Photograph Contact Sheets from May 11-13, 1993

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Photograph Contact Sheets from May 11-13, 1993


Photographs from May 11, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton addressing students at Fenton High School in Bensonville, IL
President Clinton greeting Rep. George Sangmeister, Rep. Bobby Rush, Rep. Cardiss Collins, Richard Dent and others at Fenton High School
President Clinton greeting saxophone players on the motorcade route to O’Hare International Airport in Chicago
President Clinton talking to reporters and greeting visitors before departing from O’Hare International Airport
Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting with representatives from the American College of Physicians in the Roosevelt Room
President Clinton disembarking Marine One at the White House after returning from Chicago
President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton talking with Melanne Verveer, Lisa Caputo and Capricia Marshall in the Rose Garden
Hillary Rodham Clinton arriving in Morgantown, WV and greeting local dignitaries at the airport
Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting medical students at the School of Pharmacy at the West Virginia University Health Sciences Center
Hillary Rodham Clinton and Sen. Jay Rockefeller participating in a West Virginia speaks broadcast entitled, “Our Hopes for Health Care Reform” at West Virginia University
Janet Reno talking with Alexis Herman and Ricki Seidman in the Outer Oval Office
President Clinton addressing the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Washington, DC
President Clinton meeting in the Roosevelt Room with VP Gore, Sen. John Warner, Sen. Sam Nunn, Sen. Ted Stevens, Sen. Dale Bumpers, Sen. Claiborne Pell, Sen. Richard Lugar, George Stephanopoulos, Mack McLarty and Tony Lake
Photographs from May 12, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton receiving a briefing in the Oval Office from Dee Dee Myers and George Stephanopoulos before calling the Don Imus radio show in New York
President Clinton from the Oval Office calling in to the Don Imus radio show in New York
President Clinton taking a group photo with David Dreyer, Mark Gearan and the radio and video crew after the Don Imus radio program call
President Clinton talking in the Oval Office with Howard Paster, Mack McLarty, Marcia Hale, George Stephanopoulos and Hillary Rodham Clinton
President Clinton addressing the Small Businessperson of the Year Awards in the Rose Garden
President Clinton observing Judge Dickson Phillips of Virginia swearing-in Erskine Bowles as Small Business Administrator at the Awards Ceremony in the Rose Garden (Mickey Kantor, Sec. Ron Brown, George Stephanopoulos, Gene Sperling and Alexis Herman are present at the Rose Garden ceremony)
President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting visitors in the Oval Office
Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting with Dr. Henry Simmons and Peggy Rhoades from the National Coalition for Health Care Reform in Washington, DC
President Clinton greeting staff and visitors along the ropeline on the South Lawn
President Clinton departing the White House en route to New York City
President Clinton arriving at Newark International Airport
President Clinton arriving at the Wall Street landing zone in New York City
President Clinton meeting with staff and making phone calls in the Dean’s Office at Fordham University Law School
President Clinton interviewing with Iowa and Indiana radio stations over the telephone at Fordham University
President Clinton meeting with business leaders at Fordham University
President Clinton greeting students at Fordham University
President Clinton reviewing his speech with David Dreyer at the Cooper Union School in New York
President Clinton addressing the Cooper Union School for the Advancement of Science and Art in New York (Participants include: Mayor David Dinkins, Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Gov. Mario Cuomo)
President Clinton greeting Geraldine Ferraro at the Cooper Union School
President Clinton greeting people on the streets of New York
President Clinton addressing the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Presidential Gala at the Lincoln Center in New York
President Clinton greeting Phil Hartman, Carly Simon and others at the DNC Gala
White House staff and charter air crew from “Ultrair” posing for a group in front of their plane in New York
Mack McLarty meeting in the Roosevelt Room with a group of North Dakota democrats
Photographs from May 13, 1993 are as follows:
Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting Alexandra Penney from Self Magazine and Evelyn Lauder from Estee Lauder in the Diplomatic Reception Room
Hillary Rodham Clinton receiving a pink ribbon and 200,000 signatures regarding breast cancer from Self Magazine in the Diplomatic Reception Room
Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting with Mrs. Danielle Mitterrand, Raphael Doueb and Jacques Andreani in the Yellow Oval Room
President Clinton addressing a small business leader’s event in the Old Executive Office Building (Participants include: Andrew Cuomo, Roger Altman and Laura Tyson)
President Clinton posing for a photo with a large group of children in the Old Executive Office Building
President Clinton greeting staff and others in a hallway of the Old Executive Office Building
President Clinton walking across West Executive Avenue to the West Wing with Alexis Herman and Loretta Avent
President Clinton meeting in the Oval Office with Sen. Tom Harkin
Leon Panetta meeting in the White House with Los Angeles County Board members
Hillary Rodham Clinton, Grace Mirabella and Nancy Comer participating in the Mirabella Women’s Health Forum in the Cannon Caucus Room at the U.S. Capitol (Participants include: Tipper Gore, Sen. Barbara Mikulski, Rep. Pat Schroeder and Rep. Olympia Snow)
President Clinton being interviewed in the Oval Office by David Broder, Ann Devroy, Ruth Marcus, Leonard Downie, Dan Balz and Robert Barnes of the Washington Post
President Clinton being photographed in the Oval Office by Jim Parcell of the Washington Post
President Clinton greeting Joe Crawford in the Oval Office
Hillary Rodham Clinton looking at carpet samples in the East Room and discussing the 1993 White House Christmas card with Gary Walters, Maggie Williams, Rex Scouten, Ann Stock, Lydia Tederick and others
Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting and greeting members of the Thunderbirds Air Force flying team in the Ground Floor Residence
Sec. Hazel O’Leary posing for photo with a group of American Indians in the Roosevelt Room
President Clinton meeting with Sen. David Boren and Mack McLarty in the Oval Office

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White House Photograph Office, “Photograph Contact Sheets from May 11-13, 1993,” Clinton Digital Library, accessed March 11, 2025,