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  • lawful permanent re:$ldents, refugees and other persons lawfully 'F;siding in the United States from 881, AFDC. Food Stamps and Medicaid as a mecnanism for funding national welfare reform We urge you to vigorously oppose this unconscionable proposal
  • Administrationis consideration of a proposal to disqualify lawful permanent residents, reJugees and other persons lawfully residing in the United State.s .from SSI, AFDC, Food Stamps and Medicaid as a mechanism for funding nat,ional welfare reform. We urge you
  • and Medicaidl as a mechanism for funding national welfare reform. We urge you to vigorqusly oppope this unconscionable proposal. ' ' a~ay It 'is unacceptable to take, benefits from the most vulnerable in our society: the poor, the aged, the disabled,. Welfare
  • consideration ofa proposal to disqualify lawful permanent residents; refugees and other persons lawfully residiQg in the United States from 8SI, AFDC, Food Stamps a'nd Medicaid as a mechanism for funding national welfare reform. We urge you to vigorously oppose
  • consideratipn .of a proposal to disqualify lawful per.manent resident$, refugees and other persons lawfully residing iri the United States from SS!. AFDC, Food Stamps and Medicaid as a mechanism for funding national welfare reform. We urge you
  • lawful permanent residents, :refugees and, other persons lawfully residing in 'the United States from SSI, AFDC, Food Stamps and Medicaid as a mechanism for funding national welfare reform. We 'urge you to vigo,rously oppo~ this unconscionable proposal
  • in' our society: the poor. the aged, the disabled. Welfare reform must not be financed by imP9sin9 greater burdens on one segment of the poor and needy. Each person. who will lose benefits. ,under this proposal will either have paid taxes themselves
  • citizens from receiving SSI. AFDC. food stamps or Medicaid as a 'way of financing his welfare reform plan. Immigrants and refu­ :gees who receive these benefits need them because they are poor. :old. sick, hungry or disabled. It is simply unacceptable
  • Administration's consideration of a propos~1 to disqualify lawful permanent reSidents, , refugees and other-persons lawfully residing in theUni~ed, States from SSI, AFDC, Food Stamps and Medicaid as a mechanism for funding national welfare reform. We , " urge
  • force on welfare reform. Bruce and Kathi will meet with representatives of the business community on welfare reform. Mike will work with the Pacific Northwest Multi-Agency Command on the implementation of the Strategic and Implementation Plans
  • , food stamps or Medicaid away from noncitizens in his welfare reform plan. immigrants and refugees who get these benefits need them because they are poor, old, sick, hungry or disabled. J Immigrants and refugees do not come to the United States to get
  • in the United States from S81, AFDC, Food Stamps and Medicaid as a mechanism forfunding national welfare reform. We urge you to vigorously oppose this unconscionable proposal. It is unacceptable to takeaway benefits from the most vulnerable in our
  • Goals Panel Working Group. o deliver the keynote address on welfare reform to the American Association of Community Colleges. o will participate in a seminar on "communitarian Liberalism: Principles & Policies" at the Woodrow Wilson Center. o
  • options for welfare reform. ·ONDCP's authorizing legislation expires. House Government Operations is sqheduled to consider the reauthorization on Friday. -Several meetings have been held recently to discuss the volatile political issue of ethanol. OEP
  • MEMORANDUM FOR MACK MCLARTY (:JJdI- FROM: Carol Rasco SUBJECT: Weekly Report - March 10-16~ 1994 , KEY DEPARTMENTAL NEW,S I I The welfare reform working group will be held on Saturday, March 18. I THE WEEK AHEAD I I am scheduled to speak
  • /15 KEY DEPARTMENTAL NEWS state and Local Government officials met with representatives of the welfare reform working group Wednesday, December 15th. The meeting was an opportunity for the working group to talk with state/local officials about
  • to the NGA at their Welfare Reform Meeting and toured the Family Support Facility in New Jersey. Continued the search for an AIDS Policy Coordinator. TH E WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON May 21, 1993 MEMORANDUM FOR KATHI WAY FROM: Carol H. Rasco SUBJECT
  • . Daniele Mancini, Political Counselor for the Italia'n Embassy. delivery the key~note address to the National Science and Technology .Center, for the occasion of the i'Honor Roll of Teachers." discuss the Administration's welfare reform policy with students
  • . this week. I attended a reception hosted by the Retail Druggists this week~ NationalAssocia~ion . of Bruce spoke to the American Enterprise Institute on welfare reform. ' Bruce and Kathi met with Governor Carper on the welfare reform plan. Bruce
  • the A-B child abuse prevention and detection materials. I participated in NGA winter Meeting planning sessions. I met with WH staffers and agency representatives on welfare reform, health care, the radiation issue and also the State of the Union Address
  • on the final points of the welfare reform plan. On Thursday, June 2, Jose Cerda will met with representatives from the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association. On Friday, ,June 3, he wil:J. meet with representative~ from the AIDS office
  • and several members of the Cabinet will be doing gun­ related events. Also, the AG is tentatively scheduled to announte a Justice Violent Crime Initiative on Tuesday, March 1st. The Welfare Reform working group is meeting on Saturday, February 26th
  • on July 7. Senate Finance and House Ways and Means have scheduled hearings on welfare reform for next week. Bruce, Kathi and Jeremy will continue to work with HHS on testimony and Q&A for those hearings. I . Jose, Paul Weinstein and I will attend
  • Depame, ~ ·of Human Services I I / f. ,j G~y . . / DATE: May \~3/ 1994 SUBJ: Comments on Democratic Leadership Council (DLC)'Welfare Reform Plan Per your request, we have reviewed the DLC welfare reform paper and would offer you the following
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  • in accordal1ce with 44 V.S.C. 2201(3). RR. Document will be reviewed upon request. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON September 3, 1996 Ms. Patricia Steinitz Dear Ms. Steinitz: Thank you for your recent letter con'ceming welfare reform. Your comments
  • lawfully residing in the United States from SSI, AFDC, , Food Stamps and Medicaid as a mechanism for funding national welfare reform. We ! urge you to vigorously oppose this unconscionable proposal. It is unacceptable to take away benefits from the most
  • Rico and the younger brother of Puerto Rico's Attorney General. He 3 Jose will assist Rahm, Bruce and Ron on the crime conference. Kathi will meet with Advocacy groups on Friday to discuss the welfare reform plan. Kathi will continue to work
  • with principals beginning November 9. Welfare Reform o Moving Forward Based on our meeting with you, we will be preparing a memorandum outlining cost and financing options. We will also convene a meeting with Treasury, OMB, and HHS on EITC abuse. Crime o COPS
  • members ot the welfare reform working group at a public hearing in California October 7th and Bth. 09/30;93 14:57 t1202 456 7028 DOM. POL ~.... CAROL ~003;005 On Friday, Ootober 1, Mike SChmidt will mSQt with representatives from the Association
  • for the House Ways and Means Subcommittee meetings on welfare reform. Marion Berry will meet with the National Cotton Council leadership group from allover the nation to talk about. health care and other issues. He will attend the OMB Farm Bill seminar. Also, he
  • SSI, .AFDC, food stamps or Medicaid asa way of financing his welfare reform plan. Immigrants and refugees who receive these benefits need them because they are poor, old,· sick, hungry or qisabled. It is simply unacceptabJe to finance any welfare
  • ' .' ., .: ~, , . ~ .' '. • " . _", ~" ,J . ~ '. /, , ' RJlIJFSA/NAT'L RSSMBLY ID:202~393-4S17 03 MAR'93- ,13:10 No.002 P.OS . Welfare Reform Panelists: . PauLOfl'ner Profcssl0nal-Staff. Committee'on financc U.S. Senate Washington~ D.C: , Malcolm Lovell, President
  • Diego beginning 8/22. No Administration representative has been scheduled to make an appearance. Notices on the application process for the $150 million will go out at the end of next week. The Welfare Reform Working Group will hold a day and a half
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  • this· defect of the welfare reform bill. One possible item: start a drive for community schools, schools open more hours a day, more days a week and more: months a year. 2. I wonder why no one translates the abstraction "lower interest rates" into figures
  • will discuss Parkins/Vocational Education Reauthori~ation and reform of Department of Labor youth Programs. Bill will deliver the keynote speech to a welfare reform conference at Wilkes University. He will also speak to the National' School Boards
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  • think about it ... if we could state by state get all the stakeholders in the implementation of welfare reform in a room, so to speak, as we were at The Children's Cabinet the day I visited and start a similar dialogue on welfare reform and how we really
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  • will be reviewed upon request. THE WHITE HOUSE 1 WASH INGTON September 3, 1996 Brooklyn, NY 11238 Dear Ms. von Waldenfels: , Thank you for your recent letter conlCeming welfare reform. Your comments are especially helpful as we move forward to impl~ment
  • stages of negotiations. oregon's welfare reform waiver applications has one outstanding issue to be resolved before final approval can occur. • CONGRESS I met with congressional staffers to discuss the Office of National AIDS Policy. THE WEEK IN REVIEW
  • with Banking Committee staffs on both sides regarding final passage of this legislation. Bruce and Kathi attended welfare reform hearings held by Education and Labor subcommittee. WEEK IN REVIEW I was in Arkansas for two days to",ipeak to the F~ChOOI
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  • for Rare Disorders 12:00 - 2:00 Health Care (OEOB 472) 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch with Program 1:00 - 1:30 1:30 - 2:00 Kathi Way - Re: Welfare Reform Meeting (New Jersey) Joe Kennedy Staff: Kathi Way 4:00 - 4:30 American Airlines and Betsey Wright
  • be the first meeting of the Council with a key agenda item the announcement of the Welfare Reform Task Force BACKGROUND: A number of members of the Council have requested a meeting be held soon to talk about several ongoing and potential interagency efforts
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  • grant the WIC program. We oppose the House effort to punish children by block granting child nutrition programs like WIC and school lunch. Because the House welfare reform bill is weak on work and tough on children, the President has indicated that he
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Returned Mail (Item)
  • Sychan: Thank you for taking the time to write and share your thoughts with me on welfare reform. It is very important that this Administration hear from individuals like yourself who have valuable information to contribute. I have shared your letter
  • . Document will be reviewed upon request. September 21, 1995 MS CAROL RASCO ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT fOR DOMESTIC POLICY 1600 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE WASHINGTON DC 20500 The House and Senate will meet in a Welfare Reform Conference next week to iron out
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  • of budget deliberations and the finalizing of health care reform decisions, I fear my calendar is more crowded than ever for the next several weeks. However, I have asked Bruce Reed and Kathi Way who are leading the Welfare Reform effort for the Domestic
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  • Phone Icc: REMARKS: o Urgent·· o For your mview 0 Reply ASAP o Please Comment Dear Mr. President: I think you are right to sign welfare reform. I know it's also creating problems with some of the faithful who feel you're turning your back
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  • to the resources of their relatives or to emergency Medicaid services. Clearly, it is unjust that immigrant non~citizens must bear a disproportionate burden of responsibility to finance welfare reform for all if this bill is passed. ' As a nation of immigrants
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  • communities with welfare reform. All of the applicant areas must be communities with high poverty levels. They also now have some sort of a plan for economic development, local involvement and leadership, and collaboration. Welfare reform can only work
  • the values of family, community, opportunity and responsibility. In aadition, as the President noted on the Vice President's memo, this will reinforce his work on health care and welfare reform. III. Timine of the Roundtables I would recommend
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  • directs a staff ofcr~JJU-y Qf) (how many people?) that shapes ~he domestic policy agenda: everything • from family policy. educa­ , . I ' tion. drugs and crime. welfare reform. to farm pol1cy. ~ rOmr~ I CAN YOU HELP ME UNDERSTAND HOW YOU HAVE STRUCTURED
  • in the Office . of Domestic P o l i c y : ' . - :C! ., '" vdessica Aldrich (Social /Indra Caudle Iss~eS) (Envird~ental Issues) vf{enrietta DeGroot (Environmentai Issues) EUza~eth Hyman !CrlmeI Drug Policy) . =Y0~~~ . Dacia Toll (Welfare Reform) -'1
Thank You [5] (Item)
  • Services Building II 1900 Berkeley. California 94720-1900 I S¢ptember 20, 1995 Carol Rasco, Chair qomestic Policy Council· \yashington DC 20500 I Qear Carol, I I Yesterday the Senate passed a welfare reform bill that the President has said he would
  • share regUlations. Kathi attended the House Ways and Means subcommittee hearing on Welfare Reform. Barbara Jordan testified on the immigration issues related to welfare reform and was very helpful and supportive. Governor Carper testified. on behalf
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  • . Contact: Rachel Perry, Governor's Press Office, 919/733-5612 . Welfare Reform States.' Welfare Plans Win HHS Approval Wisconsin Gov. Tommy G. Thompson and Georgia Gov. ZeII Miller both announced last week that the U.S. Department of Health and Human
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  • Wing Washington, DC 20500 I.. "'" ~ [j /1j [ff- ~ Cl~~. Dear Ms. Rasco: This is to extend to you our sincerest appreciation for your support for our concerns about welfare reform and the need to retain the federal commitment to abused and neglected
[Resumes] [5] (Item)
  • for you with welfare reform. block'grants, and all of the other things I know you are in the middle of.. I do ~ow and did worle with Stephen Hein~ through APWA'duringour efforts on .' welfare reform.' He was more involved on the APWA side
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  • April 29 , 1994 Ms. Carol Rasco, Director Domestic Policy Council The White House Washington, D.C. Dear Ms. Rasco: Let me take this opportunity to thank you for meeting with me onWednesdity, April' 20 t;.o discuss the' upcoming welfare reform legislation
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  • of the Father Resource Program significantly augments our efforts in developing initiatives which will result in reducing the adolescent pregnancy rate in our community. In light of current political and social discussions about welfare
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  • , and facilitator for ~~ealth care conferences involving Medicaid managed care, health reform and electronic transmissi~n systems in health care II • Board Member· American Public Welfare Association [APWAJ. (1990 - 1994) • Member of APWA's Welfare Reform Ta,sk
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  • : Thank you very much for your letter expressing your 'interest in the working session on welfare reform. The session, scheduled for January 28, is a small bipartisan working meeting to which a small number of governors, members of Congress and state
  • into a welfare reform 'or' other block gtant,. WIc. .. will.. be>,uriablet6 meet . thehealthand, ' nutrition needs of theriatioD'~wdmen~ infants andchirdren~ * ," WICis a ch'l.ldheal thEmd. J1UtrJtiOnprogram,that.· . works,...· :~_ . . :.. WIC
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  • older workers want to re-enter the labor market is to supplement inadequate retirement income. In other words, they don't .want training, they want a job. Government's response is diametrically opposed to the desire of the people in this case. Welfare
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  • ,Supplemental Security Income (SSI) proyisip!1s.tha.twere included in the welfare reform bill enacted last rl10nth'.~:~,I:foiH'~J\,.it~"thOs~· wh8:~re:rriterested::in':,ehsurih€i"that·,onl.y1 ::' qhil,~.r~n"~b'd; ~iEFt'f'JIY fdfs[~led;':f~cefve SSI :fie'nefits
  • , and DPC to discuss state waiver applications, for health care and welfare reform. Marion attended planning meetings for the Rural summit schedule for December 1, 1994. He and Brian Burke will serve on the committees to identify issues and procedure. Bill
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  • and consider ideas like the ones you have pre~ented to us. But we are also going to build on current·and pending' legislation. For example, Goals 2000, School to Work, the Crime Bill and Welfare Reform contain significant elements essential to any plan
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  • (H.R. 3507/S. 1795) Date: July 20, 1996 I u~ge flU you not to vote in support of this legislation.· While welfare reform may be needed, these proposed changes will result in cults exceeding $100 billion in ~ederal sending for low-income families
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  • . What are the real initiatives from the Clinton Administration to create jobs? How are they being received? What are the areas ofjob creation? How can welfare reform and job creation intermesh? The Fellows, representing multi-cultural, diverse
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[Mandelbaum] (Item)
  • , and expansion of voter registration and trade, have filled me with pride and optimism about our future. His call to public service has inspired me deeply, and as he embarks on new challenges in health care, crime, and welfare reform, I would relish
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  • , I believe that I could be .helpful in' several critical areas including welfare reform, school to work transitions, and primarily· in advancing a new system of education that truly prepares chiidren to become the knowledgeable, responsible and caring
[Resumes] [2] (Item)
  • from the Office of the Domestic :Policy Council. In addition to my federal budget experience, I have a strong background in health and social services issues, including welfare reform. I have, been deeply involved in the congressional budget
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  • ,' Hu~an r,' 0' Services. With the ~. S~gning of~e welfare reform Je2islatlo~ ~ever'w changes have occuJed which I ~ill impact the COUtillwtiOll of lhis infnaSlTucture development. ' . I f) 'i.. ,;,}, :]1: I\rkansas Early Childhood Co
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