1998 Trip to East Hampton - Collection Finding Aid

Dublin Core


1998 Trip to East Hampton - Collection Finding Aid


This collection consists of records related to a July and August 1998 trip that President William J. Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton took to East Hampton, New York. During this weekend, the President and First Lady attended a Democratic National Committee (DNC) fund raiser in East Hampton, New York. Also this weekend, the President called newly elected Japanese Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi to introduce himself and to say congratulations. Coincidentally the New York Times reported on August 9, 1998 that a 290 acre body of water named Georgica Pond had been drained and the reporter speculated that the visit of the President and the draining of Georgica Pond were related. This segment of the collection contains records from White House Staff and Office CF files, Presidential Diarist, and records of the National Security Council. The collection includes open press, transcripts of speeches given at events, speech drafts, schedules, staff and press trip books, the Presidential Daily Diary, phone logs, memos, and correspondence. There is no mention of Georgica Pond in these records.
Please Note: No items in this collection have yet been scanned nor made available online. For access to the collection please visit the Clinton Library's research room.


William J. Clinton Presidential Library & Museum


“1998 Trip to East Hampton - Collection Finding Aid,” Clinton Digital Library, accessed March 27, 2025, https://clinton.presidentiallibraries.us/items/show/48916.