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24 results

  • Relief 5fl9tn "The '/AVI slrongl/supports your calif an urgCnf increased and time-bound eiJorf to develop Or soft and effic{;v(! Ii/V vaccines. We a/sfJ applaud your plans to call jor fhe leaders ofthe G-7 cuuntries and Russia 10 join the U,S
  • induded at the top a very good G-7 One pager that Laura Tyson, Larry Summers. David Sherman did On why the US is leading world growth. The materials !therefore include: • One Pager'On US Economy allhe G-7: • Message Points: a talking point document
  • }'!~ Ill: G4 RECflv£n FROH:4J5 aS4 46GS 14:15 'B-G~-99 " .:~ :.r. ADVERTISING COUNC1L f;: \:S: HI r.\.\ 1 BOS 9. g;:~ 7-t9S 1U-2128677422 PSR.... __... KAIS$.R C.;' Some parcutS1cH us they fell unprepared lei talk ....ith their childrt-n
  • years to a shorter Period, e,g., 7 or 10'years). • contrip~tjons in aid of construction (ClAC) -- ClACs arc contributions of capital assets or the Cash equivalent .made ·to investor-owned water utilities by ne~ customers, to reimburSe the utility
  • rid of them, put it into a block, and when someone. is unemployed! they can apply and get a voucher wort:h $2/600 a year for up to tlTlO years to ,take to your local community college or wherever else they vlant·':.'..o ge.t. t:-.e traini~g, - 7
Budget [1] (Item)
  • authorlz(~g-'7, " ", For exampfe: .. ;'fhe Secretary shall. in conjunction with~ th-e States, locat governments, providers and consumers, develop individual performance agreements . _ which speci1y the' program , '-' "·3".~~als and objedives,Tprog'ram
  • to i.nternational organizati.ons. Al~hough When the President hosts his G-7 counterparts at the Denver Summic in June, his internaLional leadership will be a prime focus of attention, Denver presents a great opportunity to project: his leadership and to move
Ideas [1] (Item)
Gambling (Item)
Brady Bill (Item)
  • by OMB using NPR identified cuts both published and unpublished. Tariiet Date -- October 4. " _-'> Sr-"" G" ""-
  • !o fot. 1.114 flltibHthrnonl of l WmpbW)' QOrumiWllltlll on pol!!ICllll roCorm \o~~mol;'.JQbb)'lna 1)(.co.'1A1U OM lOO"""'L1Li~l!r~~ 2 ) • > G 7 8 o . : , ~;-- ~ . . ('·,f)