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44 results

  • explanation of the monitoring system for the G-7 Board members to alleviate current fears. Meeting With Arminio Fraga Ministry of Finance Thursday, February 4, 1999 The meeting with Arminie was productive and yielded a much more coherent understanding
  • many of the G/7-G/8 themes here and perhaps attempt to advance them in important areas). The Deputies will need to ensure that these themes are consistent with- and indeed supportive of -the final priorities and deliverables for APEC 2000 and to offer
  • be extremely critic~! of our failure to meet our commitments to IDA and. the other multilateral development banks. and our inability to commit to participating in the next IDA replenishment. He may note G-7 commitments ~ade in Halifax to support IDA
  • closely with my FinancialArchitecture Task Force. Many ·of the Working .Group's recommendations· are incorporated in the financial architecture · documents that will be distributed during the Bank-Fund and G-7 meetings this coming weekend. ; . Potential
  • •oogntz•d tl\a the judiotaey ia not to uaurp the Ccnet:l.tut:lona ly mandated con z~ol that the- ccsn;:reaa 1ne1 Prea1dant hole! over the military. 1aa a..JL., Qr1ptf y. Wi1lpugbi;W, 34!5 u.s. at G7 ( "vud;ea are not an . BZ't. gLv reeponaib:lltt
  • Debt-Relief + Vaccines + Africa Trade/CBI The last two groups identify trips that are planned and other potential travel. + Asia (India) (March 17 - 26) + Germany (April- May) • G-7 Summit (July 21 - 23) + APEC (November 15 - 16) + Latin America
  • stewardship over the process of democratic reform in Russia, and POTUS' masterful lobbying of the G-7 leaders' timely support; did much to quickly defuse the issue. On Bosnia, Haiti and Somalia, however, the policy and objectives have not been as clearly
  • . Wbite Hou~e G-7. Proposed Public Affairs Strategy Framework with Japan Ne~ ~conomic The Japanese have seized the public affairs initiative on the Framework. They are portraying themselves as champions of· free ,trade and. the Clinton admini
  • and undertaking two trips to Europe: to commemorate D-Day in June and to attend the G-7 economic summit in Naples in july. HiS advisers hope the speeches and the trips will muffle the ·fusillade of criticism directed at the president in recent weeks by those who
  • leader of the global economy. His recent performance at the G-7 meeting in Tokyo, just like an earlier G-7 meeting this year attended by Treasury Secretary Bentsen, made it clear that the President, by fulfilling his pledge to get this nation's economic
  • . constitutionally enti- f6und. . ._____ ___ ~t•)~a:::::::::~:.~==~:::::-.-.tledi" the ~jority ~a~ 1361 n.9 . ,._~-"'"""'---.--------""""~----bPMI~UIO tlti-!I!Nb!a~llli'• ~ a~ed e~at ·c~v!I v1aw h±a ptatnt±ffB ~~s9 aa~u!n!ll!!'i · tcr¢4¢ t.ionaJ. 11ri,.g7
  • , Clinton has embarked on a foreign policy season, delivering commencement addresses that focus on his vision of the world and undertaking two trips to Europe: to com. memorate D-Day in JW1e and to attend the G-7 economic swnmit in Naples in july. His
  • , we cannot shrink from our responsibility. The United States . . . G,~7~~ ~~~ must stand strong, united, and with a firm national purpose as we move into the 21st century.~ This is the challenge of our times. That is our responsibility as Americans
  • a process of democratic reform in Russia and the POTUS' masterful lobbying of the G-7 leaders for early'and clear statements of support did much to defuse the issue. On Bosnia, Haiti and Somalia, however, no clear articulation of policy nor objectives
  • at the Tokyo G-7 summit, or in the NAFTA, APEc;, GATT .. triple play," so vital to prosperity at home and a~road. The vast support for Russian reform, that· he has raised from the Congress and our allies by offering a vision ot safety from nuclear dangers
  • .!{lfto / ---~£:FFem-R.ussian-r.eft:>rm-to{e-acek:eepinglffissions-in-B.o~ Haiti, ''\ beyond our borders. working to help spread the values of tolerance and civility. From expanding NATO to rev ewing ~ the G-7 -- which Canada will host in Halifax
  • :~~~'~i:Ii~,ne~g~7!1>~,$;~~~~E~~f~~£~§I;4~n·~t~i~~f~.~~~~litft§E9.~!~J!tnos,~H'X:~.m;tl1_§T~~rl~itY: to £~B:~Zf~~!Ji~Jl!!;;1~~!%.'~:w~n:~.~:.~t!I~;>s;9tl~st!:~ll~P~these biltsB~?;m:~9~~;1~~19~1J~eiiW:ffif"~E.~!g 1In~~t~~ su~er:v~si@n1loit:itnemafiki:1i