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4142 results
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks on Action to Preserve America's Forests 1/5/2001
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks at the Foundry United Methodist Church 1/7/2001
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks at the Re-Dedication of the AFL-CIO Building 1/8/2001
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks to the Democratic National Committee Staff 1/8/2001
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks at a Luncheon for Senator Max Baucus 1/10/2001
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks to the Community in Dover, New Hampshire 1/11/2001
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks to the United States Conference of Mayors 1/16/2001
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks at a Reception for Senator Daniel K. Akaka 5/9/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks at a Reception for Senator Mary L. Landrieu 5/9/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks on the Observance of National Equal Pay Day 5/11/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks to the Community in Shakopee, Minnesota 5/12/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks at a Rally for the Million Mom March 5/14/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks at a Peace Officiers Memorial Day Ceremony 5/15/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks at a Reception for Senator Charles S. Robb 5/15/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks at a Democratic National Committee Dinner 5/23/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks on the New Markets Legislation Agreement 5/23/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks at the Sons of Italy Foundation Dinner 5/25/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks at the Arrival Ceremony in Lisbon, Portugal 5/30/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks to the American Embassy Community in Lisbon 6/1/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks at a Gala for Senator Christopher J. Dodd 6/12/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks at a Millennium Matinee at the White House 6/12/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks to United States Dream Academy Participants 6/15/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks at a World War II Memorial Reception 6/29/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks Aboard the U.S.S. Hue City in New York City 7/4/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks to the Community in Monroe, Michigan 8/15/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks to Health Care Providers in Abuja, Nigeria 8/27/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks at the Burundi Peace Talks in Arusha 8/28/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks at a People for the American Way Reception 10/24/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks to African-American Community Leaders 10/27/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks at a Rally in Louiseville, Kentucky 10/31/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks at a Get Out The Vote Rally in Los Angeles 11/2/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks on Departure from Los Angeles, California 11/2/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks to the Community in Pine Bluff, Arkansas 11/5/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks to the American Embassy Community in Hanoi 11/17/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks at the Kennedy Center Honors Reception 12/3/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks on Lighting the National Christmas Tree 12/11/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks to the Community in Dundalk, Ireland 12/12/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks at the Arts and Humanities Awards Dinner 12/20/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks at a Reception for Eddie Bernice Johnson 9/12/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks at a Breakfast with Religious Leaders 9/14/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks at a Reception for Governor Jeanne Shaheen 9/20/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks on Proposed Conservation Legislation 9/21/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks at a Gay and Lesbian Council Lucheon 9/27/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks on the Children's Health Insurance Program 9/29/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks at a Reception for Representative Tom Udall 10/6/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks on the Situation in the Middle East 10/14/2000
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks On The Swearing-In of Cabinet Members 1/22/1993
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks to the National Governor's Association 2/2/1993
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Address to the Nation on the Economic Program 2/15/1993
Audio Recording of President Clinton's Remarks to Boeing Employees in Everett, Washington 2/22/1993