Photograph Contact Sheets from April 23-28, 1993

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Photograph Contact Sheets from April 23-28, 1993


Photographs from April 23, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton participating in a videotaping session in Room 459 in the Old Executive Office Building (OEOB)
President Clinton taping a radio address in OEOB
President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting with VP Gore, Rahm Emanuel, Al From, Mark Gearan, Alexis Herman, Mack McLarty, Robert Rubin, Carol Rasco, Ricki Seidman, David Dreyer, Gene Sperling, Marla Romash, John Podesta, Mandy Grunwald, Bruce Lindsey, Maggie Williams, Susan Brophy, Stan Greenberg and others in the Roosevelt Room
Photographs from April 24, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton golfing with golf pro Curtis Strange, Sen. Charles Robb, Sen. Daniel Akaka, Sen. Christopher Dodd, Sen. David Pryor and Sen. Sam Nunn at the King’s Mill resort in Williamsburg, VA
President Clinton meeting with Toby Gati and Nancy Soderberg of the National Security Council (NSC) in the Oval Office
President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton walking along the Colonnade with George Stephanopoulos and Andrew Friendly
Photographs from April 25, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton departing and greeting police and state troopers from Williamsburg, VA en route to Boston, MA
President Clinton participating in an interview on Air Force One en route to Boston, MA
President Clinton talking with Sen. Edward Kennedy and Sen. John Kerry before disembarking Air Force One at Logan Airport in Boston
President Clinton greeting Boston Mayor Ray Flynn, Gov. William Weld and others at Logan Airport
President Clinton greeting and addressing a large gathering on Hanover Street in Boston
President Clinton visiting The Modern Pastry shop in Boston with Sen. Edward Kennedy, Sen. John Kerry, Mayor Ray Flynn and others
President Clinton meeting with twenty teenaged authors from the New England Youth Newspaper Project 21
President Clinton receiving ten boxes of letters and a giant pencil from the Project 21 teenagers
President Clinton addressing the Newspaper Association of America 1993 Annual Convention at the Marriott Copley Place Hotel in Boston
President Clinton departing Boston at Logan Airport
White House staff waiting for transportation at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland
Photographs from April 26, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton talking on the telephone with Russian President Boris Yeltsin (Toby Gati and Nancy Soderberg are present) in the Private Residence office
Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting the Health Care Task Force and volunteers for the task force in the OEOB
President Clinton participating in an Economic Group meeting with Sec. Henry Cisneros, Sec. Robert Reich, Robert Rubin, Laura Tyson, Alan Binder, Leon Panetta, George Stephanopoulos, Alice Rivlin, Todd Stern, Michael Waldman and others in the Roosevelt Room
Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting and meeting with Rep. John Dingell in the West Wing
President Clinton meeting with former New York City Mayor John Lindsey and his wife Regina Montoya in the Oval Office
President Clinton addressing an honorary ceremony for the University of Arkansas Track team and coach John McDonnell in the East Room
President Clinton and Hillary Rodham posing for group photos with the track team in the Grand Foyer
President Clinton greeting Health Care Task Force workers in the Diplomatic Reception Room
Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting with Michael Lerner, Editor-in-Chief of Tikkun Magazine, in the West Wing
Photographs from April 27, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton greeting and jogging with Jerry and Mike Cound in Washington, DC and returning to the Oval Office for photographs
President Clinton participating in an Oval Office briefing with David Dreyer, Rahm Emanuel, George Stephanopoulos and Nancy Hernreich
President Clinton addressing the National Realtors Association at the Sheraton Washington Hotel in the District of Columbia
Mack McLarty greeting Mickey and Tom Beecher, friends from Arkansas in the West Wing
President Clinton practicing his golf putting on the White House Putting Green
President Clinton, VP Gore and Hillary Rodham Clinton participating in a legislative working meeting with congressional leaders: Rep. Tom Foley, Rep. Richard Gephardt and Sen. George Mitchell in the Oval Office
President Clinton and VP Gore meeting the Dalai Lama in VP Gore’s Office
President Clinton and George Stephanopoulos reading a newspaper on Betty Currie’s desk in the Outer Oval Office
White House photographer Sharon Farmer escorting Oscar winner Russel Williams and Chrystal Palmer to the Rose Garden and the Colonnade
President Clinton addressing a Rose Garden ceremony in honor of the University of North Carolina Men’s Basketball team and the Texas Tech University Women’s Basketball team for their recent championships
President Clinton meeting in the State Dining Room with Sen. Richard Lugar, Rep. Tom Foley, Sen. Sam Nunn, Sen. Robert Dole, Sen. Strom Thurmond, Sen. George Mitchell, Rep, Bob Michel, Sen. John Warner, Sen. Claiborne Pell, Sen. Dennis Deconcini and other congressional leaders regarding Bosnia
President Clinton greeting Jan Piercy and Kelly Crawford in the West Wing
White House staff: Debi Schiff, Kelly Crawford, Heather Beckel, Elizabeth Spencer, Betty Currie and Mary Emery posing for photographs on the Colonnade steps to the Rose Garden
Photographs from April 28, 1993 are as follows:
President Clinton greeting friends from Arkansas in the Oval Office

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White House Photograph Office, “Photograph Contact Sheets from April 23-28, 1993,” Clinton Digital Library, accessed March 11, 2025,