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  • THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON FcblUary 15, 1995 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Bruce Reed SUBJECT: Welfare Reform Activity in the House. I, Markup In House Subcommittee Clay Sbaw will finish markup of the Republican welfare reform bill in his
  • OMB – Welfare Reform
  • in its current form because it; falls £ho~ of the central ~oal of real welfare reform ~ .ovin; people fro. welfare to work. Th~ Administration strongly 7'he A
  • THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON December 2. 1993 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PflESIDENT FROM: Bruce Reed Mary Jo Ban.. David Ellwood THROUGH: SUBJECT: Carol Rasco . Drafl Discussion. Paper on Welfare Reform The attached document outlines draft
  • . • President's Initiative on Welfare Reform: • Food Stamp Waivers Approved: During the period from January 6-13, USDA approved requests from IL and CT to extend and modifY their current waivers of the work provisions of the Food Stamp Act, which USDA may grant
  • .... ,'" .... , ... ,............ ,"', ....... " ...... " ....... , .. , .... , .. ",., ... ," ".", ....... 1 Chapter I Education..... ,"" .: .. ", ......... ," .................... , ..... ,", ........ ,', ........ 8 Chapter 2 Crime and Gun S.fety,,,,,,.,,,,.,,,, ............................; .................. 17 Chapter 3 Welfare Reform
  • ~month period around the signing of the welfare law. even though no redpient was affected by the new law during that period.) and Still, it wopld be • mistake to give welfare reform all thHr6dit for caseload changes over the past four yearS. Virtually
  • ON PRESIDENTIAL INITIATIVES • Welfare Reform Update: During the Dec. 1-31 period, USDA approved requests from Alabama, Arkansas, the District of Columbia, Illinois, Louisiana, Rhode Island, and Tennessel! to extend and modify their waivers from the provisions
  • +0.06 4.57 Cheese $/lb 1.18 -0.02 +0.03 Butter $Ilb 1.40 0.00 +0.59 11.59 -0.40 NA Rice Cotton Milk $/cwt . II. USDA WORK ON PRESIDENTIAL INITIATIVES 3 • Presidential Initiative On Welfare Reform • • Welfare Reform Waiver
  • of Meyer and Rosenbaum (1999, 2000) and Eissa and Liebman (1996). In addition, he finds that employment rates for single mothers increased especially rapidly in States aggressively pursing welfare reform. E.ffects ofEITe on Hours Worked ofSingle Mothers
  • from prospects for heavy supplies the remainder of the summer. Butter prices dropped on a slowdown in ·demand while cheese prices advanced slightly in a firm market. 4 II. USDA WORK ON PRESIDENTIAL INITIATIVES • Welfare Reform Update: During
  • (IMF), Mr. Schumacher stated that support for theIMF is critical for American agriculture. • Welfare Reform Update: During the period from March 10 through March 17, 1998, USDA approved requests from Arizona, Montana, and Pennsylvania to extend
  • by last YE!ar ' s welfare reform law ,will be ~xpanlded nationwide in, the coming months. I I , . . I We want to provide a safety net for the needy, not a ha!mmock for fugitives and felons, I ' Gor.'e sctid at a White House event at:tended by I
  • . • • Welfare Reform Update: During the period ending Oct. 29, USDA received one new request from one county and four Labor Market Areas in New Hampshire for a waiver of provisions of the welfare reform bill that limit food stamp program participation to three
  • on race and 15 Federal agendes. • Presidential Initiative on Welfare Reform: During the period from October 14, through October 20, USDA denied a request from NH to waive the provisions of the Welfare Reform Act that limit food stamp participation to 3
  • impact on the Food Stamps Program especially. Tell us a little bit about that. '00:18:06:06 A: Well, it had not only a great impact on the Food Stamp Program, but it impacted all of our programs. What we found in the Welfare Reform, and President
  • increase the number of chi1dren who are adopted . ... Voicing strong opposition about "welfare reform" proposals that wou1d jeopardize these programs and eliminate the guarantee of federal funds to help support adoptions. I all) requesting
  • by the White House, it could have a positive impact on the resubmittal early next year of the President's welfare reform legislation, ~ I request we proceed to the Secretary with this package ~soon as possible. David T. Ellwood .,IIttachment ! , .1 ;: I I I
  • Conference: On May 21 and 22, several high level USDA officials will attend and address the second annual National Black Farmer Conference in New Orleans, LA. , 4 • .President's Initiative on Welfare Reform: •. USlJIA Approves SD Waivers: During the week
  • 25th Annivcrsmy Paperwork Reduction Act 1996 Raines Confirmed (September 1996 - May 1998) First Balanced Budget proposed Omnibus: Appropriations Negotiations Welfare Reform 1997 Balanced Budget Act Line Item Vetc Priority Management
  • Bureau: The Agency Support and Special Emphasis Programs Division (ASSEPD) is developing a Civil Rights Speakers Bureau to be implemented by October, 1998. " Presidential Initiative on Welfare Reform: • Welfare Reform Waiver Update: During the period
  • , as a proposal that "will cost us dearly - in the health of our children." USDA prepared a series of detailed legislative analyses as the bill moved through the House, the Sen!lte, and the budget reconciliation and welfare reform conference committees (see
  • people. Moreover, they enable us to present the Administrationls important domestic initiatives in a consistent framework. Empowerment zones, health care reform, CO banks, National Service, welfare reform: The core empowerment principles undergird each
  • . RECOMME:NDAnON: That you sign the,attached memorandum to bureau heads transmitting the Department's Welfare to Work P~Tab A). I __l_/_AAggrreee Disagree LtfS Discuss BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: As part of welfare reform, President Clinton issued a memorandum
  • program by launching Disability Redesign. Simultaneously. SSA was 91 challenged with the task of implementing several problematic aspects of Welfare Reform, affec!ing childhood disability and non-citizen recipients of the SSI program. Commissioner
  • percent for Hispanic men, 6,2 percent for black women, and 2.6 percent for His~xmic women. Furtherrnore, the black and Hispanic unemployment rates for 1998 are at historic lows-B.9 percent for blacks and 7.2 percent for Hispanics. • Welfare reform
  • """" "" "" "" "" "" """""""""""" "'" '"'' 121 THE CHALLENGE OF THE DRUG ADDICTION SSI PROGRAM ......................................."... 122 & ALCOHOLISM (DA&A)"""""""""""""""""""""""", 122 WELFARE REFORM"""" ","""" "" "" "" "" "",,",,",,""""""""""""""""" 123 CHILDHOOD DISABiliTY
  • THE CHALLENGE OF THE DRUG ADDICTION SSI PROGRAM .................. u ........u ............ u 122 & ALCOHOLISM (DA&A) ................................................, 122 WELFARE REFORM
  • will continue as the new welfare reform bill is implemented. We must: • eliminate baniers to effective enrollment of ellgihlechildren through managed care and other Medicaid Slate programs; • streamline eligibility by enhancing the federaJlstate pannership
  • welfare reform bill is implemented. We must: It eliminate barriers to effective enrollment of eligible children through managed care and other Medicaid state prognuns; • streamline eligibility by enhancing the federal/stale partnerShip and providing
  • in the context of overall diettLry intake. Welfare Reform Actions Taken By USDA On December 27, USDA Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services Ellen Haas joined' Congressional staff and Office of Management and Budget officials to discuss key
  • Should Take Leading Role in the Welfare-To­ Work Initiative 97-44 8/13/97 SBA's 8(A) Business Development Program Undergoes Major Revamping 97·)] 6/2197 Vice President Recognizes Outstanding Contributions to Administration's Welfare Reform
  • 1995 Farm Bill priorities .. Conference Continues On Welfare Reform Bill . The House-Senate conference on the differing versions of the Welfare Reform Bill, which began on October 24, continues. The proposals include major changes to federal nutrition
  • Initiative on Welfare Reform: USDA Approves Waivers of Welfare Reform Requirements: During the period from December 29, 1999 through January 5, 2000, USDA approved LA's request to extend and modify its waiver of the food stamp program's work requirements
  • change effort in the disability program by launching Disability Redcsign. Simultaneously. SSA was 91 challenged with Ihe tao;k of implementing several problematic a;;pects of Welfare Reform, affecting childhood di!\uhility and non~citizen recipients
  • it is still too early to determine the outcome of welfare reform for children, shifts in expectations and new patterns of work help parents dream ofand build. better future for their children, and promote higher aspillltions for thi. and future generations
  • Affairs Committee would raise Federai employee retirement contributions - which is tantamount to raising employees' taxes. We also understand that the majority will place the Senate-passed welfare reform bill in the reC'.onciliation bill. When added
  • their value and go \Ve still have a lot more to dO', all of us, down, then the price of their goods will drop, to make 'welfare reform a success-providing flooding our market and others ,'lith much child care, helping f.unilies' move closer to cheaper goods
  • ~ittae bill would eliminate aid for hundreds of thousands of children in schools acrO$S the country and would substantially reduce aid for college. These cuts are especially short-sighted •" considering the strict new requirements in welfare reform
  • , for ;"hich fast track authority is a prerequisite, is the best way to ensure that the U.S. maintains its position as the strongest and most i~9vative economy in the world. . , Making Welfare Reform Work . Janet Yellen, Chair Council Economic Advisers May
  • Under.Secretary for Food and Consumer Services Ellen Haas will attend. the President's Working Session on Welfare Reform, to focus on the role of federal nutrition programs in the context of welfare reform. In addition, she will attend a pre-working session
  • and spirit. Many of this President's initiatives - health (:rue, welfare reform, community policing, national service -- will outlive our time here and make a real difference long after we're gone. But the true legacy of Bill amton's Presidency deponds
  • are five signature proposals: • • • • National service; Reinventing government (including campaign finance and lobbying reform); Welfare reform; Youth apprenticeship; and, Community policing. • '.i 'Put into action, these initiatives can
  • sanitation operat~ons procedures. 4 Presidential Initiative on Welfare Reform: AL and FL JFood Stamp Waivers Approved: During the period from March 21-28,USDA. approved requests from AL and FL to extend and modify waivers of the Food Stamp Program due
  • ' Refugees have unique experiences and come with a range of backgrounds -- from engineers with advanced technical degrees to illiterate farmers -~ all of whom need refugee~specific services. Neither welfare nor welfare reform was designed specifically
  • to consider :m additional $15 billion in worker training or an additional 515 billion in welfare reform, j[ they were looking at being able to cut over $250 billion more in the year 2000, ~. AN IMBALANCE IN OUR MACROECONOMIC STRATEGY: It has been on economic
  • -term drought relief. Cool, mostly dry conditions will promote fieldwork in the Southeast. II. USDA WORK ON PRESIDENTIAL INITIATIVES • President's 1J1itiative on Welfare Reform • • President's Initiative on Food Safety • III. GAO :Looks
  • months. . ~i!!l:: Welfare reform is mainly about work. The President's plan would repeal Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and create a new, time-limited, conditional entitlement for cash assistance. As soon as they join the rolls
  • 'YORK ON PRESIDENTIAL INITIATIVES Welfare Reform On July 11, as part of the beginning work on the 1995 Farm Bill; the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Department Operations, Nutrition, and Foreign Agriculture marked up H.R. 1997, the Food Stamp
  • in poor commvnities, through healt.h care reform, welfare reform, family policy, and $0 on, OUr efllPQwerment. agenda is meant to tnnximize the rel:urn 0:::1 theae investments, and to help communities restore Ch(l basic conditions they need t:o sucoeed
  • that putlheir people first.'" The Family and Medical Leave Act seems perhaps oventhadowed by other inlianves of the Clinlon Administration, like welfare reform or crime reduction. It gave 71 million Americans a guarantee th.•t. should they talce leave for family
  • at the numbers as I did ,the other day , we actually cut about 23,000 people. target. More than twice the That was because budget cuts were deeper than we exp~cted. It was because the Congress enacted laws. Welfare reform, 1996 Farm Bill. They also had
  • agenda / and you know welfare reform issues were prominent at that point as well. So they were more policy related than anything and I~ satisfied even after two years of service that we made substantial headway on all of them and even completed some
  • agenda / and you know welfare reform issues were prominent at that point as well. So they were more policy related than anything and I~ satisfied even after two years of service that we made substantial headway on all of them and even completed some
  • to draft the legislalive language. DPC wouid also have problems induding it in the October package because the ope can lise the savings for welfare reform. 2. IlICIIWAY DEMOS R~;COMMENllATION Eliminate funding for highway demonstration projects
  • of the Adminislralion's work force secudty and welfare reform inili;'\tives and in the design of the Administration's defense reinvestmem initiative, Dr. Tyson was appointed It member of the President'S Kational Science and Technology Council and wm; appointed
  • development. such as welfare reform. ' I DISCRETIONARY PROPOSALS COMPARED TO CAPS , (in billions of dollars) FY 1224 i Budget Authority Q\l!lays EY 192~ Budget Authority Outlays Ca~s in the House Reco~ciliation Bill 501.0 538.7 506.3 541.1 Proposals
  • million state fund (created in the welfare reform bill) to fund the costs of simplifying eligibility systems and conducting outreach (Public Law 106-113,11/29199). And in 2000, he ensured that the legislation to increase Medicare and Medicaid provider
  • of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITe) and the recent rise in federal and state spending on cruId care, It·15 important to determine the causes of this decline in light of the recently enacted welfare reform legislation. If economic g:o'Wth was the major
  • items from my May 21, 1997 weekly report:, thel Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children's (WIC) immunization promotion program and the effect of the welfare reform waiver process on residents of the Wind River (Wyoming
  • : In the wake of Speaker Gingrich's plecJgC to fix what he called the Administration's effort« to undermine and destroy welfare reform" by applying the minimum Wage and other labor protections to workfare participants, Rep. Clay , Shaw is trying 10' garner
  • to certain corporate transactions that potentially increase the Federal government's exposure. \ j / '.'.,., ..• Talking Points • I know the Finance committee has a lot on its plate. We are pushing you on health care reform, GATT, welfare reform. You
  • under welfare refurm. Revenue loss occurs outside the FY 1997-2002 period. . S. Provide eligibility for certain cblldlesi adults. woo are no longer eligible for food stamps because they failed ttl meet minimum work ", ' requirements under welfare
  • . While DPC and NEC are collaborating .. on healtIi calC ,efollD, welfare reform is DPC-centric; the budget is OMB-eentrie, and. govcrnmenlal reform is OVP-centric. There is, of. cou=, no reason why the NEC f1lJLSt play a central role: agency
  • and violence (HUD/HHSILabor/CommcrcelJusticeIDQTltax) Post -secondary training (Ed/VAlDefenseiLaberlHHSIIl!lI.) Children, families, welfare reform (HHSIEdiLaborl Ag/tax) Drug policy (JusticeiTreasury/HHS/ONDCP/Education/StateiDefense) Foreign Assistance
  • Cheese $/lb 1.26 0.00 -0.24 Butter $/lb 1.19 0.02 -0.20 9.48 0.02 Milk* $/cwt NA *June 2000 Class III futures price from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange II. USDA WORK ON PRESIDENTIAL INITIATIVES. President's Initiative on Welfare Reform
  • and the National Nutrition Safety Net: A Comparison of the Alternatives," prepared by the Food and Consumer Service, July 25, 1996, (This draft analysis was used internally by the Administration.) Implementing Welfare Reform List of State-funded food programs
  • media in those areas. WEEK IN REVIEW My presentation on the President's health care reform package was well­ received at the June 28 White House Hispanic Small Business Briefing. On July 6, at 3:00 p.m., I will deliver an address on welfare reform
  • Cormnh;sioner. Even so. he was a vigorous and active Commi3sioncr, refusing to play the role of a mere ··caretaker." He provided strong: ilOd highly visible support for President Clinton's noncitizen revisions to the J996 welfare reform bill, He
  • and children with disabilities. Burkhauscr also suggested study of how the 1996 welfare reform legislation will affect the DJ/SSI programs, including how State reforms and treatment of the AFDC populations wll: affect SSt Burkhauser also recommended research
  • provided strong and highly visible suppon for Pl'csidenl Climon's noncjtiz(~tl revisions to the 1996 welfare reform bill. He instituted a program of payment cycling for new Social Security beneficlanes.. The rm~or challenge faced by Acting Commi~sioncr
  • premiums on low· income beneficiaries. • The $13.6 billion in 1\.1cdicnid !'3\'ings do not reflect the hcnlth care investments for children·s coverage, protections for legal immigrants under welfare reform. or lhe extension of veterans' Medicaid income
  • to provide mining to help states make welfare reform work. 6 • ,Ul/U~/til l~:U~ ""'''''''V''", v. TIm.llne The timc:1lnc below provides a ptelilllinary ochedul. of opportunities for using the bully pulpit to edvllllCe the objc
  • prospects, Othu .Administration initiatives include welfare .reform and health care reform. In both these areas, the. Administration proposed legislation in f994. We intend to work with the Congress in a bipartisan manner to ensure that progress can
  • reform. (e.g. Indiana and Wisconsin examples of mayors eontrolJiDg the job training portion of State block grants.) . . OR Broaden Section 8 administration to include State'! and regional entities to better eoordinate with welfare reform. and job
  • , i.ncreasing public and private investment, reinventing government welfare reform, changes in education, worker training, investing in technology -- all work in pursuit of the same objective: to build a more secure productive and competitive economy. j
  • that we discussed with you last month. Our plan is to have those ' proposals ready so that they can be included in welfare reform. Attachment cc: Eric Toder Maurice Foley Janet Holtzblatt THE WALL STREET JOURNAL TUESDAY, MAY 10,1994 \ Clinton's
  • Concerns.· FEflBP Leru:r 97-7 6 Employjoe Welfare Recipients Last summer. the President signed welfare reform legislation that imposed time limits. required work, and extended child and health care 10 .nable people 10 move from welfare to work, AI
  • level. o Keep't:ne deficit below $200 billion through the end of the budget window. o Hold the deficit at its current share of GOP. The upward pressure on the budget bottom line will be increased because of welfare reform, the extenders
  • enough that they do not preclude further deficit efforts in Stage Two or Stage Three. We might even use this period of non-engagement on the budget to challenge the Republicans to engage with us on related but separable issues, like welfare reform
  • -worthy. And all of a sudden they had some resources which they then used to create a business. As we begin to implement welfare reform, I think one of the most important aspects of our efforts will have to include a very large scale commitment
  • wages and wages deemed to the beneficiary from another person. Therefore. SSA is initiating improved methods of detecting these unreported and underreported earmng3. Welfare reform legislation enacted into law in 1996 required the Department of Health
  • signed into law the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity , Reconciliation Act, fulfilling his commitment to welfare reform. Among other changes. the reform of welfare laws limits the time a person can receive benefits and generally requires
  • defended such imponanl legislation as the Freedom of A;.;cess to Clinic Entrances Act, the Prison LitigutJon Reform Act of 1996, the North American Free Tmde Agreement, and the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportumty ReconClhatJon Act (welfare reform
  • strafegy. Job and enterprise developmenr are only a portion of what your administration nopes 10 accomplish in distressed areas, through health care reform, welfare reform. education refonn, family policy, Head Start, and SO on. but your campaign
  • , induding welfare reform, enterprise zones, and other empowerment initiatives. 1 .1· Befor~ joining Espy's staff, he was a political analyst, editorial writer, and assistant copy editor at the Jat:kson Advocate, a weekly newspaper in Jackson, Mississippi
  • are committed to not only to health care reform, welfare reform, but a re-employment program that makes sense for U. S. wi)rkers. So as the Europeans are trying to become more flexible Hi their work force, which I think is ocritical, we're looking at how we deal
  • . In addition, the secrefmy has asked me 10 haw: a spt'cial/ocll.s on cross­ cutting issues tllm affect .,cFcraf dcpmtt1tr:nts, including national ,((m'lte, science dad technology. immuniwtioll, schooj·to·work initiatives, wrd welfare reform.. l7re presidem
  • on youth-oriented web sites; (4) and funding educational efforts about the dangers of alcohol consumption. WELFARE REFORM, CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT, AND CHILD WELFARE (DPC) 1. Reauthorize the Welfare-to-Work Program. Congress authorized the Welfare-ta
  • into law. Nevertheless, for planning purposes, we are assuming that any major welfare reform legislation which is enacted will include statutory language proposed by the President to adjust discretionary spending caps to permit the allocation of related
  • partners. Particular partnership issues that were addressed include comprehensive planning for rural communities, competitiveness of rural employers and workforce training, sustainable communities, rural health and welfare reform, and unfunded mandates
  • for administrative excellence. o During the past decade SSA: experienced serious problems in implementing the major welfare reform provisions of the SS! program; o was unable for a prolonged period to take decisive and sustained action to upgrade its
  • the welfare reform bill. Central to this legislation is the rcqmrcment for welfare recipients to find gainful employment To that end, the President urged private employers and directed Federal agencies to make special efforts to help welfare recipients enter
  • to stales to do as they please, including particularly to provide training to help states make welfare reform work. 6 V. Tlmellne The tlmeline below provides a prelimirnuy schedule of opportunities for using the bully pulpit to advance the objectives
  • on to work in the White House, on of all issues-welfare reform, and then In the OMB. He spent time in New York honing his skills in in· vestment banking and became a financial advisor to many States and local govern­ ments including Chicago, Seattle, Iowa