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  • 9-9-95 Welfare Reform (Radio)
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds . Subseries: 10985 . OA/ID Number: FolderiD: · Folder Title: 9-9-95 Welfare Reform (Radio) Stack: .S Row: Section: Shelf: Position: 0 0 0 r------.-~~----- --------- ---------- - PRESIDENT
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subserics: . 10988 OA/ID Number: FoldcriD: Folder Title: NGA(in Las Vegas) Stack:· Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 ..---------- - - - .~Lwl Sir( J ' fii ' Welfare Reform
  • will spur the Congress to get off the dime. Let me be clear: Congress still needs to pass a comprehensive welfare reform bill that contains work requirements, time limits, the toughest possible child support enforcement laws, and gives states the tools
  • Welfare Reform
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subserics: OA/ID Number: 10987 FolderiD: Folder Title: Welfare Reform Stack: s. Row: Section: Shelf: Position: 0 0 0 0 More Than Half the Nation Enacting Welfare Reform Under
NGA [1] (Item)
  • continue to move forward on welfare reform so that the problem of generational dependency does not become the legacy of this century and follow us into the next. And second, we must make sure we give our children the world's best education-- one
  • enough to do so. Today I want to talk about two critical areas: giving our children the best education; and finishing the job of welfare reform, breaking the cycle of dependency, moving millions of more people from welfare to work. Taken together
  • to move forward on welfare reform so that the problem of generational dependency does not become the legacy of this century and follow us into the next. And second, we must make sure we give our children the world's best education-- one that challenges
  • for pregnant women can increase the likelihood of a· heal thy baby, but it can't pay the rent. As you so eloquently state as part of your own principles for welfare reform, "Welfare reform must not focus on eliminating programs, but on eliminating poverty
  • Welfare Reform
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Terry Edmonds Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10990 FolderiD: Folder Title: Welfare Reform Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 0 0 0 0 PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON WELFARE REFORM BILL SIGNING THE WHITE HOUSE
  • 1~ . it like it is. -1)~~ ,~- -MJT~~~~ Welfare Reform is a case in point. I was elected President to ~ end welfare as we know it. And we are going to do it. But, we vJ~ ~ have to do it the right way. The right way is a true partnership , z
  • presence here today, there is a definite _warming trend. As you know, your governors gave Washington a very clear wake-up call this week. The details of their agreements on Medicaid and Welfare Reform are still being analyzed. But, the most important thing
  • ~ paychecks. Welfare reform has always been first and foremost about work. Work was at the core of the Family Support Act which w~s the defining issue of this organization when I was it's chai~ in 1986. Work has been at the core of the ~ecord 29 welfare -g
  • crime dropping for four more years. We have to finish putting 100,000 police on the street, target violent gangs, ban bullets whose only purpose is to pierce the bullet-proof vests of police officers. When it came to welfare reform, the old politics
  • and promote parental responsibility. While we continue to wait for the Congress to pass comprehensive welfare reform that promotes work and protects children, I am directing the Department of Health and Human Services to issue new regulations which
  • . Yesterday we took a step forward by giving the American people a welfare reform bill that, though not perfect, offers our best chance to move people from dependence to independence while giving them a real opportunity to succeed at work and at home. I am
  • . There is one other act of service that I urge you to consid,er, and it is one that will do an enormous amount to help our children. Now that we have enacted landmark welfare reform, requiring the responsibility of work, the rest of us have a responsibility
NGA [2] (Item)
  • the unfinished business of our country-- to balance our budget, renew our democracy, and finish the job of welfare reform. Over the last four years, we have brought new economic growth by investing in our people, expanding our exports, cutting our deficits
  • make work pay. We ought to raise the minimum wage. It's the right thing to do. Welfare reform. Real welfare reform moves people from dependence to independence -- from a welfare check to a paycheck. The Democratic approach to welfare reform achieves
  • right by their children. Congress and I are now at work on ·~welfare reform ~. I look forward to their passing, and my signing into law, a bipartisan bill that stands a real chance of ending welfare as we know it.. 2 ~~~LV:-.0UJ' ~
  • 8/22/96 Welfare Reform Signing
  • : Speechwriting Series/StaffMember: Terry Edmonds Subseries: 10987 OA/ID Number:' FolderiD: Folder Title: 8/22/96 Welfare Reform Signing Stack: Row: Section: s ·o 0 Shelf: o· Position: 0 ' ' THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary August
  • the past four years, we worked with 43 states to launch welfare reform experiments, moving a record 2.25 million people off our nation's welfare rolls. Here in Michigan, a strong economy and your efforts have helped move more than 208,000 people offthe
  • to support you on key issues, they strongly urge you to hold the line on affirmative action. Additionally, the organization remain very interested in your views and priorities concerning welfare reform and · heath care. Ill. PARTICIPANTS 7,000 People
  • TABE HEALTH CARE Medicare Trust Fund Memorandum on Children's Health Bill Q&A on Children's Health Bill . Additional Children's Health Q&A's Additional Medicare Qs&As TABF CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM TABG WELFARE Welfare Reform Legislative Proposals
  • that embody this principle, including abstinence-based curricula, welfare reforms that discourage early parenting and require. young mothers tci live at home and stay in school, and tough new of parenthqod to child support enforcement provisions that drive
  • alive. You in the states have led the way in most of the major reforms of the past few decades -- especially for children and families. As you focus on youth, there is one issue that we must now work together to solve: welfare reform. It is an issue many
  • are trying to achieve with welfare reform. We want to challenge the weak and the strong to work together to build better lives for the parents of today and the children oftomorrow." Racial healing and diversity ... ·· "Standing here in the shadow
  • Office of Economic Development. 415/554-6117. Bracing for Welfare Reform Recent changes in Welfare Refonn law will require San Francisco to fashion-a response that preserves the safety net of services provided to the City's most needy residents, while
  • . Over half owed money to mothers on welfare. And the landmark welfare reform legislation I signed last month institutes the most dramatic crackdown yet on child support enforcement. It says to deadbeat parents: pay up, or we'll track you down, garnish
  • . Finally, let me say I applaud the work that you have done, again in a bipartisan fashion, on welfare reform. I know you haven't -- I don't think you've voted on that policy yet, but we discussed it some yesterday. I've seen some of the changes you've made
  • at home. We need your help in.all of this. -4- ·we have a moral obligation to help move people from welfare to work. One of the most critical challenges we now face is moving people from welfare to work. Last year we enacted landmark welfare reform
  • critical areas: giving our children the best education; and finishing the job of welfare reform, breaking the cycle of dependency, moving millions of more· people from welfare to work. Taken together, these issues really are at the core of our national
Race [1] (Item)
  • , including: jobs and economic prosperity; workforce development and welfare reform, infrastructure and the environment; education; safety and security; health; and homeownership. A diverse group of practitioners and experts will be invited to participate
  • to do. Minimum Wage. Real welfare reform moves people from dependence to independence -- from a welfare check to a paycheck. The Democratic.approach to welfare reform achieves this without simply cutting people off or hurting their children
  • a stronger union here at home. As we prepare for all these challenges, we must move quickly to finish the unfinished business before us here: balancing our budget, finishing welfare reform, restoring our democracy. Over the last four years, we cut
  • born to teen-agers who dropped out of school live in poverty. In the last two years, we have worked hard to halt the ........ epidemic of children from having children. The welfare reform measures I have proposed send a clear signal to \ young people
  • welfare reform is all about-we'll should live in poverty in this country. If you help you if you're in trouble but not for a work hard, you ought to be able to have a lifetime. You've got to go to work some time. decent life. I think that's what child
  • , and finishing the job of welfare reform. Over the last four years, our strategy of cutting the deficit, expanding exports and investing in our people has spurred our economy to produce record numbers of new businesses and 11 million new jobs. But to keep our
  • , and it's not in our interest to cut it. The last thing I would like to do is to ask you, as I have before, to help us finish the job of welfare reform. Over the last four years, with 11.5 million new jobs in the economy, about 7 2.25 million people moved
Mayors [4] (Item)
  • of this. (Applause.) One way we have to do it is with the right kind of welfare reform. Three-quarters of the people in America on welfare are already under welfare reform experiments because of the action our government has taken to encourage strategies to move
  • work. The Kassebaum-Kennedy health reform bill means families will never again be denied health insurance because a family member is sick. The welfare reform bill will finally make welfare what it was meant to be -- a second chance, not a way of life
  • the country. It then details the major problems still facing cities and concludes by focusing on two special challenges to America's cities on the cusp of the new century: welfare reform and immigration. Section ID:Offers a future-looking urban agenda
  • to, preventing crime as well as catching criminals. They were wrong about that, too. We need to keep on going until we put all those police officers on the street. (Applause. ) When it came to welfare reform, I said we ought to move people from welfare to work
  • of supporting them. The· . Congiess and I are near agreement on sweeping welfare reform. We a~ree on time limits, tough work requirements, and the toughest possible ~hild support enforcement. But I believe 0e must al~o provide child care so that mothers who
  • Francisco, CA), Mayor ofthe host City ofthe 1997 Annual Conference ofthe U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM). This is an opportunity to thank Mayor Brown for his contributions to the Annual Conference, to listen to his concerns regarding welfare reform
  • their attempt to block grant Medicaid, and insisted that welfare reform protects women and children by maintaining the Medicaid guarantee. The Democratic Party wants America to preserve and strengthen Medicare and Medicaid, so we honor our values and protect
  • in their surrounding suburbs -- and each of the ten largest American cities has a lower unemployment rate today than in 1993 1. Welfare reform and the new financial tools to make it work will move even more Americans into the labor force. Average pay for city jobs
  • middle class people some help, who have children in the home, paid for by a tax on upper income people whose incomes went up and taxes went down in the '80s. This president vetoed. Saying one thing, doing another. Talk about welfare reform. They always
Michigan [2] (Item)
  • Education in Michigan Welfare Reform in Michigan -.;: ·· · . I I : Withdrawal/Redaction Marker Clinton Library DOCUMENT NO. AND TYPE 00 I. schedule DATE SUBJECT/TITLE 03/06/97 Cover Sheet for Schedule ( 1 page) RESTRICTION P6/b(6
  • government more efficient and user friendly .. He's instituted innovative welfare reform meuures. toughened penalties for crime and expanded prison construction. Romer is natJonally known as a coD!ensua builder on complex and controversial issues. He
  • -and middleincome families who are using low-quality care or are returning to work under welfare reform. [What is the unfunded need in Head Start and /or child care]. Large payoff if additional investments are made in programs such as Even Start, Early Head Start
Budget 1997 (Item)
  • to the most well--off and taking,froni the most vulnerable whiie doing little for those in. the middle. · · Republican tax cuts and welfare reform-proposals would provide $31.3 billion more in tax benefits for those making at· least $20o,ooo·a year,·and $11.5
Michigan [1] (Item)
Vernon Jordan (Item)
  • with disabilities. President Clinton forced Republicans to put aside their attempt to block grant Medicaid, and insisted that welfare reform protects women and children by maintaining the Medicaid guarantee. The Democratic Party wonts America to preserve
  • , in the last year the steepest deCline in violent crime of all. We continued with the initiatives before the welfare reform law was signed-- local initiatives in welfare which moved record numbers of people from welfare to work, and all the analysis showed
  • welfare reform? Of course we do. But no one has worked harder to bring this about than me. In the last four years, we have given 40 states permission to try experiments to move people from welfare to work in a way that was tough on work, but good
  • our broken welfare system. But cutting child care that helps mothers move from welfare to work, cutting help for abused and disabled children, and cutting school lunch · isn't welfare reform. Real welfare reform should be tough on work and tough
  • enjoy almost unanimous support from the group for positions you have taken on church burnings, education, the minimum wage, crime, and health care reform. The notable exception is the differences and concerns being expressed over the new welfare reform
New Markets (Item)
  • the American people get the right kind of welfare reform. Do we need welfare reform? Of course we do. 25 In the last four years, we have worked with 41 states to launch 69 experiments to move people from welfare to work in a way that was tough on work
  • getting up and going to work. We want these young people to know the thrill of the first paycheck, the challenge of starting that first business, the pride in following in a parent's footsteps. The welfare reform law I signed last week gives America
  • must make work pay. We ought to raise the minimum wage. It's the right thing to do. Minimum Wage. Real welfare reform moves people from dependence to independence -- from a welfare check to a paycheck. The Democratic approach to welfare reform
  • : opportunity, community and responsibility. The first speech, at Penn State, focused on personal responsibility, including welfare reform, education, crime, and community service. At the Coast Guard Academy, the President focused on America's responsibilities
  • % of · its total spending through funds received from government housing, food, etc. programs. For Lutheran Social Services, · that figure is 53%. - 28% of all state government spending is the spending of federal government funds. - the goal of welfare reform
  • on this strategy and the successes of the past four years. Goals for the Next Four Years Goal #1 : Welfare to Work The first goal is to help bring success to the welfare reform experiment we launched last year. In our new system, hundreds of thousands of people
  • , where those plans are consistent with the standards set out by the Supreme Court in its recent decisions. WELFARE REFORM Q: You talk often about the success of welfare reform, but what have you done to fix the faults of the welfare bill, as you
Race [2] (Item)
  • ~~~~ With Inserts +u Third,Afmish~ the job of welfare reform by creating ~~,. more jobs for all who to can~ork. Fourth,~ extend~ the benefits ofhomeownership even inore widely. Fifth, h rais'iig standards in our schools and investiJg more in our young
  • years The President pledged to end welfare as we know it and signed landmark bipartisan welfare reform legislation in 1996. Since then, caseloads have been cut in half, to the lowest level since 1968, and millions ofparents have joined the workforce
  • are requiring teen mothers on welfare to live at home, stay in school, and sign personal responsibility contracts ... we are working with you and the states to approve welfare reform experiments that are fair to children and tough on work. Today, 1.3 million
  • 38 states the freedom to experiment with 61 welfare reform experiments. Under a waiver granted by my administration, Louisiana now imposes a 2 year time I I limit, and requires minor welfare mothers to stay in school and to have their children
  • to 8.9 million, a record drop of3.3 million since he signed welfare reform into law and 5.2 million since he took office. To sustain this success, the President will announce the first Welfare -to- Work competitive grants from the $3 billion fund he
  • anc:hffifet~' ofoyr ehi-ldretl. These new resottiees, along with the child care funds provided in welfare reform will help more than 2.2.million children next year-an increase of nearly one million since 1997. By over doubling funding for after-school, we
  • revocation. Together, these measures will send a clear and consistent message that both parents must take responsibility for the children they bring into this world. Congress should pass them now as part of real, bipartisan welfare reform. Teen Pregnancy
  • · and. voted··_agamst w~lfarE!;r~foim .. B'U.t even as He courts lib~ial voters today. Bradley seldom diStusses his past opposition to welfare reform, and he certainly has not cilled for its reversat (Drily The Wtishingfon Peist editol-ial page stilfc:iefer\ds
Civility [4] (Item)
  • in this country. .There's an mvestment deficit in the American people. There's a safe streets deficit in this country. There's an adequate affordable health care deficit in this country. There's a welfare reform deficit in this country. That's why we need
  • /accomplishments; welfare reform waivers, empowerment zone concept. Now our goal must be to give people the capacity to build strong communities, and to give communities the capacity to defend themselves and grow, in three major ways: Crime: When streets
  • attachment is a recent poll that shows GOP and swing voters support funding for basic skills and vocational education. You can win on this one by promoting literacy as central to welfare reform. Thanks and good luck! I'll see you in Chicago! ~~ . 08/23/96
  • Video Mammograms Welfare Reform Clarksburg Vernon Jordan Quotes, etc. Supreme Court Decisions . Nice Copies of Things Tuskegee Education Personal Correspondence Central High NAACP Race Education PSAs/Camden Yards UCSD drafts w/POTUS Remarks Drug Free
  • "saved" Medicare, education, and the environment. The editorial also extols Sen. Cohen for criticizing the GOP tax-cut plan. MICHIGAN -Detroit News An editorial calls the Clinton Medicaid and welfare reform plans unfunded mandates. An editorial questions
  • education and training, welfare reform, fighting crime, helping families and children, commu.nity and economic development, national services, foreign policy, and affirmative action. Economic Policy. To meet the demands of the new economy; President Clinton
Civility [2] (Item)
  • the right ·thing to do. Minimum Wage. Real welfare reform moves people from dependence to independence -- from a welfare check to a paycheck. The Democratic approach to welfare reform achieves this without simply cutting people off or hurting
  • to make sure the American people get the right kind of welfare reform. Do we need welfare reform? Of course we do. In the last four years, we have worked with 41 states to launch 69 experiments to move people from welfare to work in a way that was tough
  • this time frame, from 38.7 in 1993 to 33.1 in 1998, and 30.4 in 1999. The group most likely affected by welfare reform is low-income single mothers and their children. According to a recently released survey, 3 • WHITE I-lOUSE DRAFT 11/20/2000 CHAPTER 5
Budget Stuff (Item)
  • maintaining the high-quality of Medicare services. It also saves $9 billion in Medicaid - $22 billion in gross savings offset by a $13 billion related to the welfare reform law · and new children's health initiatives. It saves $34 billion by reducing corporate
  • ~v~ led the way with truly meaningful welfare reform legislation that is foc"u$ed ori protecting our children and· moving people from welfare to work, something I've been laboring with for 15 years now. And I understand that those of you from IOwa saw
  • to suggest that we might have better expanded free trade by beginning with Chile before Mexico. > Welfare reform: here on the question of time limits~ you might point to the fact that for many hard working low income workers, welfare is their form
  • and proposed welfare reform measures. But, government alone can not solve this problem -- the private sector must also play a big part. As President Clinton said in the State of the Union, it will take all of us, "parents and leaders across the country [joining
Labor (Item)
  • welfare reform .. Ther.e will be riluch . pounding of fists and pious pronouncements about the decline "Of family values. But do~~ 'anyone really doubt that the best anti-poverty, pro-family policy ever invented is a good job? That poor teenagers
Race Book [1] (Item)
  • at home. Clearly, demanding and SLipporting responsible fatherhood is critical to lifting all children out of poverty and is an important component of welfare reform. 5 ' Throughout our Administration, Vice President Gore and I have encouraged fathers
  • , the changes now underway, and what we must do -- all of us -- to make sure that welfare reform honors those values, too. For four and a half years, my administration has been committed to putting an end to the old welfare system that trapped too many families
  • Kassebaum and Democrat Ted Kennedy means families will never again be denied health insurance because a family member is sick. The welfare reform bill passed by a majority of Democrats and Republicans in Congress will finally make welfare what it was meant
Montana [2] (Item)
  • and Infrastructure Funding 36 Social Programs Welfare Reform Mental Health Demonstration Proposal Social Security 37 . 38 39 Education/Labor School-to-Work 40 Technology and Development Technology and Competitiveness 41 Economic Development Grants 42
  • the middle class. To rebuild the sense of hope and community that have made this country strong. The key to doing all that lies in reducing the deficit, increasing investment in education and training, promoting real welfare reform, and expanding trade
  • not for devolution, welfare reform, or a reduction in the capitol gains tax: or health care--their place is for a crust of bread and a morsel of meat. They cry out in the words of the old Negro spiritualittis there a balm in Gilead? Is there a physician
  • angered while campaigning for reelection by signing the welfare reform bill. That measure especially hurts California by cutting off benefits for legal immigrants. All Connerly knows is that Clinton's "playing on our field" at UC, where he is a regent
  • and a renewed emphasis on work. A. B. C. D. E. F. Empowerment Zones, doubling the number Community Development Financial Institutions Welfare Reform- new incentives for Welfare to Work Cleaning up our cities: Brownfields, cleaning up toxic waste sites Making
  • streets from crime. Second, extending private sector prosperity so it touches every neighborhood in America. Third, finishing the job of welfare reform by creating more jobs for all who can work. Fourth, extending the benefits of homeownership even more
  • , Housing, NAFTA, Agriculture, Immigration, Labor, Welfare Reform, Trade, Women's Issues Lerma, Luz Elena Legis. Corres., Arts, Humanities District Office:San Antonio, TX 78214: Suite 115, 1313 S.E. Military Drive, phone 210-924-7383. Lozano, Frances PAGE
  • on a regional flavor with strong support coming from East Coast and Midwestern mayors of older industrial cities and less from Sunbelt mayors from the South and West. Other prime issues for the meeting include welfare reform and race relations. President Clinton
  • our children. = 11 - There is one other act of service that I urge you to consider, and it is one that will do an enormous amount to help our children. Now that we have enacted landmark welfare reform, requiring the responsibility of work, the rest
Kaiser (Item)
  • to complete the unfinished business of our country -- to balance our budget, renew our democracy, and finish the job of welfare reform. Over the last four years, we have brought new economic growth by investing in our people, expanding our exports, cutting our
Race Book [2] (Item)
  • resulting from bounced checks. It is time to restore due process and judicial discretion to ensure that unnecessary family tragedies do not continue. Similarly, in 1996, Congress passed and I signed landmark welfare reform legislation. We needed to change
  • the Family and Medical Leave Law helped. I don't think people ought to lose their jobs if their parents get sick or their baby's born and they need·to be there. (Applause.) I think the 35 states who we gave permission to experiment with welfare reform-- I
  • personal responsibility for themselves, their families, their communities and their country -- where every child grows up in a community where work is the standard and earning a paycheck is a thing of pride. The welfare reform law I signed gives millions
  • worker supports as we strive to assure the success of the welfare reform effort launched last year. In our neW system, hundreds ofthousands of people must make their way from a welfare check to a paycheck. I started my career helping people move from
Civility [5] (Item)
  • percent EITC subsidy, many low-wage workers would receive an effective wage minimum of $7.21 per hour of work (although the cost to employers is much lower). Welfare reform has encouraged families to find a way to become self-sufficient and has supported
Race Book [3] (Item)
  • and I signed landmark welfare reform legislation. We needed to change our system ofwelfare but we did not need to take punitive actions against legal immigrants that had nothing to do with moving people from w_elfare to wo_rk. Ove the lastf::\ four years
Race Book [5] (Item)
  • fatherhood is critical to lifting all children out of poverty and is an important component of welfare reform. Throughout our Administration, Vice President Gore and I have encouraged fathers to take an active and responsible role in their children's lives
Arkansas [4] (Item)
  • efforts, expanded prevention, education and treatment programs, assistance ' to local law enforcement, and stiffer criminal penalties. Fighting dependency • Governor Clinton helped draft and Senator Gore supported the most signifialu welfare reform
  • places who cry out not for devolution, welfare reform, or a reduction in the capitol gains tax or health care--their place is for a crust of bread and a morsel of meat. They cry out in the words ofthe old Negro spiritual, "Is there a balm in Gilead
Tuskegee (Item)
  • technologies, and welfare reform, raises the question regarding the impacts of these medical and social changes on the future health of the disadvantaged. The inability to recruit minorities to participate in medical clinical trials severely impairs
  • THE JOB OF WELFARE REFORM • The budget agreement included $3 billion to help move people from welfare to work. The agreement specifically stated that "a share of funds would go to cities/counties with large poverty populations commensurate with the share
  • ; * removed a plank in the welfare reform package that would have cut off funds to women who had more children; * stopped a GOP plan to allow corporations to raid their employees' pensions, something that would have put workers' hard-earned retirement money
  • trend. The welfare reform measures I have proposed send a clear signal to young people. We are not going to subsidize irresponsible behavior. Having a baby should not be a ticket to moving out, dropping out, and getting your own apartment. We're telling
  • worked with 43 states to launch welfare reform experiments, which helped move a record 2.6 million people off our nation's welfare rolls. Here in North Carolina, Work First-- Governor Hunt's comprehensive program to move families from welfare to work
  • care, and welfare reform. Takes calls. Higgins is not a big ·fan of President Clinton, is very opinionated, arid will ask questions· based on his opinions. He has · talked about health care many times and he thinks individual states .should decide
  • to those who have been trapped on welfare for a long time: For too long our welfare system has undermined the values of family and work, instead of supporting them. The Congress and I are near agreement on sweeping welfare reform. We agree on time limits
  • families. For those making the next big step. We should make that tax credit also expand the child care tax credit. And we should take For hard-pressed middle-income families, we should more affordable for another 400,000 children. welfare reform
  • welfare reform and other restructured programs will benefit the African-American community instead of harming it. II. KEY HIGHLIGHTS o Record number of African American appointments o Increased funding for Historical Black Colleges/ direct student loans
  • of the credit. But our economic policies and our social policies, and our anticrime bill and our welfare reform -- those. things have all played a role. We are moving in the right direction. And the choice now is 'whether we're going to be a society in which
  • new laws on the books and influence action on issues from welfare reform to capital punishment. Although the number of female state legislators is still small--only 1,536 out of 7,424--that's more than double the total in 1979. For women scouting
  • that does not spend the Social Security surplus. Working together-though not always without arguments-we have made real progress for America in the past. In 1996, we passed welfare reform. In 1997 we passed a balanced budget agreement that created
  • responsibility for welfare reform and child services to local governments. STATE STRATEGIES FOR THE NEW ECONOMY • EMPLOY PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS. Partnerships between government and other institutions can be effective means for solving problems
  • : • Expanded the Earned Income Tax Credit providing tax relief for--15 millio~ working families.' In 1994, the EITC lifted over 350,000 African Americans out of poverty., · . Introduced the Work and Responsibility Act- comprehensive welfare reform . • Passed
  • the thrill of the first paycheck, the challenge of starting that first business, the pride in following in a parent's footsteps. The welfare reform law I signed last week gives America a chance, but not a guarantee, to have that kind of new beginning; to have
  • ; need for balanced budget. b. Have deep problems that demand our undivided attention. Demand our efforts to understand and not to demonize one another as we seek real solutions. Affirmative action. Out-of-wedlock pregnancy. Welfare reform. Helping all
  • bring success to the welfare reform experiment we launched last year. In our new system, hundreds of thousands of people must make their way from a welfare check to a paycheck. I started my career helping people move from welfare to work and I can tell
Race Book [4] (Item)
  • to live in poverty than children with both parents at home. Clearly, demanding and supporting responsible fatherhood is critical to lifting all children out of poverty and is an important component of welfare reform. Throughout our Administration, .Vice
  • Campaign for Universal Literacy POTUS USA Today Interview Violence Against Women Welfare Reform Signing Welfare Reform Articles Re: WH and Politics Wilkes - Barre Roundtable WJC Speech Edits Women's Legal Defense Funds Women'sNGO Young Presidents African
  • cover for the abdication of government responsibility to the more · easily dominated state and local levels, the coup de grace of Clinton's "sink or swim" welfare reform bill of 1996. Bush speaks movingly of the hordes lined up at 3 and 4 a.m. for free
Mayors [1] (Item)
  • -terrorism legislation, honest lobbying reform. I want Congress to work together and pass Kassebaum-Kennedy bill ... an increase in the minimum wage ... and real welfare reform. Goals for the future. And we have real challenges to bring our country
Mayors [2] (Item)
  • to experiment with welfare reform, and 1.3 million fewer people on the welfare rolls. We fought for and passed the Family and Medical Leave Law. We passed the Americorps national service program, which is giving young people a chance to serve in so many of your
  • of a welfare reform package passed in 1995 by the Republican-controlled Illinois General Assembly, came after a year of review and just days after you proposed a similar measure at the national level. The state still has two other requests for waivers pending
Ron Brown (Item)
  • , and had helped to write the welfare reform bill of '88. So I had a certain following among the governors, you know, and a certain relationship with them that was helpful, I think. And I think-- I hope that it was helpful to him when I endorsed him. But he
  • jobs so that people can move from welfare to work. (Applause.) We passed welfare reform. All of you know I believe we were right to do it. But no one can walk out of this chamber with clear conscience unless you· are prepared to finish the job
  • /22/96 · Welfare Reform (Radio) REGO (reinventing govt.) Religion Religious Theme Remarks Ryan White Bill Signing WY- National Parks Sacramento School Construction Initiative School Uniforms Seattle, W A (Shoreline Coll111i.unity College) J' ~ .y
  • Americans, that try to weaken, even to gut health and safety standards; those who say they support work over welfare, but support a welfare reform bill that's weak on work and tough on children -- one the Congressional Budget Office says is unworkable in 44
  • . of it altogether, though. The· House of RepThe President. I told them that I would: resentatives wants to get rid of it altogether. gladly support programs that would save I mean, not the Congressmen that are here. money on spending and welfare reform and they all
  • that we need all Americans in strong grass roots communities. That's what the New Covenant is all about -opportunity and responsibility. Let me give you two examples. First; with regard to welfare reform, I believe we should offer more opportunity in terms
  • taken some time off when a baby was born or a parent was sick, without losing their job. We have to do more things like this to help people balance work and family. The best things about the welfare reform law was that we spent more money on child care
  • against Congress." Moynihan sees Clinton's strategy of accommodation with the Republicans, particularly on welfare reform, as disastrous. "There was a pretty iarge political tradition which is vaporizing before our eyes-the tradition of the Democrats
  • for a welfare reform plan Lbal is designed Lo help people help themselves, transforming Lhe welfare system into an employment system. • P1-esident Ointon announced Priuri.Ly: Home! Federal Plan to Break the Cycle ofHomelessness. This innovative plan moves from
Kentucky (Item)
  • Affirmative Action Sill - Saved Wagner Peyser and Employment System - Blocked repeal of STW - Maintained .2% FUTA tax SENT BY:OFFICE OF SECRETARY 3-28-37 3:07PM ·; DOL-+ CCITT G3;# 7 .. Blocked inclusion of JTPA in welfare reform and immigration bill
  • had represented -- I was kind of the Democratic Governors spokesperson on education, and I had been the chairman of the Governors conference, and had helped to write the welfare reform bill of '88. So I had a certain following among the governors, you
  • be the only engine of prosperity and greater equality. In fact, communities and individuals must take more personal responsibility for making the most oftheir lives. Our policies reflect that philosophy: Head Start, Family and Medical Leave, welfare reform
  • . Since enactment ofthe 1996 welfare reform law, millions of families have moved from welfare to work. With the President's leadership, the 1997 Balanced Budget Act included $3 billion to move long-term welfare recipients and low-income noncustodial
Civility [1] (Item)
  • passing a tough juvenile justice bill, and teaching our children about the dangers of drugs. Fifth, we must bring the underclass into the American mainstream. The President signed historic welfare reform legislation, but now we must create jobs and move
Education (Item)
  • Crime/violence Welfare reform Balance the budget *Most likely to volunteer education: college-educated women (33%), children in household (27%), under age 50 (27%), professionals/managers (27%). National Education GARIN-HART-YANG RESEARCH Q.3
  • years of welfare reform, Minner notes that while Delaware's rolls are smaller, many hard-toplace people remain- and some who have been placed in jobs do .not have the skills they need to turntheir jobs into careers. "I believe that we must make a change
  • Should Pass Bipartisan Welfare Reform that is tough on work and protects children. The President's proposal establ.ishes tough work requirements, time limits, and provides for needed child care. · Page 2 -~------------------------------- .. I
Race/OJ [1] (Item)