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12 results

  • Initiative. Africans admire Americans, and they .expect much from us. CONCLUSION: • We cannot lose the momentum we have built. We will work with Congress to pass the African trade bill. Secretaries Rubin, Daley and Slater will travel to Africa, as will Vice
  • SOCIETY . LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS SEPTEMBER 25, 1997 Acknowledgments: Secretary Gober, Secretary and Mrs. Slater . . Thank you, Secretary Gober, for those very kind _remarks. You are obviously a veteran ... of many speeches. Ladies and gentlemen, I am
  • to Senegal William Daley,· Secretary of Commerce (Ghana, Uganda and South Africa Only) Alexis Herman, Secretary of Labor (Ghana, Uganda and South Africa Only) Rodney Slater, Secretary of Transportatidn Sylvia Mathews, Assistant to the President and Deputy
  • : Secretary General Annan, Secretary General Salim (Sa-LEEM), Minister Ouedraogo (wah-DRAY-go), Secretary Albright, Secretary Slater, Ambassador Barshevsky, Brian Atwood, distinguished ministers and officials from 46 Mrican nations] I am delighted to address
Africa Op-Ed (Item)
  • -LEEM), Minister Ouedraogo (wah-DRAY-go), Secretary Albright, Secretary Slater, Ambassador Barshevsky, Brian Atwood, distinguished ministers and officials from 46 African nations] I am delighted to address this gathering. We are honored by your presence
Drugs (Item)
  • communities, to break the deadly cycle between crime and drugs. I have also asked her to redouble our efforts against drug trafficking by organized crime groups. I have asked Transportation Secretary Slater to maintain the vigorous maritime interdiction
  • . ' [Acknowle~gments: Members of the Cabinet (Acting Secretary Gober; Secretary Cohen'; Attorney General Reno; Secretary Slater; ' ~ecretary ~iley; General . McCaffrey; Director.Lachance); General Shelton and . members of the Joint Chiefs; General and Mrs
  • today, Secretaries Shalala, Riley, Slater; General McCaffrey; Dr. Varmus from the NIH; Joe Duffey, Director of the USIA; Senator Harris Wofford, the head of our national service efforts; Dr. John Brademas; Robert Stanton and others who are here. We have
Iraq (Item)
  • problem. Thank you, General Shelton, for being the right person at the right time. Thank you, General Ralston, and the members of·the Joint Chiefs, General Zinni, Secretary Albright, Secretary Slater, DCI Tenet, Mr. Bowles, Mr. Berger. Senator Robb, thank