Photograph Contact Sheets from May 10, 13-18, 1993
Dublin Core
Photographs from May 10, 1993 are as follows:
Bernard Nussbaum greeting Cynthia McManus in his West Wing office
Various shots of West Wing staffers working in their offices
Photographs from May 13, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton greeting the National Champion Wheelchair basketball team from the University of Texas in the Diplomatic Reception Room
President Clinton greeting Mike Stoller and Jerry Lieber, songwriters, in the Oval Office
President Clinton greeting representatives from the National Association of Private Enterprise in the Oval Office
President Clinton greeting military aides in the Oval Office
President Clinton greeting a U.S. Air Force Thunderbird pilot in the Ground Floor Residence area and the Oval Office
President Clinton greeting Rep. Stephen Neal in the Oval Office, Hillary Rodham Clinton participating in the Mirabella Women’s Health Forum in the Canon Caucus Room at the U.S. Capitol (Participants include: Tipper Gore, Sen. Barbara Mikulski, Rep. Pat Schroeder, and Rep. Olympia Snow)
Hillary Rodham and Tipper Gore talking together in the Ground Floor residence area
President Clinton meeting with Sen. Tom Harkin in the Oval Office
Hillary Rodham Clinton looking at carpet samples in the East Room and discussing the 1993 White House Christmas card with Gary Walters, Maggie Williams, Rex Scouten, Ann Stock, Lydia Tederick, and others
President Clinton addressing the National Law Enforcement Officers Candlelight Vigil in Judiciary Square in Washington, DC
Photographs from May 14, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton jogging with Rep. Peter Defazio of Oregon on the National Mall
President Clinton posing for photos with Rep. Peter Defazio in the Oval Office
President Clinton taping a weekly radio address in the Map Room
President Clinton meeting with VP Gore, Laura Tyson, Bernard Nussbaum, Lorraine Voles, Ricki Seidman, Michael Waldman, Nancy Soderberg, George Stephanopoulos, Gene Sperling, Bob Boorstin, David Kusnet, and Tony Lake in Cabinet Room
President Clinton talking with Nancy Hernreich, Andrew Friendly, and Betty Currie in the Outer Oval Office
President Clinton participating in a press conference in the Rose Garden
President Clinton talking with Bruce Lindsey, Nancy Hernreich, George Stephanopoulos and Tony Lake in the Oval Office
President Clinton and Sec. Richard Riley participating in the Blue Ribbon ceremony on the South Lawn
Group photo of interns in the Indian Treaty Room
President Clinton participating in an interview in the Rose Garden with San Diego news reporter Peggy Richardson
President Clinton talking with Joe Crawford and Mack McLarty in the Oval Office
President Clinton meeting with Irish President Mary Robinson in the Oval Office
Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting President Robinson in the Oval Office
President Clinton standing at his Oval Office desk and reading papers
President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton participating in the White House Fellows reception in the East Room
President Clinton greeting Brooke Shearer in the East Room
President Clinton greeting Press Office volunteers in the Oval Office
President Clinton looking at a gift with Betty Currie in the Oval Office
President Clinton walking along the Colonnade with Andrew Friendly
Photographs from May 15, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton departing from the South Lawn for a golfing engagement at Andrews Air Force Base
President Clinton traveling on Marine One en route to Andrews Air Force Base
President Clinton golfing at the Andrews Air Force Base golf course
President Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton viewing the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds aerial demonstration at Andrews Air Force Base
President Clinton greeting military personnel in the Air Force One hangar at Andrews Air Force Base
President Clinton working with Jeff Eller on a speech at the Air Force One hangar at Andrews Air Force Base
President Clinton greeting people at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel and LaGuardia Airport prior to departing New York en route to the White House
Photographs from May 16, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, VP Gore and Tipper Gore participating in a health care meeting in the Roosevelt Room (meeting participants include: Ira Magaziner, Steve Ricchetti, Gene Sperling, Alice Rivlin, Carol Rasco, Sec. Lloyd Bentsen, George Stephanopoulos, Bob Boorstin and Bruce Lindsey)
Photographs from May 17, 1993 are as follows:
Ira Magaziner and Charlotte Hayes chairing a health care meeting with minority community representatives in the Old Executive Office Building
Hillary Rodham Clinton arriving in Philadelphia and met by Lucy Hackney and Mayor Ed Rendell
Hillary Rodham Clinton posing for photos at the Benjamin Franklin statue and Sen. Harris Wofford and students
Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting people at the University of Pennsylvania Annenberg Center Foyer
Hillary Rodham Clinton addressing a commencement ceremony at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia
Hillary Rodham Clinton participating in an interview with Katie Couric of NBC at the University of Pennsylvania
Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting Rep. and Mrs. Lucien Blackwell, Sen. Harris Wofford and Rep. Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky at Atlantic Aviation on departing from Philadelphia en route to Andrews Air Force Base
Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting Maggie Williams and Maggie’s family in the Old Executive Office Building
Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting the Bloodworth video crew in the Old Executive Office Building
Hillary Rodham Clinton recording a congratulatory video in the Old Executive Office Building to Linda Bloodworth for her recent Silver Satellite award
Hillary Rodham Clinton talking with Neel Lattimore in the Old Executive Office Building
Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting Dick Morris’s parents Terry and Eugene Morris in the West Wing
President Clinton walking towards Marine One on the South Lawn for his departure for Albuquerque, NM
President Clinton meeting with Sec. Hazel O’Leary, Sen. Pete Domenici, Sen. Jeff Bingaman and Rep. Bill Richardson aboard Air Force One en route to Albuquerque
President Clinton arriving at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico
President Clinton arriving at North Island Naval Air Station, San Diego, CA and met by Rep. Lynn Schenk
President Clinton addressing the people of San Diego on the airport tarmac
President Clinton participating in “A Town Meeting with Bill Clinton” at KGTV studio-San Diego
David Dreyer, Susan Brophy, Lorraine Voles, Jeff Eller, Dee Dee Myers and Andrew Friendly watching the town meeting on television at KGTV studio
Photographs from May 18, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton jogging with Rep. Bob Filner and U.S. Navy Seals on Coronado Beach in San Diego
Mack McLarty greeting visitors in his West Wing Office
To request a high resolution scan of a photograph please email us at [email protected] and refer to the photo by its Clinton Presidential photograph identifier, found in the caption of the photo with date and description if possible.