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24 results

  • unless the President and Slater arc willing to fight for it. We wi!! chew on this tor another day, btlt welcome your guidance, 3. Aggressiv,; Driving _. DOT has been digging fot the past two weeks and hasn't come up with quite enouoh yet. The obvious
Airbags (Item)
  • President Gore and Secretary Slater on the AdminiStration's NEXTEA proposal, the Kempthome amendment was identified as one of the Admirjstration's major con"","s about the Senate bill. The Administration's best opportunity. for correcting the objectionable
  • : Improving Hate Crime S(atistic~ (Deputy Attorney General Holder) . 5. Hate Crimes in Public and Private Housing (Secretary Cuomo); 6, Community Responses to Hate Crimes (Secretary GliCkman'); and 7. Counteracting Organized Hate (Secretary Slater
Safety (Item)
  • states to do something politically Ufl]lQpular. In an April I letter to Department of Transportation (DOT) Secretary ROdney Slater, the highway safety representatives criticized the use of sanctions. They chided the Clinton administration for not first
  • the projects to be funded, The Board would consist of one member each appointed by the Mayor, the city council. the Financial Authority, and two members appointed-by the Secretary of Transportation. Secretary Slater would like to add several new elements
  • Congresswoman Waters and Congressman Hilltard, Congressman Stokes, the entire Congressional Black Caucus. DL Satcher, members of the CaOinet wh·:) here, Secretary Herman, Secretary Slater, members of the Cabinet who are here, Secretary Herman, Secretary
  • Department Commerce or Bt)norablc Rodney Slater Sl:crelary Deportment (,rTransporttuion Honorable Druce Babbitt Secretary Department of the Interior Honorable Alexis Hennan Secretary Department t)f Labor Honorable Ri·,;:hard Riley Secretary Department
  • Industries of Soutnern California snell Oil' Slater. Srater & Kiesel Sutter Health .. ConneCUcut-· Hamilton Standards Union Carbide Corporation I Delaware I Delaware Department of Public Instruction Distriot of Columbia Appalachian Regional Commission
  • list of "talkers" both within and outside of the Administration to refer to reporters. (ie - Slater, Mathews, Nash. Emanual. Mclarty. Staphanopeulos. Leopeulos) May 16 Tuskegee Apology The Tuskegee story will be the hook for many of our reporters
Ideas [2] (Item)
  • ? ." Also, Secretary Slater wiD decide momentarily whether to push for financial sanctions in !STEA reauthorization ngainst states that don't have primary seatbelt laws (or blood alcohol content limits of.08 or motorcycle helmet laws). The ISTEA legislation
  • The President,. The Vice President The First Lad~ Mrs, Gore Cabinet Members Attending; Secretaries SJJtiala, Rubin~ Riley. Slater. and Administrator Barram I Audience: Approximately 160 leaders in the child care community, including experts and advocates
Drugs (Item)
  • funding to 5 existing grantees. , The grantees, representing the institutions, include the following: 1110St highly respected communications research I , • Michael Slater, Colorado Stntc University, will test the effects of the media campaign
  • Avin1ion Initiative: On October 8, Secrelary Slater announced an African aviation initiative at a round table meeting in Washington DC. At the round table, the Secretary amplified the messages related to the President's African Initiative, The Secretary
Race-Book [1] (Item)
  • of"Personal" Reviewers (e.g.• Taylor Branch and Rodney Slater) BOOK SUMMARY OUTLINE , Introduction , Part I: The America We See • Getting the facts straight Demographic trends. What the best social science evidence is about disparities, discrimination