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42 results

  • : Regional Connections 6/ ........................................... HUD: Abandoned Buildings ................................................... . HUD: Brownfields ............. :................................................... . HUD: Regional
  • and a doubling of support for SBA lending to leverage over $75 million in new micro lending. The microenterprise strategy will also involve new funding for Individual Development Accounts (lDAs) and for SBA's One-Stop Capital Shops. • Regional Connections
  • for Individual Development Accounts (lDAs) and for SBA's One-Stop Capital Shops. • Regional Connections. Regional Connections will provide competitive funding to States and . partnerships oflocal governments to develop and implement new,locally driven "smarter
New Markets (Item)
  • for Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) and for SBA's One-Stop Capilal Shops. • Regioftai Connections. Regional Connections win provide competitive funding to Stares and partnerships of local governments to develop and implement new, locaHy driven "smarter
  • dependent on one another, lhat is why this budget invests in programs like Regional Connections and the resources to redevelop Abandoned Buildinga and Brownfields. 01/28/99 15:10 HUD DEP CHIEF STAFF OPS - 94562505 > NO.205 IliBhlighta include
  • a number of other areas -- Homeless Assistance, Brownfields, and Regional Connections--and to end the ninety-day delay in reissuing of Section 8 certificates/vouchers on turnover. The Administration is very concerned that the Subcommittee has not included
[07/16/1998] (Item)
  • ; • Regional Connections. Regional Connections will provide competitive funding to States and partnerships oflocal governments (where at least one member is a CDBG entitlement community) to develop and implement new, locally driven "smarter growth II strategies
[06/22/1998] (Item)
  • Initiative was funded at $50 million within CDBG, instead of the $400 million separate appropriation that was requested. The House Subcommittee also did not provided funding for the Regional Connections Initiative; the Budget requested $100 million
  • Program in order to reduce housing discrimination that remains all too common. The Administration encourages the Senate to fund fully a number of other areas -- Brownfields, Regional Connections, Office of Lead Hazard Control, and the Partnership
[07/15/1998] (Item)
  • million for the Office of Lead Hazard Control, to reduce the risk of childhood lead poisoning and other health hazards. The Administration encourages the Congress to fund fully a number of other areas -- Homeless Assistance, Brownfields, and Regional
  • The: creation of livable communities requires reinvestment in the crties, sma..'1: growth practices, and regional connections that encourage cooperation among all communities. • ImJ»oving public safety and education are keys to livability in our dUet!. After
  • and other economically disadvantaged persons to jobs. Regional Connections. This initiative, which would be a set-aside within CDBG, would provide funding to metropolitan areas in which a distressed central city and more affluent suburbs together craft
  • for the Partnership for Advancing Technologies in Housing and urges that funding also be included to support Regional Connections as requested in the President's budget. Automated Records Management System Hex-Dump Conversion 3 The Administration appreciates
  • ...................................... .. Improving Poverty Measurement in Census ........................ .. Total, Race and Civil Rights ....................................... 65 6 24 8 30 53 3 56 25,831 3 28,142 30,854 11 Final settlement redefines program structure as a regional
  • resources for the Fair Housing Initiatives Program in order to reduce housing discrimination that remains all too common. The Administration encourages the Senate to fund fully a number of other areas -- Brownfields, Regional Connections, Office of Lead
  • are filed with and adjudicated by Laender Compensation Agencies; court suits are filed with the ordinary couTts and adjudicated by special chambers. Claimants with a regional connection to a Land (former resi­ dents, residents as of the effective date
Race-Book [1] (Item)
  • supports the House funding level for the Partnership for Advancing Technologies in Housing and urges that funding also be included to support Regional Connections as requested in the President's budget. 3 Automated Recoret; !\!anagement Syster,. Hex-Dump