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Political Reform Memos
- their hopes official secrecy during the Cold War and for having once taken into orbit. Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) semi-seriously. As the recent resurgence of the Roswell flap suggests, UFOSustained by true believers, UFO flaps never die. In 1947
- their headquarters in Dunwoody. Gwinnett and Cherokee counties were among the state's fastest-growing in the 1980s, also attraaing newcomers with no conneaions to the region's traditional Democratic ties. Election Returns Atlanta Suburbs — Roswell; Part of Marietta
- of the University of Chicago (1974); Wilma and Roswell Messing Jr. Award of Associates of St. Louis University Libraries for Contributions to Literature (1974); Jules Landry Award of Louisiana State University Press for Best Manuscript Submitted in History