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  • ^ ^.\p -1 6 ^ - ^ ^ 0 statement by President WUliam Jefferson Clinton K^^rf on Welfare Reform Wednesday May 22, 1996 Yesterday, Senator Dole seemed to move away from some of the more extreme welfare reform proposals that have been suggested in Congress
  • On Longer Lock-ups Eggers and O'Leary On Community Cops Were the Founders Racist? Dinesh D'Souza Faith, Hope, and Subsidy Will Welfare Reform Corrupt Religious Charities? 3*
  • MARCH Early Balanced budget: defeated War on kids School lunches Rescissions Clinton - welfare reform Deadbeat parents State waivers Middle Tax cut: Ways and Means Rescission Bill: House War on kids Robbing kids for wealthy 1 Late Welfare Bill: House
  • [Michael Waldman: Welfare Reform]
  • of Origin: Speechwriting Series/Staff Member: Michael Waldman Subseries: 14451 OA/ID Number: FolderlD: Folder Title: [Michael Waldman: Welfare Reform] Stack: Row: Section: Shelf: Position: 92 4 2 3 T E PRESIDENT H S SEEN H A MEMORANDUM
  • PRESIDENT WILLIAM J. CLINTON WELFARE REFORM BILL SIGNING V¥Il/L,r/\I% THE WHITE HOUSE HE WHITE HOUSE AUGUST 22, 1996 S^AUG^l „ , . on PH - ^ Thank you Lillie. We met 10 years ago when Lillie came to a meeting of the nation's governors. She said something
  • years ahead. This is an historic opportunity that no one in business can afford to miss. POSSIBLE QUESTIONS. Feel free to refer specific questions on the REA to Secretary Reich. You may get questions on other issues, such as: • Welfare Reform. Same basic
  • and all across America. 8 We need people to take personal responsibility in so many other ways as well. That is what the great debate now taking place on welfare reform is all about. We know that the welfare system is broken; it promotes dependency
  • . Congress and the NGA have included all of the Administration's provisions for child support enforcement in their welfare reform bills. 0 7 / 1 9 y 9 6 11113 © 2 0 2 690 5673 HHS-PUBLIC AFFAI EFFECTIVE CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT INITIATIVES
Civic Renewal (Item)
  • ) Call on every community to have a comprehensive plan for reducing teen pregnancy. The welfare reform bill offers significant financial inducements to states that reduce teen pregnancy rates; the point here is to encourage affected communitios to devise
  • with handwritten note (2 pages) 07/25/1996 P5 003. draft Sppech Draft; RE: Remarks on Welfare Reform [pages 1-3 and 7-13] (10 pages) 07/31/1996 P5 004. draft Speech Draft; RE: Welfare Reform Bill Signing [page 10] (I page) 08/22/1996 P5 005. draft
  • with inspired political leadership. It took courage and backbreakmg work to find the right formula for you and a Republican Congress to pass the 1996 Welfare Reform Act. Then, it took vision for you to challenge the business community to do its part. The country
Speech Themes (Item)
  • Room speech, you will talk about our efforts to honor work and help those who are taking responsibility for their lives and their families, and take stock of the implementation of the welfare reform law you signed two years ago. You will announce
  • balloon the deficit, Raise interest rates. Harm the economy. President Clinton's plan: Tax cuts for families. College tuition tax credits. Health insurance you don't lose changing jobs. Welfare reform. Growth. President Clinton meeting our challenges. Dole
  • , and are ready to support their children. He has supported policies that embody this principle, including abstinence-based curricula, welfare reforms that discourage early parenting and require young mothers to live at home and stay in school, and tough new child
  • Draft; RE: Speech at Georgetown (2 pages) n.d. P5 004. draft Speech Draft; RE: Welfare Reform (4 pages) 05/22/1996 P5 COLLECTION: Clinton Presidential Records Speechwriting Michael Waldman OA/Box Number: 14444 FOLDER TITLE: May "96 [President
  • are not waiting. We are acting now to give the states the flexibility to decide how to reform welfare. My administration has given 38 states the freedom to experiment with 61 welfare reform experiments.^ Under a waiver granted by my administration, Louisiana now
  • achievement decades in the making. '^^JaJ^ ^JVJtjfeffy/' CLASS WELFARE TO WOR Goals OverallsTo make the mostpfihe historic opportunity presented by welfare reform by breaking the cycle of dependencyjand truly making welfare what it was meant
  • welfare, it's work; too many Americans exiled from world of work; welfare reform a historic obligation 2. Plan to bring work back into the inner city a. Wage subsidy tax credit b. Use job placement firms to place welfare recipients c. Put them to work
  • by the President to reach out to the Republicans and lock in their support for a bipartisan national service agenda. -10- UNDERCLASS - WELFARE TO WORK Goals Overall: To make the most of the historic opportunity presented by welfare reform by breaking the cycle
  • the economic progress we have worked so hard t o achieve. 5. Do you intend to change your welfare reform proposal, given the e l e c t i o n o f a more conservative Congress? A. Our welfare reform proposal addresses the goals I t h i n k most Americans
  • together across party lines to pass a landmark welfare reform bill. We said that no person could ever make welfare a way of life again ~ that everybody who can work, must work. But we also recognized that millions who had known nothing but years
  • . And across America, crime has come down. In Oregon, violent crime was down 4 percent last year, and murders were down 8 percent ~ the biggest drop in 3 decades. We are reforming welfare. Even before I signed the welfare reform bill, we worked with 41 states
  • their children; Encourages a i m m u n i t j - revitulization; and Places inciea9«d cmphaais on educational opportunities rrMponaibjlity, and family stability W A C U A N O T WELF>\Kii Governor Cornahan's welfare reform initiative (House Bill 1547, 1994) r ^ u
  • . As we prepare for all these challenges, we must finish the unfinished business before all of us here: balancing our budget, finishing the job of welfare reform, restoring our democracy. Over the last four years, we have cut the deficit so
  • : balancing our budget, finishing welfare reform, restoring our democracy. Over the last four years, we have made our economy grow, by investing in our people, expanding exports and cutting our deficit so it is now the smallest in the industrialized world. Now
  • demand with their Contract. In the l a s t two years, I have already given 25 states, one-half of the country, the opportunity to do j u s t that on t h e i r own. And I introduced the most sweeping welfare reform the country had ever seen. I want to work
  • not have to raise your children in poverty. When I took office, we gave 43 states waivers to launch their own efforts to reform welfare. And three years ago, we came together across party lines to pass a landmark welfare reform bill. We said that no person
  • for welfare reform. Therefore, we provide a blueprint that would dedicate about 57 percent of the $265 billion in savings to reducing the deficit. Another 24 percent of the savings are redirected to specific new forms of public investment, and the remaining 19
  • might f i n d my a r t i c l e useful as background. Our love to Liz and a l l your progeny - present and future. T - Clinton Library Photocopy illjc(ilinic6 anii Sraiotrat Orangeburg, S . C , Sunday, May 11, 1997, P a g e 3D Is welfare reform
  • (curfews, school uniforms, etc.) education — tax deduction for college tuition; tax credit for community college • V. families -- Family and Medical Leave expansion, Kennedy-Kassebaum, minimum wage, welfare reform America's duty to lead the world
  • me be clear: If Congress will not join me, I will act alone to give the American people the change they demand. We have already given 35 states freedom to overhaul their welfare systems. If we cannot agree on bipartisan welfare reform legislation, I
  • of unfinished business for us here: We must make the permanent underclass a thing of the past, and finish the job of welfare reform. We must build on last year's landmark welfare reform legislation, taking seriously Qur responsibility to make sure all people who
  • Ted Kennedy. A bill that would mean that no one will be denied health insurance because they are switching jobs or because they their child is ill. Welfare reform, supported by a majority of Democrats and of Republicans, that moves people from welfare
  • . And we cannot maintain that effort without adequate resources to do the job. And finally, I want to ask you to join in our mission to make the new welfare reform work. Over four years, we moved 2.25 million people off the welfare rolls. The landmark
  • the Congress has still not passed welfare reform legislation that is both tough on work and good for children -- almost three-quarters of the people on welfare in America today are under welfare reform experiments, because our Executive Branch has just told
  • Middle C l a s s B i l l of Rights Native Americans Regulatory Reform Reinventing Government School Prayer Senior C i t i z e n s Teen Pregnancy Welfare Reform Women's I s s u e s P o i n t s and Jennifer Klein B i l l Galston Patsy Fleming [NEC] Gaynor
  • will have the wages, healthcare, safe streets and education they need. If there is a budget deal we can portray it as dealing with the old challenges - fiscal responsibility, retaining the entitlements we need, welfare reform. Now we need to move
  • women i n t h e wake o f t h e welfare reform b i l l . I t i s more i m p o r t a n t than ever t h a t t h e P r e s i d e n t speak t o women and t h e s t r u g g l e s o f t h e i r d a i l y l i v e s . Minimum wage i s p a r t i c u l a r l y i m
  • for the rescission package if the amendment was included. The leadership pulled the amendment, but outraged anti-abortion Representatives have vowed ro bring it up again. Welfare reform became another prime target for anti-choice initiatives. While the "gag rule
  • His support for a balanced budget and lower spending 7 His support for tax cuts for college 8 His support for welfare reform 9 (Like him personally) 2 (Doing a good job in general) 13 (Don't know/refused) 2 (ref.VOTEPROl) (Base size =435) Q.25
  • : balancing our budget, renewing our democracy, and finishing the job of welfare reform. Over the last four years, we have made our economy grow, by investing-m-onri expanding exports, cutting our deficit and creating 11 million new jobkNow we musl^keep oi
  • /Drunk Driving 12.10 P: Welfare Reform S: GATT Signing 12.17 (Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale, VA) P: Middle-Class Bill of Rights - Includes Remarks by Secretary Riley 12.24 (Map Room) P: Reduction of Foreign Threats T: Death of Chief
  • ; and finishing the job of welfare reform, breaking the cycle of dependency, moving millions of more people from welfare to work. Taken together, these issues really are at the core of our national mission to prepare America for the 21st century. f if | jf
  • they their child is ill. Welfare reform, supported by a majority of Democrats and of Republicans, that moves people from welfare to work — providing child care, cracking down on child support, and preserving the guarantee of health care for poor children, once
  • to the schools. Welfare Reform. States have less than a month to meet the federal deadline for enacting a plan to carry out welfare reform, yet California, home to one-fifth of the nation's welfare recipients, is nowhere near a consensus on crucial components
  • welfare reform plan, including the President's plan to deny drivers licenses and professional licenses to people who don't pay their child support. We must tell deadbeats: If you neglect your responsibility to your children, we'll suspend your license
  • policies that embody this principle, including abstinence-based curricula, welfare reforms that discourage early parenting and require young mothers to live at home and stay in school, and tough new child support enforcement provisions that drive home
  • before us: balancing our budget, finishing welfare reform, restoring our democracy. Over the last four years, we have made our economy grow, by investing in our people, expanding exports and cutting our deficit so it is now the smallest
  • , and insisted that welfare reform protects women and children by maintaining the Medicaid guarantee. The Democratic Party wants America to preserve and strengthen Medicare and Medicaid, so we honor our values and protect the health of our children, parents
  • Americans, and people with disabilities. President Clinton forced Republicans to put aside their attempt to block grant Medicaid, and insisted that welfare reform protects women and children by maintaining the Medicaid guarantee. The Democratic Party wants
  • me be clear: If Congress will not join me, I will act alone to give the American people the change they demand. We have already given 35 states freedom to overhaul their welfare systems. If we cannot agree on bipartisan welfare reform legislation, I
  • on welfare to live at home, stay in school, and sign personal responsibility contracts . . . we are working with you and the states to approve welfare reform experiments that are fair to children and tough on work. Today, 1.3 million fewer people
  • , and finishing the job of welfare reform. Over the last four years, we have brought new economic growth by investing in our people, expanding exports, cutting our deficit and creating 11 million new jobs. Now we must keep our economy the strongest in the world
  • all oars ... and told us to row. First we must move quickly tofinishthe unfinished business of our country — balancing our budget, renewing our democracy, andfinishingthe job of welfare reform. Over the last four years, we have brought new economic
  • because a family member is sick. The welfare reform bill passed by a majority of Democrats and Republicans in Congress will finally make welfare what it was meant to be ~ a second chance, not a way of life. And, after overcomingfierceopposition in Congress
Polls (Item)
  • benefits and I am pressuring Congress to enact broad welfare reforms which do not punish children and which provide adequate day care. In my second term, I will concentrate on making sure that people do move from work to welfare and that jobs are available
  • it tells us about performance at all levels. REA offers some important provisions in this matter, including requirements to replace poor performers through a competitive process. The Welfare Reform bill also proposes a new system of performance standards
  • : family assistance plan/welfare reform, health care reform, revenue sharing. Again, as with Truman, the agenda was put out for show and for contrast, not for anticipated results. The 1971 State of the Union address focused on a surprise government
  • h i l d r e n ' s a n t i - s m o k i n g essay c o n t e s t ; theme f o r February's PTA speech; [O'Connor t o prepare l i s t o f o t h e r o p t i o n s ] . C. Welfare reform challenges D. Campaign a g a i n s t teen pregnancy 1. M e e t i n
  • career working to reform our broken welfare system, which penalizes work, discourages responsibility, and breaks up families. L*~£m*0 'have made real progress toward emi*ing sweeping welfare reform wb/agree on 1 that will end welfare as a way of life
  • this body: balanced budget, welfare reform, campaign finance reform. (5-10 minutes) H. Stronger education (10 minutes) HI. Stronger families and communities (families, environment, underclass, service, crime) (510 minutes) IV. Stronger preparation
  • . And that's what we have to do. We must start by moving quickly to finish the unfinished business of the country: balancing our budget, renewing our democracy, and finishing the job of welfare reform. Over the last four years, our strategy of cutting
  • - We attacked our problems with a full array of new approaches, many of them hammered out here at the DLC -- welfare reform, community policing, raising the Earned Income Tax Credit, creating AmeriCorps, and putting in place an economic plan
  • President roll-out a new Air Safety Report. TUESDAY - The President travels to Kansas City to address the Southern Governors Association about welfare reform, in a state that is a model for his national efforts to move people from welfare to work. He
Pillar File (Item)
  • , the economy, kids, and keeping the world at peace. Prosperity, posterity, peace. In the short term, that would mean concentrating your energies on things like fast-track authority, the child care initiative, making welfare reform a success, beginning
Education (Item)
  • ligniff cance of hii preiideney. The nm Is turning a chuncy welfare reform bill Imo a real bridge to work and oppor> lunit)'. The second U forging a con»cntut around genuine structural »olulions to ihe long'term Medicare problem. The third, on which 1 focu
  • instead of being in the position of having to reactively accept the dilemmas the Congress serves up (i.e., welfare reform). * This message is worthy of intellectual development (i.e., thoughtful articles authored by the President or in-depth interviews
  • : balanced budget, welfare reform, campaign finance reform. (5-10 minutes) EL Stronger education (10 minutes) UL Stronger families and communities (families, environment, underclass, service, crime) (510 minutes) IV. Stronger preparation for the Information
  • . Welfare reform. Tough child support enforcement. Family and Medical Leave. Creating jobs by expanding trade. Empowerment Zones. National Service. HOPE Scholarships. A balanced budget. All of them promises made. All of them promises kept. 12 All of them
  • by a particular group of working families -legal immigrants. In signing the 1996 welfare reform law, the President said that he would try to restore the cuts in benefits for legal"imnygrgnts that were not only harsh and unnecessary but that had nothing to do
  • 13 million new jobs; America leading the world in auto production once again; unemployment below five percent; the biggest drop in welfare rolls in history, with welfare reform that is tough on work, but pro-child and pro-family; dramatic drops
  • a million new jobs for machine operators, auto jobs having the fastest increase since Lyndon Johnson's administration; the biggest drop in welfare rolls in history, with welfare reform that is tough on work, but pro-child and pro-family; dramatic drops
  • of the criticisms that's been leveled against me that I think is accurate is that we underestimate - even though health care would affect more people and would affect the people more profoundly than welfare reform, we probably should have reversed the order because
  • back up and say one of the criticisms that's been leveled against me that I think is accurate is that we underestimate - even though health care would affect more people and would affect the people more profoundly than welfare reform, we probably should
Budget 1997 (Item)
  • are also proposing some changes to the welfare reform legislation that was enacted last year, but our purpose is to fix unnecessary and damaging provisions in that legislation — involving legal immigrants and Food Stamp recipients. We do not view
  • to finish the unfinished business of the country: balancing our budget, renewing our democracy, andfinishingthe job of welfare reform. Over the last four years, our strategy of cutting the deficit, expanding exports and investing in our people has spurred
  • rolls by the Year 2000. Welfare reform is a grand bargain that imposes a giant obligaiton on all of us. We have said to welfare recipients: we want responsibility to be a way of life, not an option. Now all Americans have an obligation to fulfil
  • strong that the exertion of occasional disagreements on how to meet our objectives can only show our strength and not our weakness. But some, but some of the President's choices have been more controversial than others. The Welfare Reform Bill has been
  • Assembly recently approved proposals to allow Ohio to charter and subsidize locally controlled schools. What's your position on charter schools? Governor Voinovich has complained about the seven month wait for the passage of the state's welfare reform plan
  • Justice Grants for Prosecutors, and Family Unity Demonstration Project 3. THE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY ACT: (welfare reform) This was one of the only aspects of the Contract where they listed a specific savings. They claim that the net impact
  • : family assistance plan/welfare reform, health care reform, revenue sharing. Again, as with Truman, the agenda was put out for show and for definitional purposes, as much as to enac On race, the adminsitration xxxxx, including the dismissal of Hew
  • . Historic moment - the issue is no longer welfare, it's work; too many Americans exiled from world of work; welfare reform a historic obligation 2. Plan to bring work back into the inner city a. Wage subsidy tax credit b. Use job placement firms to place
  • a quarter of the need. Last year, we fought and won the battle to expand child care assistance as part of welfare reform. This new funding ~ $4 billion over six years ~ has given states an unprecedented opportunity to be leaders and innovators in our efforts
  • programs, Including the Employment Service, should berequiredto participate in the one-stop career system on a mandatory basis along with JOBS (welfare reform). It is essential to Include at least the DOL programs to ensure an appropriate lev*! of program
  • the policy arena, he has i n i t i a t e d programs to ancourage investments i n primarily African American communities and businesses; h i s welfare-reform and c h i l d support projects have disproportionately benefitted women and minorities; and h i s
Good Society (Item)
  • , educational standards, educational opportunities through enhanced communications, putting children first in general, protecting children from trashy communitations, crime fighting and crime reduction measures, welfare reform, new drug fighting initiatives
  • ." She became pregnant at 16, and dropped out of high school. As part of Pennsylvania's welfare reform effort, Rosa was referred to the "Rapid Attachment Program" operated by Jewish Employment and Vocational Services (JEVS), a local affiliate
  • n a l l y say that, on t h i s issue, a l o t of you have expressed support to me personally for the welfare reform efforts, whether that can pass t h i s year or not depends upon how much f i r e i t catches in Congress and how much controversy we
  • issued an Executive Order to track down federal workers who fail to pay child support, and force them to pay. The Democratic Party believes that the toughest possible child support enforcement must be a central part of any real welfare reform plan
  • . THIS fWKSNWV MUNTBD UN M i W M«DS OF BKYCLe 0 JflN-08 98 14:16 •12/10/«7 FROM: 15:43 2024566221 10:65709 9 PAGE:04 G 0 0 3 In addition, our success as New Democrats in welfare reform and expandingfreetrade has bred new challenges. While the success
  • million people. The President signed the landmark welfare reform law to require work, impose time limits, and dramatically expand child care spending. Nearly 7 0 % Increase in Child Support Collections - signed into law the toughest child support crackdown
  • the needs of our future economy. And I have learned some very specific things today that we're going to go back and try to make sure we've got in that bill as well as in the welfare reform bill. Three years from now, I never want to hear another Cynthia
  • Clinton included Individual Development Accounts in his 1994 Welfare Reform proposal. The 1996 Welfare Reform law allowed States to use welfare reform block grants to establish IDAs. The Human Services bill, for the first time, directly authorizes Federal
  • the next 2 weeks, I will call upon Congress to take action on more than 35 pieces of proposed legislation on which action was not completed last year. The most important is welfare reform. The present welfare system has become a monstrous, consuming outrage
  • a whole community getting up and going to work. 11 The welfare reform law I signed last week is a chance for America to have a new beginning — to strike a new social bargain with the poor. Those on welfare now have the responsibility to move to work
  • 22,000. The connection between welfare reform, and the healthiest kind of economy ~ one in which everyone expends effort and makes a contribution ~ is obvious. Though our welfare reform law could be described as tough, it's also essentially hopeful
  • in Congress helped by passing welfare reform three times, and the right direction, the highest Election Day figure since the Bill Clintonfinallysigned it 14 weeks before the 1996 election: question was first asked, in 1973. What accounts for this vast The feds
  • budget and Medicare, health care, welfare reform or tax cuts? We'll talk with a principal architect of the Republican economic plan, the House Budget Committee Chairman John Kasich of Ohio. Then we'll turn to presidential politics and talk with two
  • . . . was denionstrated in the meetings that have occurred this moming. The final piece of this national urban strategy statement is to focus on community standards and traditional values, individual values, welfare reform, the benefits in return for work ih-national
  • by the convictions that I think he has, like the commitment to reform health care. And I think he caved in to a lot of other jnteieata on welfare reform. But on the other hand, there are a lot of things he's done well. Employment is fairly high And I think foreign
  • in education, troversies, critics doubt training, and welfare reform Clinton's ability to continw e„„n;„k+ ^ ;„ ~A ue to keep the "character • Spot,ght economic advan, £ ^?!. [ . .. . . . . Presidency. "This tabloid • Bolster Yeltsin in his struggle
  • stating that a separate message on foreign affairs would be sent to Congress at a later date. Nixon's speech centered on "six great goals" to restructure government and turn power "back to the people." These six goals were: welfare reform, the economy
  • unemployment system into a reemployment system - to create a new system of education and training that gives people real skills and the ability to learn new ones. That is why many Latin American governments are also placing education and welfare reform
  • and individuals must take more personal responsibility for making the most oftheir lives Our policies reflect that philosophy: Head Start, Family and Medical Leave, welfare reform, education reform, health care reform — all are designed to give families
  • hand, headlines tell us that the Clinton Administration is beavering away at putting people to work: jobs programs, job-training programs, welfare-reform programs that require recipients to take a job. And, indeed, the Administration brags
  • up and going to work. 27 We want these young people to know the thrill of that first paycheck, the challenge of starting a business, the pride of following in a parent's footsteps. The welfare reform law I signed last week is a chance for America
  • by Republican Senator Nancy Kassebaum and Democrat Ted Kennedy. A bill that would mean that no one will be denied health insurance because they are switching jobs or because they their child is ill. Welfare reform, supported by a majority of Democrats
  • they need in order to work. Welfare reform increased federal funding for child care by approximately $4 billion over five years (FY 1997 - FY 2002), and it consolidated four child care subsidy programs into the CCDBG. The funds are distributed primarily
  • in planning and design, and coordination through its participation on the WIB. We are willing to modify Section 163 (c)(3) to be consistent with the welfare reform language recently negotiated with the labor unions. Title II. Section 202. Eligibility
  • determination, unemployment & welfare reform. a W.J. Wilson (tel.) 312-702-8677 Professor of Sociology, University of Chicago; expert in urban poverty, race and ethnic relations, social stratification and the philosophy of social sciences. u 1 1 w Alicia
  • . . and real welfare reform. Goals for the future. And we have real challenges to bring our country into the 21st Century. We should I make the 13 th and 14th year of education as standard as first 12 are now ~ so $1500 tax credit to make typical community
  • required state reports showing what is working under new law, and heightening call to all sectors to finish job of welfare reform. (Possible pre-Independence Day speech.) 5) Possible future of Democratic Party speech -- this could be a defining moment
  • . We still have a lot more to do, all of us, to make welfare reform a success ~ providing child care, helping families move closer to available jobs, challenging more companies to join our welfare-to-work partnership, increasing child support
  • affordable housing (especially in certain regions where rapid economic growth has put a squeeze on rents, as HUD's annual rent surveys confirm); ensuring the success of welfare reform in the highest poveny communities; linking central cities with weak job
  • , welfare reform, balancing the budget, investing in education and so on. JAM.11.1999 5:42PM NO.544 P.' Thus, you can remind us what we so easily forget: Just how much better off we are in 1999 than we were at the beginning of this decade
  • not guarantee high-tech demagoguery as you can find. dude a balanced-budget amendment, a all 10 of these measures will pass," but If they think their program is right, variety of tax cuts, welfare reform, tort they can prove it by running on it. it does promise
  • spite of a l l the f i g h t s , i n the end, we got a telecommunications b i l l , a minimum wage b i l l , a small business r e l i e f b i l l , a health care reform b i l l , a welfare reform b i l l , safe drinking water act, a pesticide protection
  • an opportunistic window to secure passage of key elements of the bill, including the possibility of linking portions to GATT and the potential of a schedule opening due to complications with either health care or welfare reform. Further, political reality includes
  • government and turn power "back to the people." These six goals were: welfare reform, the economy, the environment, health care, revenue sharing and federal government reorganization. Five of the six "great goals" required Congressional action and did
  • of the Union, and I have some thoughts about how you can strengthen it thematically. On the ideafront,I think your education section is particularly strong. I liked a lot of the specifics on crime, community, family, completing welfare reform, trade, etc
  • their children, send them to college, and save for the future; and to correct the harsh provisions that Congress attached to last year's welfare reform legislation. Among its major elements, the budget would: save $xxx billion in discretionary spending, cutting
  • Biggest Tax Increase in History BUDGET: Claim Claim Claim Claim 13. 14. 15. 16. President Clinton Vetoed a Balanced Budget and Welfare Reform 26 Years Of Deficits $600-$700 Billion in Regulations Civilian Defense Workers Account for 90% Of the Reduction
  • for welfare reform but Congress puts something on his desk and he backs away from it. He does it time and time again; says he's for something but he won't actually do it." Voinovich was not a fan of the Dole's proposed tax cut when it was announced
  • , and build better futures. 3. Moving millions from welfare to work by allowing states to reform welfare, and by signing national welfare reform - there are already 1.3 million fewer people on welfare. This is the beginning, not the end, of an effort to find
  • working t h e i r way through college by revolutionizing America at the grass roots l e v e l . We reorganized the student loan program. We are revolutionizing the unemployment system. We're going to pass important welfare reform. But i t ' s v e r y
  • [touch b r i e f l y on the following points]. i . Health care i i . Unemployment to reemployment i i i . Welfare reform C. The high performance workplace: i . Definition of productivity that invests in workers, rather than discarding them. i i . Workers
  • in Congress on fast track. If we win the fight, the forces that oppose the President, led by the AFL-CIO, will not give up overnight, any more than they gave up when they were defeated on NAFTA, GATT, welfare reform, or the balanced budget. And if they win
  • devised a plan, in consultation with the local welfare agency and Welfare-to-Work grantee, for using the vouchers to further the goals of welfare reform (e.g. to help welfare recipients take or retain jobs, or allow them to move to areas where jobs can
  • , if Congress doesn't act by August, President will] Genetic discrimination legislation Mental health/drug treatment parity (Mrs. Gore) Work & home * Child care "At-home moms" tax credit FMLA expansion Welfare reform Welfare-to-work reauthorization Salute
  • to come, all Americans will benefit from the changes you have championed — a balanced budget, welfare reform, tax relief. In fact, this week families all over America are beginning to calculate their taxes and, to help them, they will find a child tax
  • requirements, although some are failing to meet the law's separate twoparent requirement (these rates, for July - September 1997, are the first available under the new welfare reform law) ; (2) new caseload data showing continuing declines; and (3) new data
  • ~ to balance our budget, renew our democracy, and finish the job of welfare reform. Over the last four years, we have brought new economic growth by investing in our people, expanding our exports, cutting our deficits, creating over 11 million new jobs, a four
  • that would have eliminated excess red tape that stifles wages. He vetoed legal reform that would have stopped expensive,frivolouslawsuits. He vetoed welfare reform that required work and discouraged illegitimacy. Bill Clinton desperately wants to preserve
  • authority aggressively and pushed successfully to include strong , deadbeat-parent enforcement terms in the new welfare-reform legislation, including creation of both federal and state data banks. CITIES Set up a network of community development banks
  • up underclass by bringing jobs to inner city 1. Historic moment - the issue is no longer welfare, it's work; too many Americans exiled from world of work; welfare reform a historic obligation 2. Plan to bring work back into the inner city a. Wage
  • , crimefightingand crime reduction measures, environmental safety, empowerment zones and enterprise communities, welfare reform and job training, new drug 14 fighting initiatives, protection of the Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security system, health care
Don Baer (Item)
  • these things have helped to reward people w h o are struggling to be good parents and effective workers. And I'm proud of what we did on child care and the welfare reform bill. But we need to do more there, w i t h a broader family leave and a number of other
  • of '94 was likely the single most important reason behind the Republican Party's seizure of Congress November 8. Undoubtedly, the inability of the Democrats to get such key measures as health reform, welfare reform, campaign and lobbying reforms enacted
  • , we know that our welfare system can send the wrong signals, and that is especially true for teen mothers. That is why we have worked with 39 states to put in place 62 welfare reform experiments, to require wotk, impose time limits, and make
  • for children is the single largest investment in health care since the passage of Medicaid in 1965. We built on the landmark welfare reform law I signed last year, fixing many of its most troubling provisions and providing millions of dollars to help move
  • is the direction I believe we should take. First, we must move quickly to complete the unfinished business of our country ~ to balance our budget, renew our democracy, and finish the job of welfare reform. Over the last four years, we have brought new economic
  • s , t a k i n g out asbestos, and p u t t i n g i n smart connections. NORTH CAROLINA STATISTICS RELATED TO WELFARE REFORM AFDC: The total number of AFDC recipients in North Carolina has decreased 15.3 percent, from 331,633 in January 1993
  • believe in the public schools have to be for high standards, for flexibility, for accountability and for involvement by people that can help to save these kids. And you need to be involved in it. We need businesses committed to make sure welfare reform
  • the national government's role in child support enforcement across state lines. Now welfare reform has reached 75% of the people on welfare; for them, the rules have changed, and with positive results. 20 T E PRESIDENT H S SEEN H A 9 - I c - 16 Welfare
  • , the environment, Medicare and Medicaid. I want Congress to work with me to pass KassebaumKennedy increase in the minimum wage...and real welfare reform...and to give the American people a balanced budget that protects our values. We must make
  • that depicted Republicans as innovative activists in education reform, economic development, welfare reform, even environmental protection. They also raised a significant war chest for Republican challengers. Many of those challengers used the innovation theme
  • Budget and Welfare Reform. 2. 26 Years Of Deficits. 3. $600-$700 Billion in Regulations. 4. Civilian Defense Workers Account for 90% of the Reduction in Federal Workers. 5. President Clinton is for Big Government; He Fights Every Effort to Cut Spending. 6
  • . Table 3 Savings Claimed by House Republican Leadership ,l, ($ in billions) Mandatory Spending Student Loan Cuts Health Cuts -9.56 -53.16 (Medicare, Medicaid, Retirees) Welfare Reform Total, Mandatory Spending Cuts Discretionary Spending Crime
  • the President in this endeavor, or are interested in any of the DLC's other fall initiatives (reinventing government, welfare reform), you may contact Jay Sumner, Field Coordinator with the national DLC at (202) 546-0007; call your local state chapter leader
  • if we do not raise it above $4.25 an hour. If we're serious- let me say this. too. emphatically- if we are serious about welfare reform, then we have a clear obligation to make work attractive and to reward people who are willing to work hard
  • THE ECONOMICS STORIES IN THE NEWSPAPERS these days can be baffling. On one hand, headlines tell us that the Clinton Administration is beavering away at putting people to work: jobs programs, job-training programs, welfare-reform programs that require recipients
  • poor neighborhoods. That's good economics — and good citizenship. As we pass welfare reform and require people who can work to go to work, let us challenge businesses to hire people off welfare - so they can eam a paycheck, not a welfare check
  • they bring into this world. Congress should pass them now as part of real, bipartisan welfare reform. Teen Pregnancy. In last year's State of the Union Address, the President called for a national campaign to address teen pregnancy, which he called "our most
  • legislation to reform health care, end welfare as we know it, and reward work. The Kassebaum-Kennedy health reform bill means families will never again be denied health insurance because a family member is sick. The welfare reform bill will finally make
  • , it probably will be. Klink: Q. How will the REA and the merging of programs help us with welfare reform? A Oswald: Tins is only one piece, however, it provides one essential element that has been missing income support for long term training. A. Mohr: I f we
  • to ensure the success of welfare reform. HUD has become the investment banker of choice for economic development in many communities. HUD's Community Empowerment Fund ($125M) will combine grants and loan guarantees to create 100,000 needed jobs in distressed
  • . The welfare reform law I signed gives millions of Americans a chance to have that kind of new beginning. I want to build a bridge to the 21 st century where we have strong families and we help our parents raise their children and protect them. That is why we
  • assistance - earlier identification of those a t r i s k - improve s c h o o l - t o - w o r k transition - education reform - welfare reform CANADA From 1970-93: - r i s i n g trend & structural unemployment - j o b g r o w t h averaged 2.3 p e r c e n t p
  • and Welfare Reform L. Affirmative Action •Talking Points •President's Speech M. United Nation's Fourth World Conference on Women •The First Lady's September 5, 1995, Speech, Beijing •The First Lady's September 6, 1995, Speech, Huairou •Ambassador Madeleine
  • communication cf both the agenda and Ihe Impact—will help define the President's legacy. This becomes even more critical as his legacy is tied lo the 6ucce*8 of welfare reform and the acceptance of One America" as a roadmap for the Nation to live
  • of the Senate make you hesitate to introduce such. legislation as urban aid and welfare reform? T H E PRESIDENT. I hope I can remember those four questions. Well, in the first place, I think fhe Democrats did fairly well on a nationwide basis. We lost some very
  • in the Department of Labor — will do the job. Although strongly supported by congressional Democrats, the measure has uncertain prospeas this year, given the number of other major bills — such as health care, crime and welfare reform — lawmakers are set to consider
  • democracy, and finish the job of welfare reform. Over the last four years, we have brought new economic growth by investing in our people, expanding our exports, cutting our deficits, creating over 11 million new jobs, a four-year record. (Applause.) Now we
  • are stuck grow up on welfare because parents refuse t o pay c h i l d support. Our welfare reform plan w i l l include the toughest c h i l d support measures any White House has introduced. We'll give states the t o o l s t o c o l l e c t c h i l d support
  • . Covering national affairs and public policy, including campaign finance, immigration, congressional politics, welfare reform, and reinventing government. Editor, end-qf-the-year "Outlook" issue, 1996-present. Responsible for all aspects of 50-plus page
  • for another era and are a burden to American workers, taxpayers, and business. Now, we must unleash the full energy of individuals and the private sector by phasing out corporate welfare, reforming the tax code to reward savings and investment instead
  • abWudied welfare tocipento new udng vrorh nqnlremeids tantr the state's new welfare reform bw. Ha aha reiewed osOa Cor dimlnatiiig monthly cam grants to teen mothers i their children a n bom oat et wedJock. D Weld to laud herb of Maiden Mills State
  • basis to public housing authorities working with local TANF agencies and/or grantees of the new $3 billion welfare-to-work program. We are working on a number of proposals to increase housing mobility (see below), and linking this issue to welfare reform
  • , in the past three years, by executive actions, we've been working on what The New York Times called "a quiet revolution on welfare." We've cut red tape for 37 states and now let 75 percent of the people in this country on welfare be a part of welfare reform
  • create jobs by selling our goods, but because when there is open trade we create better jobs: Fact: Export-related jobs pay 15% higher on average. • Keep Rewarding work: that is why we want to raise the minimum wage; protect EITC; have real welfare reform
  • is this, Bob, from the contract that we saw a f e w years ago? FRANKEN: Well, that contract was one that had to do w i t h specific legislation and dealt w i t h issues like welfare reform, tax reform, and this type of thing. Now, he's going back to the old
Polls [3] (Item)
  • ) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 97) 98) 99) 100) 101) drugs p r e s e r v i n g Medicare f i g h t i n g crime fighting terrorism taxes welfare reform healthcare education abortion t h e environment immigration other domestic issues other foreign p o l i c
  • presidency would list the attempt to balance the federal budget and welfare reform as his top achievements. Neither issue represents the passion that Mr. Clinton showed as a candidate in 1992. when he convinced voters he would be a champion of the poor
Healthcare (Item)
Impeachment (Item)
  • Republicans pass welfare reform? AUDIENCE: Yes! SPEAKER GINGRICH: Did House Republicans pass the first balanced budget in 30 years? AUDIENCE: Yes! SPEAKER GINGRICH: Did House Republicans pass the first tax cut in 17 years? AUDIENCE: Yes! SPEAKER GINGRICH: Did
  • police, and the Brady Bill have helped to bring about lower crime rates for four years in a row. Our welfare reform initiatives have helped reduce the welfare rolls by 1.3 million, and we have increased child support collection by 40%. In my second term
  • official may deserve to go to jail - than on some issue of policy, such as the effects of minimum wage legislation, or the consequences of the recent welfare reform. Thus there is a kind of 23 " See the discussion of informational cascades in David
  • welfare reform plan ever presented by an administration. We have to make welfare what i t was meant to be: a second chance, not a way of l i f e . We'll help those on welfare move to work as quickly as possible, provide child care and teach s k i l l s i
  • of welfare reform would make mandatory the inclusion of JOBS in one-stop centers in any State that adopts the one-stop REA approach. VI. NEW POLICY OPTIONS o Just reducing the number of programs and complexities would make program delivery more efficient
  • Welfare Reform 1. ESL, drug testing/treatment for long-termers 2. Something on child support ($ for prosecutors; deadbeat work program) 3. Fatherhood work proposal 4. Values-based grants i. Education 1. School construction 2. 100,000 teachers / teacher
  • transformed by your presence. For years to come, all Americans will benefit from the changes you have championed — a balanced budget, welfare reform, tax relief. In fact, this week families all over America are beginning to calculate their taxes and, to help
  • I t i s the idea behind welfare reform, and we 7 W should invest more money in people on welfare e 8 to give them the s k i l l s they need to succeed, and to help 9 them with child care and with medical care for their 10 children, but we
  • into the next century still the greatest country in the world. That's why our administration has sought to strengthen families by rewarding parents who work. Tomorrow 1 will continue that effort when I present our blueprint for welfare reform in Kansas City
  • to cooperate on their own futures. Now for you, nothing in our agenda may be more important than our efforts welfare reform. We have to build a strong to fight crime. The crime bill we passed is the bridge from dependency to work for millions crime bill many
Latino Stuff (Item)
  • system which will continue to reward work and family and encourage people and, in some cases, rei uire people to move from welfare to work throng i welfare reform. We are working on lobbying and campaign reforms which, if the Congress will pass them
  • over welfare reform and I quote, "Wait until there are one third of a million children in the streets, children on grates." Unquote. Has that time come, sir? MOYNIHAN: No, it's ~ clock is running. Three years from now at five years time... EVANS
  • . But Mr Clinton has proved his sensitivity to these dangers by signing welfare reform and balancing the budget. This is not merely coherent in policy terms. It also offers a cure for the administration's main political headache. For the past year, the Cl i
  • . The Republican showed that 64 percent believe the country is going in Congress helped by passing welfare reform three times, and therightdirection, the highest Election Dayfiguresince the Bill Clintonfinallysigned it 14 weeks before the 1996 election: question
  • . Welfare Reform, Child Support Enforcement, and Child Welfare Reauthorize Welfare-to-Work (DPC/NEC) • • Reauthorize the current investment ($ 1.5B). Authorize several set-asides: (1) Work-based English-language literacy projects; (2) Work-based substance
  • American values shared by Senator Dole in helping to formulate the Republican legislative agenda. The commercial called on Americans to urge 36 their elected officials to support the agenda of welfare reform, criminal justice reform, and ending wasteful
  • to date the New Deal- welfare reform "is the clearest Anne Warshaw, a Gettysburg Great Society era is drawing to example of how the Republican College political scientist majority has forced the federal a close. Congressional Democrats, The process may
  • the was the most significant social welfare reform most important thing that was achieved in the in 30 years, if only we could implement i l . And last election year was we had a huge increase one of the reasons I ran for President is to in turnout, an even bigger
  • . That's why the President's decision to sign the welfare reform bill was so important; it redeemed his New Democrat pledge to "end welfare as we know it." Clinton has shown us the right path, but all Democrats—particularly those in Congress
Education [2] (Item)
  • / / Nationa Education Survey 3D | § \ 1,002 registered voters January 21-24, 1997 Volunteered Priorities For The President/Congress Education Crime/violence 21% 14% Welfare reform 12% Balance the budget 12% Health care 11% Social Security 10
San Diego (Item)
  • just as important was our discussion of this new agenda for the new world in which we find ourselves. We agreed that our priority as political leaders must indeed be education, education, education, flexible labor markets, welfare reform, partnership
  • welfare reform. He was a state l e g i s l a t o r . He never h i t a l i c k to move anybody from welfare to work because he wouldn't have anybody to kick around anymore. I t was a code word for race. Go talk to people on welfare. They hate i t
  • with its opposition to last year's welfare reform bill and this year's balanced budget deal, the AFLClO's position on trade amounts to an increasingly shrill demand that Democrats tum back to the policies and message of the 1970s and 1980s. Democrats
  • , and coming from a poor family, Maurice has always been concerned about diversity and issues of poverty. Maurice was the chair of the Employment and Economic Development committee of San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown's Welfare Reform Task Force, and he
  • , with all this debate over welfare reform, most people haven't - don't -- I think most people genuinely don't know that perhaps our biggest social and economic problem are young, single men who are not eligible for welfare. But their unemployment rates
  • budget amendment, the line-item veto, anti-crime legislation, welfare reform, pro-family tax cuts and education reform, a restored national defense, raising the senior citizen's earning limit, regulatory rollbacks, common-sense legal reform
  • . It took courage and backbreaking work to find the right formula for you and a Republican Congress to pass the 1996 Welfare Reform Act. Then, it took vision for you to challenge the business community to do its part. The country is quietly reaping
  • said. Guffey said the new federal plan will Hi ment and nursing. Hood said. easily into what Iowa is already doing. As pan Reactionsfromstate officials lo the schoolto-work initiative have been positive, accord- of the welfare reform legislation last
  • in child support enforcement across state lines. Now welfare reform has reached 75 % of the people on welfare; for them, the rules have changed, and with positive results. 20 Welfare rolls have dropped by 1 million. Food stamp rolls are down
  • , malting work pay, putting more cops on the street, welfare reform, balancing the budget, investing in education and so on. JON. 1 1 . 1 9 9 9 5:34Pn INu.54c; h'.b,-d Thus, you can remind us what we so easily forget: Just how much better off we
  • revoluifti-Cdlin G: Calloway, author of American Revolution in Indian i to be expected that the Democrats would point this in their platform—as they did in a first draft. Speaking of welfare reform, the draft said, "The plan proposed by Senator Dole
Fast Track (Item)
  • on this very old idea, a social contract 9 between government and the people in which no right can be 10 asserted without a citizen being willing to assume a 11 corresponding responsibility. 12 That idea i s at the heart of our welfare reform 13
  • and ultimately their downfall has worked in some respects for the proponents of affirmative action. Nevertheless, the current political climate is one where the "Hopwood effect" is spreading, and as demonstrated in the welfare reform debate, Americans
  • at the local level. And Women's Health Office, the White House in the welfare reform bill, one of the best Women's Office that Betsy heads, the White things about it was we put up $4 billion more House Interagency Committee on Women s for child care., But let
  • , and lend a sense of urgency and determination to the goals (education, technology, welfare reform) that you have set out. The inaugural should not spell out policy prescriptions in detail. It should make an argument to the American people, to lay
  • the content of the meeting Surveyor responded, 'We discussed a lot of policy issues such as the recent attack by the Republican Congress on the Indian Child Welfare Act, Welfare Reform, cuts to Native American programs and his positive support for funding
  • "reforms." cutting erf debate on the product liability bill. Then Jiist as "welfare reform" would have hurt welfare : she joined Missouri Sens. John Ashcr of t and Christorecipients and/'Medicare reform" would have hurt- • ;pher S. Bond in voting
  • welfare reform. We are w o r k i n g on l o b b y i n g and campaign forms which, i f t h e Congress w i l l pass them, and I b e l i e v e t h e y w i l l , w i l l h e l p us t o change t h e c u l t u r e o f Washington i n a v e r y p o s i t i v e way
  • unrealistic now, other issues more important. Almost six of ten Americans (59 percent) believe it unrealistic to propose federal tax cuts right now (LA Times. Mar. 15-19). A middle class tax cut (19 percent) runs well behind welfare reform (41 percent), health
  • own. And I i n t r o d u c e d t h e most sweeping w e l f a r e r e f o r m t h e c o u n t r y had ever seen. I want t o work w i t h t h e Congress t o get r e a l welfare reform. I n 1992, I was e l e c t e d t o s l a s h t h e d e f i c i t
  • by the AFL-CIO, will not give up overnight, any more than they gave up when they were defeated on NAFTA, GATT, welfare reform, or the balanced budget. And if they win, it will not stop the forces of global, social, and economic change that have brought about
  • on crime, community, family, completing welfare reform, trade, etc. And, I'm delighted that you're going to expand the national service program. (My draft didn't include the section on social security and medicare.) But in a State of the Union Address
  • risen to the No. 3 Democrat in the chamber, armed with a new public persona and backed by a Democratic president, he stands to be a legislative force on both health care and welfare reform as the chairman of the Labor and Human Resources Committee
  • business interests and win support from liberal groups. In the House, Andrews won a seat on the Ways and Means Committee, where he got credit for repeal of the oil windfall profit tax and for a $500 million cut in the 1987 welfare reform bill; he also
  • , in the past three years, by executive actions, we've been working on what The New York Times called "a quiet revolution on welfare." We've cut red tape for 37 states and now let 75 percent of the people in this country on welfare be a part of welfare reform
  • serves on the steering committee of the Arkansas Partnership for Public Child Welfare Reform initiative and is the Principal Investigator for her University. She has 18 years of experience working in thefieldsof child welfare and substance abuse
  • to this. The welfare reform bill I have sent to Congress has that. We have to have this. Here are the things that it has, and ask yourself if you think it's reasonable: employer reporting ot new hires to catch deadbeat dads who move from job to job: uniform interstate
  • . The welfare reform measures I proposed send a clear signal to young people. We are to subsidize i r r e s p o n s i b l e behavior. I n order t o get mothers have to l i v e at home, stay i n school and t u r n around. to halt have not going help, teen
  • Finance Bruce Reed Donsia Strong Bruce Reed Donsia Strong 6515 2330 6515 2330 216 224 216 224 Reinventing Government Bruce Reed Paul Weinstein 6515 7930 216 224 Regulatory Review Paul Weinstein 7930 224 Welfare Reform Bruce Reed Kathi Way
  • requirements in a welfare reform bill, and let the states use the money to tailor programs to the individual needs of the states. This is why we plan to introduce a comprehensive alternative to Clinton's proposal. If you wish to leam more about our proposal
  • of him. Why? A l l he d i d , he talked about welfare reform. He was a s t a t e l e g i s l a t o r . He never h i t a l i c k to move anybody from welfare t o work because he wouldn't have anybody to k i c k around anymore. I t was a code word f o r
  • . The welfare-to-work system and the enhanced JOBS program apparently envisioned for welfare reform is likely to be established under yet another separate delivery system for employment and training. I would urge this Committee to exercise leadership
  • determinism can free victims and their families of guilt—or lock them in their suffering. On the political level, biological determinism now colors all sorts of public-policy debates on issues such as gay rights, health care, juvenile justice, and welfare
  • issues or candidate qualifications. During this period, the candidates focused mainly on taxes, the federal budget, the role of government, welfare reform and what the candidates termed "traditional values." The most frequent theme of news coverage during
  • CONGRESSIONAL RECORD —HOUSE WELFARE REFORM 3. ROYBAL-ALLARD asked and given permission to address the ie for 1 minute and to revise and extend her remarks.). Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, as we struggle to find a balance between human needs and the desire
  • , and today Arkansas' welfare reforms have moved thousands of people off of welfare and into the work force. I fought my friends, the organization which represents Arkansas's teachers, when Arkansas became the f i r s t state in the nation to enact mandatory
  • the late eighties and what he said was tlie most significant social welfare reform in 30 years, i f only we could implement it. And one ol the reasons I ran for President is to try to change the welfare system as we know it 1 have watched him over more than