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3 results

  • This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on John Major, specifically on President Clinton's meetings with the Prime Minister from 1993 through 1995. Included are letters from Prime Minister Major to President Clinton regarding trade
  • for dominance between individuals and groups, and between Moscow and the provinces. Ever since Yeltsin came to power at the end of 1991 people have suggested forming a "President's party", or an effective democratic party, which could articulate and push through
  • This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on John Major, specifically on President Clinton's meetings with the Prime Minister from 1993 thru 1995. Memos to President Clinton from Secretary of State Warren Christopher and briefing
  • . The decay of the Communist party s t r u c t u r e has not been o f f s e t by the development of new p o l i t i c a l organizations. « ^ CLINTON LIBRARY P O O O Y HTCP • CECRBT Y e l t s i n toyed w i t h the idea of c r e a t i n g a "President's" p
  • This Mandatory Declassification Review contains material on John Major, specifically on President Clinton's meetings with the Prime Minister from 1993 thru 1995. Included is a memo from National Security Advisor Anthony Lake to President Clinton
  • MINISTER JOHN MAJOR PRESIDENT JACQUES CHIRAC CHANCELLOR HELMUT KOHL DATE: August 1, 1995 LOCATION: Oval Office TIME: TBD FROM: ANTHONY LAKE I. PURPOSE As decided at meeting t h i s morning, t o propose that I make a p r i v a t e v i s i t to London, Paris