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23 results

  • . (Summaries ofiFI and debt programs also are at Tab A.) Broadening the Consensus -- The G-7 Summit process has 'been useful to create a consensus among other donor countries around our approach to Africa. G-7 members agree, for example, on the need for African
  • of debt to e.~ports to 150%. ( ~ ... .. ... HIPC debt reliefis provided to a country to allow it to meet a debt sustaio.ability target of 2.00-250% of preseiJ:t value (PV) of debt/exports. The G7 generally support lowering the target to a flat 200
  • foreign policy. I used to detest acronyms. But lately, I've developed ·a.n affection· for a few:. G-7, N~FTA, APEC. Now, I am · hopeful that we dm soon add GATT to the list. Last night's breakthrough with the EU puts a Uruguay Round .agreement within reach
  • citizens/Our G- 7 partners embraced that plan. Still, I felt we can do more. So in September, I announced that we would completely write off all of the debts owed to us by the countries that qualify for the G-7 program, as many as 27 ~ African countries
  • in 1994 for the sot~t Anniversary of the Nonnandy Landings~ in I 996 for the G-7 Meeting in Lyon; and in 1997 for the signing of the OECD anti-bribery convention. Mrs. Clinton visited Paris and Correze in 1998 at the invitation of Bernadette Chirac
  • Union, the G7.(which he alone refers to as the Big 8) .-that were largely invented to keep his country out. So his speeches are laden with As the dogs happily raced off, I was marveling at their beastly simple-mindedness until itstruck me that we· were
  • the Euro-American community. The cooperation between the G-7 countries is helping to mitigate the effects of the recent Asian financial crisis. As major creditors to the IMF and the World Bank, we have a strong interest in . . working closely to ensure
Japan (Item)
  • with the East Asian financial crisis and other international challenges. In addition to the G-7 meetings, we should make greater use of the APEC process {especially the upcoming summit in Kuala Lumpur). Many Japanese who are resisting change are incrfi!asingly
  • . The importance of debt relief was reiterated over and over again throughout the trip. At the Summit and in South Africa, the President agreed to raise the issue of debt relief with our G-7 partners. Uganda's qualification for HIPC is an important example
  • ~~···· . • . . . .·· · .. : ·: .. · .;·~~·.·· ·· ·:~·G-~ .... ··.· .. ·... ' . . . ' :. . 7' < • ... · - . ! .: ' . '! ' . ' ~.:; -..:. ; .. ' _; . I .. . . ·. . ··~ . ,' ' '. ,. .· ..... ·.···· N;~~~ .. : ~- ...:-·----'
  • obstacle to Mrica's progress is the burden of debt. That's why we and our G-7 partners have adopted a plan to reduce by up to 70 percent the outstanding debt of the world's poorest countries in a way that will free resources for education and health. Enough
  • would be devoted to peacemaking, the U.N., with its own Article 43 forces, would be an active peacekeeper and intervenor to provide humanitarian relief. Multilateral institutions such as the G-7, which is now confined to coordinating macro-economic
  • Ukraine in its efforts to close the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant by 2000 on the basis of the G-7 Memorandum of Understanding with Ukraine. We call upon all concerned parties to j6in us in supporting our initiative to repair the Chernobyl sarcophagus. We
  • to succeed- domestically, for example, through greater investments in education, worker training and access to the Internet. .. and internationally, by lowering tariffs on technology, emphasizing jobs and training in the G-7, focusing on education
  • '· ' ,,·, (from wh·om the initial ac!=ounts of the arms deal ultimately. leaked to the press); members· bf t];f~~lJ.:gJ.'fta·n:,.. RevdJY.J:''~Q.ll~~y_,:..:..G~g~7;;_9;; Retired General Richard Secord and Mr Albert Hakim, R~(~Yat:~z;en·treprehe"urs. ~.tl9_se
  • protect ~hose that right now have strong economic,policies, :yet still face financial ssures n6t of their own making. This past weekend, Secretary Rubi~ and·Chairman Greenspan have worked with their G~7 counte s to find new ways to sfrengthen bur
  • &D. llB. 10 4Du. • ,.. 2:8 ,., 1: ' ., 15 il ao '• " ' ' ' • 12· l l 0 0 21 1$ ·II 10 12 1~ 21 'D 25 20 19 12 7 0 0 .1\)A 16 6 4 g.. 7 4 0 .0 m:t 179 301 2JP . 207 130 a 38 14 • )~', ~-·-