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  • of Mayors (USCM) is convening in Washington for their annual Wmter · Meeting from January 17 - 19, 1997. The meeting will focus primarily ori issues related to drug control, welfare reform, and the budget. A detailed oudine of the Mayoral Priorities for 1997
  • Welfare Reform
  • : Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Carolyn Curiel Subseries: OA/ID Number: 10995 FolderiD: Folder Title: Welfare Reform Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: s 91 5 7 3 ,.._ WELFARE REFORM: WORK Under the President's refonn pion, welfare
  • , a lower deficit, low inflation, a smaller federal government doing much more. We're doing things that make government work for ordinary people --valuing work and family with things like the family leave law; our initiatives .in welfare reform; tax credits
  • . spending is lower as a share of the economy than in any year since 1979. The President's Balanced Budget includes nearly $300 billion in entitlement savings ($124 billion in Medicare savings, $59 billion from Medicaid. and $40 billion from welfare reform
Covenant (Item)
  • ; demanding responsibility; and support for families.While Congress debates reform, the President also gave Ohio a waiver to move forward on welfare reform. Our administration has now given 25 states -- half the nation --welfare waivers, more than twice
Polls (Item)
  • important unfinished work for America on job training, health care, welfare reform,- and reforming government. · ' Combined Very convincing . ~ . ~ . . . . . .. . . 29 ' Somewhat -convincing . . . . . . . . 31 60 Somewhat unconvincing . . . . . • 17 Very
  • 0 F F I C E 0 F 0 F T H E T H E P R E S I DE P R E S I DE 13-Jul-1995 !1:59am TO: FROM: MEETING (See Below) Margaret M. Suntum Office of the Press Secretary SUBJECT: SUBJECT: 1995-07-13 REMARKS BY PRESIDENT AT WELFARE REFORM THE WHITE HOUSE
  • the most sweeping welfare reform the country had ever seen. I want to work with the Congress to get real welfare reform. In 1992, I was elected to slash the deficit. That also was part of my New Covenant. In 1994, the Republican Contract called
  • and doing just that. So we are moving ahead. When the Congress didn't pass welfare reform and then they passed under the guides of welfare reform, a version of what the mayor talked to you about, about the State Initiative, the welfare reform bill
  • shoulders ·without threatening the family's insurance. We're trying to pass welfare reform which supports both work and child rearing, and we ought to raise the minimum wage. No parent can raise a child on $4.25 a hour, though millions are trying to do just
  • found that complying with Family and Medical Leave cost them little or nothing. This is making America's families stronger, promoting work and family. That's what we have to do with welfare reform, too. Our job is to fix a welfare system that too often
Memos (Item)
  • a briefing for them on welfare reform, education and budget issues. The board represents municipal officials from across the country. Attached you will find a list of everyone that will be attending. TRADE DELEGATION TO MEXICO On Aprilll-15, Alexis Herman
  • the direction of our country. And I know we all feel challenged, as Governor Carnahan said, because of our new responsibilities in the aftermath of the passage of the welfare reform law. I have just come from a very moving encounter at the Full Employment
  • care problem know that a lot of great ideas come from out- · to have real welfare reform. side Washington, and many States are al~ So. this year, we Will make history by reready using it. Then this Congress took a dra- .. forming the health care system
  • SUBJECT: Teen Preqnancv Prevention Private Sector Initiative We understand that the President will be introducing his welfare reform proposal and addressing, among other things, teen pregnancy prevention. This memorandum sets forth two options
  • getting up and going to work. -MORE- 10 We want these.young people to know the thrill of the first paycheck, the challenge of starting that first ·business, the pride in following in a parent's footsteps. The welfare reform law I signed last week gives
  • ·the·kids in this country under two, or the crime ' Bill .that had. punishment arid prevention and· police, and the .assault weapons ban.' That's what the welfare ·reform ini1;J,atives . were all about,· and the .National service Bill. · And I will say ag
Women [1] (Item)
  • are on welfare than the day I took office, and child support collections are up 40 percent. For three and a half years I've worked with Congress to craft legislation that replaces welfare with work. For months, the Republicans insisted that welfare reform
  • of people convicted of crimes. We have faced these problems after they were ignored by the people who were here before. If they want to help in a responsible and fair way, I say, come on. They say they're for welfare reform. Well, in the last two years, we
  • , but a significant minority of the people on welfare trapped on it for a very long time. I worked on this problem for a long time, nearly lS.years now. As a governor I had the honor of working with the Reagan administration to write the last welfare reform bill back
Urban Issues (Item)
  • rewarding and families nurturing. Initiatives serving these ends include: . . . . . . . President's Universal Health Care Plan Welfare Reform Childhood Immunizations Expansion of Head Start Expansjon of the Women's, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program
Budget [2] (Item)
  • Service. Welfare reform (food stamps, child nutrition, etc.) ($64·. 6 billion), cuts in c,ivil service programs ( 11 billion) , Medicare extenders ($10.5 billion), I SpectrUm auction extension (2.5 billion), and Uranium enrichment privatization ($1·. 6
Race Speeches (Item)
  • of welfare reform. This administration has given 35 states the right to get out from under various federal rules and regulations, to dq· more to move people from welfare to work. But what is our ol;:>jective with welfare reform? It is to· see people who
  • be prevented from speaking out on any public issue, from abortion to welfare reform, just because they recejve federal funds. The lshtook Amendment would cripple the nonprofit sector which has contributed so much to America's success. You know, it amazes me
Budget [1] (Item)
  • funded in Georgia so far], now vote decides: Whether finish lOOK; target violent gangs w/RICO; ban cop-killer bullets. Passed historic welfare reform, now vote decides: Whether create 1M new jobs move ppl welfare to work. Made air, water, food safer, now
  • , and balance the budget. Let me be clear: If Congress will not join me, I will act alone to give the American people the change they demand. We have already given 35 states freedom to overhaul their welfare systems. If we cannot agree on bipartisan welfare
  • expo·essed a serious governing maregr: Move rho. Democrat· ic Party rightward on certain social issues (crime, welfare refOrm, personal responsil>iliry) while promoting an aggre..•ive economic strategy aimed ar de· fending jobs and wagrs. The liberal labor
  • on welfare for a long time: For too long our welfare system has undermined the values of family and work, instead of supporting them. The Congress and I are near agreement on sweeping welfare reform. We agree on time limits, tough work requirements
Economy (Item)
  • increased investment in education from Head Start to making more college loans ·available to people. And we certainly began not only to shrink the size of government, but to change the nature of government -- to let states have more say over welfare reform
Family Values (Item)
  • zones, and welfare reform designed to encourage work and independence. National Camca1gn Headquarters • PO. Box 615 • Little Rock. Arkansas 72203 • TelephOne t501l 372·1992 • I=AX (5011 372·2292 Paid tor ov the Clinton ~or P·~-s·ce"'t Ccm~•Tt'!'! '""eo
Labor (Item)
  • -Williams vowed to be "very vocal on issues that deal with welfare reform" - meaning don't cut the dole. And also with issues dealing "with the real attitudes and attempts to roll back many of the gains that we have made over the years . . . particularly
  • Letters and Messages, June l993 to August l993 * Write and edit Presidential proclamations and public statements * Write letters and messages for the President's signature, working with policy officials in areas of welfare reform, national
Latinos (Item)
  • the focus of· the national government to the grassroots of America. There,are a lot of other things that !-will be talking about over the next few weeks that are part of this New Covenant; welfare reform, what we're going to do in crime to lower the crime
  • to say m~ne on that later·· but you'are.doing it. And that is. clear evidence that we should give the states., the right ,io pursu., welfare reform. They · know 'how to get the job done better th!lll the fed~ral· government has done iri the past.. We
Challenges (Item)
  • more work to do to ensure the health, safety and futures of our families. That is why President Clinton has issued the following challenges: • • • • Congress should pass a bipartisan welfare reform bill that reinforces basic American values -- work
  • on welfare reform. In November, he is elected to his fourth term as governor. Oil prices drop dramatically in February. 1989 Clinton co-chairs the President's National Education Summit. 1990 The Democratic Leadership Council names Clinton a.o; its chairman
  • Tabacco Torch Toricelli University speeches Urban issues Violence/terrorism Violence F. Pena nommination Welfare reform Welfare related articles What it means to be an American Women Women's rights project Worker issues Unequal justice Project 2000
Women [3] (Item)
  • and March . 24 vote on the GOP plan for welfare reform, an issue that had ·--- - -·· ·-dtvtded Democrats and that most had sought to sidestep. But publicity over the legislation has bolstered their argument that iiimiiiiiirmllllllrml
Drugs (Item)
Economic (Item)
  • and Welfare Reform Testimony: Secretary Shalala will testify before the Senate Finance Committee on the proposals of the National Governors' Association regarding welfare reform and changes in Medicaid. HHS--Travel to Pittsburgh: Secretary Cisneros will travel
  • build a bridge to the 21st century where everybody has a chance to be a responsible citizen. We've moved 1.8 million people off welfare, but there are still a lot of able-bodied people on welfare who would like to go to work. I signed a welfare reform
HI-Spanics (Item)
  • ~. • Passed the FamUy Support and Presenation Program. • Approved 37 waivers to states permitting comprehensive welfare reform demonstrations. • Helped reduce welfare rolls 5% since taking office-· 700,000 fewer recipients each month. • Reducing the number
  • to be done in the name of welfare reform. This administration has given 35 States the right to get out from under various Federal rules and regulations, to do more to move people from welfare to work. But what is our objective with welfare reform
Budget [3] (Item)
Iowa Trip [1] (Item)
  • support immigration reform, and welfare reform. I think it's time to place real limits on public assistance, and require the (more) 4 recipients to take jobs, enter job training programs, or both. But even if we resolve those issues perfectly, we won't
  • and the second time around, we reformed health insurance. It took two tries but we did it. I pledged to reform welfare which has disrupted families and had turned into a way of life for some. can say we did that. And four years later I We passed a welfare
Immigration (Item)
  • attempted to lcducc the number of its subcommittees to six, to comply with a directive from the congressional leadership. The Cailcus will have to deal with many more substantive matters once President Clinion sends his budget plan,. health care, welfare
  • in Bedford·Stuyvesant could make a difference today in nearly every American city. And we struggle even today to make real Robert Kennedy's ideas about enterprise zones, school management, health care and welfare reform, and child care. 15 U.20.2 514 8639 DOJ-OPD
  • . • HHS • Welfare Reform Initiative: Missouri is pursuing a broad based welfare reform initiative whose significant components include: time limits based on family circumstances; diversion of AFDC grants as wage supplements; increasing the amount of earned
  • and other trade victories, that are producing results. We will do it again with GATT. b. Giving people the chance to shape their lives again: Education and training reform, specifically college loan programs, Goals 2000. Health care, welfare reform
College [1] (Item)
  • it; that people in Washington should not be telling people how to do it. That's what we do here. In our education reforms we said, okay, here are some national standards we ought to meet, you figure out how to do it. In welfare reform we said, we want to move
  • footsteps. The welfare reform law I signed last week gives America a chance, but not a guarantee, to have that kind of new beginning; to have a new social bargain with the poor guaranteeing health care, child care, and nutrition for the children
  • welfare reform is all about-- we'll help you're in trouble, but not for a lifetime. You've g'ot to go to work sometime., I think that's what child support enforcement is all about. If you've got the money, you ought to be taking care of your kid
Businesses (Item)
  • welfare reform, now vote decides: Whether 5 create 1M new jobs move ppl welfare to work. Made air, H20, food safer, now vote decides: Whether clean up 2/3 toxics by 2000. Most of all, vote decides: world-class ed.: All read by 3rd. Classrooms to Internet
Tobacco [1] (Item)
  • anything that doesn't support the two objectives we have: We want these people to be good parents, and we want these people to be successful in the workplace. That should be our objective. And everything about welfare reform should be seen through
  • Reform. And the President has developed a series of major initiatives designed to :build a plat:form o.C economic and personal security into every American's life -- from NAFTA to the Crime Bill ... And from welfare reform to health care reform
  • of interconnections that will be the best of tomorrow? Nobody. So I say to you, when we have issues that are troubling, we need to solve them in ways that bring us together, not use them as wedges to drive us apart. I'll just give you three. Welfare reform. I led
  • proposed in the last year or so. There have not been -THE PRESIDENT: That's not accurate. I started qrantinq these waivers .. -- I had to write the last welfare reform law, so I knew the President could tell the -- could qive states permission to try
  • . WELFARE REFORM & SlJPPORT FOR FAMILIES • Expanded the Earned Income Tax Credit by $21 billion over five years to lift working families out of poverty with incentives to work. When fully implemented, over 20 million households with incomes of $27,000
  • ,. • llcanshadreachedagreementon key aspects of welfare reform, and be called for more compromtse to bal· ance the need for welfare parents to go to work but still get the cbUd care The President delivered his radio -~ d r b N 1 II u ad ress rom t e at ona us tutes or Health
  • service programs are modest due to budget constraints, but they are the most ambitious since Kennedy's Peace Corps. The welfare reforms that Clinton favors further illustrate the direction in which he is moving: demanding that those on welfare either
Suffrage (Item)