2000 05/12 Remarks by President at top of China/PNTR roundtable in Akron THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary (Shakopee, Minnesota) For Immediate Release · May 13, 2000 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT THE OPENING OF THE ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION
  • between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors ja)(S) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy j(a)(6) of the PRAI C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed
  • trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information j(a)(4) of the PRA] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors ja)(S) of the PRA) P6 Release would constitute a clearly
  • of the Navy by President Nixon in 1969. He resigned that post in 1972 and prepared to run for the Senate against incumbent Claiborn Pel I. He lost the 1972 election, but won four years later when the state's second seat opened. In the Senate, Chafee was known
  • or financial information l(a)(4) of the PRAI P5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(5) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy i(a)(6
  • Khrushche to tour the United States in 1959. The short period of friendliness that developed wv, called the "Spirit of Camp David," named for the President's Maryland retreat where somas. of his talks with the Soviet leader were held. But tensions returned
  • or financial information l(a)(4) of the PRAI PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(S) of the PRAI P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarrante,d invasion of personal privacy l(a)(6
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: 21461 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: W.H. Photographers' Dinner Video 5/6/00 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 6 10 3 / Draft 03/27/00 5:30pm JeffShesol PRESIDENT
  • Saturday afternoon may just have suggested, the thought of receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom is overwhelming. As l tried to explain, the medal was, sort of, my idea. Spoken as a true staffer! It was President 1
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: 21461 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: Departure Statement- Guns & Budget 3/16/00 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 6 10 3 i • Final 03/16/00 ·9:30am•. THE PRESIDENT HAS
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: 21462 OA/ID Number: FolderiD: Folder Title: Census Statement 4/1/99 Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 6 10 2 Draft 03/31/99 1:30pm STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT ON CENSUS 2000
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Jeff Shesol Subseries: OA/ID Number: 19943 FolderiD: Folder Title: Brady Bill 8/6/98 [I] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 6 9 3 ' ' ' THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN Final 08/05/98 11 :30am JeffShesol
  • the distribution list at the bottom of this message cc: Subject: 1998-3-9 remarks to AMA THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release March 9, 1998 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT TO THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE
  • -- occupying the very center of family life and, at the same time, our national life. .• •• THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN I - ~\- cl Cj PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON · REMARKS ON LONG-TERM CARE THE WHITE HOUSE January 4, 1999 ·' THE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN I - L.1
  • ".· •• The United States Is Committed To Lowering Trade Barriers & Helping Create New Markets For American Goods & Services At the WTO In Seattle. In his 1999 State of the Union Address last January, President Clinton called for a new round of international trade
  • : s 91 6 10 3 .. '00 MRV ii PM8: 16 Final 05/11/00 7:15pm . rHt: r
  • repeatedly criticized Attorney' General Rqbert Kennedy for his disregard for civil liberties and taunted President John F. Kennedy, all but calling him a hypocrite, for not fulfilling promises to further civil rights. Eighteen months after the charming
  • /WHO/EOP cc: ·Subject: There are 63 percent more jobs in computer services today than when President Clinton took office (1.4 million vs. 869,000). For each of the last three years, jobs in computer services have increased at a double-digit pace
  • ] PS Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors la)(S) of the PRA] P6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy i(a)(6) of the PRA] C. Closed
  • OF THE PRESIDENT TO THE NATION The Oval Office THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Six years ago, I determined Washington had to get off the sidelines and join the front lines in the fight against crime. I committed my administration to recovering our streets from
  • loophole and to require baCkground checks and waicins periods on all fircann ~. To this end. NRA President Marion Hammer met with the span'or of' Revision 12, Dadt: Smte's Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle. in an attempt to reach a
  • The Economist, March 29, 1997 yet worked out how to calculate the output of a software developer, or into which employment category to put designers for the World Wide Web (at the moment, they go into "business services, not elsewhere classified") . ifornia's