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14 results

  • . 6-2249 PRE SID E N T Patricia E. Romani Domestic Policy Council 'SUBJECT,:, F (See Below) FROM: o o~ email eanks, Pat pistribution: TO: TO: TO: 'TO: . CC: CC: Jeremy D. Benami Patsy Fleming Marsha Scott Jeffrey Levi Dorothy L. Karayannis
  • F THE PRE SID E 08-May-1995 06:54pm TO: TO: Carol H. Rasco Jul E. Demeo FROM: Jeffrey Levi AIDS Policy Council SUBJECT: Memo from Richard on youth summit MEMORANDUM FOR CAROL RASCO FROM: Richard Sorian RE: Youth Summit
  • wi the ticket & check in. * on the hour US Air I * on the 112 Delta . I 'Today(5/23/1996 4:51p) l'agc: 1 I I E X E CUT I V E I OFF ICE o F THE PRE SID E N T ! 24-May-1996 03:20pm , TO: TO: Jeffrey Levi Pat~y Fleming FROM: Jill
  • .' - , PRESERVATION' . ': ! . E X E CUT I V E OFF ICE o F THE PRE SID E N T 23-Aug-1996 01:35pm TO: TO: TO: TO: FROM: SUBJECT:ยท Carol H. Rasco Jeremy D., Benami Jill Pizzuto Dorothy K. Craft . Jeffrey Levi AIDS Policy Council finding me I will be arriving
  • Michael T. schmidt C. Warnath J. Weinstein, Jr M. fortuna Carol H. R'asco Janet', B. Abrams Dorothy L. Karayannis Patsy Fleming, Jeffrey Levi' , izabethE. Drye Deborah L. Fine Dennis Burke Diane Regas 11 Pizzuto Jul E. Demeo
  • Molly Brostrom Sandra L. Bublick-Max Dennis Burke Michael Cohen Patsy Fleming Diana M. Fortuna Lyndell Hogan Christopher C. Jennings Dorothy K. Craft Jennifer L. Klein Jeffrey Levi Cathy R. Mays Bruce N. Reed Diane Regas
  • : TO: TO: TO: TO: .TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: . TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: Janet B. Abrams Molly Brostrom Sandra L. Bublick-Max Dennis Burke Michael Cohen Jul E. Demeo Eliz th E. Drye Patsy Fleming Diana M. Fortuna Lyndell Hogan Christopher C. Jennings Dorothy K. Craft Jenni L. Klein Jeffrey Levi Cathy R. Mays Bruce N
  • Hogan Christopher C. Jennings Dorothy L. Karayannis Jennifer L. in Jeffrey Levi Cathy R. Mays Rosalyn A. Mil Bruce N. Diane Regas Denise Ricketson Jeanine D~ Smartt Stephen C. Warnath Paul J. in, Jr Jill Pizzuto WithdrawallRedaction,Marker . Clinton
  • " I , o f OFF ICE 'OS-Aug 1996 01 :42pm TO, ~ p-~-ZU: FROM: " SUBJECT: Jeffrey Levi ,AIDS Policy Counc RE Week of 6th nothing on paper yet . that weekend '~- the 13th will be the display the,qutlt will be'lots events -- we will prepare