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19 results

  • they w i l l not be attacked or redefined before the u n v e i l i n g . Reassure s p e c i f i c audiences t h a t important a n c i l l a r y issues have been included. Theme 1. AIDS Event: AIDS czar announcement Theme 2. Long-term care Events
  • benefit. Kristine Cebbic, the Preeident's first AIDS Czar, resigned in August. It is now almost October. When is the President going to appoint a replacement? A search isTOWunder way for a new National AIDS Policy Coordinator. Interviews have been held
  • become one of the media's most under- largely through injected drug use but reported stories. Unless there's a ce- also through unprotected ssx, say ; lebrity death or a medical break- Patsy Fleming the new AIDS czar. "Women are more than twice as through
  • " about sex when they support sex-ridden Hollywood fare and then try to persuade them to abstain, AIDS czar Kristine M. Gebbie said yesterday "We are collectively sending double messages.... I've said before that part of our problem is that we continue