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- Collection > Bruce Reed - Subject File Series (remove)
12 results
- ~;ligibility ID: ,,""'0 '*"': , FEB 06'97 Ttll:: lteC"ET~I'I¥ or tll;.ilL .... ANO ~U""/I,'" SERVjr.F.~ ..."_1.. 1)"""'", "1':. ufO. ' TESTIMONY 01' I , I , DONNA E. SHALALA , SECRETARY U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVT
- 10 t:ut of[ 1)(;cs.lIed sun mo,,~y. as Mr. canton na, said he wmlkL ThtSi' are tarre ((Intntllltioos from indiViduals and OOrporatlonS tnat bolster state polllkaJ parties·,and mdl· rt>eUy l'IRlp ('andids.les for fedl'raI ufo fi~, U(Jns hav!:! lon
Child Support [1]
- to survIVe for so Uttle. They .... used to a dlff.....nt Ufo !lnd it's bud for them to see why it's changed. I only WllJIt to ~o my best for them. I can only pray for the ' eounay_ chUdren you will find a way to help them and 'ilsaIL Letter from Carla Huffer
Political Reform [1]
- . The mombclIs (If the Comrnltsion shclt ficrve for the Ufo of tho . ' COmmii$ion. , (5) VACANCIES. A vtltsncy in tbe Commission ..hall be filed in tho manner in whi~ the ~,originl\l tsppulnunant wos made. (6),POLI'l'ICAL AJ'l'II.lATION, Nol more 'han 4
Race - Commission
- >um44lifcaod _ .....' ..... In:"'" _ o f _ o>Jd ....... I ~!Iw _ ... _ ttbertiet ttne. imoItted and ih2t as • eenre '"f;tDStI rap" ill An auIbendc ~ 0( urban black Ufo. Sd11 this _ of nihlliollc _ for _ bJa